On October 04 2011 19:00 IM_Megan wrote:
Ryung siege mode is finnaly finished, both players are researching stim and Ryung's gold base is up.
Clide decides to go for a drop again at the main of Ryung, Ryung does not have alot to defend it, at 13:30 the drop happens, Ryung pulls back all his scv, the scv beeing followed by the marine, a tank come out the factory and some marines engage, Clide pulls back.
14:13 Ryung trys to drop at Clide's natural but gets denied and the medvac gets sniped down without even dropping 1 marine.
Clide scans the watch tower, and going for a new drop at the main, the drop gets denied by Ryung and only 1 marine gets out the medvac before it burns down and falls into the space.
at 15:00 clide pulls out of his base, engaging the gold expension of Ryung, Ryung lifts it up and flies it away, Ryung nearly repairs it!
Clide decides to do a drop in the main with his army, and Ryung going for a counter attack, it is going to be a base trade right now.
No siege tank for Clide to defend his base, Clide going back with his siege tanks to try to defend, 1 siege tanks come out the factory and he defens his main, right now still 3 tanks of Ryung at his natural shooting down alot of buildings. Clide lifting up his natural and flying away.
Ryung siege mode is finnaly finished, both players are researching stim and Ryung's gold base is up.
Clide decides to go for a drop again at the main of Ryung, Ryung does not have alot to defend it, at 13:30 the drop happens, Ryung pulls back all his scv, the scv beeing followed by the marine, a tank come out the factory and some marines engage, Clide pulls back.
14:13 Ryung trys to drop at Clide's natural but gets denied and the medvac gets sniped down without even dropping 1 marine.
Clide scans the watch tower, and going for a new drop at the main, the drop gets denied by Ryung and only 1 marine gets out the medvac before it burns down and falls into the space.
at 15:00 clide pulls out of his base, engaging the gold expension of Ryung, Ryung lifts it up and flies it away, Ryung nearly repairs it!
Clide decides to do a drop in the main with his army, and Ryung going for a counter attack, it is going to be a base trade right now.
No siege tank for Clide to defend his base, Clide going back with his siege tanks to try to defend, 1 siege tanks come out the factory and he defens his main, right now still 3 tanks of Ryung at his natural shooting down alot of buildings. Clide lifting up his natural and flying away.
Clide cleans up the army of Ryung that was at his natural, Clide goes to the base of Ryung after that.
Ryung will be trying to defend this, alltought he has no tanks ready at his main.
Clide sieges up a few tanks at the bottom of the ramp and some at the tap. Some marines clean up 3 tanks but it is not enough. Ryung GG's.
Clide throws his arms up from happyness!