On May 18 2011 11:23 raf3776 wrote: Its not confident ur being cocky.
Thats a lie. I'm confident. Not cocky. Because being cocky is actually a flaw. I'm openly confident and therefore not cocky.
If theres more people sayin its not good than it is good than obviously somethings wrong.
How did you come to that conclusion? nothings obviously wrong to me. Oh yeah, thats because there is nothing wrong. They're all trolls! most of them at least. And the rest, those who actually provide real criticism, i'm completely understanding of what they're saying "increase the video/audio quality" ok, i get that. I'll try doing that. That's the only real criticism i've actually had so far.
If you really think that there's something wrong with the video just because more people hate it then people like it you're ignorant. Completely ignorant of the fact that some people actually liked it. So how about you view it yourself and come to your own conclusion rather than relying on other peoples opinions. There's obviously people who like it, so that says something right there.
U cant take criticism or the fact that not everyone likes ur shit.
I'm well aware that not everyone likes rap. It's fine with me. This is me taking your criticism or oops... i mean trolling and owning it.
looking into a camera with a quiet beat in the background sayin sum bad raps is not entertaining. Most of the ppl on TL wanna be entertained not listen to a bunch of words.
not listen to a bunch of words? so they dont listen to rap. They're the ones missing out in my opinion. I dig that stuff. Rap is the dopest!
Another mistake is talking back to your "haters."
Like i am right now to you? Why can't I respond to people in this thread? I have that right.
first these ppl arent haters they just dont like ur shit. they have no reason to be a hater with nothing good to hate on. U gotta put more effort into your stuff if you wanna entertain people besides them just laughin at u. And trolling people back is once again... a dumb way to think
Never trolled back. Only responded back. Haha. You have a big imagination.
Honestly it could be quite a bit better if you recorded with a mic and added the music or something, ahve some good quality? Video isn't really important.
1) That slow nursery rhyme style you're currently using sounds bad to me. You need to work on the speed of your flow and give it variety so it isn't the same predictable slow rap. Rappers who use this style sound like they're trying to talk while running up a steep hill.
2) The lyrics are too "gangsta", generic and meaningless. Too many rappers use the same curse words. It's especially not going to appeal to teamliquid. Increase your vocabulary. Read a thesaurus or something.
lol i'm so happy that the lyrics are too "gangsta" for you. Don't blame me for that. That's your problem that you can't handle how gangsta i am. fool. I'm tight.
Anyone who gives you legit advice is a "troll". Anyone who suggests anything remotely negative is a "hater". I actually tried but you're too emotionally attached to take any advice from anyone. All you want to read is positivity because, due to your overly protective friends and family, you believe you're already the best around. If you're so confident about your rapping, do a gig at a local venue.
Anyone who gives you legit advice is a "troll". Anyone who suggests anything remotely negative is a "hater". I actually tried but you're too emotionally attached to take any advice from anyone. All you want to read is positivity because, due to your overly protective friends and family, you believe you're already the best around. If you're so confident about your rapping, do a gig at a local venue.
Not even hating.
Stop making up stuff. You're a fail troll. End of story.
I'm not emotionally attached to anything. I'm just happy. so there goes your whole argument.
Anyone who gives you legit advice is a "troll". Anyone who suggests anything remotely negative is a "hater". I actually tried but you're too emotionally attached to take any advice from anyone. All you want to read is positivity because, due to your overly protective friends and family, you believe you're already the best around. If you're so confident about your rapping, do a gig at a local venue.
Not even hating.
Stop making up stuff. You're a fail troll. End of story.
I'm not emotionally attached to anything. I'm just happy. so there goes your whole argument.
You're right. I'll go and rethink my life. I'm out.
Anyone who gives you legit advice is a "troll". Anyone who suggests anything remotely negative is a "hater". I actually tried but you're too emotionally attached to take any advice from anyone. All you want to read is positivity because, due to your overly protective friends and family, you believe you're already the best around. If you're so confident about your rapping, do a gig at a local venue.
Not even hating.
Stop making up stuff. You're a fail troll. End of story.
I'm not emotionally attached to anything. I'm just happy. so there goes your whole argument.
Bacon, honestly you should stop trolling because it's just annoying most of the people here a lot. There isn't much point if you're truly happy.
[edit]Happiness is having the strength to confront one's weakness.
Anyone who gives you legit advice is a "troll". Anyone who suggests anything remotely negative is a "hater". I actually tried but you're too emotionally attached to take any advice from anyone. All you want to read is positivity because, due to your overly protective friends and family, you believe you're already the best around. If you're so confident about your rapping, do a gig at a local venue.
Not even hating.
Stop making up stuff. You're a fail troll. End of story.
I'm not emotionally attached to anything. I'm just happy. so there goes your whole argument.
Bacon, honestly you should stop trolling because it's just annoying most of the people here a lot. There isn't much point if you're truly happy.
[edit]Happiness is having the strength to confront one's weakness.
Not trolling. I posted my starcraft raps. how is that trolling?
Lol your just pretty bad bro. Its pretty obvious that you care about it because your so butt hurt about this so I suggest you step up your metaphors, have better punch lines, and I dunno I really just wasn't feeling it at all
On May 19 2011 03:03 likeaboss wrote: Lol your just pretty bad bro. Its pretty obvious that you care about it because your so butt hurt about this so I suggest you step up your metaphors, have better punch lines, and I dunno I really just wasn't feeling it at all
I'm sorry you feel that way about my rap that its pretty bad. Okay okay... so you want sick metaphors and dope punchlines? I can do that. I'm releasing all the raps I wrote from a while back. But I'll try to write the sickest StarCraft rap I can today and I'll post it. Thanks for this response because you just inspired me.
On May 19 2011 03:44 JediGamer wrote: "Releasing all the raps I wrote from a while back". There was probably a reason you didn't use them. Garbage, like these verses.
Haha. Yeah whatever. I wouldn't post 'em If I didn't like them. I like them. I'll keep posting them.
How can you say a verse is garbage if it makes sense? watch the protoss build order one. Those lines just flow and make a real rap about a build order for protoss. Don't be hating. They are legitimate raps.
I'm not trying to please myself or please anybody. I'm having fun boyy.
See there you go again, do you hear yourself? You're trying so hard to think of something to say back to everyone who criticizes you.
No. I'm not trying to think of something to say back to anyone who criticizes me. Where did you come up with that? I don't care about people who criticize me. I'm chill with it. Haha. Wow. You just made a fool of yourself.
If you think you're good well here's a tip, learn to take criticism. Even if someone's trolling you, you think trolling them back is going to help at all?
No not at all. I don't troll anyone back. I come with an open mind and try to understand. And if its just simply retarded and its a troll I answer it properly and thoroughly (Like this post for example). I'm assuming you're trolling me right now because you're assuming alot of untrue things.
No, it just makes you seem arrogant to people. And really? "I'm not a bad rapper. Don't ignore talent haha." stop being so cocky about your so called talent.
LOL... is it so hard to listen to that rap?
Just calm down buddy. Relax. I'm openly proud of my talent. It's not arrogance because I'm open minded and allow criticism. I definitely don't agree with some of it, like people who think the videos are bad. I think they're DOPE!
Bro, responses like this aren't criticism, they are just extremely narrow minded or just complete trolls. Thanks for your time.
Holy Jesus Christ...really? Then what is a criticism to you, only the comments saying you're good? In my opinion, I think you're "extremely narrow minded" to think that way. You are not going to get any better by responding to EVERY SINGLE POST that criticizes you by saying that their OPINIONS are wrong.
You say you don't care how other people criticize you? Why don't you go back over this post and look at every response you've made here. Looks like more arrogance and ignorance to me, maybe you're too blinded by your false sense of talent that you can't see it. You even say that you went back over all of your videos and said they were still good to you. Well obviously you do! They're your videos, of course you'd think that way. But you've got another thing coming if you think that you going over your OWN videos again justifies you telling people that their opinions are wrong.
Dude I like your videos. I think they show a lot of promise. You asked for advice and if you can take it like you say I'll offer it.
Some of the comments on this thread that you dismiss as trolls are legit even if the peeps who posted it are not great at communicating.
First: Your rhyme structure is pretty basic. I think this is a legitimate complaint, though at time you mix it up and use some more complex structures (e.g. "I'm swearing, I'm cursin' but I really a nice person"). I think that the UVic guy has a great grasp of different rhyme structures. In my personal rap preference I think Eminem is a great example of this. Try fooling around with different types of rhyme and fall back on basic rhyme schemes less often. I think this will make your raps more dope.
Second: Some of your vocabulary is also pretty simple. I mean this in two ways. The use of nigger/bitch/shit/fuck/etc as parts of rhymes just as filler makes the rhymes seem simple and not well thought out. I'm not complaining about the swears... I like them actually... but they have to be there for a reasons... not just to fill a line or rhyme with something earlier. Also try to drop in crazier words into your raps... More complicated vocabulary makes the rap seem more sophisticated.
Third: Just keep producing and trying to improve. I can tell from your freestyle that you have the skillz to pull off some dope shit and I'd like to see more and watch you improve.
I'll be coming back to this thread to see your new raps. Keep it up dude!
On May 17 2011 08:57 KristiS wrote: Way too much niggas 'n shit for StarCraft man.. It's a pretty civilized and quite highclass game, not a subject for gangsta-rap. NerdAlert and Husky are doing it the way it's supposed to be done, so that it's funny, not a hardcore nigga killing gangstarap yo!
I just wanted to say that some the lyrics included in your "response to the haters on this thread" were immature, awful, and hateful.
Don't think i'm really bad, if you think i'm bad, you're a fag
You better get down cause all u haters is gay yea you take it up the butt and then squirt in ur ass then i put you in the highest of the mother fucking gay class
We don't carry guns, we just shoot nuns up their ass cause they're bitches and they Catholic
If you think that crap is fine, I don't want you in my community. Shit like that actually isn't funny or okay.
And while I'm on it, you're rapping isn't *terrible* - but it's definitely not as good as you're making it out to be. This I feel is the heart of most of our criticisms of your music.
That you brush aside people who don't enjoy your own music as much as you do as "trolls" rather than people with different musical tastes adds to this fire. You insist that you're music is "dope", and that anyone who thinks otherwise is flat out "wrong" and must be "trolling".
That, my friend, is the definition of arrogance.
If you were more well-mannered, maybe you wouldn't be catching so much flak.
On May 19 2011 09:16 hYdrA-MeNo wrote: You need to stop with the nigga this and fuck that and hater this lol sounds like a middle school black rapper.....
That's one video. Watch the protoss one. No cursing.
No not at all. I don't troll anyone back. I come with an open mind and try to understand. And if its just simply retarded and its a troll I answer it properly and thoroughly (Like this post for example). I'm assuming you're trolling me right now because you're assuming alot of untrue things.
No, it just makes you seem arrogant to people. And really? "I'm not a bad rapper. Don't ignore talent haha." stop being so cocky about your so called talent.
LOL... is it so hard to listen to that rap?
Just calm down buddy. Relax. I'm openly proud of my talent. It's not arrogance because I'm open minded and allow criticism. I definitely don't agree with some of it, like people who think the videos are bad. I think they're DOPE!
Bro, responses like this aren't criticism, they are just extremely narrow minded or just complete trolls. Thanks for your time.
Holy Jesus Christ...really? Then what is a criticism to you, only the comments saying you're good? In my opinion, I think you're "extremely narrow minded" to think that way. You are not going to get any better by responding to EVERY SINGLE POST that criticizes you by saying that their OPINIONS are wrong.
Why do people keep making up stuff? I never said anyones opinion is wrong.
You say you don't care how other people criticize you? Why don't you go back over this post and look at every response you've made here. Looks like more arrogance and ignorance to me, maybe you're too blinded by your false sense of talent that you can't see it. You even say that you went back over all of your videos and said they were still good to you. Well obviously you do! They're your videos, of course you'd think that way. But you've got another thing coming if you think that you going over your OWN videos again justifies you telling people that their opinions are wrong.
Ehh... I have plenty of people in real life who watched them and said they liked it. You're another troll I'm assuming. Either that or just another kid who doesn't listen to rap. And if its neither then you just like hating. Simple as that.