Huh? What's this?
For those of you who don't already know what this is about: I'm gathering various data from all the streams that are presented on teamliquid.net (viewers, game, events, etc.) and use that data to produce the pretty tables you see below. The tables only contain SC2 players (that is, people streaming games of Starcraft 2 being played by themselves) and not casters, teams or other streams. The tables also only contain Starcraft 2 related activities, a SC2 streamer streaming Dota2 or other games is not being taken into account.
For live stream data, go and visit soiii's site http://sc2streamnumbers.com/ where you can check out detailed graphs of stream viewers of every stream. (Thread here). Please check it out, it's pretty awesome. I thought about doing something like that at some point, but soiii did it way better and prettier than I could've ever done.
The list
Due to space limitations, I have to shorten the headers and leave some data out of the tables presented here. You can get the full tables from the links below.
The headers aren't as clear as I'd like them to be thanks to this, so here's a quick explanation, just in case: "Viewers" denotes the average viewers in the given month. "Hours" are the hours played. "Place diff" and "Viewer diff" are the place and viewer differences compared to last month. And "HotS%" is the percentage of Heart of the Swarm streaming compared to Wings of Liberty. A full green bar means the player streamed only HotS, a grey bar means he only streamed WoL.
Now, Without further ado, here's this month's tables:
The big picture
![[image loading]](https://dl.dropbox.com/u/8028950/TL/Viewers%20by%20month (Nov).png)
(The actual numbers are not important, so ignore the y axis numbers. It's the ratio between month that's important.)
There's a clear downwards trend in overall numbers, but I wouldn't interpret too much into it. Two months ago we had the HotS beta to blame. A good portion of people switched over to watching streamers play the beta, and when the players went back to play the game they're getting paid for, the viewers didn't follow. Last month we had a large number of huge tournaments (MLG, WCS, IEM, Dreamhack..), and they are most likely to blame for the lack of player stream viewers. The numbers for the next few months will be more telling.
Some stray observations
- Koreans! Polt, MarineKing and Bomber, among others, were all streaming again some last month. They got pretty decent numbers, too, all things considered.
- Well, sort of. MarineKing's stream currently consists of English commentary of MKP replays, not live games being played by him. It's an interesting concept, and it doesn't seem to hurt the viewer numbers at all.
- Speaking of interesting concepts, Weedamins has one, too: Leave the stream on while sleeping. At least that's what happened when I checked his stream. He still had about 100 viewers at the time, which is quite impressive, considering that there was nothing to actually watch. I don't know if that's a regular thing or not, but it certainly would explain the insane hours.
- Looks like the EG guys took last month's suggestion to heart. Idra, Incontrol, Machine and LzGaMeR all streamed lots of HotS last month. MorroW went back to streaming SC2, though, losing some viewers int he process.
- Congratulations to Turuk for being the only non-featured streamer (apart from the ever-present Taiwanese player Hui) to make it on the viewer number list.
- Destiny barely made it into the list with 5 hours of SC2 content this month. That's down from 137 hours from the month before. Looks like he's serious about his switch to LoL.
- Some notable absentees this month: Stephano (
), Grubby, Apollo, Ret, DIMAGA, LucifroN, RotterdaM, VortiX.
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