I did find the D3 and WoW content to be entertaining, even though my interest is predominately in SC2. While I wasn’t thrilled at the games they chose to cast for the SC2 tournament they were decent games for watching with my wife and son.
While waiting for GSL to start I took a moment to reflect upon the day. Feeling unfocused I went to the forums for Blizzcon. What I found there were WoW players upset at all the Starcraft 2 Coverage and SC2 players upset at all the World of Warcraft coverage. The voice of reason says the are both products of Blizzard and these people are being awfully silly.
That was until I had a rather important realization — there was enough scheduled downtime that when my wife asked me to do housework I had no excuse not to. This thought lead me to want to join the ranks and reply to all these disgruntled Virtual Ticket purchasers and look around for a pitchfork I remembered I have never owned.
A calming Dr Pepper later I wanted to offer my impressions on today. Blizzard, the longest break in the action should be to watch an advert for a sponsor. The fact that I was able to not only keep up with reddit/twitter but catch up on some housework makes me feel used. So very used.
I am sure I am not the only one on a limited budget. Our entertainment budget is quite a bit smaller these days. Knowing that my wife spent her budget on me for something that, at is core, had a very amateur feel is disheartening for me. While my wife likely appreciates the homestead progress, I can honestly say that, after today, I would of prefered she spent the $40.00 to take us to a couple movies or something.
I hope to eat those words when I watch tomorrow.