This is an automatic viewing guide. It will update every few minutes.
Green streams are likely accurate (just updated). Yellow streams is probably still good (3-5 minutes old). Red streams means the program wasn't able to recognize a game for over 10 minutes so it's probably no longer good.
Sometimes garbage text / random characters will appear, this means the stream is probably on break or between games and the script couldn't parse anything meaningful. Currently this only works with Twitch.tv streams.
The tech behind this is a mix of php, perl, curl, ffmpeg, imagemagick and tesseract-ocr.
Australia54784 Posts
ah, we welcome r1ch's black magic stream guide!
when does patience will play?
This is nice, that doesn't seem yellow to me at all though
I remember this from Dreamhack Winter, it helps a lot. Thanks!
Edit: Totally wrong thread.
whys he not been burned yet
Seems like twitch should add some sort of <content> XML to their response so the streamer can just put who's currently playing instead of having to scrape the image.
awesome work guys!!! THX a lot!
Thanks again, works great as always!
Canada16217 Posts
Thanks for this, very nice ..how about a (hideable) ticker on the main page...like a drop down below "xxxx is live!"...
good job. that helps a lot. thank you!
I miss this so much on the tourneys where you can't get it to work :D thanks!
Thanks a lot. Using it constantly.
Can you also please indicate the language of the streams?
this is great thanks man!
Super nice/useful, thanks!
R1ch, this is really neat tech! Super helpful during Dreamhack and it'll definitely help here! Thank you!