![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/gDR3i.png)
Thanks to fabiano for the banner!
Half-Life 2 Winners
FragKrag (Sent)
Dromar (Received)
storm44 (Sent)
zerroth (Received)
cha0 (Declined)
L (Received)
TryThis (Sent)
JinNJuice (Received)
speedphlux (Sent)
Left 4 Dead 2 Winners
Quzzie (Sent)
snorlax (Sent)
heishe (Received)
Pressure (Sent)
Portal Winners
TheToast (Received)
Nub4Ever (Received)
Hatsu (Received)
World of Goo Winners
aev (Received)
tieya (Sent)
FishFuzz99 (Received)
Sm3agol (Received)
eazo (Received)
Shirolol (Received)
ZaplinG (Sent)
hoppipolla (Declined)
ThatGuy (Sent)
Ryndika (Sent)
Advocado (Sent)
FragKrag (Sent)
Dromar (Received)
storm44 (Sent)
zerroth (Received)
cha0 (Declined)
L (Received)
TryThis (Sent)
JinNJuice (Received)
speedphlux (Sent)
Left 4 Dead 2 Winners
Quzzie (Sent)
snorlax (Sent)
heishe (Received)
Pressure (Sent)
Portal Winners
TheToast (Received)
Nub4Ever (Received)
Hatsu (Received)
World of Goo Winners
aev (Received)
tieya (Sent)
FishFuzz99 (Received)
Sm3agol (Received)
eazo (Received)
Shirolol (Received)
ZaplinG (Sent)
hoppipolla (Declined)
ThatGuy (Sent)
Ryndika (Sent)
Advocado (Sent)
The following players have won copies that were donated by other TL members. Because of the way Steam works, I cannot distribute these myself and thus cannot guarantee you will receive them. I will send you instructions via PM and will contact the donors who will be delivering the games to you. Again, I cannot guarantee you will receive these games as I have no control over them!
Left 4 Dead 2 Winners
Ryusei-R1 (Received)
Half-Life 2 Winners
Amui (Sent)
ArvickHero (Sent)
gnr9292 (Sent)
AngryLlama (Sent)
evoKe` (Sent)
+ Show Spoiler +
Drawing will be done at Sunday, Dec 19 5:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00). Winners will be PMed immediately after with info on how to receive their game.
Anyone wishing to watch the drawing in real-time can hang out in #tlcontest on Quakenet.
What is this, and why do I want it?
Everyone likes free stuff, right? Well, that's what this is. There is no catch. There is no contest. Just a good old fashioned drawing for free stuff.
Who are you and why should I care?
I am Serejai. I run a Minecraft server here and a couple FPS servers here for the TL community. Otherwise, I keep to myself for the most part. You don't have to care about me as long as you care about free stuff.
Why are you doing this?
I don't know. I saw the thread about the Thanksgiving Steam sale and randomly decided I would try to buy a gift pack each day to give away. Unfortunately I missed my goal because there were a few days where I didn't see anything overly interesting (or everything was expensive). I probably should have bought the Counter-Strike: Source gift pack, but I decided not to based on the lack of interest I've been seeing on my FPS servers for it. There may have been a few other games that were borderline, but ultimately I only picked up four games this time around. I'll try to do better next time.
What do I get for free?
Currently, I have the following games available to give away:
Half-Life 2 - 15 copies
Portal - 5 copies
Left 4 Dead 2 - 7 copies
World of Goo - 12 copies
Thank you to Simiard for supplying an additional copy of Half-Life 2!
Thank you to Sevryn for supplying an additional copy of Half-Life 2!
Thank you to ComusLoM for supplying two additional copies of Left 4 Dead 2!
Thank you to garbanzo for supplying an additional copy of Half-Life 2!
Thank you to FaCE_1 for supplying an additional copy of Half-Life 2!
Thank you to Spinfusor for supplying an additional copy of Half-Life 2!
Thank you to Stets for supplying an additional copy of Half-Life 2!
More games and a larger variety will be given away in part 2, coming sometime in January. If you don't see a game you like on this regrettably short list, feel free to PM me a request and I will try to get it in the next one.
But you said free! What gives?
Well, you sort of have to put in a little effort to get these. How much effort? Well...
To be eligible for receiving a freebie, you must meet the following criteria:
a) You must have more than ten meaningful posts here on TL as of this posting
b) You must have been a member here before this posting
c) You must have a relatively clean posting history
In addition to the above, you will need to "officially" enter yourself into the random drawing. Do this by typing some form of holiday greeting (Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, etc.) followed by a list of your game preferences, with your most wanted game at the top and your least wanted game at the bottom. If you already own a game, please do not list it!
+ Show Spoiler +
Merry Xmas TLers!
World of Goo <--- This is your first pick
Portal <--- This is your last pick, and you aren't interested in the other two games
Winners will be chosen on a TBD date by a random number generator using your post # as your entry (Yes, I suppose I will have to manually assign post numbers to the entire thread. Fun stuff). Games will be handed out on a priority based on the list you supply and remaining availability of the games.
+ Show Spoiler +
How and when do I get my free games?
I have not decided on a date yet for the drawing. I will update this thread when I do.
As for receiving your games, you will need to have a Steam account. I will contact you if you win, and you simply need to supply me with your Steam ID so I can gift the game to you.
If you do not currently have a Steam account, check out this page. Accounts are free and take seconds to set up for anyone who doesn't currently have one.
Ok, so when can I start?
Happy Holidays!
Drawing will be done at Sunday, Dec 19 5:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00). Winners will be PMed immediately after with info on how to receive their game.
Anyone wishing to watch the drawing in real-time can hang out in #tlcontest on Quakenet.
What is this, and why do I want it?
Everyone likes free stuff, right? Well, that's what this is. There is no catch. There is no contest. Just a good old fashioned drawing for free stuff.
Who are you and why should I care?
I am Serejai. I run a Minecraft server here and a couple FPS servers here for the TL community. Otherwise, I keep to myself for the most part. You don't have to care about me as long as you care about free stuff.
Why are you doing this?
I don't know. I saw the thread about the Thanksgiving Steam sale and randomly decided I would try to buy a gift pack each day to give away. Unfortunately I missed my goal because there were a few days where I didn't see anything overly interesting (or everything was expensive). I probably should have bought the Counter-Strike: Source gift pack, but I decided not to based on the lack of interest I've been seeing on my FPS servers for it. There may have been a few other games that were borderline, but ultimately I only picked up four games this time around. I'll try to do better next time.
What do I get for free?
Currently, I have the following games available to give away:
Half-Life 2 - 15 copies
Portal - 5 copies
Left 4 Dead 2 - 7 copies
World of Goo - 12 copies
Thank you to Simiard for supplying an additional copy of Half-Life 2!
Thank you to Sevryn for supplying an additional copy of Half-Life 2!
Thank you to ComusLoM for supplying two additional copies of Left 4 Dead 2!
Thank you to garbanzo for supplying an additional copy of Half-Life 2!
Thank you to FaCE_1 for supplying an additional copy of Half-Life 2!
Thank you to Spinfusor for supplying an additional copy of Half-Life 2!
Thank you to Stets for supplying an additional copy of Half-Life 2!
More games and a larger variety will be given away in part 2, coming sometime in January. If you don't see a game you like on this regrettably short list, feel free to PM me a request and I will try to get it in the next one.
But you said free! What gives?
Well, you sort of have to put in a little effort to get these. How much effort? Well...
To be eligible for receiving a freebie, you must meet the following criteria:
a) You must have more than ten meaningful posts here on TL as of this posting
b) You must have been a member here before this posting
c) You must have a relatively clean posting history
In addition to the above, you will need to "officially" enter yourself into the random drawing. Do this by typing some form of holiday greeting (Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, etc.) followed by a list of your game preferences, with your most wanted game at the top and your least wanted game at the bottom. If you already own a game, please do not list it!
+ Show Spoiler +
Merry Xmas TLers!
World of Goo <--- This is your first pick
Portal <--- This is your last pick, and you aren't interested in the other two games
Winners will be chosen on a TBD date by a random number generator using your post # as your entry (Yes, I suppose I will have to manually assign post numbers to the entire thread. Fun stuff). Games will be handed out on a priority based on the list you supply and remaining availability of the games.
+ Show Spoiler +
There are two copies of Portal and one copy of Left 4 Dead 2 left.
#1's list
Left 4 Dead 2
Half-Life 2
#2's list
Left 4 Dead 2
Half-Life 2
#3's list
Left 4 Dead 2
Number 1 is drawn and receives his top pick, Left 4 Dead 2. Number 2 is then drawn, but all of the games he requested are gone, so a new entry is selected (number 3) who wins Portal.
I realize this could potentially cause a few people who are picked to not receive anything, but this seems to be the best system for doing this. I may give out something else to anyone who is picked but has no games available.
#1's list
Left 4 Dead 2
Half-Life 2
#2's list
Left 4 Dead 2
Half-Life 2
#3's list
Left 4 Dead 2
Number 1 is drawn and receives his top pick, Left 4 Dead 2. Number 2 is then drawn, but all of the games he requested are gone, so a new entry is selected (number 3) who wins Portal.
I realize this could potentially cause a few people who are picked to not receive anything, but this seems to be the best system for doing this. I may give out something else to anyone who is picked but has no games available.
How and when do I get my free games?
I have not decided on a date yet for the drawing. I will update this thread when I do.
As for receiving your games, you will need to have a Steam account. I will contact you if you win, and you simply need to supply me with your Steam ID so I can gift the game to you.
If you do not currently have a Steam account, check out this page. Accounts are free and take seconds to set up for anyone who doesn't currently have one.
Ok, so when can I start?
Happy Holidays!