This OP will be edited frequently, as more information is discussed. Additionally, feel free to ask or discuss anything in this thread.
While the guild name is still up in the air, I've temporarily created a horde guild named <imba> on Lightning's Blade (US-PVP) until we become more established. We'll be starting fresh from level 1 on Sunday, March 25th. I'm hoping the guild can appeal to everyone, PvE and PvP players, questers, achievement whores, and everyone in-between. There are no requirements to join, and everyone from TL is invited.
Initially, I'm hoping we can gather a fair sized group of players to do dungeons and battlegrounds as we level, eventually leading up to rated battlegrounds, arenas, and raids. In the future, we can use this thread to discuss raid time / schedules, but obviously that is getting a little ahead of ourselves. Organizational roles such as officers or bank managers will be discussed in the near future.
My hopes are to build up a stable guild for Mists of Pandaria, the upcoming expansion. Obviously the pre-expansion lull is here with no further content being released but we can take this time to organize ourselves and create a new TL based WoW guild (hopefully with more success!).
About my WoW experience:
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I have a fairly extensive WoW history, having played from beta to early Cataclysm. I GMed and was raid leader for a PvE guild named "Aftermath". In Vanilla, we cleared all content including Naxx40 (Kel'thuzad), in TBC we cleared Kil'jaeden, and in WotLK we killed heroic LK / Ruby Sanctum. Typically bouncing between 20th - 80th US in progression.
I've also been Gladiator on Rogue, Holy Paladin, and Mage. Also had Rank 1 Season 6.
I've also been Gladiator on Rogue, Holy Paladin, and Mage. Also had Rank 1 Season 6.
The basic TLDR Info
New Guild starting with level 1 characters on Sunday, March 25th.
Server: Lightning's Blade (US-PvP)
Guild: IMBA*
Faction: Horde
Mumble(Voice): port 2412
Contact Info: "Masq" on TL, or "MasqIPY" on AIM, or ask anyone in IMBA.
FAQ / PMed Questions
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Q: What is a scroll of resurrection and how do I get one?
A: The scroll of resurrection FAQ can be seen here ( It's a free 7 day trial, and an account upgrade to the Cataclysm expansion. You also get a free level 80 or a free faction+server transfer. You can get one by asking in this thread.
Q: Hey Masq I saw your post about a new WoW guild and I am very interested. Are we allowed to start a new toon today? Thanks!
A: Although we won't be offically starting until Sunday, you can start whenever you like. Just /who IMBA and ask for a guild invite.
Q: Since you're all starting from level 1, am I allowed to transfer over a high level character?
A: Of course
Q: No one is online to invite, what should I do?
A: You can either send a request to join (using guild finder) or try again another time.
Q: Do you guys use any voice program like Ventrilo or Skype to communicate?
A: Yes, we have a mumble our members can use to play WoW, SC2, LoL, Minecraft, or just to chat. You can download mumble at ( Our server info is: port 2412
A: The scroll of resurrection FAQ can be seen here ( It's a free 7 day trial, and an account upgrade to the Cataclysm expansion. You also get a free level 80 or a free faction+server transfer. You can get one by asking in this thread.
Q: Hey Masq I saw your post about a new WoW guild and I am very interested. Are we allowed to start a new toon today? Thanks!
A: Although we won't be offically starting until Sunday, you can start whenever you like. Just /who IMBA and ask for a guild invite.
Q: Since you're all starting from level 1, am I allowed to transfer over a high level character?
A: Of course
Q: No one is online to invite, what should I do?
A: You can either send a request to join (using guild finder) or try again another time.
Q: Do you guys use any voice program like Ventrilo or Skype to communicate?
A: Yes, we have a mumble our members can use to play WoW, SC2, LoL, Minecraft, or just to chat. You can download mumble at ( Our server info is: port 2412
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