Yup... People are Stupid and Believe that Other People are not Human Beings just like them and everybody else on the planet.
But it's the Truth... we are all Human Beings!!!
Let's take a Neo-Nazi group for example... They Believe they are Better then Black, Jewish, Mexican, Asian, and all other races.
Remember.. they Believe they are Better. They Believe and Lie! They are all Liars!
The Truth is we are Human Beings. Everybody on Earth is a Human Being I Love You!
We Love the Human Beings on the Planet!
World Peace comes with the Simple Truth that we are all Human Beings on the Planet.
We forgot about it... But this is the Truth! We are Human Beings Let's Not Lie and Believe we are not all Human Beings because we are Human Beings it's the Truth!
World Peace! We are Human Beings on Earth! Everybody is a Human!!!
maybe move this rant to blogs
On April 09 2012 03:08 Malstriks wrote: dafuq did i just read I could say the same about your response. 4chan ---> that way. As for the topic... we're TL. We believe in equality for all peoples. We don't need to be told about it.
Did I miss something? Or have you just sniffed your socks? We are all the same species, but humans are not alike. The world has been at constant war since as early as first recorded history. There will never be world peace.
Username of OP is relevant. :o
I have a dream,bacon for all of my brothers and sisters.
Well...It´s true what you said, but you said in a strange way.
On April 09 2012 03:09 Chargelot wrote:I could say the same about your response. 4chan ---> that way. As for the topic... we're TL. We believe in equality for all peoples. We don't need to be told about it. Except for equality in races. Terran zerg protoss OP.
In before it gets locked.
User was warned for this post
cocaine is one hell of a drug.
On April 09 2012 03:13 TheKefka wrote: I have a dream,bacon for all of my brothers and sisters.
But I like em lean.... Unless you are into BBW. Which, is totally none of my business but don't preach it to the rest of the world.
On April 09 2012 03:13 Big-t wrote: Well...It´s true what you said, but you said in a strange way.
Awesome message, loses a little in the way the OP puts it across.
Probably more of a blog post too
It was a small step for Bacon-X but a leap for mankind Teamliquid.net
IF all humans = bacon there would be no conflict. cause everyone loves bacon.
I am down with Sobriety thank you very much to the person who said I was on drugs. I'm Sober...
It's true.. While we might not have equality of all 3 races on starcraft 2 yet... we still have the truth that we are all human beings on earth.
One of you said that we are not alike. "Yes we are Human Beings but we are all Different..."
Yes you are all Different but you are Still Human Beings you idiot!
Don't Lie and Believe your Race or the People from your Country are better. They aren't. That is NOT THE TRUTH.
The Truth is we are all Human Beings... Stop Lying and Believe you Devils!
On April 09 2012 03:10 Excludos wrote: Did I miss something? Or have you just sniffed your socks? We are all the same species, but humans are not alike. The world has been at constant war since as early as first recorded history. There will never be world peace.
We are pretty alike. In the last 50 years, the world has been undergoing homogenization at a rate thousands of time faster than anything previously. In the next hundred years, there might be a consistant global culture. How can we start wars if there is no cultural minority to point a finger at? Going to war would feel like killing a family member.
OP you forgot to say how bad war is. War is really bad. People get killed. Dying is bad.
Why don't you change your name while you're at it?