Calgary25955 Posts
Calgary25955 Posts
Thank God I can post again.
Great vid. Very well made. I feel honored to say I've been listening to you cast since the original razr TSL chill. GG.
i love you chill.
:3 awesome video.
SICK first two minutes so far
<3 Thanks for everything chill!!!! Welcome back!!!
I have been rewatching the entire TSL1 & 2 again. Hopefully there are more epic games, moments and darkhorses who come out and win it all!
Here is to the TSL!
+ Show Spoiler +I liked your closed thread edits more than the posts.
Hungary11238 Posts
Oh, awesome!
Watched it now: That was truly beautiful. Thanks Chill!
Pitcairn19291 Posts
Beautiful post.
Great memories indeed.
Great collections of links and an amazing narration you really provide a great look back at the TSL, nice way to make your 20,000th post. Re-watched both TSL1 and TSL2 after TSL3 was announced just to pass the time, they were as epic as when i watched them live.
Edit: forgot to mention your awesome video
Amazing slab of history right here.
I was wondering what your 20k was going to be. Sadly no more "Chill Edit"s in closed posts now
Incredible video. Keep doing what you do best
What an amazing piece of work this is.
Loved everything about it. Thanks for producing such an awesome video.
that video was amazing.... really got me hyped for tomorrows matches. great work.
fantastic video, everyone should watch this also iphone going off at 1:30 in video
Loved the video it was great