Hey guys In short, it's my 1st year studying Computer Science at university. I've done very well on all Java assignments so far (92%). However, the last one really threw me off, and I'm kind of clueless how to implement it in a clever way. I've never made a thread to ask how to do a program, but I guess it's time now.
Anyway, I'd greatly appreciate it if someone helps me with it. It's mostly about 2D arrays and some loops. I know it's usually better to paste requirements & code there, but my university is very strict with plagiarism detection, so I don't want to take the risk, so I prefer communication by PM.
Germany1338 Posts
just ask for help on specific problem and not for a solution to your task. One "copied" method is not plagiarism, it's called "getting help" and is certainly not illegal. And even if you copy a whole class, as long as you attribute the stuff and clearly state it's not your own work, it's not plagiarism either. You should however not do that for stuff that you were tasked to come with up on your own, like your programs core logic, but i think you can manage that. Using frameworks for certain subtasks is usually no problem (although your tasks so far seem to be rather small when your only dealing with 2d arrays yet).
You're going to have to google a ton anyway when you start programming so might as well get used to it. Just don't directly copypaste everything in the program.
Haha I read thread and thought you had a question about how to implement java threads rofl.
But yah, just post it. It's super common to google for help on stuff and I don't think I've really ever seen people freely give out code (more like the method for doing things).
If that is illegal, then stackoverflow is totally cheating
16950 Posts
TL isn't a homework help forum. Good luck with your assignments.