I currently have around 5+ projects for starcraft 2 custom maps and before Starcraft 2 I was an active user of the warcraft 3 editor.
I like to write and I've done a lot of experimenting with movie making, 3d modelling and CAD, picture editing and such.
I was the kind of kid that built lego but never played with it.
I just love creating.
Sometimes I hear people complaining about the current popularity system for custom games in Starcraft 2 and how they can't bother making maps anymore because of the lack of public but to me, it doesn't matter.
I don't create for others, I create for myself. Not because I might enjoy the final product but because I enjoy the process of creating. I will keep doing custom maps for as long as I don't have something better to create.
Now, I recently learned that my younger brother does not share the same urge for creativity and it came as a surprise for me. We're so similar in so many ways, but he doesn't share this, for me, vital part.
So I started thinking and I realized how most people I know don't seem to enjoy the process of creating. Sure, I have some friends that like to paint and I have some friends who like to program but I can't think of someone who likes to create stuff in general.
By now, you might've realized that I don't really have a point with this blog or maybe I forgot it somewhere on the way.
Anyway, I'm off to work on one of my countless Starcraft 2 custom maps: Cruiser Command.
More info can be found here: http://www.thehelper.net/forums/showthread.php/166933-Project-Cruiser-Command
So I think what I'm really wondering is, does anyone else share the same urge for creativity that I feel?