![[image loading]](http://elder-geek.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/Civilization-5-Banner.jpg)
Hello Team Liquid Civilization V players! In the spirit of Energizer's Civ 4 succession game, I will host one for Civ 5. If you would like to view or participate in the Civ 4 game, go here. We will vote on all the game settings before I start the game; the only things we will not vote on are game speed (Standard), and which leader we will use, who will be random!
The Rules (aka, What is this?): + Show Spoiler +Q: So, how does it work? A: After someone plays for a period of 40 turns, that person will save the game and send it to the next person in the list to play his round. Once you have saved the game and sent it to the next person in the list, you are STRONGLY encouraged to post what you did and why and anything notable to alert to other players (IE Diplomatic relationships, scouting information, economic situation, general state of the game) Q: How many total players can play in one game? A: Based on previous succession games and noting how they went, I'll be putting a cap on this one for 12. If there is a large enough surplus, we might even have 2 teams of 12 both with the same game to see who does better. Q: How do we know the order of who gets to play? A: The first 12 to PM me or post below expressing their intent to play will be put on a list (edited in the main thread) in order of whose messages got to me first. First come, first serve  Q: How long do I have to respond once I receive the last save of the game? A: You have 48 hours to reply via thread you have the game and when you will be playing it next. If you don't respond in that time, then you are skipped and the next person goes instead. If you're skipped 3 consecutive times, then you'll be dropped from the list. Q: What version of Civilization will we be using? A: We shall be using the latest Civ 5 Patch, No DLC, except the free Mongolia Civ. No Babylon, Inca, Spain, etc. This is to ensure that no one will have to spend money to play our game.  Q: What do I do when I'm totally lost? A: Well, ask us! The point of this succession game is so that everyone has fun and learns some new tricks! There is no harm in asking what to do in-thread.
The intent of this is the play the game in a different way than normal, and to have fun! You may even pick up a few tips and/or builds to try in your own games! Remember, first come first serve! If you're interested, first 12 to PM me or post their interest get to play the first game!
UPDATE: The Signups so far Spearwrit Casta Blazinghand Furycrab TrinitySC Babyfactory Oblivion753 rambomcfantastic
Lastly, feel free to discuss the game or the concept. We need the bumps so that more people can see.  I look forward to the responses! Let's have some fun!
Game 1: Suleiman of the Ottomans, on Deity, Continents, Huge map.
Turn 0, 4000 BC Turn 1-42, 4000 B.C. to 2320 B.C. lol developer inflexibility fail
Game 2: Elizabeth of England, Deity Loss Turn 0, 4000 B.C. Turn 41, 2360 BC Turn 42-81, 2330 BC to 850 BC Turn 120- DEATH.
Game 3: Wu Zi-Tian of China, Emperor Win- Diplomatic Turn 0-41, 4000 B.C. to 2360 B.C. Turn 42-82 Turn 82-121 Turn 121-161 Turn 161-202 Turn 202-243 Turn 243-283 Turn 284-321 Turn 322-341 Turn 342-End
Game 4: Genghis Khan of Mongolia, Emperor Turn 0-41
Ooh! Ooh! I want to play SOO badly!
I have the Ice Fisher of Civilization 5. Get ready to have your MIND. BLOWN.
Assuming there are 3+ non-trapping forests nearby:
RESEARCH Mining -> Luxury (trapping/calendar/fishing) -> Archery
PRODUCE Worker -> Worker -> Settler -> Settler -> Archers + Show Spoiler +sometimes you'll need archers earlier for defense..but generally not + Show Spoiler +
ADOPT Tradition -> Monument Thing -> Monarchy/Landed Elite (depending on availability of luxury)
I'm up for it, usually play epic speed but standard is fine I guess.
On May 26 2011 06:14 Casta wrote: I'm up for it, usually play epic speed but standard is fine I guess. Yes!! Epic speed please :<
Oh.. And I can't play huge maps. They're too hard on my computer in the late-game, and I have a pretty decent setup.
On May 26 2011 06:14 Casta wrote: I'm up for it, usually play epic speed but standard is fine I guess.
I just put standard because 40 turns on that speed is enough to make substantial changes and play around with the fruits of your labor before passing it on to the next person. Also, tech research is generally more speedy on standard as well. My intent is to start out a game, and hope that the community picks up on this idea to perpetuate it and make more games. But, If more people want a speed other than standard, I can change that too.
I would but I can't bear to play this game that isn't modded to hell. I've been playing a heavily modded version for so long it would just be unbearable and be playing a completely new game if I were to revert back.
On May 26 2011 06:48 Fruscainte wrote: I would but I can't bear to play this game that isn't modded to hell. I've been playing a heavily modded version for so long it would just be unbearable and be playing a completely new game if I were to revert back.
What mod do you play? I've been looking for something similar to Ryze & Fall from Civ4.
On May 26 2011 06:48 Fruscainte wrote: I would but I can't bear to play this game that isn't modded to hell. I've been playing a heavily modded version for so long it would just be unbearable and be playing a completely new game if I were to revert back.
Hey bro, different strokes for different folks. It's all good; You are welcome to (and I hope you do) spectate though.
This sounds like fun. I can't really commit to playing because my schedule is going to be hectic for some time, but I'm definitely going to be following what you guys are doing in this thread.
Please keep live reporting regularly. ;D
United States25550 Posts
You can count me in! I am a huge civ5 fan and would love to take a turn at this.
On May 26 2011 08:07 SpearWrit wrote:Show nested quote +On May 26 2011 06:48 Fruscainte wrote: I would but I can't bear to play this game that isn't modded to hell. I've been playing a heavily modded version for so long it would just be unbearable and be playing a completely new game if I were to revert back. Hey bro, different strokes for different folks. It's all good; You are welcome to (and I hope you do) spectate though. 
Oh I will, I used to read up on these succession games all the time when they were more popular around here.
If it gets super popular again, I may get used to the old version and play it with ya'll sometime.
Cool, I didn't play the last one but I enjoyed reading the reports. Civ 4 felt a bit too streamlined for me, I liked the new resource system though
People voting Emperor or Deity Difficulty for real or just to troll? When I play for fun, lately I play on King, and even then I need a fairly specific game plan or I'll end up smoked pretty quickly. The AIs on Emperor/Deity will start banding together to smack you 2v1 if you even just expand aggressively. Whoever played the first 40 turns would have to do something epic if it's going to turn into a decent game. 
I might join in the fun if it's not too complicated and just involves me playing a few turns .
(According to steam stats, less than 5% of players have finished the game on King or higher on any map size or type or victory condition)
On May 26 2011 11:11 Furycrab wrote:People voting Emperor or Deity Difficulty for real or just to troll? When I play for fun, lately I play on King, and even then I need a fairly specific game plan or I'll end up smoked pretty quickly. The AIs on Emperor/Deity will start banding together to smack you 2v1 if you even just expand aggressively. Whoever played the first 40 turns would have to do something epic if it's going to turn into a decent game.  I might join in the fun if it's not too complicated and just involves me playing a few turns  . (According to steam stats, less than 5% of players have finished the game on King or higher on any map size or type or victory condition)
I've won games on Emperor and Immortal, and not just through war. Even if it ends up being Deity, it won't be too hard to me, especially if the map is huge.
Honestly I find King the most enjoyable. Anything below is too easy, but much higher and the AIs just start acting overly hostile and start with like 2-3 cities already established. If only higher difficulty modes made the AI... smarter? Whoooo wouldn't that be nice, lol.
What game speed would you guys decide on? I find on the longer modes, military conquest is muuuch easier. Almost unbalances the game in favor of domination victories over other ones.
On May 26 2011 21:50 Haemonculus wrote: Honestly I find King the most enjoyable. Anything below is too easy, but much higher and the AIs just start acting overly hostile and start with like 2-3 cities already established. If only higher difficulty modes made the AI... smarter? Whoooo wouldn't that be nice, lol.
What game speed would you guys decide on? I find on the longer modes, military conquest is muuuch easier. Almost unbalances the game in favor of domination victories over other ones.
There's sorta a limit to how much smarter you can make the AI without finding loopholes in it.
This game I think the issue is that the computer is poor at judging when it's overextending and a bit poor at judging the tactical elements of a field. If you can survive that initial push and don't get caught by surprise, it's decently easy to smack em back into submission. However, I'd have a hard time making an AI that won't sometimes overextend without having it flat out cheat.
However this time around I think they put more emphasis on having the AI know when to react to you. Like if I expand too fast, they know that if they don't do something now I'll smack em around later and they immediately start trying to team up against ya... Which I find is kinda fair. However then I make sure my cities have nice chokes and pelt em down as they go thru it hehe. Mountains are OP. 
I'm definitely down for this. Personally, I feel like Emperor is a comfortable difficulty to win at, but Deity will be a nice challenge to tackle, I suppose.
also, Fractal map is best map. considering how that's not a choice.. i guess continents ><
Edit: btw, what's the general opinion here on NC starts? Personally, I love them, and with Siam you can get some pretty nice bonuses on top of it to boost you to a comfortable tech lead, even on Immortal difficulty.
On May 27 2011 03:34 TrinitySC wrote: I'm definitely down for this. Personally, I feel like Emperor is a comfortable difficulty to win at, but Deity will be a nice challenge to tackle, I suppose.
also, Fractal map is best map. considering how that's not a choice.. i guess continents ><
Edit: btw, what's the general opinion here on NC starts? Personally, I love them, and with Siam you can get some pretty nice bonuses on top of it to boost you to a comfortable tech lead, even on Immortal difficulty.
I like NC start in general, but sometimes I expand to a max 4 city empire before building the NC if the immediate area has some nice luxuries and I want to grab them fast. 4 city because you get a free monument in them with the tradition policy and you don't want to delay the NC too much.
What policies do you usually get in the start?
National College (for those who didn't know NC) starts are basically all I do lol. It's such a solid opener that you can use with many different policy starts. The best thing about it is that once your NC is up, your Science amount won't go down whether you decide to expand or not. I've won a couple of One City Challenge games using NC start on Emperor+ difficulty.
I do like the 4 city Tradition ----> Legalism opener too if there are lots of luxuries nearby. It's a good opener that also allows for early NC that can produce more science than a one city NC start. Using it with Siam can be downright abusive if you time it right with Education (think, FREE WATS).
I usually go Liberty --> Citizenship --> Meritocracy. This way I can get a free worker and great person without having to worry about hard building a worker. I usually get a GE to pop the Great Library too, while I'm at it for GE points AND free tech. But for this game, since it's probably going to be Deity, I'll probably use a GS to pop Theology to the quick slingshot to Medieval era, since the other civs can quite easily win the Great Library race.