We are a small nation, not much more than 8 million inhabitants, meaning there is an inherently small pool of youth-blood to draw on for compettitive gaming.
That's why this is here, to call out to all Swiss TL.net members, expat or not, to stand up and declare that you love esports. I want the Swiss scene to grow, to prosper (to exist??) , and we can only really do that if we unite and get more involved.
Battle.net 2.0 EU has no national rankings so I can't look at those and be sad, but seriously WHY THE HELL are there only less than 10 active swiss players I want these rankings FULL!
Especially with the influx from SC2 I've seen many more post from [Location=Switzerland], we really need to get this thing going guys!
If you are in any way Swiss, come out and post here so we can get stuff going!
For the sake of the scene, we should accept anyone who feels like being a part of the Swiss scene, so it's ok if you live right next door, are originally Swiss but don't currently reside there, or even if you lived there for more than 6 months and liked it! ((:
+ Show Spoiler [MY Swiss Starcraft Story] +
I didn't have internet as a kid, and I only really got sufficent acces to play regularly online about 5 years ago. Starcraft, along with other countless games, were always around the house, courtesy of my older brother, and if I'd gotten to TL and the Korean scene sooner I am completely certain I'd have (tired to) become a progamer, and my prospects for college would be crap, so I'm glad I didn't do that.
Around 5 years ago I found the lovely iCCup and checked out the Swiss national rankings. It appeared to me that most of the top national players were in clan [ZzoA], so after laddering, reading TL.net strats and overall improving to something other than D- level I joined the clan. Awesome fun, peeps like XanaX Lyan Ezo Azure oh such fun, but sadly I came back after a summer and it was over. My goal behind this was to reach national #1, but I only ever made it to #4 with Terran C- (with Toss I'm confident I'd have gotten #1, but I have self-respect).
Now, 2 years after my peak, I have 4 months of holiday before Uni (UK), and though I also want to do more useful things like get a job, I really do want to get Starcraft going seriously in Switzerland.
Geneva represnt! so go ahead and post in here so I know you exist, and LET'S FUCKING DO THIS!
Around 5 years ago I found the lovely iCCup and checked out the Swiss national rankings. It appeared to me that most of the top national players were in clan [ZzoA], so after laddering, reading TL.net strats and overall improving to something other than D- level I joined the clan. Awesome fun, peeps like XanaX Lyan Ezo Azure oh such fun, but sadly I came back after a summer and it was over. My goal behind this was to reach national #1, but I only ever made it to #4 with Terran C- (with Toss I'm confident I'd have gotten #1, but I have self-respect).
Now, 2 years after my peak, I have 4 months of holiday before Uni (UK), and though I also want to do more useful things like get a job, I really do want to get Starcraft going seriously in Switzerland.
Geneva represnt! so go ahead and post in here so I know you exist, and LET'S FUCKING DO THIS!
Please post in this order (whatever you feel comfortable sharing)
Skill Level:
Activity Level:
So for me it's
SC:BW and a bit of SC2
C- (and Diamond)
Medium, soon to be High
If you want to hang out and meet up online, come to Bnet 2.0 Chat channel "CH".
+ Show Spoiler [Desirables/BW peeps] +
earn your place on this list, I WANT A MEETUP SO FUCKING BAD
earn your place on this list, I WANT A MEETUP SO FUCKING BAD