The world starts out in 1936 and finish off in 1948. Now I know what some of you are thinking. "Wait, EU3 ends in 1821 and this starts in 1399...what happened to inbetween? Well that's Victoria 2, and we don't talk about that game (because I despise it), but I'll get to that game at a later date. Nonetheless, the second thing you may be thinking after playing the glorious EU3 for so long: "Wait, just 12 years?!?!?! EU3 is over 300!
A very legitimate complaint actually. I thought that too my first time looking at this game. However, quickly remedied. You see, EU3 worked on a day to day system. Hearts of Iron 3 works on an hour to hour system. Not to mention, you are doing far more per hour than you would be doing per day in EU3. I'll get to some of those finer details later. Nonetheless, let me give a good general overview of what I will now refer to as HoI3.
First of all, get Semper Fi and For the Motherland. The two expansion packs that come with the game. Now, in classic lazy fashion, I'll quote something from the wiki.
The game centres around three factions: the Axis (Germany and its allies), the Allies (Britain and the Commonwealth, as well as France), and the Comintern (the Soviet Union and its allies). All other nations can slowly align with one of the factions. Nations are more likely to side with those with similar ideology.
Resources found in the game include: energy, metal, rare materials, and oil. The first three are required for industrial production, while oil is converted to fuel for vehicles, planes and ships.
The scope of military organisation ranges from brigades to entire theatres of operation.
Resources found in the game include: energy, metal, rare materials, and oil. The first three are required for industrial production, while oil is converted to fuel for vehicles, planes and ships.
The scope of military organisation ranges from brigades to entire theatres of operation.
The main difference between this game and EU3 is that this game is FAR more focused around combat. When I say far more, think of the difference as akin to that of, say, my playing ability in Starcraft compared to Flash. (Hint: I was only D+ in Brood War)
You see all those "upgrades"? Yeah, that's precisely what I mean. You can upgrade anything and everything from infantry weapons, paratroopers, armor (tanks, etc.) upgrades, so forth. It's all a very detailed (perhaps a bit too much for some) system that is intricately balanced around specifically combat. It does a damn good job at it too. Pushing fronts while using the correct type of troops and strategies and abusing every possible advantage you can is what is necessary for absolute victory.
Another difference from other Paradox games that some may be used to, is that some units are faster than others. Mechanized Infantry is faster than regular Infantry. There are speed upgrades for troops. Basically, it's more revolving around teching up the right things and great positioning and using the correct units against the enemy units. Very combat centered. Which is a given, considering it's World War 2.
Viva la France!
This game does not have, also, the same potential for wackyness that EU3 has. It's far more historically accurate. (Sorry, you can't take over Europe as Ethiopia in EVERY game you play!) This does, however, make it even more satisfying when you do something completely ridiculous (IE: Take over half of America with Mexico, beat back the Blitzkreig as Poland, etc.) when you get good enough to do it. Nonetheless, don't expect any totally believable worlds that you see in EU3. Shit is going to stay pretty much normal.
Well, except when Spain joined the Nazi's Alliance on me, but that's for another time.
Anyways, I won't give many beginner tips on this game. There's a lot of basic shit I could go over, but quite frankly, I'd just confuse any new players even more if I were to try and explain this shit. Mainly because I'm not as good at HoI3 as I am at EU3. In fact, use that Flash analogy back there to compare my skill from HoI3 to that of EU3. I am still learning a lot about this game as I start to play it again.
However, there is one VERY helpful link that got me into playing this game again and is very important to learn it for anyone who is interested. This guy literally made the comprehensive guide of how to NOT suck in this game.
(P.S.) - It involves invading Germany as France.