Currently, the channel is used for asking advice, asking for practice partners, hosting koth, obsing games, and the occasional troll. Once 1.2 hits, if one desires to join the teamliquid channel, he/she will probably end up in something like "teamliquid 6". Currently, there are already some channels created by the users of the TL channel, such as a channel called "obs" and one called "koth".
I think it would beneficial for all if we were to set up a standard chat channel system that we can all use so that we can do what we want. Of course, Blizzard set up some channels such as "looking for team" already, but I don't think they've covered all of the bases. It's good to be prepared ahead of time. I personally love joining random customs just to obs and standardization of chat channels would make this kind of thing so much easier than trying to talk in one of the 10 teamliquid channels.
The following is just a suggested list of standard chat channels, feedback and suggestions are always a good thing.
Everyone's got to have a general chat for just hanging out. Just an internet standard.
I'm not sure whether to separate channels for strategy for different races or not. Personally, I enjoy talking about all races at once, but perhaps that's just me. This channel would basically be a strategy discussion forum. And you can check the credibility of what everyone says right away

Like the title suggests, those who join this channel are interested in participating in a king of the hill. Spontaneous koths are a lot of fun, based on my experience with the PTR 1.2 so far.
Kind of like the koth channel, except people play games and invite people to watch with no apparent structure.
For finding people to play UMS with, like SotIS and Star Battle.
Suggested by: Liquid'Jinro
For finding practice partners whether it be a matchup, practicing micro, or macro, or whatever.
Suggested by: Liquid'Jinro
Meant for finding people to play 2s, 3s, and 4s with.
Suggested by: Liquid'Jinro
Here, lower league player can seek tips from higher ranking players, whether it be some practice games or just build order suggestions.
Suggested by: hordeau
I can't think of any more at the moment, but I'm sure I missed at least a couple thousand. (NOTE: I will add suggestions if they make obvious sense or if they are supported by multiple users) Of course, these channels, should they be adopted as a standard, will also likely be full, so there might be a "TLkoth 3", but the point of the channel will remain the same and thus make it easy to do what we want to.
NOTE: If a channel is full, add a number to it. For example, if TLGeneral is full, go to TLGeneral2. If that's full, go to TLGeneral3, and so on.
What do you guys think of this idea?
EDIT: Based on feedback so far, I still can't quite get a feel for whether the majority would prefer divided channels for different races and so on. So I'll leave it to the polls.
Poll: TLStrategy divided or united?
Just a TLStrategy channel is fine. (268)
There should be TLTerran, TLZerg, and TLProtoss. (94)
There should be TLTvZ, TLTvT, TL TvP, TL PvZ, TL PvP, and TLZvZ. (12)
374 total votes
There should be TLTerran, TLZerg, and TLProtoss. (94)
There should be TLTvZ, TLTvT, TL TvP, TL PvZ, TL PvP, and TLZvZ. (12)
374 total votes
Your vote: TLStrategy divided or united?
(Vote): Just a TLStrategy channel is fine.
(Vote): There should be TLTerran, TLZerg, and TLProtoss.
(Vote): There should be TLTvZ, TLTvT, TL TvP, TL PvZ, TL PvP, and TLZvZ.
Poll: TLPractice united or divided?
Just a TLPractice channel is fine. (239)
The channels should be divided by league (73)
The channels should be divided by race (segregation zomg) (10)
341 total votes
The channels should be divided by league (73)
The channels should be divided by race (segregation zomg) (10)
341 total votes
Your vote: TLPractice united or divided?
(Vote): Just a TLPractice channel is fine.
(Vote): The channels should be divided by race (segregation zomg)
(Vote): The channels should be divided by league