TL;DR: Trying to find the best ways to improve recommended game polls
Why We Want A Better Recommendation System
+ Show Spoiler +
The current method is the simplest and most direct, and only asks whether the game is recommended or not. However, this style of polling does not determine just how good a game is, only if it is good or not. This means that many games of varying quality get close to the same 'rating' (which is, right now, the percentage of people recommending the game). Many good, enjoyable games get close to 90%-100% recommended. Amazing, exciting, enjoyable games also score in that range.
An example of this is Solar vs Rain on Newkirk and Flash vs Fantasy on Neo Planet S. The former game was an excellent build order counter but a straight forward stomp, while the latter game was exciting, back and forth, had excellent build orders and a revelatory use of widow mines. No argument necessary; Flash vs Fantasy was the superior game. But both games scored similarly based on the Yes/No/If you have time recommendation system. It's a minor gripe, but you can see the inaccuracy from that extreme example. There is little distinction between good and great games.
This does not mean, however, that the Y/N/I style needs to be changed; it also has its advantages which will be discussed below. However as there are alternative methods of polling available, we should consider if any of them are improvements, or if we can draw clues on how to fashion a better system based on a discussion of each system and our own preferences.
There is also an accessory goal of standardizing all the polls. Right now, there are people who use different methods, which isn't a problem since we've yet to determine the polling style that's 'best' or most preferred. However, it is preferred that all LR threads use a standardized style of polling so that
1.) we can create some form of "Recommended Games" thread or liquipedia page, that can list down the most highly rated games by category, matchup, map, tournament, etc. and having a standardized poll will make comparing games easier;
2.) The This Week in SC2 thread will have more accurate recommended games and he won't have a hard time figuring out which games really should be recommended;
and 3.) anyone else interested in using the recommended games in some way (to analyze patterns or games, to create some service, etc) will have an easier time comparing the games.
Another problem that we would like to try and solve (possibly through improving the polls) is the low voter turnout compared to the number of people watching or posting in the thread. The fewer the votes the more inaccurate the poll. Trying to come up with some super cool super accurate poll will be useless if we don't get better voter turnouts, especially for tournaments like WCS AM which bizarrely don't get many votes. Remember, this is a community resource created by the community; you are the resource, and if you don't vote, we have nothing. So if you aren't voting already, please start voting more on recommended game polls. You can also discuss your ideas to improve voter turnout in this thread.
TL;DR: Recommended games polls can be improved. We need to improve voter turnout. Maybe we can bug TL to make recommended game ratings more useful.
Before we get on to discussion, we need to talk about the different polling systems and their known pros and cons.
The Different Polling Systems
There are 4 current polling systems and 1 hypothetical polling system that may be implemented if we bug R1CH or the admins enough. Each system has their advantages and disadvantages, and we are aware of most of them. Unfortunately there is no 'perfect' system that we can find. That's why we are presenting you with the available options so that you can understand them better, and you can explain your preferences better knowing them. Perhaps, some of you may be able to find some form of compromise we haven't thought of or some new hybrid polling method. Also note that if you have ideas on a completely different type of poll that currently can't be implemented on TL, please tell us about it because we might be able to get it to work somehow, or perhaps use it to improve what we have. Now on to the polling systems.
+ Show Spoiler [Yes/No/If you have time] +
+ Show Spoiler [Example of Y/N/I] +
Explanation: The Y/N/I poll asks whether a game is recommended or not. Yes if the voter thinks the game should be recommended, no if not. If you have time is an option available for games that were of acceptable quality or entertainment value but not necessary viewing.
Raison d'être: This is the simplest and most direct possible poll.
- Simplest and easiest to vote on; requires the least thought
- Encourages voting because it is easy to vote on
- Fewer choices = data less spread out, making it less affected by low vote counts or small sample size
- The question is less affected by personal bias
- Allows poll maker some level of creativity since "If you have time" can be replaced with more insightful options
- The rating for Good games and Great games is relatively small
- The question only asks if the game is good, not how good it is
- Many games can be recommended for different reasons; poll does not reveal much
- The ratings are inaccurate
- The choices are too polarized, while the middle ground can be ambiguous
Personal Opinion: This style is the standard for a reason: it's the simplest and people have gotten used to it. It's the status quo, and so far it's been doing alright. A lot of people prefer it, and we've tried implementing change before, but a lot of people are resistant to change. This is the 'safe' choice despite its deficiencies as an accurate method.
+ Show Spoiler [5-star] +
+ Show Spoiler [Example of 5-star] +
Explanation: The 5-star system asks voters to 'rate' the game's quality (averaged out through all the different aspects of 'game quality') out of 5 stars. 5 stars for amazing games, 1 star for worst game of all time.
Raison d'être: This style aims to provide more accuracy compared to Y/N/I, as the options can be averaged out to provide a more accurate rating.
- More choices should mean voter opinions are more accurately presented
- Games can be distinguished better due to more distinct scores and are easier to rank and arrange
- Votes already present can influence the way we vote (for example, we may try to 'even it out' if we disagree with the results, or just vote with the majority)
- Still a relatively simple system that requires only a little more thought than Y/N/I
- Vote distribution can be insightful. For example, a lot of 5's and 1's could mean the game was brilliant but painful to watch, or it was some well executed cheese. However this advantage only reveals itself when the data is studied in detail, and gets lost (and even gets problematic) when scores are merely averaged.
- Games can be recommended for various reasons, and people often vote 5 even when only 1 criteria deserves it, instead of averaging out scores based on criteria
- The question is inherently more subjective
- People tend to vote in extremes, 5 or 1, and don't often think about choosing a more precise rating, defeating the purpose of this type of poll
- Problematic when there is a lack of votes, as the greater number of options in a small sample size increases variance and randomness
- The question can still be vague; Does it ask about Game quality? Entertainment value? Level of play? People might answer the poll in different ways, leading to an inaccurate poll
Personal Opinion: 5-star is generally an improvement over Y/N/I, if only we could remove the variance from small sample sizes (vote more!!) and have people think about their ratings more. We are currently trying to use this more to see if the results are really more accurate and informative than Y/N/I.
+ Show Spoiler [Criteria-based] +
+ Show Spoiler [Example of Criteria-based] +
Sick Micro (1)
Entertainment Value and Build Order (1)
None (1)
Level of Play (0)
Entertainment Value (0)
Build Order (0)
Level of Play and Build Order (0)
Level of Play and Micro (0)
Entertainment Value and Micro (0)
Build Order and Micro (0)
Level of Play, Entertainment Value, and Build Order (0)
Level of Play, Entertainment Value and Micro (0)
Level Of Play, Build Order, and Micro (0)
Entertainment Value, Build Order, and Micro (0)
All Four Criterion (0)
5 total votes
Your vote: What would you recommend in lichter vs YugiOh Game 1?
(Vote): Level of Play
(Vote): Entertainment Value
(Vote): Build Order
(Vote): Sick Micro
(Vote): Level of Play and Entertainment Value
(Vote): Level of Play and Build Order
(Vote): Level of Play and Micro
(Vote): Entertainment Value and Build Order
(Vote): Entertainment Value and Micro
(Vote): Build Order and Micro
(Vote): Level of Play, Entertainment Value, and Build Order
(Vote): Level of Play, Entertainment Value and Micro
(Vote): Level Of Play, Build Order, and Micro
(Vote): Entertainment Value, Build Order, and Micro
(Vote): All Four Criterion
(Vote): None
Explanation: Voters choose the reason/s the game can be recommended or if it isn't recommended at all.
Raison d'être: This type of poll can show us why a game is good or why it should be seen, information that may be relevant to many.
- People can know why the game is good, and why they should see it
- People looking for particular types of games will have an easier time looking for what they want
- People who would otherwise rate a game badly can compliment the game for one aspect which it excels at (for example, people who would rate cheeses badly can still approve of the build order)
- It becomes possible to rank and compare games based on the different criteria
- Far more informative than any other poll type
- The most complicated type of poll that requires the most thinking, which could dissuade people from thinking about their votes or voting at all, it's confusing as fuck
- Difficult to collate the data (since there are overlaps) for use
- It's an unfamiliar form of polling that people may not be comfortable with
- Results and their implications can be difficult to understand at first glance (due to overlapping options)
- Has some of the drawbacks of Y/N/I polls, such as lack of distinction between good and great games (if the games are good/great at all criteria), polarized options, and lack of a 'score'
- This type of poll can act as a spoiler. For example, games with low level of play but high entertainment and micro indicate it is likely a cheesey game. Polls should not contain spoilers as much as possible.
Personal Opinion: I believe this is the most informative type of poll, but it is far too complicated for casual viewers. Understanding the results are also difficult with the way polls are made on TL. It's super confusing. Unless checkbox polls become available, this type of poll is unlikely to be practical.
This is what it would look like if we could use hybrid radio/checkbox polls:
![[image loading]](
So you'd get info such as
85% Yes
80% Level of Play
80% Entertainment value
50% Build Orders
60% Sick Micro
15 % No
You'd know that 85% of people recommend the game, and a lot of people do so because of the level of play and the game's entertainment value. It's also possible to no click any checkboxes, so it is just as simple as Y/N/I with the added option of recommending something in particular.
+ Show Spoiler [Dual Poll] +
+ Show Spoiler [Example of Dual Poll] +
★★★ (1)
★ (1)
★★★★ (0)
★★ (0)
5 total votes
Your vote: Level of Play of opterown vs MarineKing Game 1?
★★★ (1)
★ (1)
★★★★ (0)
★★ (0)
4 total votes
Your vote: Entertainment Value of opterown vs MarineKing Game 1?
Explanation: There are two polls, one for Level of Play and one for Entertainment Value. These are the most important criteria when recommending games. Voters rate each criterion out of 5.
Raison d'être: A compromise between 5-star and Criteria-based polls. The two most important criteria are chosen to be rated for greater accuracy.
- Informative yet simple enough to understand; a good compromise
- The two most important criteria are given priority making the poll more accurate
- 2 scores are given per game, allowing us to differentiate each game more when ranking and rating
- People can use each criteria when determining whether they want to see it or not
- Vote distribution can be insightful with the aforementioned caveats
- 2 polls take more effort to do and more effort to vote on; may dissuade voters from thinking or voting
- Still omits some important criteria
- Takes up a lot of space on pages and in the OP
- Requires a lot of thinking because 5-star ratings need to be given to each criterion
- Problematic when there is a lack of votes
Personal Opinion: This type of poll is a good compromise between the accuracy and simplicity of 5-star polls, and the insightfulness and useability of criteria-based polls. It's difficult to make and vote on, but could be worth it if everyone likes it.
+ Show Spoiler [Blog-star] +
+ Show Spoiler [Example of Blog-star] +
![[image loading]](
Like this. But Nicer?
Explanation: Basically like 5-star polls, but similar to the one we have in the Blogs section. The distribution of votes is invisible.
Raison d'être: Our votes can be affected by the votes already present. This type of poll hides that influence and allows us to form our own opinion.
- Basically the same list of pros as 5-star
- Votes are less influenced by vote distribution
- Results are instantly averaged, instantly useful
- Clicking on a star is more fun and easier than clicking on "Vote" beside a bunch of stars
- Looks more attractive
- Basically the same list of cons as 5-star, with a smaller influence from vote distribution
- Stars are tiny, might be difficult to see
- The exact score cannot be seen, and anyone hoping to use exact scores for whatever purpose may have difficult trying to figure out the number (can be solved with an alt of the score)
- Currently unavailable, so we don't know how well it would work in practice
Personal Opinion: This is the best looking type of poll, and it has its advantages. Unfortunately we can't do this right now. If we could, and we know it is possible since blogs have it, maybe we can look into it further and apply it to the above types of polls.
Other possible polling systems that I did not consider
1. Must See / Worth Seeing / If you have time / Not Recommended
2. Highly Recommended / Recommended / No opinion / Not Recommended
3. Sheeps
![[image loading]](
Those are the 5 possibilities that we can come up with. They have their advantages and disadvantages, and hopefully it was an insightful read for you that will help you formulate your opinion. If you have additional pros or cons, please explain them and if they are good and distinct enough I will edit them into this list.
Study on Voting Rationale
People vote for different options for different reasons. Some prioritize gameplay. Some prioritize entertainment value. Others recommend games where their favorite player, race, or team wins. It's important we understand what people consider the most important factors in their decisions. Recommending games is a subjective matter, but we often have polls with results of extreme polarity. We would like to remove the useless biases (ex. favorite player vs hated player) from the polls, if at all possible since that is useless information. The following are polls that will ask you to rate the importance of several factors. It will help us identify how to remove undesirable bias and voting anomalies.
Importance of _____ in your voting decisions (5 for greatly positive effect, 1 for greatly negative effect, 3 for no effect):
1. Great Gameplay
+ Show Spoiler +
2. High Entertainment Value
+ Show Spoiler +
3. Closeness of Game
+ Show Spoiler +
4. Interesting Build Orders
+ Show Spoiler +
5. Great Multitasking and Micro
+ Show Spoiler +
6. Favorite Player/Team/Race Loses
+ Show Spoiler +
7. Hated Player/Team/Race Loses
+ Show Spoiler +
8. Presence of Cheese
+ Show Spoiler +
9. Presence of All-in
+ Show Spoiler +
10. Presence of Base Trade
+ Show Spoiler +
Study on Voting Patterns for Different Types of Game in Different Systems
Now that we know about the different poll styles and understand how people vote, I think it is important that we see how their results look when compared side by side. This can help us see how the community votes on different types of games given different types of polls. We'll be able to see if some polls are more accurate or more informative than others. Unfortunately we can't retroactively change poll types and we have no historical data to look at. So, you have to vote on 45 polls (5x9). :D
Obviously, I won't ask about games that are universally good nor universally bad. We will look at games that often give the strangest or most disparate poll results.
1. High Level, Boring Macro Game
+ Show Spoiler +
Sample Game: Classic vs EffOrt on Whirlwind, SPL
+ Show Spoiler [Y/N/I] +
+ Show Spoiler [5-star] +
+ Show Spoiler [Criteria-based] +
Level of Play and Build Order (2)
Level of Play, Entertainment Value, and Build Order (1)
Entertainment Value (0)
Build Order (0)
Sick Micro (0)
Level of Play and Entertainment Value (0)
Level of Play and Micro (0)
Entertainment Value and Build Order (0)
Entertainment Value and Micro (0)
Build Order and Micro (0)
Level of Play, Entertainment Value, and Micro (0)
Level Of Play, Build Order, and Micro (0)
Entertainment Value, Build Order, and Micro (0)
All Four Criterion (0)
None (0)
6 total votes
Your vote: What would you recommend in Classic vs EffOrt on Whirlwind?
(Vote): Level of Play
(Vote): Entertainment Value
(Vote): Build Order
(Vote): Sick Micro
(Vote): Level of Play and Entertainment Value
(Vote): Level of Play and Build Order
(Vote): Level of Play and Micro
(Vote): Entertainment Value and Build Order
(Vote): Entertainment Value and Micro
(Vote): Build Order and Micro
(Vote): Level of Play, Entertainment Value, and Build Order
(Vote): Level of Play, Entertainment Value, and Micro
(Vote): Level Of Play, Build Order, and Micro
(Vote): Entertainment Value, Build Order, and Micro
(Vote): All Four Criterion
(Vote): None
+ Show Spoiler [Dual Poll] +
★★★★ (3)
★★★ (0)
★★ (0)
★ (0)
6 total votes
Your vote: Level of Play of Classic vs EffOrt on Whirlwind?
★★ (2)
★★★★★ (1)
★★★★ (1)
★ (0)
6 total votes
Your vote: Entertainment Value of Classic vs EffOrt on Whirlwind?
2. Horribad but Entertaining Game
+ Show Spoiler +
Sample Game: MKP vs Bbyong on Anaconda, Code A Ro24
No free VOD
Basically it's similar to the legendary TheBest vs Min game on Crossfire
+ Show Spoiler [Y/N/I] +
+ Show Spoiler [5-star] +
+ Show Spoiler [Criteria-based] +
Level of Play and Entertainment Value (1)
None (1)
Level of Play (0)
Build Order (0)
Sick Micro (0)
Level of Play and Build Order (0)
Level of Play and Micro (0)
Entertainment Value and Build Order (0)
Entertainment Value and Micro (0)
Build Order and Micro (0)
Level of Play, Entertainment Value, and Build Order (0)
Level of Play, Entertainment Value, and Micro (0)
Level Of Play, Build Order, and Micro (0)
Entertainment Value, Build Order, and Micro (0)
All Four Criterion (0)
4 total votes
Your vote: What would you recommend in MarineKing vs Bbyong on Anaconda?
(Vote): Level of Play
(Vote): Entertainment Value
(Vote): Build Order
(Vote): Sick Micro
(Vote): Level of Play and Entertainment Value
(Vote): Level of Play and Build Order
(Vote): Level of Play and Micro
(Vote): Entertainment Value and Build Order
(Vote): Entertainment Value and Micro
(Vote): Build Order and Micro
(Vote): Level of Play, Entertainment Value, and Build Order
(Vote): Level of Play, Entertainment Value, and Micro
(Vote): Level Of Play, Build Order, and Micro
(Vote): Entertainment Value, Build Order, and Micro
(Vote): All Four Criterion
(Vote): None
+ Show Spoiler [Dual Poll] +
★ (1)
★★★★★ (0)
★★★★ (0)
★★★ (0)
4 total votes
Your vote: Level of Play of MarineKing vs Bbyong on Anaconda?
★★★★ (1)
★★★ (0)
★★ (0)
★ (0)
4 total votes
Your vote: Entertainment Value of MarineKing vs Bbyong on Anaconda?
3. Excellent Safe Play, Deathball into GG
+ Show Spoiler +
Sample Game: I don't think you need a sample for this lol or if you can help me think of a good one that's loved/hated
+ Show Spoiler [Y/N/I] +
+ Show Spoiler [5-star] +
+ Show Spoiler [Criteria-based] +
None (2)
Level of Play and Build Order (1)
Entertainment Value (0)
Build Order (0)
Sick Micro (0)
Level of Play and Entertainment Value (0)
Level of Play and Micro (0)
Entertainment Value and Build Order (0)
Entertainment Value and Micro (0)
Build Order and Micro (0)
Level of Play, Entertainment Value, and Build Order (0)
Level of Play, Entertainment Value, and Micro (0)
Level Of Play, Build Order, and Micro (0)
Entertainment Value, Build Order, and Micro (0)
All Four Criterion (0)
5 total votes
Your vote: What would you recommend in High Level Deathball Into GG?
(Vote): Level of Play
(Vote): Entertainment Value
(Vote): Build Order
(Vote): Sick Micro
(Vote): Level of Play and Entertainment Value
(Vote): Level of Play and Build Order
(Vote): Level of Play and Micro
(Vote): Entertainment Value and Build Order
(Vote): Entertainment Value and Micro
(Vote): Build Order and Micro
(Vote): Level of Play, Entertainment Value, and Build Order
(Vote): Level of Play, Entertainment Value, and Micro
(Vote): Level Of Play, Build Order, and Micro
(Vote): Entertainment Value, Build Order, and Micro
(Vote): All Four Criterion
(Vote): None
+ Show Spoiler [Dual Poll] +
★★★★ (2)
★★★★★ (0)
★★ (0)
★ (0)
4 total votes
Your vote: Level of Play of High Level Deathball Into GG?
★★ (2)
★★★★★ (0)
★★★★ (0)
★★★ (0)
5 total votes
Your vote: Entertainment Value of High Level Deathball Into GG?
4. Clever Build Order Stomp
+ Show Spoiler +
Sample Game: Solar vs Rain on Newkirk Redevelopment Precinct, SPL
+ Show Spoiler [Y/N/I] +
+ Show Spoiler [5-star] +
+ Show Spoiler [Criteria-based] +
Level of Play and Build Order (2)
Level of Play (0)
Entertainment Value (0)
Build Order (0)
Sick Micro (0)
Level of Play and Entertainment Value (0)
Level of Play and Micro (0)
Entertainment Value and Build Order (0)
Entertainment Value and Micro (0)
Level of Play, Entertainment Value, and Build Order (0)
Level of Play, Entertainment Value, and Micro (0)
Level Of Play, Build Order, and Micro (0)
Entertainment Value, Build Order, and Micro (0)
All Four Criterion (0)
None (0)
5 total votes
Your vote: What would you recommend in Solar vs Rain on Newkirk Redevelopment Pr?
(Vote): Level of Play
(Vote): Entertainment Value
(Vote): Build Order
(Vote): Sick Micro
(Vote): Level of Play and Entertainment Value
(Vote): Level of Play and Build Order
(Vote): Level of Play and Micro
(Vote): Entertainment Value and Build Order
(Vote): Entertainment Value and Micro
(Vote): Build Order and Micro
(Vote): Level of Play, Entertainment Value, and Build Order
(Vote): Level of Play, Entertainment Value, and Micro
(Vote): Level Of Play, Build Order, and Micro
(Vote): Entertainment Value, Build Order, and Micro
(Vote): All Four Criterion
(Vote): None
+ Show Spoiler [Dual Poll] +
★★★★★ (0)
★★★ (0)
★★ (0)
★ (0)
5 total votes
Your vote: Level of Play of Solar vs Rain on Newkirk Redevelopment Precinct?
★★★ (2)
★★★★★ (0)
★★ (0)
★ (0)
5 total votes
Your vote: Entertainment Value of Solar vs Rain on Newkirk Redevelopment Precinc?
5. Exquisite Cheese
+ Show Spoiler +
Sample Game: HerO vs Soulkey on Akilon Wastes, SPL
+ Show Spoiler [Y/N/I] +
+ Show Spoiler [5-star] +
+ Show Spoiler [Criteria-based] +
Entertainment Value, Build Order, and Micro (1)
All Four Criterion (1)
Level of Play (0)
Entertainment Value (0)
Sick Micro (0)
Level of Play and Entertainment Value (0)
Level of Play and Build Order (0)
Level of Play and Micro (0)
Entertainment Value and Build Order (0)
Entertainment Value and Micro (0)
Build Order and Micro (0)
Level of Play, Entertainment Value, and Build Order (0)
Level of Play, Entertainment Value, and Micro (0)
Level Of Play, Build Order, and Micro (0)
None (0)
3 total votes
Your vote: What would you recommend in HerO vs Soulkey on Akilon Wastes?
(Vote): Level of Play
(Vote): Entertainment Value
(Vote): Build Order
(Vote): Sick Micro
(Vote): Level of Play and Entertainment Value
(Vote): Level of Play and Build Order
(Vote): Level of Play and Micro
(Vote): Entertainment Value and Build Order
(Vote): Entertainment Value and Micro
(Vote): Build Order and Micro
(Vote): Level of Play, Entertainment Value, and Build Order
(Vote): Level of Play, Entertainment Value, and Micro
(Vote): Level Of Play, Build Order, and Micro
(Vote): Entertainment Value, Build Order, and Micro
(Vote): All Four Criterion
(Vote): None
+ Show Spoiler [Dual Poll] +
★★★★ (1)
★★★★★ (0)
★★ (0)
★ (0)
3 total votes
Your vote: Level of Play of HerO vs Soulkey on Akilon Wastes?
★★★ (1)
★★★★★ (0)
★★ (0)
★ (0)
3 total votes
Your vote: Entertainment Value of HerO vs Soulkey on Akilon Wastes?
6. High Level Play by One Player into Stomp
+ Show Spoiler +
Sample Game: JangBi vs Leenock on Anaconda, Code A Ro24
+ Show Spoiler [Y/N/I] +
+ Show Spoiler [5-star] +
+ Show Spoiler [Criteria-based] +
All Four Criterion (1)
Entertainment Value (0)
Build Order (0)
Sick Micro (0)
Level of Play and Entertainment Value (0)
Level of Play and Build Order (0)
Level of Play and Micro (0)
Entertainment Value and Build Order (0)
Entertainment Value and Micro (0)
Build Order and Micro (0)
Level of Play, Entertainment Value, and Build Order (0)
Level of Play, Entertainment Value, and Micro (0)
Level Of Play, Build Order, and Micro (0)
Entertainment Value, Build Order, and Micro (0)
None (0)
3 total votes
Your vote: What would you recommend in JangBi vs Leenock on Anaconda?
(Vote): Level of Play
(Vote): Entertainment Value
(Vote): Build Order
(Vote): Sick Micro
(Vote): Level of Play and Entertainment Value
(Vote): Level of Play and Build Order
(Vote): Level of Play and Micro
(Vote): Entertainment Value and Build Order
(Vote): Entertainment Value and Micro
(Vote): Build Order and Micro
(Vote): Level of Play, Entertainment Value, and Build Order
(Vote): Level of Play, Entertainment Value, and Micro
(Vote): Level Of Play, Build Order, and Micro
(Vote): Entertainment Value, Build Order, and Micro
(Vote): All Four Criterion
(Vote): None
+ Show Spoiler [Dual Poll] +
★★★★★ (1)
★★★ (0)
★★ (0)
★ (0)
3 total votes
Your vote: Level of Play of JangBi vs Leenock on Anaconda?
★★★★★ (0)
★★★★ (0)
★★ (0)
★ (0)
3 total votes
Your vote: Entertainment Value of JangBi vs Leenock on Anaconda?
7. Exciting Game of Throws
+ Show Spoiler +
Sample Game: Mvp vs Tefel on Neo Planet S, WCS EU Premier League Ro32
+ Show Spoiler [Y/N/I] +
+ Show Spoiler [5-star] +
+ Show Spoiler [Criteria-based] +
Entertainment Value (1)
None (1)
Level of Play (0)
Build Order (0)
Sick Micro (0)
Level of Play and Entertainment Value (0)
Level of Play and Build Order (0)
Level of Play and Micro (0)
Entertainment Value and Build Order (0)
Build Order and Micro (0)
Level of Play, Entertainment Value, and Build Order (0)
Level of Play, Entertainment Value, and Micro (0)
Level Of Play, Build Order, and Micro (0)
Entertainment Value, Build Order, and Micro (0)
All Four Criterion (0)
3 total votes
Your vote: What would you recommend in Mvp vs Tefel on Neo Planet S?
(Vote): Level of Play
(Vote): Entertainment Value
(Vote): Build Order
(Vote): Sick Micro
(Vote): Level of Play and Entertainment Value
(Vote): Level of Play and Build Order
(Vote): Level of Play and Micro
(Vote): Entertainment Value and Build Order
(Vote): Entertainment Value and Micro
(Vote): Build Order and Micro
(Vote): Level of Play, Entertainment Value, and Build Order
(Vote): Level of Play, Entertainment Value, and Micro
(Vote): Level Of Play, Build Order, and Micro
(Vote): Entertainment Value, Build Order, and Micro
(Vote): All Four Criterion
(Vote): None
+ Show Spoiler [Dual Poll] +
★★★ (1)
★★★★★ (0)
★★★★ (0)
★ (0)
3 total votes
Your vote: Level of Play of Mvp vs Tefel on Neo Planet S?
★★★★ (1)
★★★ (1)
★★ (0)
★ (0)
3 total votes
Your vote: Entertainment Value of Mvp vs Tefel on Neo Planet S?
8. Injustice Leaguer beats Fan Favorite in a Great Game
+ Show Spoiler +
Sample Game: hyvaa vs Leenock on Whirlwind, OSL Ro32
+ Show Spoiler [Y/N/I] +
+ Show Spoiler [5-star] +
+ Show Spoiler [Criteria-based] +
None (1)
Level of Play (0)
Entertainment Value (0)
Build Order (0)
Sick Micro (0)
Level of Play and Entertainment Value (0)
Level of Play and Build Order (0)
Entertainment Value and Build Order (0)
Entertainment Value and Micro (0)
Build Order and Micro (0)
Level of Play, Entertainment Value, and Build Order (0)
Level of Play, Entertainment Value, and Micro (0)
Level Of Play, Build Order, and Micro (0)
Entertainment Value, Build Order, and Micro (0)
All Four Criterion (0)
2 total votes
Your vote: What would you recommend in hyvaa vs Leenock on Whirlwind?
(Vote): Level of Play
(Vote): Entertainment Value
(Vote): Build Order
(Vote): Sick Micro
(Vote): Level of Play and Entertainment Value
(Vote): Level of Play and Build Order
(Vote): Level of Play and Micro
(Vote): Entertainment Value and Build Order
(Vote): Entertainment Value and Micro
(Vote): Build Order and Micro
(Vote): Level of Play, Entertainment Value, and Build Order
(Vote): Level of Play, Entertainment Value, and Micro
(Vote): Level Of Play, Build Order, and Micro
(Vote): Entertainment Value, Build Order, and Micro
(Vote): All Four Criterion
(Vote): None
+ Show Spoiler [Dual Poll] +
★ (1)
★★★★★ (0)
★★★ (0)
★★ (0)
2 total votes
Your vote: Level of Play of hyvaa vs Leenock on Whirlwind?
★★ (1)
★★★★★ (0)
★★★ (0)
★ (0)
2 total votes
Your vote: Entertainment Value of hyvaa vs Leenock on Whirlwind?
9. When Cheese Goes Sour
+ Show Spoiler +
Sample Game: Fantasy vs hyvaa on Newkirk Precinct, OSL Ro16
+ Show Spoiler [Y/N/I] +
+ Show Spoiler [5-star] +
+ Show Spoiler [Criteria-based] +
Level of Play (0)
Build Order (0)
Sick Micro (0)
Level of Play and Entertainment Value (0)
Level of Play and Build Order (0)
Level of Play and Micro (0)
Entertainment Value and Build Order (0)
Entertainment Value and Micro (0)
Build Order and Micro (0)
Level of Play, Entertainment Value, and Build Order (0)
Level of Play, Entertainment Value, and Micro (0)
Level Of Play, Build Order, and Micro (0)
Entertainment Value, Build Order, and Micro (0)
All Four Criterion (0)
None (0)
2 total votes
Your vote: What would you recommend in Fantasy vs hyvaa on Newkirk Precinct?
(Vote): Level of Play
(Vote): Entertainment Value
(Vote): Build Order
(Vote): Sick Micro
(Vote): Level of Play and Entertainment Value
(Vote): Level of Play and Build Order
(Vote): Level of Play and Micro
(Vote): Entertainment Value and Build Order
(Vote): Entertainment Value and Micro
(Vote): Build Order and Micro
(Vote): Level of Play, Entertainment Value, and Build Order
(Vote): Level of Play, Entertainment Value, and Micro
(Vote): Level Of Play, Build Order, and Micro
(Vote): Entertainment Value, Build Order, and Micro
(Vote): All Four Criterion
(Vote): None
+ Show Spoiler [Dual Poll] +
★ (1)
★★★★★ (0)
★★★★ (0)
★★ (0)
2 total votes
Your vote: Level of Play of Fantasy vs hyvaa on Newkirk Precinct?
★★★★ (1)
★★★★★ (0)
★★ (0)
★ (0)
2 total votes
Your vote: Entertainment Value of Fantasy vs hyvaa on Newkirk Precinct?
Poll About Polls
Now that we understand the different polls better and now that you've voted on a few polls comparing results, perhaps you are now ready to form an opinion on which poll style you think is best, or which you prefer. Ideally all of you who are at this point voted in that ridiculous poll marathon so that we can understand their differences, advantages, and disadvantages better. Of course this is the internet so you probably skipped to this part. Fine. Time for the crunch votes.
+ Show Spoiler [Most Effective] +
+ Show Spoiler [Most Informative] +
+ Show Spoiler [Most Preferred] +
Other Possible Improvements
Now this is a very important section. There are other possible improvements that can be made to the recommendation system aside from just changing the type of polls we use. We can change their appearance, where they are placed, or how the information is gathered. We might even be able to get TL to allow us to use some tools currently not available. The following are the ideas I've gathered so far:
1. Checkboxes for different types of polls, especially criteria polls + Show Spoiler +
![[image loading]](
2. Liquipedia or database for recommended games once everything is standardized
3. Nicer voting and polling appearance similar to Blog-stars
4. Personal Profile Stats for Recommendations to encourage more voting
5. Incorporate recommended games to tlpd, as a new form of information for games
As mentioned earlier, there is also the problem of low voter turnouts. It's also a problem that concerns us so I may as well try to get you to give me some info and ideas on it.
So yeah, polls again sheesh
+ Show Spoiler [Questions for those who don't vote] +
I don't have an opinion about the games (2)
I don't see the polls all the time, or forget to vote on them (1)
I don't care for nor use recommended game polls (0)
I do not look at or participate in the LR thread (0)
The polls are too ugly to use (0)
I don't like the style of the poll questions (0)
I didn't know there were polls (0)
No particular reason (0)
6 total votes
Your vote: I don't vote on polls because...
(Vote): I don't care for nor use recommended game polls
(Vote): I find it difficult to vote objectively on the games
(Vote): I don't have an opinion about the games
(Vote): I don't see the polls all the time, or forget to vote on them
(Vote): I do not look at or participate in the LR thread
(Vote): The polls are too ugly to use
(Vote): I don't like the style of the poll questions
(Vote): I didn't know there were polls
(Vote): No particular reason
The poll appearance is improved (1)
The poll is made more prominent on the stream page (1)
The poll questions are changed (0)
The poll is made more prominent on the LR thread (0)
We could keep track of our voting stats (0)
4 total votes
Your vote: I would vote on recommended game polls more if...
(Vote): The poll questions are changed
(Vote): The poll appearance is improved
(Vote): The poll is made more prominent on the LR thread
(Vote): The poll is made more prominent on the stream page
(Vote): I had more use for the polls
(Vote): We could keep track of our voting stats
And for those who watch the games through TL's livestream pages but do not participate in the LR, would having the recommended game polls embedded below the stream encourage you to vote more?
+ Show Spoiler [Really crummy MS Paint img] +
![[image loading]](
+ Show Spoiler [Poll] +
Do you have any other ideas to improve voter turnout?
That's all I got so far. Interesting ideas from you guys go below:
Your Opinions
Your opinions go here.
Now it's time for discussion. After reading this long ass thread, what do you think? Have I missed anything? Are there other possible poll styles? Did I miss a pro/con/point/idea? Let us discuss this, since the recommended games polls are for you. I will edit good ideas/opinions/etc to the OP.
I am particularly interested in the opinion of people who use the polls often, such as This Week in SC2. Have you noticed any problems, quirks, or interesting anomalies? Do you feel that the polls accurately represent the games?
I also want to hear from people who want to use recommended game polls for whatever reason, such as creating recommended game databases or something. You guys can give us ideas on how to make the information more useable.
Staff input is welcome too, so that we know what we can work with.
That's it. Discuss.
Yours truly,
LR Thread Standardization Committee Chairperson+ Show Spoiler +