Getting fuckin\' kicked outta my house.
Long Story short, This is my grandma\'s house shes sick right now in the hospital with a stomache problem. My Loving Aunt and Uncle decided a few days ago we were going to have a \'family talk\' today at 8 am.
So the \'family talk\' is basically them 2 just yelling at us, telling my sister, her BF, their baby, and I (and my mom and her BF who aren't here for this) that we need to leave by September 1st. Why the hell did this have to be done at 8am on a Sat. and not a week ago? Why do we even need to discuss this like this anyways, why not just tell us when you told us to come to this meeting?
I don\'t pay rent here but I do whatever anyone asks me to do around the house aside from shit I normally do like yardwork, clean the pool, trash, buy groceries (that I never even eat), etc. I\'ve been doing yardwork around here even when I didn\'t live here. Been doing it for like the passed 5 years, only lived here for about a year.
The \'Family talk\' consisted of my uncle calling us lazy and saying we don\'t do shit or pay rent. I told how the fuck do you know you are never even here. And he basically called me a liar. He also said that she is not coming home with anyone in the house so if she comes home tomorrow we got to be out today.
Anyways I have a week to get all my shit out of the house and find a place to live. I have $263.01 in the bank, no car (I drive mom\'s BF\'s van). Which is part of the reason why I don\'t pay any rent, I\'m saving for a car among other things like MOVING OUT OF HERE. Which now I cannot do because I\'m gonna have to fucking pinch every penny for food, rent, and other fun things that life requires.
My GF has been a bitch lately and I don\'t know if she would let me stay with her. Even if she does I don\'t know what I\'m gonna do with all my stuff. I had just recently signed up for cable internet contract and Blockbuster online thing too, which I'm going to have to deal with.
As many of you may know I just built a new computer and I had just signed up for the cable internet. My next step in my plan was to save up another $600 and do the deposit on Full Tilt and start playing poker so I could buy a car and move out etc. But this plan has been obviously ruined.
On top of all this my boss has been planning to close down the store I work at since last summer and turning it into something else. This job just makes me enough money to buy basic shit like food and gas with a couple hundred to save every month. So I might be out of a job too.
What perfect timing. Life is great.
Not sure what you were expecting, but all I have to say is...you seriously have a shitty aunt and uncle, hope everything can somehow turn out for the better in the future.
Also, if this is your grandma's house, can your aunt and uncle legally kick you guys out? Or is the house under their name as well? Or is your grandma going along with this as well? If the answer to both of those is no, I don't think they're able to just kick you out like that. Then again I'm no lawyer and I'm just speaking out of my ass.
Oh yea, and my uncle tried to lay a guilt trip on us like its our fault shes sick and I asked so who is going to take care of her when she comes back? and he had the audacity to say that doesn't concern me? Wtf I see her more often than he does.
edit - Falcynn, I wasn't expecting anything really just trying to vent. And yea I'm assuming my grandma is behind this because she is just as conniving as they are and she doesn't say anything ever to anyone directly. Shes like a dictator and has people do her dirty work. Still though, a week? seriously.
I feel for you. Same thing happened to me this summer... my land lady kicked me out, and I had two weeks to find a new place with very little money. You'll find something, though, I'm sure. Maybe sell some stuff to make some quick cash and make moving easier?
Charlie thats the worst chain of events ever  stay at your girlfreind's or a move in with a friend
Yea, I need to sell my Blizzcon shit now instead of waiting 6 months to sell it for more later.
Anyone know how to setup ebay and/or paypal or whatever? I've never used this shit.
That sucks. Move in with your girlfriend. If your grandma doesnt mind if you stay just tell your aunt and uncle to fuck off.
France1963 Posts
I don't understand, whose house is this ? Your grandma's or your uncle's/aunt's ? I mean, why should it be their call and not your grandma's ? And what about your mother, doesn't she have a right to say anything ?
Thats the funny thing, My mom has been taking care of my grandma and grandpa (RIP) for like the passed 9 years. Then my gramma gets real sick and they decide to boot everyone. It doesn't even make sense why would they kick out her sole caretaker? They never come around to help her, and I've even seen them weasel out of situations to do things for her in the past many times and put them on other people.
I guess my mom is going to be able to stay now, but I swear there is a hidden agenda here.
On August 26 2007 01:27 CharlieMurphy wrote: Yea, I need to sell my Blizzcon shit now instead of waiting 6 months to sell it for more later.
Anyone know how to setup ebay and/or paypal or whatever? I've never used this shit. Signing up with ebay is about as simple as filling out any other online registration form. Paypal too, except that with paypal you need a valid bank account and it'll take about 3-5 business days for the account to "clear" so that you're able to make transactions through it.
Also what I don't get is whether or not the house is also under you Aunt and Uncle's name, if it isn't then they shouldn't have any right to kick anyone out unless your grandma's in agreement (which it sounds like she isn't/wouldn't be).
This is my grandma's house shes sick right now in the hospital with a stomache problem. My Loving Aunt and Uncle decided a few days ago we were going to have a 'family talk' today at 8 am.
Anyone else think of Fresh Prince upon reading that?
Charlie there are a lot of people that post here from Cali and probably a decent amount in your area, if worst comes to worst I'm sure one of them would let you stay at there place for a little like a week or so to give you a slightly better chance. Not sure about the rest of your family though, do you have any decent relatives in the area?
By the way I'm sorry this had to happen to you, your uncle deserves to get the shit beat out of him for acting that way and for kicking you guys out especially your sister and her boyfriend who have a baby.
Three things. Who owns the house your grandma or aunt/uncle? Which of the two (your aunt or uncle) is related to you through blood not marriage (yours moms brother or sister)? And which of the two (your aunt/uncle) seemed to want you out of the house more?
Calgary25964 Posts
If you want to put up a fight (probably not the best idea), I doubt you can't be kicked out of a house (even if you don't have a lease) without at least a month's notice and a written eviction. It probably varies from state to state, and that's in Canada, but I can't imagine it's much different in the US.
I perdict u have to sell ur newly-build computer just to stay alive. oh how life sucks. reminds me of that time when i had one day to find a new place to live because my homecarer is a major bitch.
I have confidence I will find a place(s) to stay as I have many friends around here. The main problem is what I'm gonna do with all my shit and money/bills.
Where was Charlie's seriousness when he found that cellphone?
I told him karma would get back at him. Here's my proof.
Karma is bullshit and bad/good shit happens to everyone all the time.
By your own statement you're being a dick and 'karma' should get back at you for this.
How does a 20$ cellphone translate into these huge problems anyways, you're retarded.
CharlieMurphy has proven in the past that he has lax morals but this isn't just a problem for him, there is a baby and his sister and brother who are in trouble. But you know, who cares lets make jokes about CharlieMurphy instead of offering some conciliation or help. Just remember it comes back to you also Cpt Obvious, don't expect people to care or offer help when you have a serious problem because you acted like a dick here.
Well you don't have a phone to call people when you're living on the street either, do you?