This is the first entry of this blog, so I'll go ahead and talk some about me, and who I am in this post. I'll also try to cover what you can expect to find on the blog in the coming days/weeks/months.
The reason I descided to make this blog, was mostly because I'm bored right now. It is however, something I've never done before, so I figured I'd give it a shot.
Recently, I've been playing alot of ladder. And by alot, I mean alot. And by alot-alot, I don't mean "korean alot", because I dont play that much. But you get the point. I've been playing alot.
To make the whole ladder-thing more entertaining, I always stream the action. That way I can communicate with the community, while playing SC2. It's alot of fun, and for some reason, people tend to stick around in my channel, once they've tuned in. I have no idea why. It's probably my accent.
So, why should you read this blog?
Well... in fact, you shouldnt. Unless you're really bored, and want insight in the life of an average diamond league norwegian (I'm saying that like there's alot of us. Lol).
I'll mostly write about how I see the game from my point of view. I might even (oh no, you're gonna hate me for this) write about balance from time to time. When I do that, It's important that you always think that this is from my point of view, and what I say don't mean anything. In other words - if i think something is fucked up, I'll write about it. Oh yeah I will. And I'll most likely be quite mad.
Like last night. The last 20 matches, I won 3, and lost 17! If i had a blog during that time, I'd probably have to delete the post I made afterwards. I dont usually get really upset by playing starcraft, but.. well.. you can tune in to my stream and see.
So let's wrap this up by illustrating my history with Starcraft 2!
(If you're wondering why I'm not writing about SC1, its because I didnt play that. I mean.. who did? Right? ehehehh.. heh. awkward).
That's about it!
If you want to support me, please tune in to my stream ( and watch me play. That's about it! More stuff coming later. This was sort of an "indroduction post", and the next posts will be more related to the game it self, rather than me.