I've been given the go-ahead from GM/Plexa/Heyoka to create this thread. With the new scroll of resurrection and the recent release of Mists of Pandaria beta starting, me and several friends decided to come back to the game. I noticed that several people in the WoW:Cataclysm thread were looking for places to play together, so I've decided to take some initiative and create a new WoW guild for TL members to come and enjoy.
This OP will be edited frequently, as more information is discussed. Additionally, feel free to ask or discuss anything in this thread.
While the guild name is still up in the air, I've temporarily created a horde guild named <imba> on Lightning's Blade (US-PVP) until we become more established. We'll be starting fresh from level 1 on Sunday, March 25th. I'm hoping the guild can appeal to everyone, PvE and PvP players, questers, achievement whores, and everyone in-between. There are no requirements to join, and everyone from TL is invited.
Initially, I'm hoping we can gather a fair sized group of players to do dungeons and battlegrounds as we level, eventually leading up to rated battlegrounds, arenas, and raids. In the future, we can use this thread to discuss raid time / schedules, but obviously that is getting a little ahead of ourselves. Organizational roles such as officers or bank managers will be discussed in the near future.
My hopes are to build up a stable guild for Mists of Pandaria, the upcoming expansion. Obviously the pre-expansion lull is here with no further content being released but we can take this time to organize ourselves and create a new TL based WoW guild (hopefully with more success!).
I have a fairly extensive WoW history, having played from beta to early Cataclysm. I GMed and was raid leader for a PvE guild named "Aftermath". In Vanilla, we cleared all content including Naxx40 (Kel'thuzad), in TBC we cleared Kil'jaeden, and in WotLK we killed heroic LK / Ruby Sanctum. Typically bouncing between 20th - 80th US in progression.
I've also been Gladiator on Rogue, Holy Paladin, and Mage. Also had Rank 1 Season 6.
The basic TLDR Info New Guild starting with level 1 characters on Sunday, March 25th. Server: Lightning's Blade (US-PvP) Guild: IMBA* Faction: Horde Mumble(Voice): port 2412 Contact Info: "Masq" on TL, or "MasqIPY" on AIM, or ask anyone in IMBA.
Q: What is a scroll of resurrection and how do I get one? A: The scroll of resurrection FAQ can be seen here (http://us.battle.net/support/en/article/scroll-of-resurrection-faq). It's a free 7 day trial, and an account upgrade to the Cataclysm expansion. You also get a free level 80 or a free faction+server transfer. You can get one by asking in this thread.
Q: Hey Masq I saw your post about a new WoW guild and I am very interested. Are we allowed to start a new toon today? Thanks! A: Although we won't be offically starting until Sunday, you can start whenever you like. Just /who IMBA and ask for a guild invite.
Q: Since you're all starting from level 1, am I allowed to transfer over a high level character? A: Of course
Q: No one is online to invite, what should I do? A: You can either send a request to join (using guild finder) or try again another time.
Q: Do you guys use any voice program like Ventrilo or Skype to communicate? A: Yes, we have a mumble our members can use to play WoW, SC2, LoL, Minecraft, or just to chat. You can download mumble at (http://sourceforge.net/projects/mumble/files/latest/download). Our server info is: port 2412
Hey Masq can we start our new toons right now? I promise I will not get too far! I just want to mess around a bit as I have not played WoW for a long time.
Thanks for setting this up, always fun to play with fellow TLers. Starting fresh from lvl 1 is a good way to start a new guild, smart move.
we can bring over our higher level toons? but wouldnt that defeat the idea of everyone starting at lvl 1? I got a 85 and many other 50-60 lvl toons with lots of gold and stuff, but i think it would be more fun to start from nothing like when I first played WoW. More challenging imo.
On March 24 2012 15:58 Golgotha wrote: Hey Masq can we start our new toons right now? I promise I will not get too far! I just want to mess around a bit as I have not played WoW for a long time.
Thanks for setting this up, always fun to play with fellow TLers. Starting fresh from lvl 1 is a good way to start a new guild, smart move.
we can bring over our higher level toons? but wouldnt that defeat the idea of everyone starting at lvl 1?
Hey Golgotha,
You can start ahead of everyone if you want, but obviously you're going to miss out on the social aspect of everything due to being ahead of the curve. People CAN bring over higher level toons if they wish, but again, you're going to be missing out on the social aspect of playing with everyone and leveling up together.
I would suggest starting at 1, but for those that absolutely hate leveling, transferring is an option as well.
On March 24 2012 16:14 Spicy_Curry wrote: Why lightnings blade? The top guild isnt even that good. Also I believe Nurfed left that server, however I forget the reason.
I chose lightning's blade specifically because I played here in the past. The community is average, the economy is average, and there are never queue times. I also have extra gold I can spread around for new players to help with bags and such. The top guild not being that good is a good thing, easier realm firsts And regarding Nurfed, I don't remember why they left either, but I PvPed with several of them.
On March 26 2012 05:09 JoshSuth wrote: Why not name the guild Team Liquid like we did for Cataclysm? =o
I assumed TL wouldn't like the guild named after them. As I said before the name IMBA is just a temporary name and I have no problem changing it if thats what people prefer.
I was thinking of possibly making a wow comeback after many a year lol but i found out my account got banned... Im not sure why, im guessing it got hacked : (
On March 26 2012 16:01 cmen15 wrote: I was thinking of possibly making a wow comeback after many a year lol but i found out my account got banned... Im not sure why, im guessing it got hacked : (
Friend of mine was hacked as well. He called Blizzard at 7am this morning and got it fixed within 10minutes.
On March 26 2012 16:16 spacek wrote: considering a wow comeback- i too downed vanilla KT with macabre of mannoroth. a top50 US TL raiding team sounds pretty cool!
I remember Macabre, damn your blessing of salvs. Anyway, the more the marrier! Bring some ex members too
On March 26 2012 16:57 Ruscour wrote: Can someone please send a scroll to my username @gmail.com for US? This is a great deal, and I'd love to get in on some TL guild action.
Well for our first day we have about ~20 players in the level 10 to 20 range, with a total of about 30 members. Hopefully some more show up over the next few weeks.
I've already created my character and have been chatting with some players on he Mumble server. Nice people, should be a good time!I couldn't resist giving WoW another shot with Cataclysm being free with the new Scroll of Resurrection and after a disappointing run with SWTOR. If the demand for Scroll invitations becomes too high (each account can only send two Scrolls per day) for Masq, I'd be happy to send Scrolls to anyone, just send me a PM with your WoW email account
I've been considering coming back, but don't really know anyone who plays (Or who plays Horde, anyway. Dirty Allies). I might decide to roll with you guys, Xfer over my Pally. Cleared through Rag before I quit, tank with Ret offspec/PvP spec.
I started in BC, did Kara/Mag/Grull casually, got more into it during Wrath, did most of Ulduar before I had to quit for school reasons. Came back casual again, did most of ICC (just not LK and Sapph), started tanking for a friend's guild in Cata, saw all of T11 and 12, then everyone quit to play LoL.
I don't know if I'll raid if I come back (I might, just not sure yet), but I'll definately be PvPing BGs and perhaps Arena. Prefer BG objectives, but Arena is cool too.
Hmm, this could be cool. I wasn't going to buy MoP, but if the guild has enough people active at its release I'll buy it.
Gonna decide between healer (paladin) and tank (warrior) during class, and make my character when I get home.
As for my WoW background, I did up to Rag in Vanilla on a rogue, BT clear before Sunwell release and S2, 3, 4 glad on a resto shaman. Currently playing on a 1.12 private server with a guild that's 5/8 BWL as a warlock. I have a giant stockpile of consumables, so plenty of time to level my new character on non-raid nights!
If we do have a solid enough core to convince me to buy MoP, I'm planning on getting back into Arena and raiding.
considering transfering my hunter or even building a DK there. anyone knows if you can create DKs without previous characters on this server?
Also, can you guys send me a PM whenever the first few hit 55~60? I really don't want to create a DK and end up having to DG with randoms
I'd probably go for Frost(DPS) or Blood(Tank) roles as well. I have little experience with WoW, playing on the secondary core for Dragonic Soul on the 2nd best guild of one of the newest BR servers. My main problem would be timezones though.
Hmm tempting... I stopped playing WoW about a year ago, been thinking about starting up again. Ironically my characters are all on this server though, but Alliance side. Raided with "ImmortaI" heavily for about 3 years pre Cata c:
Ah, This thread brings back some awesome memories... Like the ALL-druid raid guild i once joined.. Or the racist Tauren only guild.
Lvling with some buddies is simply amazing. I know it is blasphemy to air this opinion on TL, but I still believe WoW is the most awesome game of all time. I haven't played it for 3 years or so, but damn it WAS good.
On March 27 2012 02:55 Zephirdd wrote: considering transfering my hunter or even building a DK there. anyone knows if you can create DKs without previous characters on this server?
Also, can you guys send me a PM whenever the first few hit 55~60? I really don't want to create a DK and end up having to DG with randoms
I'd probably go for Frost(DPS) or Blood(Tank) roles as well. I have little experience with WoW, playing on the secondary core for Dragonic Soul on the 2nd best guild of one of the newest BR servers. My main problem would be timezones though.
Unholy more fun than frost, if you dont tank though. imo.
and yes you can create a dk without a previous character aslong as you have a max level? on another server iirc
I played WoW from vanilla release to Cataclysm and I quit after I cleared the first cata content. It used to be a pretty amazing game, but it only went down from the beginning. For me the most important factor was the guild. In the end I couldn't find a guild that would match the experience I had in the earlier days, so I was bored and quit.
If it turns out I can find a guild that makes the game enjoyable for me again, I might try it out. But then again, the panda expansion is still in the back of my mind like the final nail in the coffin for Wow. It just seems like a such a big joke.
I don't know how many people will see this, but if you've been PMed about a scroll, can you edit your post requesting one? Hopefully the OP can be updated about this as well. Just saves a bunch of hassle, saves time for people sending them out if they're contacting someone that already has one, and then it shows who's been missed out, etc.
So I used my scroll to make an 80 Warlock, won't be able to get much time in, but I'll resub shortly and get things rolling up to 85.
Damn I haven't played since beginning of cata but you guys are tempting me
If it turns out I can find a guild that makes the game enjoyable for me again, I might try it out. But then again, the panda expansion is still in the back of my mind like the final nail in the coffin for Wow. It just seems like a such a big joke.
That's kinda how I feel as well from what I've seen :x
I updated the OP with a list of players who need scrolls.
If you still require a scroll, send me a PM and I can find you one, please include your email in the PM. Once you're activated let me know so I can remove you please.
On March 27 2012 09:19 iSiN wrote: You do know there is already a Team Liquid NA Guild right?
How would anyone know that? Every WoW thread in the history of TL gets closed because "there already is one", when there isn't. I really don't know what's up with that.
I've heard of such, but that it was quite dead. Also, there can be more than one. Also, this is a great initiative to get new players in, and old players back, to start kicking ass in the new expansino.
On March 27 2012 11:02 Justicejimzor wrote: If someone could send a scroll to Jimmay@live.com.au that would be awesome Additional info + Show Spoiler +
Played since vanilla, stopped in 1st arena season of Cata 2 time gladiator on my rogue One time duellist on a holy paladin Never raided because of my location and time issues, but am able to now Leader of 2200+ Rated battlegrounds (albeit on an easy battlegroup)
Sent Good luck!
I might be joining you guys if I get the urge to start anew, as horde. Im an 85 alliance pally right now, but we'll see
On March 27 2012 09:29 iSiN wrote: Well it's just kind of weird because I'm one of the officers of the TL guild even though it's inactive it's still there
If anyone's wondering, this isn't just for people to come back. If you're interested in starting World of Warcraft, it's a pretty good time to do so. I can't speak for everyone else, but it's a pretty safe assumption that everyone is happy to help out newbies and stuff. There are a lot of low levels in the guild due to rerolls.
From what I've seen, most of the levelers are around 20-30 and quickly rising. As for active members, I'm not on during US primetime so it's hard to say, things are quite active but time will tell; still need more people interested to get this rolling in a huge way.
Also, guild name should totally be <Team Liquid>, should change while still level 1 (or 2 or whatever) so there's no commitment lost
I agree with TeamLiquid as a guild name, but I'm not sure if the website would allow it.
I mean, it would be kinda bad if we used that name without permission, and I don't think the admins would want TL to represent a WoW guild
Also, I'll be leveling my DK veeeery slowly, so I'll probably be at the same level range as everyone else when I finally start leveling. Frost dual wield DK incoming!
On March 27 2012 20:34 Zephirdd wrote: I agree with TeamLiquid as a guild name, but I'm not sure if the website would allow it.
I mean, it would be kinda bad if we used that name without permission, and I don't think the admins would want TL to represent a WoW guild
Also, I'll be leveling my DK veeeery slowly, so I'll probably be at the same level range as everyone else when I finally start leveling. Frost dual wield DK incoming!
I bet they're fuming about [TL]Ruscour running around being as bad mannered in HoN, if that's the case.
TL has named representations in lots of community-driven stuff. I really don't see how they would have a problem with it, they approved this thread after all.
If not "Team Liquid", then at least a name that's related to Starcraft/the community.
On March 27 2012 20:34 Zephirdd wrote: I agree with TeamLiquid as a guild name, but I'm not sure if the website would allow it.
I mean, it would be kinda bad if we used that name without permission, and I don't think the admins would want TL to represent a WoW guild
Also, I'll be leveling my DK veeeery slowly, so I'll probably be at the same level range as everyone else when I finally start leveling. Frost dual wield DK incoming!
I seriously doubt they'd care (wasn't the previous TL guild called Team Liquid?) but you could just name it TeamLiquidNet or something so people know it's a community guild.
So I figure ill use the character xfer thing to send over one of my crappy toons with BoAs and some luxury gold for myself or something. Any classes lacking atm, and anybody who likes leveling in pvp a lot?
Again - I am not attached to the guild name by any means, once we are more established we can create a poll and change the guild name if everyone wishes to do so. Until then, we can leave it as-is due to the 5% increase in EXP rate.
To everyone who PMed me requesting a scroll of res, I will try to contact people and have them all sent out by this evening. Everyone is able to /ginvite, so feel free to ask any member for a guild invite.
On March 28 2012 00:49 PHILtheTANK wrote: So I figure ill use the character xfer thing to send over one of my crappy toons with BoAs and some luxury gold for myself or something. Any classes lacking atm, and anybody who likes leveling in pvp a lot?
I'd say the most lacking classes are currently deathknight/mage/warlocks, but just roll whatever you feel most comfortable playing/enjoy the most.
On March 28 2012 00:53 SKTerran.117 wrote: Rerolling sounds lame, i hate leveling :p
Would it be cool if people transferred over? I just started playing again a week ago or so and my server is pretty lame since all my friends quit.
You're certainly welcomed to transfer over if you wish, but expect a little delay while people catch up in levels.
The average level currently is high teens/low 20s with a group in the mid 40s.
I am highly considering this since I am still on the annual pass(FML) and literally have not played since killing DW on normal but just did not get along with people in my guild so I decided I could just play SC2 till 3 launched.
Is the plan to be more social/have fun and raid on the side or more of a hybrid social/hardcore raid style?
Blah, trying to send my character over so I can have my BoAs but I want to send some gold with him. Running into restrictions due to the stupid level requirement for gold exchange even though it instant levels you to 80 anyway....
I'm not sure how long it takes to transfer, but the pop to 80 was instant for me, you just have to log in and it'll ding. The transfers they do in batches, I think.
On March 28 2012 05:53 mnvr wrote: I'm not sure how long it takes to transfer, but the pop to 80 was instant for me, you just have to log in and it'll ding. The transfers they do in batches, I think.
Ahh ya i see, I logged in and hes 80 now, guess I just have to wait for the xfer now!
This seems fun , just a couple quick questions will the guild be mostly pve or pvp centered or both? and will you guys be doing this seriously or semi casually etc, and lastlly is their a time limit in how long you can wait before accepting the scroll of resurection?
PS: Anyone who has an invite (scroll of resurrection) available just pm me ill tell you my email address
On March 28 2012 10:46 dgsdm wrote: I'm having trouble figuring out what class to play :\
Someone want to inform me what the classes are like now? Like what does well in PvE and PvP etc etc.
The easy answer is: everything is good for everything.
Blizzard took the initiative in Wrath which has become more and more refined over time, to make everything pretty much viable. Aside from some specs which are specifically designed for PvP (Subtlety rogues, Frost mages), every DPS spec is viable at end-game. As for PvP, it varies a lot, but even so, every class is doing decent.
I main an Enhancement shaman (read: permanently underpowered in every aspect of the game) and not only can I raid, but people don't go "eww, enhance" in arenas either. The most important thing about your choice is that you choose what playstyle you like, and that your class fulfills the roles you want to play. The specifics are negligible, you shouldn't pick a Mage over a Warlock because Mages are slightly stronger right now for example, you should pick a Mage over a Warlock because you like fire and frost more than you like demons and evil stuff.
EDIT: Subtlety is doing great in PvE right now, was just demonstrating a point.
On March 28 2012 12:38 Satisfaktion wrote: Just made a Troll DK named Donphan, will be rolling a Monk once MOP comes out though. Will message in game for an invite.
Yeah, just /who imba, absolutely everyone in the guild can invite.
On March 28 2012 01:14 Meser87 wrote: I am highly considering this since I am still on the annual pass(FML) and literally have not played since killing DW on normal but just did not get along with people in my guild so I decided I could just play SC2 till 3 launched.
Is the plan to be more social/have fun and raid on the side or more of a hybrid social/hardcore raid style?
does anyone know when the 90 day promotion for the scroll features ends? I tried to google both the start and the end of the promotion, but my googling must be pretty bad -_-
Just a bump, I might xfer my 85 pally and my 81 (or 82? I forget) warlock over. I've only restarted playing for about a month now after quitting back in early 2009...
Just because I have it opened, here's the roster so far.
For those curious about the raiding situation, we'll have to discuss it when we have enough appropriate level 85s.
We'll probably either do multiple 10 mans (easier to organize, each group can run independent) or a single 25man with leftovers/alts running 10mans. In regards to it being casual vs hardcore, it'll depend on what people want to do. I don't want to force anyone into anything, so we'll have to see how things play out.
Realistically at the very least I'd like to see a single competitive+casual 10man.
On March 29 2012 07:01 sjon03 wrote: I look forward to raiding again. Priest is fun so far; I wonder what raiding as a Priest, Holy or Shadow, will be like.
I dunno how long you've been out of the game, but Discipline is equally viable as a raiding spec now. Discipline is focused on mitigation, and Holy is more of a jack of all trades, able to switch between single target and group "stances" depending on the situation.
Transferring over from my dying server haha. Catch some of you guys this weekend. I hate levelling so I won't be doing the level 1 run with you guys, sadly...I've only had one character since vanilla and cheated with the Res scroll to get a free level 80 that I'm levelling up (VERY slowly)
Just joined yesterday ^_^. Starting over from scratch with a troll druid, Orso. Will likely be resto/moonkin. hopefully will be getting some people to do some PvP.
No worries about finding people to PVP - I PVP almost every minute I'm online these days
Coming up on 250,000 HKs!
No, just kidding, I only used to raid The Undercity before I faction changed, all by myself...my realm was full of really bad players and I was absurdly good back then...^^;
but yeah me and Masq (apparently, based on a PM convo we had) are big PVPers. ^_^
On March 30 2012 06:45 Torenhire wrote: No worries about finding people to PVP - I PVP almost every minute I'm online these days
Coming up on 250,000 HKs!
No, just kidding, I only used to raid The Undercity before I faction changed, all by myself...my realm was full of really bad players and I was absurdly good back then...^^;
but yeah me and Masq (apparently, based on a PM convo we had) are big PVPers. ^_^
I also basically only PVP when im online, although I don''t have an 85 over there, used the scroll to level a toon to 80 and send him over and have been leveling a new one as well.
If I played cata and have an 85 can I still get a scroll?
Yes you can, I think the rule is your account has to have been inactive since march 4th or something.
Cool, glad we've got some PVPers coming over - I'll gladly run mass BGs all day...that's what I do right now, I just spam random BGs all by myself. I don't really like any guilds on my current server haha.
Forever alone.
March 4th sounds right, as long as your account was expired/inactive before that date, you should be able to be scroll'd. You'll be able to use the free transfer on your 85.
You can also create a level 1 on Lightning's Blade, and redeem the free level 80 thingy on him. Make sure you get professions on your level 1 character before you level him up though, pretty sure it autolevels your professions to 425. Could be wrong though.
Here, looked up the Res Scroll FAQ.
Is there a limit on the number of Scroll of Resurrection invitations that I can send out? There is a limit of one Scroll of Resurrection invitation per day per World of Warcraft license on both the web and in-game, so you may send a total of two per day using both options. There is no limit on the number of lifetime Scroll of Resurrection invitations that a license can send.
Who can receive a Scroll of Resurrection? To be eligible to receive a Scroll of Resurrection, your friend must have a full (non-Starter Edition) World of Warcraft account, and their account must have been inactive (without an active subscription) on or before March 4th, 2012.
If your friend’s World of Warcraft license was inactive before December 2009, your friend must first link their World of Warcraft license with a Battle.net account before they can receive a Scroll of Resurrection. Review our Battle.net Account FAQ for information on creating a Battle.net account and merging a WoW license.
After your friend has set up their account, you should be able to send them a Scroll of Resurrection normally.
Alright cool, for some reason my account is banned right now but as soon as i get it unbanned i'll request a scroll. This thread gave me the itch again...
It probably got hacked while inactive...I quit playing in 2009 and just came back a month ago and my account got hacked haha. Just call blizzard and it'll be unlocked super quick. At least it worked for me.
edit: If anyone needs a scroll, I can send out four...shoot me a PM and I'll send it asaply. :D
If anyone still wants a scroll for EU I can send you one. I am currently on EU-Nathrezim Horde, which is a german PvP server. But if you are looking to transfer to a specific realm I can create a char and invite you from there.
Had a lot of fun yesterday, whoever Phil is, let me know haha. Noob PVPing was fun lmao. We were so terrible, good times :3
Same name on forum as in game And I don't know what you're talking about, playing a class at level 80 for the first time, and having 25% of everyone elses HP is CLEARLY the way to PvP!
LOL. Shadow priests always been great DPS though from start of the game. Always get buffed towards the end of expanions i noticed though. Im glad TL isn't a Paladin hungry guild No Shamans or Dudu's makes me sad though Would love to get involved but but but...NA server
I have two glad chars that are in need of transfers, but I've been deciding not to even play anymore with D3 and GW2 about to come out Good luck with all your quests!
On April 04 2012 00:21 Pandemona wrote: LOL. Shadow priests always been great DPS though from start of the game. Always get buffed towards the end of expanions i noticed though. Im glad TL isn't a Paladin hungry guild No Shamans or Dudu's makes me sad though Would love to get involved but but but...NA server
We have two shaman I believe, Masq is one (the GM) and we have a non-TL member that has an 85 resto shammy. :D
Nvr (forgot his TL account :x) is our bear tank, he's a fresh 85 but he's getting geared retardedly quickly (just like Llotte wtf full epics in like 2 days)...we have two other druids, or maybe only one, but they are Non-TL and not online too often.
We're severely lacking on hunters and rogues atm, I know Masq is levelling a rogue and is in his upper 60s atm...
On April 04 2012 00:25 Reyis wrote: so what do you guys do? million times running the same retarded raids?
I started this reply before I got pulled into a meeting, but I still wanna reply to this, in case someone else thinks it's a good idea to post something similar, as well as just vent for a minute about it.
a) we're not even raid ready yet, so we don't run any "retarded raids" atm. b) if you want to use the "do the same shit" argument, realize that you can do it for any game. You play the same retarded 1v1's in SC2? You can't just boil a game down to something like that...take off the tinfoil hat
WoW is a social game, mostly. I hate running dungeons and raids but when I go with my new friends I've met in the guild, I have a lot of fun..Don't be so quick to judge just because we're a WoW guild. I dunno what made it cool to hate on WoW players but it's annoying
Anyhow I have one more res scroll today, if anyone wants in on the fun :D We're close to 100 members now I think!
would have been cool been cool if i knew about this 2 months ago. My friend already gave me a rez scroll and i used it. I didn't get to do anything because he didn't log on while i had the free days. so i said fuuuuuuu wow and am playing eve with the TL guys instead.
Also Dbars, the TL EVE guys are a great bunch, I flew with them for a bit before they moved and I took a break from EVE due to a retarded work schedule. If you ever want back in, you know where to find us!
Be warned, Nvr rolled a druid on our realm and now he just misses his main druid on his old realm, and will probably xfer him over and have two 85 druids in the guild haha.
You might make the same mistake! If you don't mind levelling, by all means go for it, there's plenty of people to level along with at this point.
Yeah, as Toren mentioned we have a surplus of priests at the moment. Many are still leveling at the moment, but by the end of next week we should have a good idea of what our needs are and what we specifically need. At the moment tanks and caster DPS (mage/warlock) is looking like our weakest points.
We'll schedule a meeting next week (on voicechat) to discuss our plans and goals openly.
I would actually argue that we're more in need of heals? I feel like all of our priests went crazy and went shadow. Haha. Or at least all the 85s atm.
We could use more non-pally (BIASED LOL, all your loots belong to me) melee DPS as well, we have a bunch of DKs levelling up so rogues/hunters wouldn't be bad either....though Masq hates hunters hehe.
I think we have four tanks that I know of, assuming none of our DKs go tank spec, Nvr is gearing up, Ouch is a prot pally, I have a prot set, and Spacek if off-spec tank...more main spec tanks would be good (myself and Space are main spec DPS) though.
I won't be here next weekend (the weekend of the 13th) so I won't be able to do anything then - obviously feel free to go without me haha, but there is your heads up. Like I said a few posts back, I'd like to get people at LEAST LFR ready by the end of this week so we can get people in raid-ready gear by sometime next weekend...I was gonna see what interest I could get in people running BH/BOT at the end of this week, maybe Saturday evening or something...I dunno what your plans for raiding and whatnot is, so I don't wanna start taking people on runs if you already had plans, haha.
are you guys planning to raid endgame by any chance? if so I might transfer over to play with you guys. I'm 12/12 in cata, I stopped playing when firelands came out.
Clemz play what you want, we'll make use with what we've got!
mistermichael we are probably going to, yes...but we're nowhere near ready for the raids and stuff yet, just getting into entry level raids probably mid-next week. I guess Masq is the GM and he can make that call but we traded PMs before I server changed and he seemed to suggest we'd be doing raiding at a decent level at some point in time.
Regarding our tanking situation, I don't really consider offspecs as offical "tanks", they're nice to have and can help in a pinch, but aren't really to be relied upon. Also tanks are the most gear reliant classes so I'd strongly prefer "dedicated" tanks.
For most content we won't actually require many healers at all. It's safe to assume most 10man content can be completed with 2 competent healers. If a specific fight requires additional healing we could use offspec classes to cover (Shadow->Disc/Holy, Enh/Ele->Resto, Ret->Holy). I think we're sitting at a minimum of 6 healers right now, which is why I think our healing core is fine for the time being.
EDIT: and regarding LFR, you can literally do LFR Dragonsoul within 1hour of hitting level 85. Just run to the auction house and buy items with apporiate level gear that you can wear. Once you boost your ilvl (regardless if you'll use the items or not) to 372 you can queue for LFR, and the system is very dumbed down for pugs.
Torenhire - ah quick respond, I know you told Clemz to play whatever, but do we need more dps or heals? I have a resto shammy/priest and a rogue/warlock/warrior ready for transfer =[ and don't know which one to pick haha.
Edit: So judging by Masq's post, we need dps/main tanks?
I am planning to main spec tank, I'm only missing a few pieces before I've got a full set. I haven't looked up avoidance stats and whatnot for a real tank but I'm going to swap once I get these last few holes in my gear filled...mainly my shield, I haven't seen a prot shield drop yet so no tanking for me just yet.
Go by what Masq says, he's in charge haha. I only said we're kinda low on healers because we never seem to be able to get one when online, but that might just be bad luck or people not 85 yet :p
On April 04 2012 04:43 spacek wrote: i have no idea if this is set in stone or not, but at the meeting we may want to bring up 10m vs 25m
It'll be discussed for sure.
My personal opinion is that 25M is the ideal, but requires a very specific setup, group mentality, and guild size. To find 25 high quality players is extremely difficult, and its much easier to have two highly successful 10mans, than to have a decent 25man.
Another thing we'll have to consider is what the guild demographic is. We can't force casual players to play at a more competitive level or hardcores to play at a casual level. I think 25mans are more suited for the hardcore environment, whereas 10mans allow for both the hardcore environment or casual environment.
25 Mans - Require a minimum of 30-35 players (surplus of backup/bench players) - Longer learning curve (due to player swapping, absent players, wider gear distribution) - Much harder to pinpoint raid issues/player performance (requires log scanning)
10 Man - Requires ~11 players - Quickest learning curve, more individual raidtime (more direct impact on the fight) - Easier to organize - Less "bench" players
If my input qualifies for anything, I found that running two 10mans is far easier than one 25man. I'm down for whatever either way. Personally I like running a 10man better for the reasons you stated as a con for 25man, you can easily see who is fucking up and how to fix it, whether it's replacing them or helping them with gear/spec or whatever.
I know they changed it a lot since wrath, how do 25s stack up to 10s? Do you need better gear to run the 25s, or is it just a "more people" version of the 10man?
On April 04 2012 05:02 Torenhire wrote: I know they changed it a lot since wrath, how do 25s stack up to 10s? Do you need better gear to run the 25s, or is it just a "more people" version of the 10man?
To my knowledge, 25 does drop a little more loot, but 10man is the exact same loot (ilvl).
On April 04 2012 05:02 Torenhire wrote: If my input qualifies for anything, I found that running two 10mans is far easier than one 25man. I'm down for whatever either way. Personally I like running a 10man better for the reasons you stated as a con for 25man, you can easily see who is fucking up and how to fix it, whether it's replacing them or helping them with gear/spec or whatever.
I know they changed it a lot since wrath, how do 25s stack up to 10s? Do you need better gear to run the 25s, or is it just a "more people" version of the 10man?
10s and 25s are the same gear. 10s are a bit harder simply due to the fact they are less forgiving and if a single person fucks up you're likely to wipe. 25s are a bit easier because you can have some dead weight and still clear everything.
25s are pretty dead on most servers. Only the really high pop ones have decent 25m pools. Any other server and you're basically going to spend more time in trade chat finding replacements/new invites than you will actually raiding. They're a lot more effort for the exact same reward (unless you consider it more prestigious to clear a raid with 25 people, but it's really not).
Dual 10s is a very solid format as long as each core is treated as a separate group and the replacements are generic. You don't want to keep swapping players between groups, but the replacements shouldn't be group-specific. Adjustments can be made to the groups but you generally at least want to keep the tanks and healers the same every week. The benefit of this format is that you're basically raiding like a 25m guild would (same amount of gear, potential for faster progression) but without all the stress and drama that a 25m guild brings. If you're at all familiar with business... a 10m is like a sole proprietor, a 25m is a corporation, and a 10m is an LLC (best of both worlds).
25 drops the same amount of loot per person, read: 5 items on 25(25:5, or 5:1), 10s drop 2 items(10:2; 5:1). So 25s provide a faster means to gearing up, obviously. That said, I much prefer 10s personally, but I'd do either. I was actually raiding 25s until recently when they made the swap to 10s. 10s are also generally considered easier now with few fight exceptions(Namely Warmaster Blackhorn).
Unless they've changed something recently, 25m only drops four pieces of loot per boss and 10m drops two pieces of loot per boss. At least, that's what it was about two months ago when I last raided. So, it's actually slightly faster to gear up two 10m groups because you don't have those five extra people that a 25m does.
Why not just start with two 10s and then when people know what's going on switch to the 25? TL does everything hardcore, yo. I do think eventually we'll have enough for 25, and maybe even the casual will want to try it out. No need to rush anything to be honest, not like the raids are going anywhere.
Also, I can switch to whatever is needed, gearing up as a tank atm, but thinking about bringing other druid over for resto.
I was planning on tanking with my dk assuming its viable in end game, but wouldnt mind playing dps based on our needs, just thought i would say smthg as im under the impression that we already have a lot of tanks oo
Most of the pros and cons of 10 vs 25s have been covered, but you need to be aware of the hardware your raiders are running. 25s are a lot more taxing on a machine than 10s are. From my experience, a number people who play WoW are using older hardware (since Blizzard designs the game to be able to run on almost any machine), so that is something to take into consideration. Just do what works best for your player pool.
As a side note, my personal preference is 25s. They have a much more 'epic' feeling when you down that final heroic boss, than 10s do. When you see 25 people doing exactly what they need to do and you get that final boss kill, its a pretty good feeling.
On April 04 2012 05:58 mnvr wrote: Haha, aight. I lead a group to super long raids. Get ready guys!
Haha, 3 hour Zul'Aman, no problem! At least we finally cleared it haha. We went through so many DPS in that run...good times have been had already, and it's been a little over a week haha.
edit: for reals though, just play what you want. if you want to resto it up, go for it. No one is going to stop you haha. I'll be tank ready once I find a shield TT
On April 04 2012 06:41 Torenhire wrote: Shhh let him kill himself anyways!
:p jk haha. PhiltheTank is not actually a tank, in fact he's quite awful at tanking, so don't be fooled.
I just had a bunch of work erase due to program compiler crashing mid-load so GG Torenhire for LFR tonight, probably
It turns out the reason I couldn't get on wasn't because servers were down... but because I still hadn't paid for my acct yet lol. THATS ABOUT TO CHANGE.
On April 04 2012 05:57 robo99 wrote: As a side note, my personal preference is 25s. They have a much more 'epic' feeling when you down that final heroic boss, than 10s do. When you see 25 people doing exactly what they need to do and you get that final boss kill, its a pretty good feeling.
Yeah, I agree as well. They do have a more epic feeling and some of my fondest memories of the game are from 40mans. But at this point in time, I doubt they're worth the headache. Here's some of my old guilds videos back when I used to GM/Raidlead. In the vanilla/TBC videoes I'm a rogue (Masquerader) and in the WOTLK videos I'm a holy paladin (Khorium). Yes, I know the shaman in the videos is bad. I couldn't find any burning crusade videos
Vanilla Naxx - 4 Horsemen
Vanilla Naxx - Kel'thuzad
WotLK Icecrown - Heroic Lich King
Hope this is getting people interested, we still could use some more players. Send me a PM or come on WoW/Mumble to chat!
I had a ton of fun in my 40mans, haha. We did so much shit in those raids...In fact one of the funniest moments was when we (back in Vanilla you often had class-specific chat channels.. /join Guildpally or whatever, so you could coordinate buffs and healing targets for specific encounters) and I remember the pally class lead telling us to all pull Vaelestraz and then bubble hearth out, since we were done for the night...hahaha. The raid lead got so mad, hahaha...made the pally class lead pay for everyone's repairs (which was like 20g, x40 haha)
So worth it.
Also Naxx40 was a lot of fun, people complained that the boss encounters were super complicated and shit but I think that was the raid's charm, for myself in any case.
Do you guys know how the free character transfer from scroll of resurrection works? Also, if I get a scroll of resurrection from Masq, does that mean the free 80 will be on the Lightning Blade server?
You just go to rewards / referrals, pick res scroll, then it should give you a page where you can do all that crap. Can free-xfer an 85, and create a level 1 on Lightning's Blade and level him to 80, or just level a char to 80 you already have and xfer him over, whatever.
It's just like any other character transfer, and the free level 80 thing you have to select an already made character, don't just get given a level 80.
Donphan here, just want to throw it out there that I am okay with tanking if needed, but my available times are rather gimped due to my work schedule, I work until 11PM eastern Fri-Tues.
That sucks, the worse thing ever, in my opinion, is leveling professions when you're already close to maxed level. Thanks for clearing it up Torenhire.
NP! I think it was my fault people started believing that professions got leveled up, as someone on my old realm said they did...I didn't bother checking, but Nvr and I finally decided to throw a GM ticket and one answered and said that professions do NOT get leveled....
Just don't want people to expect it and then not get it and be like WTF YO
On April 04 2012 07:11 mistermichael wrote: That sucks, the worse thing ever, in my opinion, is leveling professions when you're already close to maxed level. Thanks for clearing it up Torenhire.
It's even worse when the AH has nothing to help you with. I had to pick up skinning to level up leather working, and I'm still no where near the cap -.-
Leveling professions in general is just wack, all those hell days of leveling blacksmithing/engineering and buying all the mats from AH. Also, we just need alchemy for raiding right?
Hey, I am thinking about coming back as well. Anyone here a big pvp fan? I was an avid arena player and have achieved glad every season I played (season 3-7).
On April 04 2012 11:42 tests wrote: Hey, I am thinking about coming back as well. Anyone here a big pvp fan? I was an avid arena player and have achieved glad every season I played (season 3-7).
On April 04 2012 11:42 tests wrote: Hey, I am thinking about coming back as well. Anyone here a big pvp fan? I was an avid arena player and have achieved glad every season I played (season 3-7).
PM me if so!
I pvped a lot as well, had glad 8 seasons and a rank 1 for season 6.
So... what happened to the previous "Team Liquid" Cataclysm guild (on Ner'Zhul)? I was in it but then I logged in one day and it was pretty much deserted. Never did find out the whole story.
On April 04 2012 12:12 teamsolid wrote: So... what happened to the previous "Team Liquid" Cataclysm guild (on Ner'Zhul)? I was in it but then I logged in one day and it was pretty much deserted. Never did find out the whole story.
this was asked earlier in the thread, I dont think anyone has an answer.
On April 05 2012 00:34 Torenhire wrote: Think people just got bored or stopped playing...maybe lost interest? People are pretty active in Imba so far, so there's at least that... ^^
We're running LFR tonight at 9:00pm EST, I forget the ilvl requirement but if you can make it, you should come along...loot pinata! :D
"Looking for Raid isn't raiding - it's a gear lottery: once a week you queue up for the gear lottery." :D
Looking For Raid is great - at least as a DPS. You can queue up and autoattack most fights while catching up on your favorite TV shows. Come back for the loot and cash in.
Especially on fights like Deathwing that are incredibly boring... I've found it's best to just jump off the side and die then afk until the loot is ready.
On April 04 2012 11:42 tests wrote: Hey, I am thinking about coming back as well. Anyone here a big pvp fan? I was an avid arena player and have achieved glad every season I played (season 3-7).
PM me if so!
I've been 2k+ as well in multiple seasons on a hunter. I have an 80 priest in the guild, once i hit 85 i'll mostly be doing pvp, and arenas once i get a little gear
On April 05 2012 02:15 Serejai wrote: Looking For Raid is great - at least as a DPS. You can queue up and autoattack most fights while catching up on your favorite TV shows. Come back for the loot and cash in.
Especially on fights like Deathwing that are incredibly boring... I've found it's best to just jump off the side and die then afk until the loot is ready.
Or just skip the dying part and just afk at the entrance lol.
On April 05 2012 00:34 Torenhire wrote: Think people just got bored or stopped playing...maybe lost interest? People are pretty active in Imba so far, so there's at least that... ^^
We're running LFR tonight at 9:00pm EST, I forget the ilvl requirement but if you can make it, you should come along...loot pinata! :D
I heard there was drama of some kind that caused the guild leadership to split apart... but don't have any details about what actually happened (or maybe those were just rumors). That guild was pretty stacked too. It had Tyler (Nony), Kennigit, and a few other prominent TL members in it. Also had it's own subforum.
Our run tonight of dragonsoul took a little over an hour, scooping up a majority of the raid loot. We're going to do the other part of dragonsoul tomorrow at 9pm and it realistically shouldn't be longer than 45minutes.
I don't think anyone expects anything out of it...that's all we need is a loot pinata so we can get people geared up and out of levelling greens...gotta remember that all but maybe 4 or 5 of our 85s were levelled up a week ago lol.
Also their group last night... I got DC'd and booted kinda glad though, based on voice chat it was a terrible, terrible group haha.
I would really love to come back to WoW but they are still doing things like the stacking debuff that makes the game too easy. I was in the last TL guild that was run terribly which why I want to come back and have some fun but WoW is past its prime.
Quite a few former LBers here! I'm not playing anymore with no intentions of playing, but I used to be in Legion of Trogdor Alliance side many years ago.
Very questionable choices on some guild members. It's nice to be in a guild with other TLers but there's none of TL's maturity present in the guild. It's sad cause I'd love to stick around, but seems no guild officers choose to remove the few bad apples in an otherwise friendly and likable guild.
On April 10 2012 03:27 Zdrastochye wrote: Very questionable choices on some guild members. It's nice to be in a guild with other TLers but there's none of TL's maturity present in the guild. It's sad cause I'd love to stick around, but seems no guild officers choose to remove the few bad apples in an otherwise friendly and likable guild.
Yeah it makes me equally furious, sorry to hear. Cya
On April 10 2012 03:27 Zdrastochye wrote: Very questionable choices on some guild members. It's nice to be in a guild with other TLers but there's none of TL's maturity present in the guild. It's sad cause I'd love to stick around, but seems no guild officers choose to remove the few bad apples in an otherwise friendly and likable guild.
You're the guy who said "fuck you all" before you gquit right? I've spoken with you a few days ago and excluding Mihai there was no one else you could tell me who was being a "bad apple". You couldn't give me examples of their bad behavior, nor could you give me names. I'm not really sure what you expect me to do. Regarding the officers not choosing to remove "bad apples" I've personally removed a SC2 clanmate of mine for saying nigger in guildchat. He was literally removed in less than 5seconds of saying it, and wasn't reinvited back.
It honestly seems as if you're just starting drama for the sake of it, and we don't need those type of players either. We're not here to babysit you because you can't get along with someone on the internet.
On April 10 2012 03:27 Zdrastochye wrote: Very questionable choices on some guild members. It's nice to be in a guild with other TLers but there's none of TL's maturity present in the guild. It's sad cause I'd love to stick around, but seems no guild officers choose to remove the few bad apples in an otherwise friendly and likable guild.
You're the guy who said "fuck you all" before you gquit right? I've spoken with you a few days ago and excluding Mihai there was no one else you could tell me who was being a "bad apple". You couldn't give me examples of their bad behavior, nor could you give me names. I'm not really sure what you expect me to do. Regarding the officers not choosing to remove "bad apples" I've personally removed a SC2 clanmate of mine for saying nigger in guildchat. He was literally removed in less than 5seconds of saying it, and wasn't reinvited back.
It honestly seems as if you're just starting drama for the sake of it, and we don't need those type of players either. We're not here to babysit you because you can't get along with someone on the internet.
If I'm not welcome in speaking on behalf of my experience with the guild then I'll leave. I wasn't flaming the guild or anyone in it, other than saying I came in expecting TL's standards in a WoW guild, which now seems unrealistic I suppose. I have no bad blood with anyone, other than I just had to say I was moderately disappointed with the fact that immature people are allowed free reign in the guild. I'm not starting drama, hell I don't even care if the people who were being childish were punished, I was just venting that it's not as great of a guild as I expected.
I told you Chulgu and there were alts like smellmyshit and stuff who were level 1s doing the same thing. I cannot reinforce enough that I've washed my hands of this, but figured I was merely allowed to show my disappointment to others. I don't need to be friends with every guild member, but I don't care much for people spewing racist and demeaning shit in gchat for hours at a time in front of officers and have nothing done or said about it. That's all.
yeah I don't know what Zdrastochye is talking about racism and stuff. I mean there was that one guy who dropped "nigger" once and was immediately gkicked (I was there for it, Masq isn't lying) without any questions asked.
No one has crossed any lines where I've said "wow that guy should be kicked where is our officers"
I mean Chulgu is annoying as hell but
a) he's only doing it because he's the biggest troll ever b) /ignore Chulgu and he magically disappears.
The one time Chulgu crossed the line he got reprimanded for it. He's a chill dude when he's not trying to get under people's skin. If you look at the roster there's only two characters (same dude) with the name "Smellmypoop" and "Grabmymelons" but I don't even think I've ever seen him type anything in gchat ever...his name is awful, yeah, but w/e...who cares?
I don't know who you were in guild as apparently all this went on while I left...but really, aside from one or two specific times, I've had nothing but good experiences in the guild so far. It's a public guild and 100% of the members have invite privledges, there's no filter on who comes in, so you have to expect it. I have my couple people in guild I don't like or get along with but that hasn't caused me to get mad and gquit about it.
There's never not some kind of drama going on in WoW, lol. Whether it's someone sleeping with the GM to get loot or someone getting into a spitting match with another member...it's always something :p
Transfer and faction change IS included (I've done it personally) with scroll of res.
We'll also be doing our first guild meeting (on mumble) at 9pm EST on Sunday, April 15th. So if you have any reservation about playing and want to chat or ask a question regarding the guild future, feel free to come by.
this sounds interesting, i dont think id go back to wow until close to the time mists is being released. What would be a requirement to join the core raiders? the reason i quit wow in the first place was because i got taken off the core raid team because they had too many mages (GM and main healer's wife were also mages).
On April 13 2012 01:27 TehV747 wrote: this sounds interesting, i dont think id go back to wow until close to the time mists is being released. What would be a requirement to join the core raiders? the reason i quit wow in the first place was because i got taken off the core raid team because they had too many mages (GM and main healer's wife were also mages).
Honestly, the only requirement would be don't suck at what you want to do, that's all it really comes down to tbh. If we do want to aim for realm firsts and stuff, we're gonna need the best core we can get so...
Also, to all the PvPers, you should come too. We almost always have someone in BG, and there are a few people who want to get arena teams going. If we get enough interested, we could hit up the rated BGs too. So don't be hesitant thinking it's mostly a PvE guild ~
Very much tempted to re-sub... haven't played since WotLK, server first 25 LK kill.... nothing special really, but after, I felt like I "beat the game" and it became rather boring afterwards...
What time have you guys been raiding? I generally work until 8pm EST and I'm able to be on nightly by 9pm at the latest...
Haha, you'd fit right in...currently the GM and other officers came from another Server First raiding group :p
We haven't discussed raid times, we've done group LFR and some easy stuff like Baradin Hold (the new VoA) and whatnot around 9pm EST (Server time = EST yay)....I think the unofficial plan was 9p-midnight for raids. We're including that in the meeting on Sunday I think. We haven't decided days or anything yet, though all of our guild raids so far have been Tuesdays.
ive been in all TEAMLIQUID GUILDS that has started up and non of them has past a cpl months. and even when the cata TL guild was it it had potential but everyone gets bored really easy. not to mention alot of the officers in the guilds were dicks and since they had authority they treated the guild with shit like they were mods or something
Well, we don't have any issues with officers being dicks, unless Mihai gets put in charge LOL.
Masq was the previous GM of Aftermath, which was (it seems) one of the best guilds of the server from Vanilla all the way through Wrath, and still exists now. I trust him to be competent enough to pick officers wisely and handle anyone who does anything stupid.
If the guild dies from inactivity, so be it, you can't force things to work, but the realm is very active and even without the TL guild, one could join a decent guild and still have stuff to do. I imagine once MOP comes out we'll have a bunch of applicants
Yo sorry I missed your whispers. I was trying to fight 5 frost mages and 1 fire mage in a BG and getting really annoyed LOL. 1v1 frost mage is hard enough, 6 of em was like CC hell
Just play w/e you want, I dunno that we need anything specifically at this point.. I can invite you if you log back in and shoot me a PST if I'm still on :D
I know I'm definitely going to be coming back in a week or two. The cata TL guild was fun, but as has been previously mentioned, half the officers being total dicks made it old real fast. Looking forward to rogue it up for the 5th straight expansion.
This is intriguing... Me and a couple of friends were just talking about getting back into WoW. Whats the PvP scene like on the entire server? My only problem with playing here (although I'd love to play with TL) is if the PvP scene is lacking. The reason why me and my friend quit last time was because we couldn't even find 1 person to arena with on our server =|.
On April 16 2012 10:28 miL. wrote: This is intriguing... Me and a couple of friends were just talking about getting back into WoW. Whats the PvP scene like on the entire server? My only problem with playing here (although I'd love to play with TL) is if the PvP scene is lacking. The reason why me and my friend quit last time was because we couldn't even find 1 person to arena with on our server =|.
Well, there are a few people who only want to PvP in the guild, and there are a few people who like to do BGs alot. We're also looking towards making a rbg team but need more people with gear so there is that.
And the few times we have done arena, the qs have been pretty fast to pop, so it seems pretty good so far.
The server is solid over all, my only complaint is the AH being either empty or overpriced, but that does give you a chance to get some gold going.
On April 16 2012 10:28 miL. wrote: This is intriguing... Me and a couple of friends were just talking about getting back into WoW. Whats the PvP scene like on the entire server? My only problem with playing here (although I'd love to play with TL) is if the PvP scene is lacking. The reason why me and my friend quit last time was because we couldn't even find 1 person to arena with on our server =|.
Well, there are a few people who only want to PvP in the guild, and there are a few people who like to do BGs alot. We're also looking towards making a rbg team but need more people with gear so there is that.
And the few times we have done arena, the qs have been pretty fast to pop, so it seems pretty good so far.
The server is solid over all, my only complaint is the AH being either empty or overpriced, but that does give you a chance to get some gold going.
I suppose I should've been more clear. It wasn't the fact that we couldn't find someone to play with; it was the opposite in the literal sense (people were begging to play with us). We couldn't find anyone to play with that we could get decent ratings with. S3/S4 we sat ~2100 and S5/S6/S7 we sat ~2400. This isn't even amazing by any means, but it was well above what anyone else could hit on the server.
I guess what I was really trying to ask is the quality and the quantity of quality PvP players on the server.
On April 16 2012 10:28 miL. wrote: This is intriguing... Me and a couple of friends were just talking about getting back into WoW. Whats the PvP scene like on the entire server? My only problem with playing here (although I'd love to play with TL) is if the PvP scene is lacking. The reason why me and my friend quit last time was because we couldn't even find 1 person to arena with on our server =|.
Well, there are a few people who only want to PvP in the guild, and there are a few people who like to do BGs alot. We're also looking towards making a rbg team but need more people with gear so there is that.
And the few times we have done arena, the qs have been pretty fast to pop, so it seems pretty good so far.
The server is solid over all, my only complaint is the AH being either empty or overpriced, but that does give you a chance to get some gold going.
I suppose I should've been more clear. It wasn't the fact that we couldn't find someone to play with; it was the opposite in the literal sense (people were begging to play with us). We couldn't find anyone to play with that we could get decent ratings with. S3/S4 we sat ~2100 and S5/S6/S7 we sat ~2400. This isn't even amazing by any means, but it was well above what anyone else could hit on the server.
I guess what I was really trying to ask is the quality and the quantity of quality PvP players on the server.
the q's are good but the players are terrible (battlegroup), probably one of the worst bgs in terms of skill
On April 16 2012 10:28 miL. wrote: This is intriguing... Me and a couple of friends were just talking about getting back into WoW. Whats the PvP scene like on the entire server? My only problem with playing here (although I'd love to play with TL) is if the PvP scene is lacking. The reason why me and my friend quit last time was because we couldn't even find 1 person to arena with on our server =|.
Theres a fair number of PvPers on lightnings blade, but nearly no top-level players. Theres another horde-side guild called "Next Level" that is strictly PvP, and I think most are around your rating. As previously mentioned we hope to setup a RBG team in the future as well.
We also held our meeting tonight, and tomorrow I'll finish writing up our semi-finalized raid classlist. Update tomorrow.
We briefly discussed the merits of 10 man vs 25man raiding and it was decided that we'll be sticking (at least initially) to 10man raiding. This will allow us to have a more social aspect to the guild, while allowing us to maintain at least a single progression-minded 10man raidforce. We're currently lacking healers to create a secondary 10man, but our current hybrid members are encouraged to start collecting 378+ (Heroic HoT/LFR) offspec gear. We'll also be trying to specifically recruit healers over the next week to get the second group rolling.
Our tentative schedule is currently based around 9pm EST on Tue/Wed/Thu, looking something like this: Tuesday 9pm EST – Guild LFR + Baradin Hold Wednesday 9pm EST – Guild 10man Runs Thursday 9pm EST – Nothing currently, perhaps either more 10mans or RBGs.
It was also decided that we'll be shutting off guild repairs to start collecting a sum of gold to aid in purchasing the various guildbank tabs (6/7 is 5000gold), as well as to start creating a bank for MoP. The additional money will be used for purchasing crafting materials and BoE droppable epics early in the next expansion.
Closer to the release of MoP we'll be discussing guild professions more in-depth, and we plan to select desigated "guild crafters" which will have access to the guild bank. This should allow them to powerlevel their profession (smithing, leatherworking, tailoring, enchanting, alchemy and jewelcrafting) quickly, opening up craftable BoE items.
I'll also be on the look out for the following management positions (currently I will be approaching people I think are qualified to fill this positions based upon observation/fit and activity):
Bank Manager – duties include investing guild gold into the auction house for profits. Recruitment Officers – relatively self explanatory, their job would be to help finding recruits by posting on various recruitment forums and helping to select or interview raid applicants. Officer – general guild duties would include raid leading, recruitment, mangaging guild funds to purchase flasks, potions, etc.
Things such as loot distribution is up in the air right now. With our current plans of 10man raiding I don't believe there is a need for officer awarded loot or a DKP system, as long as people aren't greedy or stupid.
However there has been discussion about creating a "prestige-DKP" system in which members can earn DKP by donating gold (or materials such as ore, cloth, herbs, gems, leather at their respective item:gold value) to the guild. These DKP points would be spent on prestige items such as raid-dropped mounts, pets, and other vanity items.
After our meeting last night, this is roughly where our raiding roster sits right now. Those who were not level 85 yet were not included, as well as those with severe schedule conflicts. For those interested in coming over/starting, this should help you decide which classes are most valuable to us currently. This can obviously change quite rapidly so if your class is listed in low demand, but you're totally set on playing that, we could attempt to figure something out.
As you can see, we're currently sitting at zero warlocks, and we're relatively short on healing as well (specifically priests). Having said that, our recruitment needs are as follows:
High Priority: Priests(Disc/Holy), Warlocks Medium Priority: Druid(Balance), Healer(Any) Low Priority: Rogue, Mage, Paladin(Ret)
*If your name wasn't included in the above lists, and you're level 85, raid ready, and plan to raid (Tue/Wed/Thur @ 9pm EST) feel free to PM me and I'll update.
Also, after our meeting was concluded with took a group of 10 to dragonsoul (10m normal) and cleared the place in roughly 3 hours. Which wasn't terrible considering 9/10 people had no experience outside of LFR and most had hit level 85 the week before.
So I hope this clears up any questions anyone had regarding the guild. As usual, if you need a scroll of ressurection feel free to PM me and I'll get one for you.
The post above me is further fuelling my want to play with you guys. My preferable class would be a disc (maybe holy for PvE) priest, and my friends would most likely be playing Warlock and Shaman (primarily ele) again. I'll have a serious talk with them soon as we're all pretty bogged down this week due to finals. I may go ahead and play with you guys regardless, since any team liquid community I've ever joined has been nothing but pleasurable.
As for the loot system; would me and my friends be allowed to claim some loot during raids that we attend, despite not being part of the core raiding group? Also, once I build up some trust with the guild I'd be happy to be the 'Bank Manager', as I've nearly hit gold cap on two different servers in the past.
Last question, for the scroll of ressurection, do you get both a free level 80 and a faction/server transfer? It almost sounds too good to be true, but that's the impression I get when reading about it on the blizzard website.
On April 17 2012 04:47 miL. wrote: The post above me is further fuelling my want to play with you guys. My preferable class would be a disc (maybe holy for PvE) priest, and my friends would most likely be playing Warlock and Shaman (primarily ele) again. I'll have a serious talk with them soon as we're all pretty bogged down this week due to finals. I may go ahead and play with you guys regardless, since any team liquid community I've ever joined has been nothing but pleasurable.
Cool, the guild so far is good times. I find it unlikely we'll run into "leadership issues" like the last guild apparently did, if you were there.
As for the loot system; would me and my friends be allowed to claim some loot during raids that we attend, despite not being part of the core raiding group? Also, once I build up some trust with the guild I'd be happy to be the 'Bank Manager', as I've nearly hit gold cap on two different servers in the past.
So far loot is just Need if you do, Pass/Greed if you don't. I don't know how we'll rotate people in 10s once we're running them consistantly as we aren't anywhere close to that point, but like he said, we don't really have any kind of loot system in place, so bring your weighted dice :p
Last question, for the scroll of ressurection, do you get both a free level 80 and a faction/server transfer? It almost sounds too good to be true, but that's the impression I get when reading about it on the blizzard website.
Person giving Res - I actually don't remember if there is more to this, but you get a cool looking spectral mount if the person you refer buys at least a month of game time.
Person receiving Res - Auto-level to 80 on any existing character (or make a level one AFTER you are res'd and claim the level 80 on him), Realm/Faction Xfer on any existing character.
Since the general guild raid times are going to be Tues/Wed/Thurs, and I currently raid Tues/Thurs on my rogue, I would like to look into setting up a Sat/Sun group or something along those lines as well. I'm in the process of gearing my hunter, though I only need one more drop from the HoT heroics and I'm already pulling ~25k so I could probably step into DS already, but if there's any interest in getting a weekend run or something going, let me know and I'd be more than happy to handle that.
If I'm not too shitty of a tank for the main progression group (I was iffy in DS, I think...Chulgu has 10x my threatgen and I dunno how to keep up with him on bosses haha.) I'd like to run with them, but if I can't go for the hardcore runs, I'll gladly tank the weekend runs.
DK threat is pretty absurd right now, but as long as the healers were able to keep you up without unnecessary strain it's all good. I know neither of you have your 4 piece yet, which those are both incredibly awesome, so really if they were fine keeping you up now, it's only going to get easier. I wouldn't worry too much about not being included in the main group runs.
The pally set bonus kinda blows, I can't look it up at work, but doesn't it just lower the cooldown of the raid-damage reduction ability? Divine Guardian I think it's called. IDK pally sets always seem to have shitty set bonuses (except T10, chance to reset the divine storm cooldown, holy shit that was amazing haha)
Torenhire-Dice keep screwing me big time, I can't get a better helmet until I start winning rolls...my lowest piece of gear atm.
Yeah it reduces Divine Guardian by a full minute and increases the radius by 70 yards, but a 20% damage reduction cooldown is incredibly useful, at least on par with the others anyway.
sorry that I haven't been on guys, my 7 day trial ran out and I haven't been able to find money for a time card, in addition to the fact that im still debating a bit on if I should come back to WoW in full swing : /. If I do decide to comeback and manage to secure money ill let you guys know. BTW this is Synthetiq (disc preist)
I kinda figured that a free 80 + character transfer was to good to be true lol. Also, what's the guilds stance on botting... I mean, I don't regularly do it but I'm not going to lie; I have the option available to me and I hate farming honor (botting bg's would be the only thing that I bot). If the guild is totally against it I'm fine without botting too.
On April 17 2012 05:16 Torenhire wrote: If I'm not too shitty of a tank for the main progression group (I was iffy in DS, I think...Chulgu has 10x my threatgen and I dunno how to keep up with him on bosses haha.) I'd like to run with them, but if I can't go for the hardcore runs, I'll gladly tank the weekend runs.
atleast you got to go bro, atleast you got to go :p
On April 17 2012 11:19 miL. wrote: I kinda figured that a free 80 + character transfer was to good to be true lol. Also, what's the guilds stance on botting... I mean, I don't regularly do it but I'm not going to lie; I have the option available to me and I hate farming honor (botting bg's would be the only thing that I bot). If the guild is totally against it I'm fine without botting too.
Don't have any real stance, but if you get banned its your own fault.
On April 17 2012 00:20 Masq wrote: Meeting Summary:
We briefly discussed the merits of 10 man vs 25man raiding and it was decided that we'll be sticking (at least initially) to 10man raiding. This will allow us to have a more social aspect to the guild, while allowing us to maintain at least a single progression-minded 10man raidforce. We're currently lacking healers to create a secondary 10man, but our current hybrid members are encouraged to start collecting 378+ (Heroic HoT/LFR) offspec gear. We'll also be trying to specifically recruit healers over the next week to get the second group rolling.
Our tentative schedule is currently based around 9pm EST on Tue/Wed/Thu, looking something like this: Tuesday 9pm EST – Guild LFR + Baradin Hold Wednesday 9pm EST – Guild 10man Runs Thursday 9pm EST – Nothing currently, perhaps either more 10mans or RBGs.
It was also decided that we'll be shutting off guild repairs to start collecting a sum of gold to aid in purchasing the various guildbank tabs (6/7 is 5000gold), as well as to start creating a bank for MoP. The additional money will be used for purchasing crafting materials and BoE droppable epics early in the next expansion.
Closer to the release of MoP we'll be discussing guild professions more in-depth, and we plan to select desigated "guild crafters" which will have access to the guild bank. This should allow them to powerlevel their profession (smithing, leatherworking, tailoring, enchanting, alchemy and jewelcrafting) quickly, opening up craftable BoE items.
I'll also be on the look out for the following management positions (currently I will be approaching people I think are qualified to fill this positions based upon observation/fit and activity):
Bank Manager – duties include investing guild gold into the auction house for profits. Recruitment Officers – relatively self explanatory, their job would be to help finding recruits by posting on various recruitment forums and helping to select or interview raid applicants. Officer – general guild duties would include raid leading, recruitment, mangaging guild funds to purchase flasks, potions, etc.
Things such as loot distribution is up in the air right now. With our current plans of 10man raiding I don't believe there is a need for officer awarded loot or a DKP system, as long as people aren't greedy or stupid.
However there has been discussion about creating a "prestige-DKP" system in which members can earn DKP by donating gold (or materials such as ore, cloth, herbs, gems, leather at their respective item:gold value) to the guild. These DKP points would be spent on prestige items such as raid-dropped mounts, pets, and other vanity items.
After our meeting last night, this is roughly where our raiding roster sits right now. Those who were not level 85 yet were not included, as well as those with severe schedule conflicts. For those interested in coming over/starting, this should help you decide which classes are most valuable to us currently. This can obviously change quite rapidly so if your class is listed in low demand, but you're totally set on playing that, we could attempt to figure something out.
As you can see, we're currently sitting at zero warlocks, and we're relatively short on healing as well (specifically priests). Having said that, our recruitment needs are as follows:
High Priority: Priests(Disc/Holy), Warlocks Medium Priority: Druid(Balance), Healer(Any) Low Priority: Rogue, Mage, Paladin(Ret)
*If your name wasn't included in the above lists, and you're level 85, raid ready, and plan to raid (Tue/Wed/Thur @ 9pm EST) feel free to PM me and I'll update.
Also, after our meeting was concluded with took a group of 10 to dragonsoul (10m normal) and cleared the place in roughly 3 hours. Which wasn't terrible considering 9/10 people had no experience outside of LFR and most had hit level 85 the week before.
So I hope this clears up any questions anyone had regarding the guild. As usual, if you need a scroll of ressurection feel free to PM me and I'll get one for you.
Oh, my Disc priest "Terranup" only has a few pvp pieces, as i was just gonna PvP/ Arena . Maybe i'll raid if you guys really need heals, I havent played her much... hah
Of course I would take full responsibility if I got banned lol, but I've played off and on since vanilla and haven't bit that bullet yet *knocksonwood*. I've just been in a guild or two that loathes/kicked me because BG botted lol.
Also, we are most definitely joining you guys. I'm going for disc/holy priest, 1 of my friends is going warlock, and I have 3 more undecided friends. I'm gunna ask around to see if any of my irl friends needs that special mount from scroll of ressurection, otherwise someone can expect a PM from me tomorrow asking for one .
I'll be streaming a raid tonight. If anybody is curious about joining, this would be a great way to get a feel what the guild is like. Keep in mind, this will only be our second raid, and we are still, for the most part, undergeared.
So it looks like some of my rl friends are going to start playing on LB, my friend is transferring his rogue and two others are starting new characters and I will be xferring my priest and most likely my mage as well.
Shame that this is at NA! Got me thinking at coming back to WoW, any EU gamers who could send me a scroll, pm if you can! and to the lucky NA players GL & HF!!
Dob, sorry about the NA part Wish you could join up!
We're doing well so far, I think the plan is to have a very strong progression based group to snag some server firsts in Pandaria...The first raid group (only calling it the first group just because tanks/healers have remained mostly the same in it) has cleared DS as of last week with people less than 2 weeks old at level 85...We have some great tanks (me included! HMPH) in Nvr, Solidux, and Mihai, and really good healers too...most of the DPS is in the "gearing up" phase but those that are at-level with the gear are all doing great DPS and no one seems to be "derp I can't stop standing in this fire"
Most of our deaths/wipes are because we aren't familiar with the wipes since we've only been in the dungeon twice...but more and more we are making it through runs easier!
Contemplating transferring my shammy over to the server to play with you guys. Hows the activity in the guild? My guild has been struggling getting people to show up for anything really...I've got 385 enhance as well as resto and if I need be I could easily get a elemental set so I can do whatever is needed more
We're able to run two 10man raids atm (Dragon Soul)...I mean so far everything is new for everyone but there's always at least 3-4 people on during all hours, peak we can have anywhere from 12 to 25+
Awesome, ~9pm EST we form the group up and queue. Hope to see you then! Transfer should normally only take an hour, but I guess you'll get delayed by server maintenance...I dunno, hopefully you're online then. Feel free to poke me later tonight for a ginvite if you don't get one before I log in! :D
On April 19 2012 08:46 Korson wrote: I'll be streaming a raid tonight. If anybody is curious about joining, this would be a great way to get a feel what the guild is like. Keep in mind, this will only be our second raid, and we are still, for the most part, undergeared.
Slight bump to get us on the front page again - just got a few more invites and can still use more of the classes Masq posted earlier...
Korson where did you go!! You're not in guild anymore, but we couldn't figure out if you left or ran out of subscription or what! We want our resto druid back :<
On April 26 2012 17:10 PHILtheTANK wrote: Had 2 groups clear DS tonight simultaneously. Good fun and everybody is gearing nicely for mostly hitting 85 about 2 weeks ago.
On April 26 2012 17:10 PHILtheTANK wrote: Had 2 groups clear DS tonight simultaneously. Good fun and everybody is gearing nicely for mostly hitting 85 about 2 weeks ago.
Being trolled hardcore on fights is good times.
Also, all the plate gear. All of it.
All the warrior* gear.
Frek went from heroic/raid/JP geared to better geared than me in one night. GG
On April 26 2012 17:10 PHILtheTANK wrote: Had 2 groups clear DS tonight simultaneously. Good fun and everybody is gearing nicely for mostly hitting 85 about 2 weeks ago.
Being trolled hardcore on fights is good times.
Also, all the plate gear. All of it.
All the warrior* gear.
Frek went from heroic/raid/JP geared to better geared than me in one night. GG
On April 26 2012 17:10 PHILtheTANK wrote: Had 2 groups clear DS tonight simultaneously. Good fun and everybody is gearing nicely for mostly hitting 85 about 2 weeks ago.
Being trolled hardcore on fights is good times.
Also, all the plate gear. All of it.
All the warrior* gear.
Frek went from heroic/raid/JP geared to better geared than me in one night. GG
That sounds like my current guild runs. Since we started raiding DS when it came out i think we've gotten... maybe 8 Vanq mark drops. It's pretty bad too kus we have like 3 druids, a rouge, and a mage (only recently picked up a DK) so like half our group was really struggling to get teir gear.
I'm going to try to powerlevel my enchanting up this weekend so... Does anyone have any extra rods/low level enchanting mats/pearls or anything else that I'm going to need for leveling it? I'll pay
Im such a sad panda....I should of check TL for a res scroll instead of coming back buying game time and sending a scroll to me gf....now gotta lvl my way up to 80.
Boobs on a stick! So I guess we're trying to do both DS10 and LFR tonight? Feasible I guess, though this week is kind of bad for me in terms of raids as I've got training and I have to be out of the house really early
Yeah, it was't planned to be a full DS clear tonight. I was hoping of doing LFR for the newer/undergeared players and then working on a hardmode possibly.
We'll see come raid time, it sort of depends on what we have to work with.
On May 01 2012 07:56 Masq wrote: We've just started PvP recruitment for our RBG team. RBG times will be on weekend evenings, roughly starting around 6:30pm EST.
Contact Noobkat in-game for more information (or via email, IMBAmeowkat@gmail.com)
On May 01 2012 07:56 Masq wrote: We've just started PvP recruitment for our RBG team. RBG times will be on weekend evenings, roughly starting around 6:30pm EST.
Contact Meowkat in-game for more information (or via email, IMBAmeowkat@gmail.com)
Dang... I really wish I could be a part of this but I'm too busy with other stuff to be playing WoW. Seems like the guild is running along really well now (:
Wow sounds like you guys are doing really well GJ. Really wished I could join you guys but really low on funds right now, hope you guys are still active when I renew my account in a few months when I have more money/time. Good luck getting the rest of the heroic encounters.
On May 01 2012 07:56 Masq wrote: We've just started PvP recruitment for our RBG team. RBG times will be on weekend evenings, roughly starting around 6:30pm EST.
Contact Meowkat in-game for more information (or via email, IMBAmeowkat@gmail.com)
Dang... I really wish I could be a part of this but I'm too busy with other stuff to be playing WoW. Seems like the guild is running along really well now (:
Nvr are you all geared up now?? haha
Hah, I wish.
Been slacking SO hard. Played GW2 all weekend long, and now Tera in between raids, lol.
On May 04 2012 08:11 Jonblaze wrote: Is the guild still active? I stopped playing cause I didn't have anyone to play with
What was your character? I still dunno TL names and Game names haha.
If you were part of the original guild, then no I don't think that one is active. This guild has only been around for about a month now...there's always been a lot of people on...just during the early hours there is usually less than 10 people online. During the evening we're 20+ pretty much every night.
We did really well this afternoon. Probably doing more once Mil gets back. We had a sucky finish last night, ended up 11 - 13 after being like 11-7. I fucked up one game today and then our second loss we got crushed ezpz but otherwise doing really well.
Tooling around in the Auction House, buy low sell high. I used to do it, it's by far the least effort/most gold return, but you have to be non-retarded. Otherwise there's all sorts of stuff you can do...dailies give a lot of gold but obviously you can only do 24 or 25 per day, but that's like an easy 2k gold.
Farming low level crafting mats is another good way...transmog gear, anything really. I dunno what's the >best< though so I dunno there. Gold is stupid easy to get nowadays though. I transferred onto Lightning's Blade with like...4k and now I've got 45000 or something and I don't even go out to try and farm for gold, I just get it doing normal everyday playing. :p
IMO one of the easiest and least time consuming way to get gold is by soloing old content. In about 2-3 hours you can clear AQ20, most of AQ40, MC, Mag, most of SSC, most of Kara, potentially Gruul, and TK. Even without Gruul, Kara and TK clearing the old stuff tonight brought me about 3.5k. Unfortunately you can only do it once a week, but it's a pretty quick gold influx.
All of this is assuming you don't play some terrible class that wears cloth or anything.
Also as toren said, dailies are a pretty reliable income. If you cap out on dailies every day for a week, you make roughly 3k.
Just activated a scroll a friend sent me, having fun playing a little casually in casting/sc2 downtime. I'm on the Oceanic server Barthilas though... if I transfer over would you guys accept in an (at the moment) casual hunter? :D
Edit: To elaborate; I played for about 3.5 years before, main as a prot warrior on Jubeithos, raiding quite a lot through TBC and the majority of WOTLK. Got up to 85 on my warrior and my other hunter, gave up just before SC2 hit, haven't really been back since then. A lot has come about! Any hunters around who'd be willing to give me some tips (at the moment my "scroll of res" hunter on barthilas is level 81) - would be appreciated.
On May 16 2012 02:32 nyxnyxnyx wrote: whats the best way to farm gold right now and how much gold / hr could you get doing it?
Auction House. If you're lucky farming ore/herbs/leather you might make a thousand gold an hour or so. I routinely make about 30k/hour on the AH (usually a bit more on weekends and Tuesday nights) and on patch days that number can be much, much higher. I made about 700k the day 4.2 was released with only a few hours of actual effort.
Expansions are even higher, though I've never actually been playing at the release of an expansion. I know people that have hit the gold cap 3-4 times over in the first week after an expansion launches.
There is a lot of upfront investment, though. You have to learn your server's prices for basically everything, learn your competitors inside and out (posting patterns, what they sell, who their alts are, where they get their supplies, etc), and have some dedication. The more gold you have the more gold you make. Don't expect to make much of anything at first if you only have a few thousand gold to invest. I generally spend a few hundred thousand gold per week on things I need.
On May 30 2012 05:45 Duckvillelol wrote: Just activated a scroll a friend sent me, having fun playing a little casually in casting/sc2 downtime. I'm on the Oceanic server Barthilas though... if I transfer over would you guys accept in an (at the moment) casual hunter? :D
Edit: To elaborate; I played for about 3.5 years before, main as a prot warrior on Jubeithos, raiding quite a lot through TBC and the majority of WOTLK. Got up to 85 on my warrior and my other hunter, gave up just before SC2 hit, haven't really been back since then. A lot has come about! Any hunters around who'd be willing to give me some tips (at the moment my "scroll of res" hunter on barthilas is level 81) - would be appreciated.
come over to our server, talk to Solidux / Tholidux, he's a great hunter. Ripxuzi is also pretty good. we're accepting anyone and everyone, don't have to raid or PVP or anything. No obligations here other than logging in more than once a week or two :p
On May 30 2012 05:45 Duckvillelol wrote: Just activated a scroll a friend sent me, having fun playing a little casually in casting/sc2 downtime. I'm on the Oceanic server Barthilas though... if I transfer over would you guys accept in an (at the moment) casual hunter? :D
Edit: To elaborate; I played for about 3.5 years before, main as a prot warrior on Jubeithos, raiding quite a lot through TBC and the majority of WOTLK. Got up to 85 on my warrior and my other hunter, gave up just before SC2 hit, haven't really been back since then. A lot has come about! Any hunters around who'd be willing to give me some tips (at the moment my "scroll of res" hunter on barthilas is level 81) - would be appreciated.
come over to our server, talk to Solidux / Tholidux, he's a great hunter. Ripxuzi is also pretty good. we're accepting anyone and everyone, don't have to raid or PVP or anything. No obligations here other than logging in more than once a week or two :p
Yeah they're pretty cool guys, I leveled a hunter over there and got caught up with work and other stuff so I'm sure they've kicked my hunter by now, but you should enjoy it.
I may look to join a raiding team later on, it'll kind of depend what happens with my IRL job and of course SC2 casting - but I understand the requirements for that anyway, we'll see what happens! :D
so my PC just went kaput over the weekend and I don't think I'll be able to get on this week :C i'm stuck on my shitty mac atm, that doesn't run wow really well for the time being. i'll try to get it fixed asap, gotta come up with some money somehow i guess.
Yes, not a lot, at this point everyone pretty much burnt out and waiting for Mists. Usually 9-13 on during raid times...usually pretty quiet otherwise.
World Premiere of Mists of Pandaria Opening Cinematic at gamescom 2012
Looks like the release date for Panda is going be released at Gamescom! August/Sept looks about right, PTR beta is coming online very soon as well (next 1-2 weeks)
Looks like they want to go head to head with GW2 release date, could be catostrophic buisness idea.
Wow, this looks awesome. I quit because all my friends stopped playing. But playing with fellow TLers will be awesome. As soon as I get back from Korea, I'll be sure to join!
How can people still paly this game? you have to super super casual to still have fun with that (1-2hrs a day max). There is no challenge at all at endgame. PvE is a joke, PvP is bad and don't get me going with the Pokemon&Panda Expansion...
I'm tempted to bring back my Warrior who I tanked from MC to the end of T5 with, but doubt I could invest the time anymore. Anyone from Dragonmaw here? :D
I was Greggy (later Aestus), human warrior. Was in Prominence, Venerable Brotherhood and Ascension thoughout the years.
I was watching an sc2 steam on twitch.tv the other day, and one thing led to another, and suddenly I'm watching some guys playing MLS (3v3 arena!) It made me want to start playing again myself!
I sent Masq a pm last week, haven't heard anything back yet and I'm growing impatient bahahaha...I'd love to join you TL dudes, requesting resurrection please! (Mroen17@gmail.com)
On July 26 2012 01:57 Lemonayd wrote: What classes are you in need of?
Right now, anything.
here's the rundown on the TL guild
Group 1 just downed Heroic Madness last week (woo) Group 2 has been going backwards in progression because people keep quitting.
The reason people are quitting and group 2 is suffering is because we've just been pulling the group 2 people to fill group 1 spots
Really, any class, any spec, whatever. Whatever you enjoy the most, we can use you
We're really lacking in caster DPS (we have two mages, one who doesn't really raid much) and we could use one tank to round out group 2.
On July 26 2012 02:16 DLJ wrote: How can people still paly this game? you have to super super casual to still have fun with that (1-2hrs a day max). There is no challenge at all at endgame. PvE is a joke, PvP is bad and don't get me going with the Pokemon&Panda Expansion...
Well, I play by clicking the icon in my start bar, and then I log in. It's really not hard. I'm sure you're capable of it too.
God forbid people like other games than you.
On July 26 2012 02:29 Greggle wrote: I'm tempted to bring back my Warrior who I tanked from MC to the end of T5 with, but doubt I could invest the time anymore. Anyone from Dragonmaw here? :D
I was Greggy (later Aestus), human warrior. Was in Prominence, Venerable Brotherhood and Ascension thoughout the years.
We aren't forcing people to raid or PVP. We're okay with people who log in once a week. We just want people!! :D
On July 26 2012 03:42 JJoNeEightY wrote: I was watching an sc2 steam on twitch.tv the other day, and one thing led to another, and suddenly I'm watching some guys playing MLS (3v3 arena!) It made me want to start playing again myself!
I sent Masq a pm last week, haven't heard anything back yet and I'm growing impatient bahahaha...I'd love to join you TL dudes, requesting resurrection please! (Mroen17@gmail.com)
We need more PVPers. I got bored of PVPing alone (Milqq sucks!! <3) so let's go PVP gg.
Torenhire, what are the raid times for the second group? I'm 2 weeks out from finishing my daggers on my rogue(fucking work), and we raid Tues-Thur 7-10CST. I've got some RAF time going and could get a mage(well 2, really) up in a couple days. Also I was glad to see my hunter hadn't been kicked yet.
I have a mage or warlock I'd be willing to play, unfortunately I'm pretty broke atm and can't afford the transfer, if things change I'll let you guys know. I've been looking for a wow group and I never even considered Tl ;o
On July 26 2012 14:39 Lemonayd wrote: I have a mage or warlock I'd be willing to play, unfortunately I'm pretty broke atm and can't afford the transfer, if things change I'll let you guys know. I've been looking for a wow group and I never even considered Tl ;o
I would hold off on transfering at the moment, we're having a guild meeting sometime soon within the next week or two to discuss MOP.
We'll be discussing server transferring to a higher pop realm, amongst other things. When we iron out an offical date for the meeting and time, I'll add it to the thread incase anyone is interested in listening in.
Tentatively the date is set for Aug 7th at 9pm EST.
Currently these are our topics for discussion:
- Moving to higher pop server (Server Transfer, Weekend Sale). - Class Changes (Guild/Raid Class Balance) - Guild Outlook (Casual / Hardcore / Casual+Hardcore, PvE/PvP, Revisit 10m v 25m) - Raid Groups in Pandaria - Raid Schedule (Time, Days)
On July 26 2012 03:42 JJoNeEightY wrote: I was watching an sc2 steam on twitch.tv the other day, and one thing led to another, and suddenly I'm watching some guys playing MLS (3v3 arena!) It made me want to start playing again myself!
I sent Masq a pm last week, haven't heard anything back yet and I'm growing impatient bahahaha...I'd love to join you TL dudes, requesting resurrection please! (Mroen17@gmail.com)
On July 26 2012 03:42 JJoNeEightY wrote: I was watching an sc2 steam on twitch.tv the other day, and one thing led to another, and suddenly I'm watching some guys playing MLS (3v3 arena!) It made me want to start playing again myself!
I sent Masq a pm last week, haven't heard anything back yet and I'm growing impatient bahahaha...I'd love to join you TL dudes, requesting resurrection please! (Mroen17@gmail.com)
Did you ever get this? haha, I don't recall haha :x
Let me know if you need a resto shaman for group 2, the time fits my schedule perfectly. I'm an experienced raider, only 2/8H but I quit raiding in Cataclysm a couple of months ago because the guild I was in fell apart.
On July 26 2012 03:42 JJoNeEightY wrote: I was watching an sc2 steam on twitch.tv the other day, and one thing led to another, and suddenly I'm watching some guys playing MLS (3v3 arena!) It made me want to start playing again myself!
I sent Masq a pm last week, haven't heard anything back yet and I'm growing impatient bahahaha...I'd love to join you TL dudes, requesting resurrection please! (Mroen17@gmail.com)
you have brought shame to our family!
I'll still hang out in the Eve channel on TS, xoxoxxoxoxo.
Yeah, Torenhire, I got my scroll and played a bit. I held off on server transferring since it sounds like you guys might x-fer soon anyway (and I couldn't resist a level 80 priest without having to do any leveling). At the end of the week, I wasn't convinced I wanted to start playing again, and I ended up not subscribing. However, a few days later, I caved in and coughed up the credit card numbers ^.^
Leveling a rogue now, too fun. Cheapshot, kidney shot, blind, sap, vanish ,garrote, gouge, shadowstep, etc...muahahaha, 1v4 in low level battlegrounds and nobody can move as my cute little goblin stabs at their ankles ^.^
We ended up deciding to stay on LB until mop comes out at least, to see what the server is like and because it is really troublesome to make some people transfer, especially those with alts.
As our resident Brazilian has said, we've decided to stick it out on Lightning's Blade(US). I'll update within a day or two with the minutes from the meeting.
Blackhorn Heroic is a quite fun fight imo. And so is zonozz. Blizz actually did a pretty good job with these heroic modes -- unlike Ultraxion which is a pretty terrible boss PERIOD.
It's not really a PUG anymore, those guys you see from Aftermath are pretty good friends of a few of us in the run...I'm pretty sure everyone in group 2 is either IMBA or Aftermath at this point (yeah I know we have Entropy in there as well but Torve is in IMBA )
Sorry for the delay in posting this meeting review, we've been discussing some things privately and I wanted to hold off posting incomplete information until everything was more finalized. Also I'm watching IEM GC so hopefully it won't prove too distracting
I'll briefly outline some of the topics we've discussed and I'll try to provide our reasoning behind some of our decisions.
As we stated previously, we've decided against transferring servers due to people being too invested into Lightnings Blade now, and their unwillingness to transfer multiple character/alts. Some people are hopeful that the server will improve come Pandaria release. Additionally some things like World Bosses, resources (herbs/ore) will be a lot more scarce on a higher population server.
Our second topic and third topics that was discussed was regarding people changing classes if they desired, and also our general raid roster makeup. We were trying to achieve a general 'class balance' to ensure we don't have too many of X class, and too few of Y class (as this happened to us regarding Warlocks, Rogues, Hunters, etc). Our conclusion was that we have several healing classes (but less so in regards to Resto Shaman, Mistweaver Monks) and also we're quite light on ranged DPS (Warlocks/Hunter/Mages).
In a spoiler I'll include our current Pandaria class outlook, however this list will likely change and we have another meeting on September 11th to finalize this list closer to the expansion release date. + Show Spoiler +
Our final topic was regarding our raid time and raid group type (10vs25). We initially decided that we would stick to 10mans because they're simply easier logistically and its also easier to segregate the more hardcore progression players from the more casual (but still raid willing) players. Our definition of Hardcore/Casual was basically that 'casual' people wanted to raid 1-2 days at most, whereas the more hardcore were willing to do 3-4 days. Aside from that, we decided that we'll be sticking with our current raid schedule (Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 9pm EST to Midnight) going into Pandaria.
However after further contemplation, the officers decided that it was probably within the best interest of the guild to at least attempt a 25man raid for several reasons. This change should foster a more community oriented feel for the guild, without segregating the progression from the vast majority. Also with an influx of friends/family returning to the game, many would be forced to choose between progression and playing with friends.
So we've decided to ramp up recruitment from the officers (each officer being assigned to two classes to recruit for) and we'll be attempting to run 25man raids by the end of August until Pandarias release. Our GOAL is to have recruitment mostly finished by Aug 21st.
That's about the jist of what we've discussed in the past week or so, and I'll post a small TLDR part below for the lazy. If you guys have any further questions feel free to either reply or send me a PM and I'll try to answer it.
Summary: - We've decided to stay on Lightning's Blade Horde (US-PvP) - Our Pandaria raid schedule will be Tue/Wed/Thu 9pm to Midnight. - We've decided to give 25man raiding a shot, with hopes to start the transition from 10 to 25 by the end of the month. - Pandaria Class Balance will be reviewed again at our next meeting, Sept 11th @ 9pm EST.
My hunter in the guild hit 85 on 4/14, the guild wasn't really up and running too long before that. I think they were doing 3 days a week for a little bit? But they crushed through DS(because it's super easy if your group has half a brain at this point). For reference, they got their guild tabard achievement on 3/11, so likely the guild is only that old.
Reading Masq's post, they were indeed doing 3 days to start.
Easiest way is to get a scroll of resurrection sent to you.Send me a PM and I'll get you hooked up. Basically just need the email associated with your battle.net account and I can send one right away. You'll get the option to boost a character to level 80, and to faction/server transfer it to Lightning's Blade. They both have to be on the same character, so keep that in mind.
On August 20 2012 14:09 Clemz wrote: My hunter in the guild hit 85 on 4/14, the guild wasn't really up and running too long before that. I think they were doing 3 days a week for a little bit? But they crushed through DS(because it's super easy if your group has half a brain at this point). For reference, they got their guild tabard achievement on 3/11, so likely the guild is only that old.
Reading Masq's post, they were indeed doing 3 days to start.
I was just curious about their schedule in Cata, since I vaguely remember reading a few pages back that they were only running on Saturday.
That was probably the second group they mentioned running on Saturdays. The main group was doing 3 days a week though, not sure if they're down to one, but they've cleared all the content on heroic at the moment.
As of this past week we've been running two groups, the first that has cleared 8/8 heroic on tues and wed if necessary. The second runs on sunday nights and has cleared 6/8 heroic. The only time I can think of that we actually needed to use the full tues-thurs schedule was the week we went from 5/8 to 8/8.
I tried to do this early but ended up being busy and am interested in starting again. My one problem is that i'm not that experienced and wow and was wondering are there any guides or places to go to learn the basics of how to raid and such?
There are a lot of helpful basics guides up on MMO-champ. If you want detailed information on optimizing your play, check the class specific forums on elitist jerks.
We'll know more on the 11th - we have a guild meeting then to lock in who is playing what for the "hardcore" side of the guild.
I can tell you now though that tanks/caster DPS is a plus. We're least in need of melee DPS, and we are pretty solid healers but could use one or two more just to round out the roster a bit.
Ohh man, I quit a year ago but was a hardcore raider for about 6 years. Seeing this thread is very tempting, unfortunately I'll be far too busy this school year, and money is a bit tight
Hmm, pretty this thread's gotten me pretty tempted. Haven't played since wotlk and I'm generally more interested in the pvp side of things (got 2700+ multi time glad on warlock), though I wouldn't mind raiding some either and can definetely make the times posted (at least this semester I can :D). What classes are you guys in need of?
On August 29 2012 06:57 Orpheusz wrote: Hmm, pretty this thread's gotten me pretty tempted. Haven't played since wotlk and I'm generally more interested in the pvp side of things (got 2700+ multi time glad on warlock), though I wouldn't mind raiding some either and can definetely make the times posted (at least this semester I can :D). What classes are you guys in need of?
edit: typo
See my post at the top of the page - if you consider your lock your "main" we could absolutely use you on that char.
On August 29 2012 06:57 Orpheusz wrote: Hmm, pretty this thread's gotten me pretty tempted. Haven't played since wotlk and I'm generally more interested in the pvp side of things (got 2700+ multi time glad on warlock), though I wouldn't mind raiding some either and can definetely make the times posted (at least this semester I can :D). What classes are you guys in need of?
edit: typo
See my post at the top of the page - if you consider your lock your "main" we could absolutely use you on that char.
PM me if you want scroll of resurrection.
Already got one a while back so I don't think I'm eligible. Would it be better for me to wait until the 11th before doing anything like transferring?
Probably! I dunno what the eligibility is, but yeah. We'll know 100% sure what we need on the 11th...I might main my warlock, they are pretty awesome in 5.0 :D
On September 11 2012 12:01 Pertinax wrote: We have our guild meeting tomorrow at 9 in mumble. Be on for it if you can.
I'll probably be there around 9:30-10
still, I'll keep it recorded here that I won't be able to have 9pm time for raids, so put me into weekend groups if you can :< I'm still playing monk tank and I'll probably go for a healer offspec since I loved healing as a priest with a friend the other day.
If anyone wants to do any cross-realm stuff, feel free to battletag me rawb#1437 :D I can't transfer to play with a TL guild but I'd love to group or fill holes in anything non-current for people. Basically have experience with everything PvE.
@teamsolid did you get yours? Azuzu let me know as well.
arb, are you talking about Ner'Zhul or this guild? They're not really super active TL posters but all of the officers are from TL. Masq was on NrG for a while, I'm obviously a spam shitposter, Pertinax and Solidux are both lurkers.
Anyhow, I haven't had much chance to log in to play and whatnot so I don't know how things are looking, but if you guys still need scrolls go ahead and PM me
On August 24 2012 06:27 Jojo131 wrote: WoW on sale for 20$ (all the way up to Cataclysm expac), great time to get your friends into the game
Blizzard is getting desperate.
I may start playing again when MoP comes out... that's probably only if GW2 doesn't live up to its hype.
Eh, doesn't seem deseperate to me. Every other expansion at the end they roll it into their battlechest so new players don't have to buy game + (one or multiple) old expansion(s) + new expansion just to get current.
I should make an alt with you guys, though my main guild is Alliance side and full of v. old friends of mine. I don't raid with them anymore (raid schedules + 40h work weeks + classes + life just don't work)
Either I'll make an alt or transfer one of my old horde character over to you guys, should be fun to hang out and stuff. Probably make a panda.
I'm such a casualshitty player, obviously I'm personally responsible for ruining this game, right? (according to b.net forums)
Obviously these spots will be filled asap, so this may change. If you aren't planning on doing much raiding, we have no specific class requirements, just play whatever is most fun for you.
anybody in the Lightning Blade guild wanna send me a scroll of resurrection? got an 85 prot warr, 84 rogue and an ele shammy i was gonna use the bump to 80 on. pm me for the email
On September 23 2012 06:58 Masq wrote: Our biggest raid-team needs going into MOP are: - DPS Deathknight (Frost/Unholy) - Warlock - Shaman (Elemental)
Obviously these spots will be filled asap, so this may change. If you aren't planning on doing much raiding, we have no specific class requirements, just play whatever is most fun for you.
I was thinking of coming back for MoP. Wondering if you still need a warlock(done ICC25 HMs and progressed to BT in BC) in your raid group. I am just wondering what your raiding schedule would be like and if you have a roster rotation.
Just a quick update after the first night of normal mode raids. We cleared the Stone Guard and Feng the Accursed and ended the night with attempts getting Gara'jal down below 30%.
Just a quick reminder that you can start picking up Valor gear if you haven't done so already. Golden Lotus Honored gives you rings and Klaxxi Honored gives you necks, IIRC, for 1250 Valor a pop. Everyone should be able to afford one.
Can anyone toss me a scroll of resurrection? I have two 85s and I'd like to check out MoP, if I enjoy it I'll probably end up transferring and joining the TL guild
So I cancelled my subscription. Nothing seems to be keeping me interested enough to play, especially over other games like league of legends. Maybe if the guild started a 2nd 10 man group (or switched to 25 man). Not sure if my hunter would be good to play, or if I would have to level up something else to fill another role. The 3 hours of must-complete dailies each day is just not fun, and gimps out any alt I would like to have. Oh well, maybe if there's some update to the game, I'll come back. But, I could probably use the time to concentrate on finding a job TT.
On March 24 2012 15:26 Masq wrote: I have a fairly extensive WoW history, having played from beta to early Cataclysm. I GMed and was raid leader for a PvE guild named "Aftermath".
The Aftermath from server Spinebreaker? The one that used to be A.G.T.?