I will update this thread with all my new StarCraft rap videos. They are coming soon.
Enjoy !
EDIT: It will take me a little longer to post all my StarCraft raps as I am working on improving the quality of my videos. Be patient and I will slowly but steadily continue to update this thread with all my starcraft raps. I had lots of fun making the ones that are on youtube right now and I appreciate all the views / comments guys!
Way too much niggas 'n shit for StarCraft man.. It's a pretty civilized and quite highclass game, not a subject for gangsta-rap. NerdAlert and Husky are doing it the way it's supposed to be done, so that it's funny, not a hardcore nigga killing gangstarap yo!
When compared to the great songs in the SC2 community such as the good ol' Terran OP or the recent Fly like Aiur, this doesn't even come close to those.
Perhaps expectations are high because of what terrific musicians have done in the past, but one way or another, I was disappointed.
When compared to the great songs in the SC2 community such as the good ol' Terran OP or the recent Fly like Aiur, this doesn't even come close to those.
Perhaps expectations are high because of what terrific musicians have done in the past, but one way or another, I was disappointed.
Perhaps I was a little harsh. I dont mean to hold it to the standard of the very best, but for him to claim it's a dope track is either severely misguided or a straight troll :p
i've lost all "vibe" or respect for modern raps with "nigga that, nigga this, shit, blah blah" gangsta rap. it was dope with NWA, it was crazy dope with tupac and biggie. now its just no where, at least for me.
write some clean and witty stuff, get rid of that gangsta style tone and i think you'll get some positive response
dont mind me though, 99% of hiphop i still listen to is pre-2000 so my views may be biased.
It's terrible, cringed while watching. Is this what this new generation of MTV gangsta rap has done to the lyrics, flows and samples? Was going through my head. I would take a step back, and give your stuff a new look after watching some classic hip hop that makes you cry because it's so poetic. And try to not cam acting up. It's about the music, nobody cares if you imitate TV.
It's definitely not terrible. I've got a few suggestions on things to improve, but I don't know what Lennon is about. 1. The background music is too 'background' What you need to do in my opinion is record the vocals track and mix it in post production. So you have the music, play that in your earphones as you rap and record the voice track. Then afterwards you mix both tracks together with an audio editing software (no clue what the good ones are sorry). Do this and I think your sound improves a hundredfold. 2. I'm not a fan of the unnecessary "bitches" and such. I don't mind a good one dropped in context (nuke yo mother splinging base for example). But when they're just there for free they turn me off.
The vocabulary is decent, but could have more depth, and more specifically more Starcraft references. Still, decent work. GG
I thought the rule was only black people could say the N word publicly.
And you have flow, sure, and the rhythm was consistently on-beat. But the lyrics are mundane, obscene, and don't really pertain to the game. There was a rap a week or two back about 3 ambitious units (baneling, zealot and marine?) that was a lot more clever. You could learn from that.
And stop using swear words and attitude as a front to dismiss all the criticism, you're pretty transparent.
Well thats not cool. All you haters who say it's bad don't even appreciate all the awesome lines i threw in there.
but i do appreciate those legitimate responses with legitimate criticism. I will improve on the quality trust me ^^;
and to kristiS: Yes but unlike most people, I think starcraft is gangster. I don't see it so much as high class and fancy and whatnot. I think its just the coolest game ever haha. I think its THE GAME. Lol... played brood war for years and starcraft II is the only game I play now. =P
so yeah I dig all that hard rap stuff so I made a hard rap about starcraft haha.
Actually not bad, but your inability to accept the criticisms of others is quite offputting. I would suggest cleaning up your rap (nobody on TL wants to hear the N-word), and adopting a more humble attitude. Take that "anyone who says its terrible obviously doesn't listen to rap music" to YouTube. That being said, I could see you doing something a little better in the future.