On January 05 2012 15:02 trinxified wrote: ZvZ is a guaranteed fail of a finals. Can't be worse than any of the other mirror matchups.
Even PvP is more appealing... Sadly, it's very rare to see PvP finals because of racial imbalance.
ZvZ is really entertaining, PvP has a hard time keeping up in my mind...zvz is a micro war at the beg of the game to see if they don't make any micro mistakes, if they do it gets messy. And macro can be lingblingmuta vs roachhydra into infests for both. It's like TvT biovsmech zerg style.
On January 05 2012 15:02 trinxified wrote: ZvZ is a guaranteed fail of a finals. Can't be worse than any of the other mirror matchups.
Even PvP is more appealing... Sadly, it's very rare to see PvP finals because of racial imbalance.
ZvZ is really entertaining, PvP has a hard time keeping up in my mind...zvz is a micro war at the beg of the game to see if they don't make any micro mistakes, if they do it gets messy. And macro can be lingblingmuta vs roachhydra into infests for both. It's like TvT biovsmech zerg style.
Also I agree P needs to be figured out. T.T
I agree, as a spectator who has never played the game before, I thoroughly enjoy watching high calibre ZvZ
For BoX, ZvZ rewards player skill. If one player is so much better than the other, it will result in a 1sided stomp. If both are equally matched (both mindgames and mechanics), it can be beautiful to watch. Transition from 1 of the most mechanically demanding phase into a dynamic mid-game. Mutas, hydras, infestors are all viable. Both going roach infestors are pretty boring though if the map doesn't allow for multi-pronged attacks. DRG definitely has an edge going into this series. No zergs would ever want to play with him in a low eco baneling game, and it could be helpful for his meta-gaming.
On January 05 2012 15:02 trinxified wrote: ZvZ is a guaranteed fail of a finals. Can't be worse than any of the other mirror matchups.
Even PvP is more appealing... Sadly, it's very rare to see PvP finals because of racial imbalance.
ZvZ is really entertaining, PvP has a hard time keeping up in my mind...zvz is a micro war at the beg of the game to see if they don't make any micro mistakes, if they do it gets messy. And macro can be lingblingmuta vs roachhydra into infests for both. It's like TvT biovsmech zerg style.
Also I agree P needs to be figured out. T.T
I feel like PvP is one of the most technical match ups. Scouting is more important than in any other match up. Miss one pylon and you can lose. Miss a tech switch, you lose. Then there's the fat that up until the 10 minute mark or so losing a single unit can lose you the game. Then you add in the power for micro has a incredibly large impact on every fight and its a really complex, interesting match up.
Sadly, to non-protoss players a lot of this isn't apparent because they just see short stomp games and don't necessarily get the significance of a lot of stuff.
Dunno if someone asked this already but.... Does anyone know what happened to YellOw??? Did he quit SC2 after not making Code A? -_- I hope he's still playing...
On January 05 2012 16:38 Shinta) wrote: Dunno if someone asked this already but.... Does anyone know what happened to YellOw??? Did he quit SC2 after not making Code A? -_- I hope he's still playing...
He quit. He's playing professional poker now, last I read about him.
It's kinda odd to call DRG a kong...seeing how (right now) he has a legitimate chance to break "#2" (in the gsl)...so losira should get the title of kong, since he'll get 2nd place of this tournament? :DDDDD/