High plat....beat gold player in placement...get placed 91st in gold league. Noticing a lot of stories like mine, is this a side effect of Blizz making changes to the mmr (or whatever they're doing)?
3-5 for me so far... Just lost a TvP where I smashed his army by having to emp everything, focus fire colossi, and split my bio, only to have him push me back with pure zealots... Then he practically remaxes on Archons and zealots from his extra gas while I sit on my pile of 3k useless gas... Proceeded to get steamrolled.... Nice to see a lot more terrans than usual, though. 5 out of the 8 were terran. :O
didn't play for a season, and only did my placement matches season 6 when the ladder was locked (unbeknownst to me!).
Trying to get back into masters, mainly by 2 raxing (to be fair, my computer starts to overheat/slow down after maybe 20 minutes or late games with like 100 zerglings). Semi close now (hgih diamond/low master), but I've never had to do legitimate laddering before as I had masters season 1 and blizzard kindly let me keep that with minimal effort: just get placed in every season.
If you see me on ladder I'm probably 2 raxing you. Once I get masters I probably won't play much.
been called more of a faggot than I think I've ever been before 0.o. Good start, maybe 20-11 or so.
Been Platinum since season 1, super lazy and all, anyway I placed Platinum again after beating a Gold in Placements, so far I'm 8-2 this season with an unfortunate DC loss thanks to shitty internet during a game that I was winning. Even beat a Diamond, which I was pretty happy about, gonna work hard this season and try make Diamond, sick of being lazy.