So, teemo is recommended... somehow... and I bought him first after hitting 20 and buying runes. He seems like garbage tho, especially since the change to movequick, so here's my current build. teach me pls: I play AP teemo because if I wanted to AD, there was WAY better heros than teemo. Teemo is for mapcontrol spell damage imo... anyways >help<
Clarity/Flash. (tried exhaust for a while, but clarity seems better as a team skill especially in a dual lane, which is usually where I am)
Mark: MPen Seal: dodge Glyph: MPregen Quint: HP
Q, E, E, W, E, R W, Q, Q, Q, R, Q, W, W,W, R, E, E
(explaination, blind seems best as first skill, then E as harass skill, then I need movequick but I'm torn between it and blind at this point. So I halfass the movequick and try to max blind)
Items: Amplifying Tome, pot Boots1 Sheen/Haunting Guise (guise if I'm struggling, sheen if I'm dominating) Boots swiftness/Merc treads (swift if I'm dominating, merc if I'm getting CCd or bursted) Then: {Abyssal Scepter (if need MR) {Zhonya's Hourglass (if need armor but also need AP) {Rylai's Scepter (if team lacks CC) {Deathfire Grasp (if team is perfect, get this for AP and CDR)} Then: If I have sheen I turn it into lichbane here. Banshee's Viel (if I'm getting CC'd hard) Frozen Heart (if opponents are hardcore AD) Spirit Visage (if I didn't get DFG and team is doing well enough to let me get CDR)
Any tips are welcome. thx
so AP teemo is trolling, AD teemo is garbage compared to other options... hybrid teemo is ... just bad at everything?
On February 05 2011 08:53 Tadzio wrote: so AP teemo is trolling, AD teemo is garbage compared to other options... hybrid teemo is ... just bad at everything? Hybrid teemo is ludicrously strong. The problem is that AP doesn't scale nearly as well on teemo as well as Magic Pen and Attack Speed. There are some great hybrid items (which are easily found in this thread) which give you one or the other in addition to other things Teemo needs (such as CDR), and of which AP is often a by-product.
On February 05 2011 07:42 Tadzio wrote: Any tips are welcome. thx Basically use any build in the thread other than the one you posted. :p
For most of them - especially those that prioritize aspeed over mpen - you want to max E and then W, maybe getting 1 level in Q at level 4.
On February 05 2011 08:53 Tadzio wrote: so AP teemo is trolling, AD teemo is garbage compared to other options... hybrid teemo is ... just bad at everything?
Teemo is pretty great. I can generally solo mid and dominate against most champs. Look at locodoco's build on the last page, it's really good.
What Teemo is great at is harassing and placing mushrooms everywhere so that your team has map control. Basically, if at any point you have 3 mushrooms ready to drop you're playing Teemo wrong.
On February 05 2011 08:53 Tadzio wrote: so AP teemo is trolling, AD teemo is garbage compared to other options... hybrid teemo is ... just bad at everything? I used to build rageblade on him immediately after malady and have stupidly good results with it. That being said I'm not at the ELO of some of the other posters, so who knows.
I still swear by malady as your first big purchase. You can just LOL all over your lane opponent with right clicking. Also makes last hitting hilariously easy and effortless. You can basically a-move and still grab every minion kill.
Don't go Flash/Clarity ):
Skip the mana regen glyphs too, not needed. Sheen also just isn't so good when Malady is just a tad more expensive.
United States37500 Posts
On February 05 2011 07:42 Tadzio wrote: So, teemo is recommended... somehow... and I bought him first after hitting 20 and buying runes. He seems like garbage tho, especially since the change to movequick, so here's my current build. teach me pls: I play AP teemo because if I wanted to AD, there was WAY better heros than teemo. Teemo is for mapcontrol spell damage imo... anyways >help<
Clarity/Flash. (tried exhaust for a while, but clarity seems better as a team skill especially in a dual lane, which is usually where I am)
Mark: MPen Seal: dodge Glyph: MPregen Quint: HP
Q, E, E, W, E, R W, Q, Q, Q, R, Q, W, W,W, R, E, E
(explaination, blind seems best as first skill, then E as harass skill, then I need movequick but I'm torn between it and blind at this point. So I halfass the movequick and try to max blind)
Items: Amplifying Tome, pot Boots1 Sheen/Haunting Guise (guise if I'm struggling, sheen if I'm dominating) Boots swiftness/Merc treads (swift if I'm dominating, merc if I'm getting CCd or bursted) Then: {Abyssal Scepter (if need MR) {Zhonya's Hourglass (if need armor but also need AP) {Rylai's Scepter (if team lacks CC) {Deathfire Grasp (if team is perfect, get this for AP and CDR)} Then: If I have sheen I turn it into lichbane here. Banshee's Viel (if I'm getting CC'd hard) Frozen Heart (if opponents are hardcore AD) Spirit Visage (if I didn't get DFG and team is doing well enough to let me get CDR)
Any tips are welcome. thx
Ignore those noobs. AP Teemo is fine. Your team just needs to build around him to maximize his potential.
EQQWQR, R > Q > E >= W Ignite/Ghost or Flash (I tend to get Flash) HP Quints, Magic Pen Reds, Mp5/Level Yellows, AP/Level Blues (CDR/Level Blues also acceptable). Doran's Shield => Kage Pick + Boots => DFG => Ionian Boots => Death Cap => Hextech Revolver => Void Staff
Early game, he's all about burst harass. Level 1, just auto attack twice if they get in range then back off to release yourself from minion aggro. Level 3, do the same but add in a Q to harass as well. As soon as you have 1100-1200, go back and get a Pick, Boots, hp pot and a ward. Continue to zone with poison harass.
Late game, Teemo is all about kiting. To make the most of Teemo, you have to ensure that every team fight, the enemy is at worse standing than yours. If in the next 180 seconds, your team is pushing bot, you have to shroom all the path to reach bottom path before you reach tower. If they all take the safe path, split push. You want them to run around through their jungle and other choke points because it is the "shortest" path to defend. Shortest path option for them means running into shrooms. Longer path, but safer (no shrooms) means your team should be able to severely damage the enemy tower(s).
Do the same for Baron, shroom all paths so when you do start, they have to run in at least 3 before reaching Baron.
Teemo's greatest weakness is his inability to aid his team in inhibitor tower pushing. So it's your responsibility to put your team far ahead enough with your superior map control to make sure they can siege with ease.
When shrooming early on, hit all tight choke points. If they are smart, they'll get an oracle's. When that happens, you need to start shrooming the grass enterances into the jungle. Even with oracle's, you can't see into brush, the enemy team will still have to risk running into it. Save all of your burst (Q, DFG, Ignite) for the enemy oracle's holder in team fights. Oracle's greatly reduces your map control. If the oracle's holder is a tank, tell your team to start a team fight, kill the oracle's then back if possible.
It's too bad Zhonya doesn't work with his passive T_T.
just to clarify for noobs, DFG is great on AP teemo because his damage is delayed so DFG's nuke coming after a mushroom isn't bad because it'll be after just 1 tick which means you still make a lot of the % damage.
also, after plunging almost 100 elo last night, I have decided that I will be playing the captain a lot this week and I'll be sure to report back here with my thoughts.
Don't forget to abuse the steroid on his passive during laning yo.
That shizz is crazy.
On February 08 2011 07:01 Juicyfruit wrote: Don't forget to abuse the steroid on his passive during laning yo.
That shizz is crazy. na yo, just gonna show up with imba defensive stats and a regrowth pendant and trade hits. Using his passive takes way too much effort.
On February 08 2011 07:04 Mogwai wrote:Show nested quote +On February 08 2011 07:01 Juicyfruit wrote: Don't forget to abuse the steroid on his passive during laning yo.
That shizz is crazy. na yo, just gonna show up with imba defensive stats and a regrowth pendant and trade hits. Using his passive takes way too much effort. Indeed.
On topic: I think....
I think Teemo might be tanky DPS.
So.... His move quick = free ghost now?
On February 08 2011 13:21 Abenson wrote: So.... His move quick = free ghost now? It's basically Strut+Paragon of Demacia rolled into 1 skill
On February 05 2011 08:28 azndsh wrote: AP teemo is for trolling But it's so fun. Seriously teemo is my #1 favorite champ at the moment simply because of how annoying he is. I just go into the "teemo zone" or something and all of a sudden I'm freaking queen of the trolls, making people hate their lives and ragequit games. It's awesome. No other hero I've played can drop someone from 100% hp to 0 in under a second in the right circumstances. Absolutely hilarious.
Ignite/Flash, always! 9/0/21. Pretty much any runes work, but you want magic pen, and mp5 mainly, anything else is just customizable. Open D-shield, and take a solo lane. You will wreck melee champs so bad it's not even funny. Get blinding dart, max ur poison asap, and just freaking farm. Teemo's harass ability is so stupidly powerful you don't even have to try. Whenever enemy pokes in range, Q+ auto attack. You just magically outlast them via your DOTs. D-shield lets you stay in lane forever. Once you hit 6, just put shrooms EVERYWHERE. Turn your lane into a forest. Turn ganks into a double kill. It's hilarious.
First trip back to town pick up sorc boots and some pots. Wards for chumps, there should be at least 10 shrooms clogging up your lane. Put them *everywhere*. Make it so your lane opponent is going to walk into them just by trying to last hit. They do such crazy damage. Next item to rush is DFG asap. Then start trolling. Go sit in their jungle somewhere. Put down some shrooms and go stealth. Someone comes along, hits the shroom, you DFG, Q, auto attack and ignite. They will die like 95% of the time.
After that you can get deathcap, rush lichbane, pick up abyssal, whatever you need. Late game once you have lichbane you can seriously healthbar squishies in under a second. Your full burst will have you giggling like an idiot. And the knowledge that your opponent will be punching holes in the wall just makes the whole experience all the better!
Hog blue buff like a slut. Shrooms everywhere. Pickup kills from across the map. Gank like a retard with your OP W spell. Be everywhere at once, and leave a pile of shrooms wherever you go! Seriously I can't overstate how fun this troll build is. I'm usually laughing insanely to myself when I play teemo lolololoolol
19 magic pen teemo so good. Make people hate life when your shrooms are hitting them for true damage.
Sorc boots/malady/blah blah
Incidentally, why does The Rainman's teemo look so OP?
i bought teemo (my least favorite champ EVER conceived) and played a game with him totally changed my mind, jesus tits he's fun as a bag of titties and whipped cream
i went d-shield open into malady->zerkers->BRs->abyssal->haunting guise->mallet i was able to kite anyone that walked by me when i was invis, from full to 0 in a few seconds but felt worthless in teamfights unless their ad carry engaged me directly (in which case i crushed)
with abyssal, 19 mpen runes, guise, 15% mpen masteries, i was doing near-true damage on shrooms and true damage with BR + malady to every champ in the game except their panth who went banshee hexdrinker zerkers quicksilver lol
pretty much awesome, can't wait to bring him to some ranked games
Last time I went smurfing as Singed I was the only one on my team who did anything late game (bad underfarmed anivia, AP tristana, not very good mf, don't even remember who the 5th was). Unfortunately the enemy team had a Trollmo with Frozen Mallet. As soon as Trist stopped being able to burst him from 100% to dead, we lost every teamfight because he could just kite me. Except one where I bought oracles and we found him sitting in the middle of our team.
The rainman uses a very tanky rune setup involving HP quints and flat MR blues. 9/21/0. He seems to be getting wriggles as well for pushing/lanestaying/ward/neutrals. He buys dorans blades whenever he feels threatened by burst it seems as well.