If you are familiar with the backspace inject method, you are familiar then with having the off chance that your queens will run around the map do to accidentally clicking a hatchery without a queen beside it. Having included a new button in the cycles I have came across fixing this issue.
How it happened: While messing around with hotkeys, I have discovered that the Follow Current Selection overrides the base camera.
What is its purpose? : With the follow current selection hotkey activated it will allow you to cycle with the base camera zoning on your queens. This means that when cycling it wont bring the camera to your hatchery, it will bring it to the closest queen in the control group preventing accidental clicks.
How to change hotkeys: You can change Follow current selection and other hotkeys by going to option> hotkeys> global>camera, It will be the second down from the base camera
Notes: Its important to keep in mind this works by activating follow current selection before cycling. Shift must be held until the end of cycle. (unless you prefer to keep hitting the inject button (slower))
Set up: I have included follow current selection in my cycles as shift+e, and q as an alternate. I use w as base cameras and e as inject, with all queens on 4.
Execution: I will tap 4, then e, then shift+e (hold shift until end of cycle), I will then cycle with w and inject hatcheries by clicking them.
Conclusion: This works because following the current selection will activate your control group as a priority rather then zoning in on a hatchery when you cycle. This can be done effectively fast, you just need to have the right tempo.
Try it !, You have my word, practice makes perfect.
I apologize for the quickness in my post pre-edit, i was in a hurry, and also excited.
To re cap:
1) Go to the Hotkeys tab, and set "Follow Current Selection" to something. 2) Select queen hotkey group 3) Press Inject hotkey 4) Press Shift+ inject hotkey 5) Use the base camera to cycle the hatcheries and click to inject.(keep holding shift) 6) If you pan away it will automatically dis-activate follow current selection.
If you find it dosent and want to do it for yourself, you can set a alternate hot key to a spot you prefer. I prefer Q
MrBitter has kindly made a video explaining this method, Major props to him for bringing this to the limelight, and taking the time to make this video.
If you liked this post and are interested in the unexplored hotkey combinations and different toggles check out some more of my ideas to make our mechanics better:
On March 07 2011 12:28 ChefStarCraft wrote: It works by pressing shift+inject button (don't hold shift), inject button, then hold shift, cycle using base camera and inject like normal.
This will activate it and make it so you don't even have to practice a new button in your cycles.
I believe you'd be better off pressing the inject button first, hold shift, inject button again, then cycle through bases. This way you don't have to let go of shift and repress it. Minor perhaps but it's the same result and mechanically easier to perform.
Nice idea !, I will try it thank you
If it works I will edit,
It works by pressing inject button, shift+inject button, then hold shift, cycle using base camera and inject like normal. Differing form the backspace method by taping inject twice, once on its own, then tap shit+inject to toggle follow current selection, your activating it with buttons you we're going to press anyway with the backspace method.
This set up will make it so you don't even have to practice a new button in your backspace cycles. Just a extra tap. Since this is so easy, I don't see why someone wouldn't do this, especially if they are already backspace injecting.
This is a very friendly and forgiving way to add this key, I actually don't know why you wouldn't do this. It makes it so its very easy to get used too, you will learn even faster if your used to backspace injecting already.
Closing: The original creator of the backspace method is roark, you can find his thread at the top of the page. I only fixed it. In fact I love this guy for creating it, its helped my play so much, and inspired me to have my own style centered around the base camera and hotkeys.
The way i like to play is setting all my queens on one hotkey(4), and move around my bases with my backspace key (w). I move around with w even when I'm not injecting, to make drones, geysers, send drones to geysers, making a queen, shift+adding a queen to a control group. shift+adding a hatchery to a control group. even when i don't inject this is my main source of mobility.
If any hatchery at any point needs my attention i will mini map click it, and the shift+back mouse button the camera location, saving it for a brief moment, i will then reset it to creep spreading once the harass/attack/ scout ect. is dealt with.
It is ideal to do this whole method once you have 3-4 hatcheries at that point you will profit by doing them faster, shaving off seconds of your play at a time. Seconds can quickly add up to a minute, two minutes, ect.
With that small perk in mind, its always best to play with what your personal preference is, but that dosent make any other method wrong, or right.
I enjoy friendly people, and still want more practice partners, my friends list is full but if I like you theres always space, Chef on N/A Code:420
i was under the impression that if you had a control group with 3 queens or wahtever and you spawned larva on a hatch the closest one was picked to do it anyway? unless i'm misreading what it is you are trying to explain
On March 07 2011 12:30 RyanRushia wrote: i was under the impression that if you had a control group with 3 queens or wahtever and you spawned larva on a hatch the closest one was picked to do it anyway? unless i'm misreading what it is you are trying to explain
Let me try and explain better,
It makes it so you don't zone on top of the hatcheries when using the base camera, it makes it so you zone in on top of the queens with your base camera, in your control group, preventing miss clicking a hatchery without a queen beside it.
I don't see how this is easier than just looking at your screen and not injecting bases with no queens. The order which the hatches cycle through is the same every time, so there's nothing to worry about, is there?
The command is actually called, follow selection or something of the sort, it is in the camera hotkeys and basically what it does is it scrolls automatically on the unit you selected, not sure how this improves the injects but Im going to try it...
On March 07 2011 13:04 TheBlueMeaner wrote: The command is actually called, follow selection or something of the sort, it is in the camera hotkeys and basically what it does is it scrolls automatically on the unit you selected, not sure how this improves the injects but Im going to try it...
It prevents queen melt downs by following the queens when hitting the base camera, rather then following the hatcheries with the base camera.
On March 07 2011 13:10 hazz. wrote: What is a queen meltdown...
I you are familiar with the backspace inject method then you are familiar with having the off chance that your queens will run around the map, because you accidentally click a hatchery without a queen beside it.
Please read the whole post, It has been cleaned up.
On March 07 2011 13:11 Chill wrote: Is larva injecting this difficult that people are modifying hotkeys and coming up with complex systems to do it?
Yeah, being efficient and slightly modifying something to be even more efficient with 1 key press is worth inferring reduced mental capacities. Or are you suggesting that Injectings is a very easy mechanics that everyone does perfectly already and theres no point looking into mechanics with more detail?
On March 07 2011 13:17 a176 wrote: Are you trying to say not to use backspace, but the follow unit camera button instead?
No you still use the base camera, its just used to center on top of the queens rather then the hatcheries, because the follow current selection enables that.