This guy is the terror of every protoss on the european gm ladder nowadays. His cannon rush is close to 100% winrate and already made a lot of victims (welmu and monchi got cannonrushed like 3 games in a row lol).
He also have a very nice aggressive playstyle in both PvZ and PvT, with a lot of special tactics. Very enjoyable stream so far..
Afaik, yes, this is. I remember that very old, but nonetheless epic game where he cannon rushed the bottom of his zerg opponent's ramp. He followed this with a four sentry hold, and put the nail in the coffin with his immortal/warprism micro (Took down like 3queens and ~8spines without taking any damage AT ALL (not speaking about shield regen, or whatever: the animation of the sunken poking the immortal just didn't have the time to finish, and no damage was inflicted to the immortal))