That account was created on 2011-01-21 00:02:04 and had 53 posts.
So because I admit creating very basic hacks for WC3 and tried to make them for SC2 but failed, it proves I must be a hacker and makes me look worse? If that is what you say, I've got nothing to hide and I'm being nothing but honest.
You admitted to hacking SC2 - why is there reason to believe you aren't now? Hackers aren't allowed on Teamliquid.
MaestroSC was just temp banned for 90 days by boesthius.
That account was created on 2009-08-23 18:11:56 and had 826 posts.
Reason: Every single one of your warns/bans are all on the same thing - you can't seem to make a post on TL without being condescending. Take some time off from posting - and when you get back maybe THEN you'll be able to have a conversation on TL without belittling other users.
HEROwithNOlegacy was just temp banned for 2 days by boesthius.
That account was created on 2010-06-29 01:20:58 and had 760 posts.
Please fucking fix the stream, I would rather be taken to a actual live stream direct link than to a fucking page with month old vods playing over and over
Yeah now you're just being an ungrateful asshole when you start posting like this. Have a vacation, on me!