- After throwing out Orb of Deception, use Spirit Rush to the left or the right of it to have the orb follow you and hit other targets. - Dusty
- When trading, try and delay trade till second Q is up. So what you want to do. Toss Q~ wait till cooldown is about up; ulti onto target, toss 2nd Q, autoattack/ulti again; Shroud up; You'll win majority of trades as akali with this. - wei2coolman
- If you cast Shadow Dance at full range, right after you throw Mark of the Assassin, it might not proc Mark of the Assassin because Shadow Dance is faster than Mark travel time. - wei2coolman
- If you time shadow dash correctly you can often trade places with people who try to gap close on you (against Alistar you won't even take the damage or get any form of knockback from his headbutt). - EquilasH
- You can get one free auto-attack from outside normal AA range after using Headbutt on someone if you right click on them or issue a generic attack-move command fast enough. - xes
- When ganking with ult, if you're in range already, you can ult first (because it's not a skillshot) to guarantee you a Q hit on the enemy. - LOLItsRyann
- Use Crystalize to force people to choose between running into Flash Frost and being stunned or not moving at all. - Me
- You can shoot out Frostbite and lay down Glacial Storm while Frostbite is in the air and you will still get the bonus damage. - Me
- A lot of people don't know that you can Q at 3 stacks, and E with it in the air for 4 and it will still stun. - NovaTheFeared
- You can see if Volley has hit an enemy champion in the fog of war by seeing if an arrow disappeared. - Me
- Activate Static Field and quickly use Rocket Grab to hook an enemy champion who would otherwise blink or flash to dodge it, such as Ezreal or Vayne. - Me
- The threat of a grab is way stronger than the actual grab itself. This means that people will often run around trying to juke your Rocket Grab when you can easily overdrive to them, knock them up, and then go for the free hook. - wei2coolman
- Clear the wave with ulti, then grab instantly right after; for a non-telegraphed grab. Or use grab while minion is on last spec of health (and animation is going to last hit); time it so minion will die right before grab passes through it, and get the unexpecting grab. - wei2coolman
- Use QE instead of EQ to minimize telegraphing when stunning a single target. - ZERG_RUSSIAN
- Apply passive with WE or QE on minions to hit opponents standing further - ZERG_RUSSIAN
- You can use the combo of Auto then E->Q in rapid succession so that caits Q animation plays while you are flying away with E, they are slowed by E so that Q is easier to hit, and you end up a safe distance away with the enemy slowed. Also, the Q is shot from the place you originally E'd from. - dae
- You can bush check with Noxious Blast for very little mana. If you hit an enemy champ you will gain the MS bonus. - DCWasabi
- Twin Fang cooldown freshes if your target is affected by Singed or Teemo poison. - DCWasabi
- If possible open up with Feral Scream instead of Rupture, it prevents people from flashing out of Rupture. - wei2coolman
- Autoattack once or twice before using Crippling Strike in order to have the cooldown be significantly lower on the first cast. - Me
- You can use your shield as very effective defense against DoT spells, even if your shield is not a high level. Activate the shield when the DoT is placed on you, then time the 3rd sphere to detonate against minions to refresh it and grant you the shield again for the DoT. - LOLItsRyann
Dr. Mundo:
- Attacking a tower with your axe buff doesn't consume the axe buff and make you catch, it instead refreshes the buff duration. When pushing a tower you can use this to get to the 2 stacks of the axe buff and have an available cooldown after for 3 axes. - Wetty
- Draven's Spinning Axes will fall in the direction you move after you throw them. After some practice, you can use this to position them to land almost exactly where you want them to. - LOLItsRyann
- Your Rappel drop does not damage. It also has range to target Baron Nashor or Dragon if you're near the edge of their pits, so you can jump over to them without drawing aggro. - Requizen
- Venomous Strike will bring her spiderlings with her. - Phunkapotamus
- Trueshot Barrage CANNOT be cancelled once it has been started, even if you're killed or displaced (it will shoot from where you started the channel) - Me
- Bulwark can be used as a heal by tanking minions or against DoT-using champs (Swain, Malzahar, Talon). - Alaric
- If you miss your q, the enemy often becomes overconfident. A well placed ult can knock them into your q for a nasty surprise. - Imperium11
- You can cast your barrel roll in the middle of your body slam, and since both abilities travel at about the same speed, both can hit your target at the same time. - 57 Corvette
- When running away from an enemy champion, auto attacking (kiting) it will lower the cooldown of your dash so you can dash more frequently. - LOLItsRyann
- Take rank 2 of Smokescreen at level 8. Buckshotting a wave as it comes in and then using Smokescreen will insta kill caster minions and leave melee minions in 1shot range with a decent amount of AD. - Gahlo
- You can quickly clear creepwaves by running into a wave with your Devastating Charge but not hitting any creep. Spam Rampage and it will clear the wave significantly faster because Devastating Charge increases the damage of Rampage due to your passive. - Me
Jarvan IV:
- You can ultize your ultimate to escape from enemies just as well as engaging them. Make sure you have enough mana, then Ult the enemies chasing you, and E Q combo yourself out. Providing you leave your ultimate up by not collapsing it, your enemies will be stuck in there for its 3.5 second duration while you run away to safety. - LOLItsRyann
- Dragon Strike and then Demacian Standard to clear a creepwave safely. - ZERG_RUSSIAN
- Make your acceleration gate face parallel to the way you are going to run, then run along it; the speed buff doesn't fade as long as you are in the gate. Basically, make a path with the gate. - GhandiEAGLE
- Shoot out Shock Blast and then place Acceleration Gate while Shock Blast is in the air. You'll still get the missile speed and damage bonus but it will be harder to predict since players are used to seeing Acceleration Gate pop up and then dodging. - Me
- You can cancel flashes and other blinks by hitting someone with To The Skies! right when they cast it. -wei2coolman
- Shock Blast can reveal enemies hit. I often use it to hit jungle creeps and then jump over with hammer form to get there faster.
- Hyper Charge still works when you switch over to hammer form. If you are about to switch to hammer form to attack the enemy, it can be worth it to activate Hyper Charge first, putting you in melee range with max attack speed. - GhandiEAGLE
- Karma's passive grants her AP based on her % of missing HP, so when fighting don't use your shield immediatly but rather after you've taken some damage if you can afford it, this will enhance the damage from your spells, your shield's strength, and the subsequent heal from a Mantra-Q. - Alaric
- Charge riftwalk stacks while in fountain, then teleport to a teamfight and riftwalk for tons of damage (possible synergy with homeguard.) - Flakes
- If you're about to recieve damage from a channeled, unavoidable ability such as a Karthus ult, time your Shunpo within 1.5 seconds of the enemy ability dealing damage to you. After using Shunpo, you recieve 15% less damage from all sources for the next 1.5 seconds, possibly saving your life if you're low health.
- Your ult doesn't just prevent its target from dying, it prevents all damage. Don't wait for an ally to be almost dead to cast it on him, but rather try to time it so the enemy team will waste its burst on it, this will be more likely to save your ally. - Alaric
- When you put a mark on a target, don't w right away (unless you think they'll get out of range). Instead wait for awhile, maximizing the duration on the marks, allowing skills to come off cd, and giving yourself time to recharge the w passive. - Imperium11
- Once you get 5 levels in w and/or a bit of cdr, the cd becomes low enough that the w actice alone becomes enough to sustain marks on targets. Once you get a mark on them, you can w, wait, w stun. then when stunned, land a free q and repeat for constant unavoidable harass. - Imperium11
- Your ultimate triggers his passive for extra damage. - samthesaluki
- Evolved Void Spikes allows you to proc your passive on neutral monsters and minions. Apart from the extra damage, this can be used to discover if your buffs/jungle is warded whilst you clear. If you're fighting a camp, use your W and proc your passive, and it does not instantly refresh, this means the enemy team must have vision of you. - Wetty
Lee Sin:
- Tag a champion with Sonic Wave and wait. They won't be able to blink away to escape for the next 3 seconds because you can follow their blink with Resonating Strike. Super important when ganking. - Me
- It's sometimes a better idea to wardhop or Safeguard to a creep, use Tempest/Cripple and then go for the free Sonic Wave then straight up throwing out Sonic Wave and hoping they don't juke it. - wei2coolman
- You can safeguard to ally Teemo Shrooms, J4 Flags and Heimer Turrets, Zyra seeds, and any other friendly "unit". - GhoSt[shield]
- You can use E to increase your Q range substantially. E can also be cast on usually untargettable things like j4 flag and the like. - Dandel Ion
- If you have a heavy initiation champion on your team like malphite, hecarim, amumu or fiddle, you can use your ultimate on them as they get to the opponent team to add extra CC to their combo and help them survive the counterburst. - 57 Corvette
- Your Light Binding will not show up as hitting a target in the Fog of War unless it hits two people. Throw out a Lucent Singularity to check if your binding landed. - Me
- When comboing someone for instant burst, throw out E, shoot our your ult, explode your E right when your ult hits them. - Me
- When pushing, managing mana and spellcasts to maximise the numbers of Voidlings in play will add a lot of damage to the tower (especially if they've been spawned a bit before, as they'll receive buffs). - Alaric
- When you twisted advance someone, use the 1 second you have while they're rooted, and move in the direction in which they are trying to escape to. Then arcane smash from that direction. It will knock them slightly in that direction rather than away from you. - LOLItsRyann
Master Yi:
- Alpha Strike makes you invulnerable for a split second. Use this to dodge damage spells, such as Karthus Requiem and Garen's Demacian Justice. - Me
Miss Fortune:
- You can place Tormented Soil while Dark Binding is in flight so you get extra ticks of damage. - xes
- When jungling, use your Titan's Wrath 4 or 5 seconds before you starting killing neutrals. Your shield will break before the 10 second lasting-period so this way you'll have it up sooner. Especially important at the start of the game where your shield dies extremely quick. - Me
- Titan's Wrath resets your autoattack. - moero
- Your shield is also your primary damage tool. Don't use it as a fight start to reduce the initiation/burst/incidental AoE damage, but right after (providing you can withstand such damage, but you should), so your shield won't break unless the enemy team focuses you, keeping your damage up. - Alaric
- Nautilus can use his Dredge Line while he is standing on a piece of terrain to hook over the terrain, acting as an unexpected escape over a wall. - DeltaBravo
- Sometimes when you are running from opponents and are trying to get to a wall to jump over, you have to burn pounce early to dodge a skill shot/get away/etc, and it's not quite up in time to pounce right as you get to the wall. If your opponents are close enough, as you reach the wall you will end up turning around to attempt to return auto attacks or path around the wall, ruining your directional placement for the wall-jump. Practice approaching the wall and pressing S right as you get to it, and then pouncing as soon as it's back off cooldown. This will keep you locked in the correct orientation so you safely get over the wall every time and don't end up having to burn flash. - -orb-
- If you didn't throw your spear at full length, quickly turn cat form, and jump opposite way. - wei2coolman
- When farming the jungle or all-ining an opponent, cast Undertow immediately beneath you so you immediately pick it up even without moving and drastically increase your dps. - Alaric
Quinn and valor:
- Using Broken Wings or Valor to cancel end lag from Ki Burst and Blade of the Exile activation. Using the small knockback on the 3rd part of Broken Wings to cause more distance between somebody and their tower. - Gahlo
- You can flash while your 3rd q is in the air so that the enemy has no possible way to react to the knockback - EquilasH
- Pressing the stop command 's' faces your champion in the direction of where your mouse currently is. This useful if you need/want to aim your flamespitter a particular way without moving. - Lounge
- After you get tear, you can auto attack to last hit a minion and then Q the minion at the very last second, so the minion dying will interrupt the Q animation, giving you a free tear stack, without costing mana/putting Q on cooldown. - dae
- Your Hallucinate has a small window where you become invulnerable, you can use this to dodge targeted killing blows if you time it right (Garen Ult, Karthus Ult,). Not easy but can save your life and make you look so boss if pulled off. - GhoSt[shield]
- Stand United does not reveal stealthed allies. Use in conjunction with Twitch, Eve, Rengar, or Shaco for surprise taunt initiates. - Requizen
- While Flinging a target, you can autoattack them in midair. - InvertedComposer
- You can Fling targets over thin walls. - InvertedComposer
- When pulling someone with your ultimate, reverse the direction you are moving at the last moment. This will make the enemy flip over you, covering more distance. - Scip
- When ganking or just outside a fight, try to charge up your Crystal Slash by using it on a creep, so that you can slow the enemy as soon as you get into range. - Scip
- You can cast Scatter The Weak while your Dark Sphere is forming, or sphere launched with Force of Will is finishing its landing, and it will immediately be propelled. - Alaric
- You can extend a sphere's "lifetime" by grabbing it with Force of Will before it disappears, to add it to your ult's count. You can tell when spheres are about to expire because they'll have a glowing white edge around them. - Alaric and -orb-
- While taking blue buff, when it gets low and you are between Dark Sphere cooldowns, you can pick up the blue so it can't be stolen, and then throw it back down at the same time as your next Dark Sphere (and Scatter The Weak if needed) for a burst of damage so it can't possibly be stolen (really good when stealing enemy buffs). - -orb-
- You can fire your entire combo (E/R/auto) midair. Your ulti will knock them away from where you will land, even if you're just at the start of your Rocket Jump. - WaveofShadow
- When using Agony, the stolen amount remains the same and you can drop champs far below their normal values. So, if you ult a Master Yi with 120 armor/mr immediately when he uses meditate, when the spells ends after 5s he'll be reduced to -72.5armor/mr. - Aldrovandi
- If you cast Pillar of Filth after the start of a dash/leap animation (Jax leap, Ali headbutt, etc.) the spell will be completely blocked.
- Trundle can push himself (or teammates) out of Jarvan's ult with his pillar. - blubbdavid
Twisted Fate:
- You can Destiny into an enemy team and Zhonyas right when you land to bait enemy spells. You can also Destiny and Zhonyas before you teleport in to bait just as hard but be safer.
- If you pushed your enemies out of lane and want to kill the tower, make sure to lasthit the dying minions next to the tower to get the passive attackspeed-boost. - Sareth
- You can Tumble out of Jarvan's Ultimate, Anivia wall and Trundle Pillar. - ZERG_RUSSIAN and armed_
- Tumble will automatically target the last thing you auto attacked before you hit Q, if it is in range. - Phunkapotamus
- Before your enemy has merc treads you can stun->meteor fairly reliably. After, you cannot, so try to meteor->stun to ensure the hit. - Phunkapotamus
- When charging up vault breaker, you can charge, flash release for much greater range. - LOLItsRyann
- Mid-late game, keeping your e stacked at 4 is a biggy. It can actually make a pretty big difference in teamfights if you have good positioning. - GhandiEAGLE
- Your Q (Rolling Thunder/Fling) resets your swing and gives you extra damage on your next attack. This extra damage can affect turrets. You can use an attack and Q in quick succession to get 2 stacks of your W passive up. This extra attack, as expected, will proc a chain of your ult. - Requizen
- Sometimes its best to have your blood scent off before ganks; as not to notify enemies. - wei2coolman
- When trying to gank midlane you can use the decoy(W) in the bushes so the stealth won't allow your enemy AP to notice your presence when running towards him *keeping in mind he hasn't warded those bushes*, while you're moving towards him use dash so you will get instantly on top of him, allowing you to CC your enemy with your ultimate (you can get your AP to aid with some extra CC or even give him the kill). - WilDMousE
Xin Zhao:
- As long as your target isn't marked, you can push them away with your ultimate. You can Flash behind someone and utli them into your team and then Audacious Charge if they try to run. - Me
- If a minion is within kill range of a single bomb, QWQ it. Placing the second bomb sets off the first, which kills the minion and immediately sets off the second. - Toolpark
- You can cast your spells and then lay your seeds in the path of them to minimize enemy response time. - LOLItsRyann
Once we fill this list I'll compile it all into a video.