General Stats:
Number of games versus each race:
Z:14 T:10 P:6
My record over that time for each race:
PvZ: 12-2 PvT: 4-6 PvP: 4-2
Overall Record before getting promoted:
20-10 (67%)
Longest Win Streak: 7
Longest Loss Streak: 2
Games Before Getting Matched Against Diamond:17
Record in that Time:
13-4 note... It took a 6 game winning streak before I faced my first diamond player, that was my 7th win in a row. I suspect that if I had not had the win streak it would have taken longer.
Lowest Rank played against: Top 8 Gold.
Highest Rank played against: Top 8 Diamond (4 of them, 1 playing against masters players) I found this quite interesting, because I have always had a theory that promotions tend to lag behind. I remember on my main account last year when I went Bronze to Diamond I often found that I was playing one or two platinum people before I was promoted to gold, and one or two diamond people before I was promoted to platinum.
Total Diamonds played before promotion: 9
Interesting notes sections:
Almost half of the people I played were zerg (47%)
In my 30 games I encountered cheese 6 times (20%)
2 7pools(which were both my losses against zerg) 1 SCV Marine All In (which slightly made me rage XD) 3 cannon rushes (50% of my games vs protoss were cannon rushes) I did not count 4 gate as cheese in PvP as I do not feel that it really is when considering that match up. I did face 1 however.
Some of the main differences(platinum-diamond) for each race I noticed. I am comparing my observations from when I was in diamond before I quit, and when I started to play against diamond players again on this new account:
Zergs- Platinum zergs seemed virtually the same to me. PvZ has been my best matchup for a while now which could have factored into it. I noticed that many of the platinum zergs I played over made lings in the beginning, which hurt them more in the mid game. They also seemed to have less map awareness. However, there were no blazing differences I noticed from Plat and Diamond Zergs.
Terran- This is where I saw the most difference of all the races. Diamond and Platinum terrans seemed to play the game on almost completely different levels. What I found was that against most diamond terrans I could not make a single mistake. While I was playing against platinum terrans there was multiple times I was thinking "wow, I am about to lose" only to have them allow me to continue on in the game. Diamond terrans I feel capitalize on mistakes more, and are way less likely to take the game into the later stages. Diamond terrans also dropped significantly more. It actually hurt me playing platinum terrans, because once I got matched up against diamond terrans again I had almost forgot how to defend against drops.
Also I found in quite interesting that 8 out of my 10 games against terran (80%) the terran opened up 1 rax CC. The two that didnt, were both diamond. I wonder if they are trying to work on their macro in hopes of getting better? That seems like a good idea to me, and I was quite happy about it.
Protoss: I was shocked at this matchup. When I had been playing before it was almost completely dominated with 4gates. In plat it seemed completely dominated by cannon rushes. 3 of 4 games against platinum level toss were cannon rushes. I found this to be quite odd, as I feel like it is not very effective against someone who does know what they are doing (even though I did lose to one XD)
Other side notes:
Platinum players seemed way, WAY friendlier than Diamond players. I had multiple conversations with platinum players, and most games had a standard glhf, gg. There was much less rage then I expected, and I was much happier to be honest. I had conversations with some opponents after the games, and gave them advice on how to beat what I had just done. Diamond players rarely say anything to me, and rage way more often. I suspect that it could be that there are more casual players in platinum who like myself are just trying to have fun.
In all 30 of the games I had only one person tell me that Toss was OP, this was significantly lower then when I played before, and significantly lower than what I was expecting.
I hope you thought some of these things I found were interesting, and good luck to all the platinum/gold players trying to rank up!
(In case anyone was wondering what openers I use for each matchup)
PvZ: Immortal Drop; Nexus first into Void Ray opening
PvT:Nexus First; One Gate Expo; One Gate Robo
PvP: 4 Gate; One Gate Robo
Disclaimer... Please don't think I am trying to make statistical claims based on these figures, I am simply telling a tale of my experiences and using some numbers to better explain. I also don't want to claim that what I have said is how platinum is, this is just from my small experience.