I started playing SC2 just after it released a little after a year ago and was way out of my element. I placed into bronze and stayed there for a good long time. SC2 is my first RTS other than the occasional SCBW custom games and WC3 campaign missions played when i was younger. I am now a high diamond player pushing my way to masters but i am having a hard time getting over the hump. So I decided to use this journal exercise to possibly improve my play. At least Four days a week I will be playing 1v1 ladder games for about an hour or two. Once I am done I will be writing about my experiences, whether it be wins or losses, and posting them on TeamLiquid Blog.
My hopes are for this exercise to help me become a better player and get feedback from anyone who is willing to contribute. I know there are things that I miss or will not think of so any help is much appreciated. During the time that I ladder I will also be streaming here on TL and you can find that on the stream list if you wish to watch. I am looking forward to what is to come and I hope I see you there! - Kemo
You can find the Blog at http://www.teamliquid.net/blog/Kemosjournal
and my stream at http://www.teamliquid.net/video/streams/kemosobie