Badass man, badass.
The Technology Behind Quitting Cigarettes - Page 3
Blogs > djWHEAT |
Canada142 Posts
Badass man, badass. | ||
United States57 Posts
1. If you break down and have another smoke, don't worry that doesn't mean you failed. Get back up and keep going. 2. You will crave smokes, but as time goes on that diminishes greatly. 3. You'll want to share your rebirth with everyone because it is so fucking hard and monumental (again props to you) but just be aware that you can only support other people's decisions, not make them for them. | ||
8826 Posts
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United States925 Posts
On September 01 2011 02:18 Zlasher wrote: He owns an e-cigarette and says that its just not the same, which is a reason he hasn't made the switch. I'm wondering if you had any sort of feeling early on, did you think it wasn't the same as a cigarette and just wanted to get back on normal ones, or is it something he just has to do for a few days and it'll seem like nothing ever changed I've heard others say this. And I completely understand. The act of smoking is just as "addictive" as the Nicotine itself. Non-Smokers probably can't relate to this (and probably the only reason why some are saying I'm selling myself short by not quitting completely). For me the eCig did a good job emulating the act of smoking, which is certainly a big reason why I was able to shed the Analog cigs quite easily. I think anyone who says, "I can quit when I want to" is absolutely fooling themselves... but I also understand that some smokers may not find similar success in the eCig. I just want to promote the alternative. | ||
United States52 Posts
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United States925 Posts
On September 01 2011 02:19 coljbass wrote: Marcus what brand did you go with? I tried one a while back and didn't like the one I got. Both my wife and I began with BLU. Seems like everyone has an opinion... so far, they've worked great for me! AND definitely a cheaper solution. | ||
United States925 Posts
On September 01 2011 02:30 jlake02 wrote: SUPER happy for you Wheat! Great stuff. I started the eCig a year ago this month. It's allowed me to cut my real cig usage to virtually zero. I'm still using the eCig Mediums but plan on moving to Low this Fall. Glad you broke free of the slavery. It's a bitch to quit and I'm very thankful for eCigs. What I didn't put in my post is that you are basically the reason for me quitting smoking! The conversation you had with Mrs. Wheat in Anaheim lit a fire under her ass to research the things, and before I knew it we were trying it. You know me man... the fact that I haven't smoked in 2 weeks is an amazing feeling - especially considering how difficult it's been in the past! SO THANK YOU JASON LAKE FOR THAT POST-MLG ANAHEIM TALK WITH MY WIFE! | ||
Golden Ghost
Netherlands1041 Posts
On September 01 2011 02:33 RaGe wrote: I've heard a lot of good stories about e-cigarettes. Unfortunately, over here they're considered a drug, and therefore have to go through drug testing programs in order to become legal for sale. There's some speculation that because they can't tax it, the government is holding back on them. What brand did you use? Maybe I'll try ordering them online, but it seems like a lot of hassle to get cartridges in time, and I don't want to switch just to run out of cartridges and smoke a regular pack again. In the Netherlands they are quite easily obtainable and you can also order them online very easy. Perhaps you could try that. | ||
United States578 Posts
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8826 Posts
On September 01 2011 02:43 djWHEAT wrote: The act of smoking is just as "addictive" as the Nicotine itself. Non-Smokers probably can't relate to this (and probably the only reason why some are saying I'm selling myself short by not quitting completely). That's so true. I don't smoke a whole bunch (I might smoke a few cigarettes throughout the day, significantly more if I'm drinking) but that's because it's the act of it that I enjoy so much more than anything else. I don't get enough of an urge to have a smoke that I'll run outside if the weather is shitty or really inconvenience myself in any way but if I found myself in a position where I can enjoy a cigarette, I'm going to enjoy the hell out of it - such as sitting on a patio or going for a leisurely drive. If I were to stop completely it's not the nicotine that I'd miss, but just the act of enjoying a cigarette. Much like one enjoys a cold beer on a hot day - it's not because it'll get you drunk but rather because it is one of life's pleasures. | ||
United States925 Posts
On September 01 2011 02:31 Monox1de wrote: i have smoked since i was 14 years old and a pack a day since i hit 18. I tried quitting 3 times now with my longest being a year. I mostly tried patches/suckers the first few times and the most recent attempt using an Ecig.The biggest problem for me is ALL and i mean every single one of my friends smokes. I hang out with them a few times and they offer me smokes and i turn them down but eventually i will fold. I was kinda anti social for the 1 year that i quit smoking and when i started up again it was because i thought i could go to the bars with my friends have drinks and not smoke. Boy was i wrong. Every time i resume smoking i think to myself " well atleast i cut down" when in reality i shoot back up to a pack a day within a week of starting back up . I just started smoking again and regret to say the Ecig has failed me. It's my own fault though. The fucking ecig died on me and the charger is at my parents house. SO one night i had the choice of driving 20 miles to get the charger or not hang out with my friends. I ended up bummin a cig to "hold me over" til i could charge my e cig.( 2 days later i was up to half a pack, end of week full pack) I hope to attempt again.. maybe new years resolution. I'm 24 years old so hopefully i can quit sooner rather than later. I'm glad you brought up the social aspect of smoking, because for me, this is what I fear most. The eCig allows me to be around my friends who smoke without getting temptations. MY BIGGEST CHALLENGE was this weekend during PAX. During event times (when stress can run high) I would often turn to smoking to help deal with stress. That of course made no sense considering that during events I need to preserve my voice as much as possible. But this weekend I was a TOTAL FUCKING BALLER and didn't even have a single desire to smoke a cigarette. That was another goal achieved for me and gave me even more strength and willpower to keep at it. I was so worried that I would buckle, but I survived the weekend smoke free. And with that I hope to survive the rest of my life smoke free! | ||
United States925 Posts
On September 01 2011 02:50 Budzlight wrote: Proud of ya wheat! I myself have done this and yes it does work but you still need to remember, you still smoking....just a different way. I'm very much aware of this, but I'm not concerned - when making such a massive change in life, one step in a time to ensure success is far more important than reaching that success as quickly as possible. This may be one area I failed with in the past. Additionally, even my eCig intake is WAYYYYY below what my normal Cig intake was, so I already feel like I'm on the right track to eventually ditching it all! | ||
Denmark2980 Posts
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United States14888 Posts
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United States20288 Posts
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United States319 Posts
I hope you stick with it man it's well worth it. I'd say the hardest part was the first time I went out to a bar. If you can get through that you will be successful. | ||
Austria894 Posts
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United States11539 Posts
Glad you did better than my friend who quit smoking for ecigs and then quit ecigs for smoking T_T | ||
United States2789 Posts
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Canada10349 Posts
Good for you guys tho. | ||
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