This is in no way intending to reinforce stereotypes about any race. All people of all races are equally capable of anything. The only purpose of this game is to point out the absurdities of the people who believe in the race conflict and to make fun of people who perpetuate these types of stereotypes. I am not a racist: I am an equal opportunity discriminator. If this pisses off enough people, I have done my job will rename everything to be more politically correct.
If I see anybody using any racial slurs in this game, I will perma ban them and will specifically request a TL ban as well. This is serious-just because this game makes fun of racism does not mean it is tolerable to be a racist.
If I see anybody using any racial slurs in this game, I will perma ban them and will specifically request a TL ban as well. This is serious-just because this game makes fun of racism does not mean it is tolerable to be a racist.
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They left me for dead in the ocean. I remember the water that surged all around me. It was cold. So cold. Couldn’t breathe.
Saved by a dolphin. Found some driftwood. Floated for God knows how long. Kept floating. Still floating. Ate the few fish that I found. Landed on an island.
Worked for 3 months on that island. Saved up enough food, built a raft. I went mad for a bit, then I got bored of that. Set sail one day.
Went blind during the storm. Volcanic eruption threw me off course.
Landed on a beach. Smelt the soil. The soil of home.
Lay there as the tide crept in. Stared into the water.
Noticed something odd about the image. Looked a bit closer.
I was black.
After having been kidnapped and nearly killed by a group of unknown assailants while in the middle of running my previous game, I have returned. And I’m here to make things right. To deliver justice.
Victory Conditions:
White people win by outnumbering the black people by 2:1.
Black people win by eliminating the Man and outnumbering the white people by more than 2:1.
There are two vote cycles-Day and Night. You may only vote for one cycle per day/night. You may alternate voting (i.e. vote Day 1, vote Night 2, vote Day 3) but may not vote on the same day/night cycle (vote Day 1, vote Night 1).
White People-Anyone who chooses to vote during the day time may do so. Only votes from White People and other races will count, although your vote will still appear on the Vote Count list.
Black People-Anyone who chooses to vote during the night time may do so. Only votes from Black People and other races will count, although your vote will still appear on the Vote Count list.
Votes will occur in the voting thread.
There are also night actions. These take place only at Night.
Unless otherwise declared, there are no night kills.
All roles may or may not be in the game.
White People:
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The Man-You are everything that we stand against. You are the epitome of evil. You have subjugated us for far too long. You need to be taken down before we can even speak of victory. You can manipulate the courts to your own liking, to get yourself or anyone you want off the hook (i.e. can’t be arrested, can pardon arrests every day). You also are protected by guards, although you don't know who it is.
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Man in Black that Isn’t Black-Protects the man. Must be killed before the Man can be killed. You do not know the identity of the Man.
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Combat Maid-May choose to protect one person a night besides herself. If they are attacked, the attacker is slain instead.
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White SheDevil-May convert one person every night to be white. If she tries to convert a white person, she catches a veneral disease and must wait another night before trying again.
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The Police-May be Black or White. Have the power to investigate people to find out their night action’s target, or to stakeout somebody else (tracker and/or watcher). Black police do not know fellow Black people, but all Police officers know each other.
Michael Jackson’s Plastic Surgeon. May change the race of anybody, including himself. Changing someone to Black will cause him to win with the Blacks, and so on.
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Redneck-Has a gun. Can shoot someone once at night.
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White Supremacist: White people must eliminate all of them to win. Wins when all non-White players have been arrested/killed, and are still alive.
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Hedge Fund Son: Is White, but wins with the Black people. Counts as White for all other purposes.
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Person that’s just Trying to Survive: Once, you may target a player and steal their role, if they have one. You are still White.
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George Bush: You are White, but you honestly don’t care who wins as long as you survive. After all, you don’t care about Black people.
Black People:
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Black Celebrity: Is immune to a day lynch, because that’s racist. The second time he fucks up though he’s done. See: Tiger Woods, Michael Jackson, OJ Simpson…
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NBA Star: May give money to a player, allowing him to use two night actions in one turn.
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Civil Rights Leader: If arrested/killed, may have target player killed.
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Creepy Guy on the Bus: Allows you to bother a person on the bus ride home. If they are White, you inhibit their night action, if they have one.
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Black Superman: You are immune to night killings. In addition, if White SheDevil targets you, she joins your side (i.e. wins with the Blacks), although she remains White.
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Mixed: You appear as White to Black people and as Black to White people. You win with the Blacks.
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Looter: Once during the game, you may target a player, and if they have a role, you steal their ability. You will always be considered Black.
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Grew Up in Rich White Neighborhood: You don’t understand what it’s like to be Black. You win with the White people, but you are Black.
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Man in Black that IS Black: You may protect one person every night. If they are attacked, both you and the attacker will be shot.
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Rap Artist: You may, once per night, sell rap to a player, turning them Black. If they are Black already, they will refuse to pay for your poor quality music, thus making you work at your part-time job, preventing you from making another album for a night.
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Asian Grocer: You may redirect abilities targeting anyone (including yourself) to anyone else. Your job is to survive. You will be considered as target a person for tracking/watching purposes.
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Fence Jumper: You may not be killed as you can escape, only arrested (by the INS). You win if you survive until the end of the game.
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Person Most Likely to be stopped at a “Randomly Selected Security Checkpoint”: If you are arrested/would be killed, you may instead “lose it” and suicide bomb someone the next night, taking out that person and anyone visiting him/her. Does not work on the Man, unless his bodyguard is down. You win as long as the Whites do not win.
You don’t know how many of each side there are. Hell, you don’t even know who’s the “mafia” and who’s the “town.”
Sign Ups Begin Below. Requesting helpers to ensure I don't ditch the game like I did last time.un