+ Show Spoiler [Pyrr] +
On October 25 2009 18:54 Pyrrhuloxia wrote:
If medics can protect themselves then yes.
'Fraid not. Why would you check more than one of the BGs? And you'd still have 2 possible sanities left as far as I can tell since you still don't know what Judge really is.
If medics can protect themselves then yes.
'Fraid not. Why would you check more than one of the BGs? And you'd still have 2 possible sanities left as far as I can tell since you still don't know what Judge really is.
First of all I already explained why the Mafia can't kill Judge assuming he's innocent. It would confirm myself and Judge's role. I'd be confirmed DT on Day 3 without the possibility of being killed.
Second of all I would check both BGs to make sure they both flip the same color. If they flip differently one is Mafia. Really simple. Both should appear "blue". As If Judge dies, whatever color he flips/role I compare it to the BGs and I know whats what. Any RC I do from then in I already know what's what.
Lastly this is no mind trick. This is a really simple plan that just means the Mafia will be dead in a few days. But your just more worried about me pulling some elaborate ruse over your eyes than reading the posts.
+ Show Spoiler [Amber's drivel] +
On October 25 2009 23:17 Amber[LighT] wrote:
Pyrr please don't fall into the bullshit going on in this thread. It's obvious that Ace is bullshitting us. He was able to determine his sanity so easily? He also managed to role-check someone so blindly that he landed the paramedic? He then posted that information in the thread? And after all that, he goes ahead and accuses both you and I and anyone else that has been against him, yet we let him live. And then Ace, you decide to tl;dr my post? Says you're not really an effective pardoner, so we should lynch you, because no one will touch you otherwise.
Here's what I see through Ace's behavior:
Motbob must be mafia. Ace pardoned someone for no reason, and even more importantly, this guy is "inactive." Well WTF Ace we have always killed someone because of activity on the first day, why change that now? He's useless to the town if you keep him alive and inactive, and I'm sure Qatol and Ver would have preferred if you didn't do that, but there must be a reason they allowed you to pardon him, he needs to stay alive for the mafia KP. Without him the mafia cannot succeed. Even if they mod-killed them, which I'm surprised they're not doing, the would be down one mafia member and one lynch away from having 1 KP per night.
Ace is probably mafia. You used the pardoner ability when, in most games played here, we have NEVER used the pardoner ability. In fact, the one time the pardoner role was used IIRC, that pardoner was mafia and he was protecting a fellow mafia member. So if we lynch you, we can confirm that Motbob is red... and maybe one other person.
You decided that vx70GTOJudgexv was a paramedic. That's a good choice to make a fake claim. I mean all you have to do is tell Judge to protect someone and instead you just don't kill them, makes it look like he's doing good. Then when the town numbers dwindle he just turns sides. It's a good plan, really. What would be better is if you guys made w8c the godfather, and then he could pick the paramedic role, so when we "don't believe you," we can just waste a role-check on him and see he's a "medic."
Since the other two depend on your survival and you won't let us go through with the motbob plan, we should lynch you. The town deserves to know if you actually have a plan inside of your head or if you were saving one of your own.
EVERYONE should vote to lynch ACE today. This gives us valuable information about at least four other townies! (Motbob, Judge, myself, pyrr and anyone else Ace has ridiculed in this game) We do not need the pardoner role to win this!
Pyrr please don't fall into the bullshit going on in this thread. It's obvious that Ace is bullshitting us. He was able to determine his sanity so easily? He also managed to role-check someone so blindly that he landed the paramedic? He then posted that information in the thread? And after all that, he goes ahead and accuses both you and I and anyone else that has been against him, yet we let him live. And then Ace, you decide to tl;dr my post? Says you're not really an effective pardoner, so we should lynch you, because no one will touch you otherwise.
Here's what I see through Ace's behavior:
Motbob must be mafia. Ace pardoned someone for no reason, and even more importantly, this guy is "inactive." Well WTF Ace we have always killed someone because of activity on the first day, why change that now? He's useless to the town if you keep him alive and inactive, and I'm sure Qatol and Ver would have preferred if you didn't do that, but there must be a reason they allowed you to pardon him, he needs to stay alive for the mafia KP. Without him the mafia cannot succeed. Even if they mod-killed them, which I'm surprised they're not doing, the would be down one mafia member and one lynch away from having 1 KP per night.
Ace is probably mafia. You used the pardoner ability when, in most games played here, we have NEVER used the pardoner ability. In fact, the one time the pardoner role was used IIRC, that pardoner was mafia and he was protecting a fellow mafia member. So if we lynch you, we can confirm that Motbob is red... and maybe one other person.
You decided that vx70GTOJudgexv was a paramedic. That's a good choice to make a fake claim. I mean all you have to do is tell Judge to protect someone and instead you just don't kill them, makes it look like he's doing good. Then when the town numbers dwindle he just turns sides. It's a good plan, really. What would be better is if you guys made w8c the godfather, and then he could pick the paramedic role, so when we "don't believe you," we can just waste a role-check on him and see he's a "medic."
Since the other two depend on your survival and you won't let us go through with the motbob plan, we should lynch you. The town deserves to know if you actually have a plan inside of your head or if you were saving one of your own.
EVERYONE should vote to lynch ACE today. This gives us valuable information about at least four other townies! (Motbob, Judge, myself, pyrr and anyone else Ace has ridiculed in this game) We do not need the pardoner role to win this!
And this is why I said you're an idiot. I do not know my sanity, hence we don't know if judge is a medic. I've said this over like 10 times. So you don't even know what's going on, good. Now to discredit the rest of your post.
So Motbob must be mafia. I pardoned him for no reason? You mean the reason other than...you guys didn't have a legit reason for lynching him? I'd honestly pardon any player that you guys vote for with no good reasoning as the Mafia KP isn't high, they lose in time due to confirmed DTs and their are only 21 players in the game. I'm 100% certain I'm smarter than you and this proves it. We've killed because of inactivity on the first day because - they were inactive. Motbob was accused of being inactive, then he posted. He's no longer inactive. But then someone says "o he posted after that in another forum!" - why does it matter? Other players have BARELY posted and yet you're all still set on lynching him. That looks more suspicious than anything else.
The Pardoner ability is never used because honestly most players that get the role have no idea how powerful it is. Like I said there's one thing in every Mafia game that is always consistent - I've never been wrong. Not once has my judgment led the town in the wrong direction. Ever. Plenty of times I've stuck my neck out to say someone is most likely innocent or there isn't enough proof based on bandwagoning and every single time I've been right. Motbob may be Mafia but we aren't going to start killing people off of hunches.
I did not decide Judge was Paramedic. That's what I got back when I role checked him. Stop making stuff up. I haven't even talked to judge privately as I rarely PM players unless I have a reason. I don't know if Judge is innocent or not. If I was playing fishy I'd have easily kept the information to myself. By making it public I put a consequence on myself or Judge dying if the Mafia kill either of us.
At this point it looks like you are trying to force my lynch by any means necessary. Looking at the posts I skimmed past it looks like a few knuckleheads are trying to go the same route. But the voting thread hasn't changed at all which means one of you is probably mafia waiting for someone else to vote so you can jump on the train. But I'll address that too. Hold on the rape train doesn't stop here.
+ Show Spoiler [Rol] +
On October 26 2009 01:11 RebirthOfLeGenD wrote:
I checked Judge on Night 1 because I didn't have any BG names and the Vet never stepped forward. Duh? Why does it matter who I checked then? You're bringing attention to something that has no bearing on my motives. If any of the 3 prime choices for checking aren't there I had to pick someone instead of you know, not using my unlimited role checks.
I've already shown no one needs to die for me to figure out their sanity. Think a little. Tonight the rest of the Detectives can all check Judge and see for themselves what color he is. I can check the BGs Nights 2 and 3. Doesn't matter what color they flip. I'll be damn near sure what sanity I am. If Judge dies thats it - game over. I know my sanity. I'll publicly post this. The other DTs will also known their sanity. Hence, Judge is protected from death. Medics can choose to save another target. We move on to the next day and the cycle repeats. No one needs to be lynched off of shitty hunches. If a DT already checked motbob fine, let them keep checking other people. If motbob is mafia we'll find out eventually. But you won't be lynching him off of non-credible hunches because some random guy said "o he's inactive!" when Scamp hasn't even posted much either.
Now as for your misreading of the rules and my plan, let me explain (I'm going to have to do this more than once). A color in quotes represents what they show up to me as, a color in CAPS represents what they really are game wise.
Judge shows up as "blue". I don't know his real role.
Bodyguards are a BLUE role.
If the bodyguards both don't flip the same color one of them is Mafia. Point blank.
I rolecheck the Bodyguards. It does not matter what color they flip. If they flip "blue" that means them and Judge all have the same role. This means either all 3 are Mafia or all 3 are legit blues.
If they flip any other color but blue and match I know it's highly possible Judge is plain green.
If they appear any color and I never see that color again in a future RC I know that both of them are Mafia. If any of the bodyguards die I know they are legit and I now know my sanity. Remember the rules say Mafia bodyguards appear as RED not BLUE. So I automatically know by not seeing what RED appears as to me ever again if they'd be legit. This isn't hard to understand.
+ Show Spoiler [Rol] +
On October 26 2009 01:16 RebirthOfLeGenD wrote:
Oh and Just a short post because I didn't want this to get lost in text
Veteran please role claim NOW
Now is the time you should be role claiming if you exist and aren't inactive T_T The only issue is we don't have the lynch check for the DT's, but if the Vet claims motbob SHOULD be lynched. It gives the Dt's there santiy upon checking the role calling Vet if they checked motbob last night, and since I doubt Ace is actually a DT I am hoping that is what happened.
so I will say it again Vet please role call this will establish a person we can follow from now on instead of listening to office holders. At this point in the game they can';t kill you before our plan comes to fruition or take extra lives off before the DT's can check you, so now is the ideal time.
Oh and Just a short post because I didn't want this to get lost in text
Veteran please role claim NOW
Now is the time you should be role claiming if you exist and aren't inactive T_T The only issue is we don't have the lynch check for the DT's, but if the Vet claims motbob SHOULD be lynched. It gives the Dt's there santiy upon checking the role calling Vet if they checked motbob last night, and since I doubt Ace is actually a DT I am hoping that is what happened.
so I will say it again Vet please role call this will establish a person we can follow from now on instead of listening to office holders. At this point in the game they can';t kill you before our plan comes to fruition or take extra lives off before the DT's can check you, so now is the ideal time.
This is actually the only you said I agree with. Vet still hasn't role claimed, I still have no BG names. *shrugs*
+ Show Spoiler [Shikyo] +
On October 26 2009 01:17 Shikyo wrote:
RoL has been making quite a bit of sense here.
Ace still is fishy. It's nowhere near guaranteed you're a DT, not even likely. RCing Judge was a pretty bad move for a player like you. Why wouldn't you RC someone more likely to die, someone who's been contributing a lot or has annoyed a lot of people? This RC makes no sense at all. I already addressed the pardoning issue as well, that's just bad play. Really, the pardon thing and "a suspicious bandwagon against the most useless player who has been acting suspicious and hasn't contributed at all" is just a load of crap.
RoL has been making quite a bit of sense here.
Ace still is fishy. It's nowhere near guaranteed you're a DT, not even likely. RCing Judge was a pretty bad move for a player like you. Why wouldn't you RC someone more likely to die, someone who's been contributing a lot or has annoyed a lot of people? This RC makes no sense at all. I already addressed the pardoning issue as well, that's just bad play. Really, the pardon thing and "a suspicious bandwagon against the most useless player who has been acting suspicious and hasn't contributed at all" is just a load of crap.
There's no hope for you. Believe whatever you want.
+ Show Spoiler [L] +
On October 26 2009 02:13 L wrote:
Ace keeps saying that he needs to know the bodyguards names so that he can check them. He says he needs to do so in order to find out what blue is. He points someone to the bodyguard role to chastise them, yet ignores this:
Ace keeps saying that he needs to know the bodyguards names so that he can check them. He says he needs to do so in order to find out what blue is. He points someone to the bodyguard role to chastise them, yet ignores this:
lol L so fail.
I know the bodyguards if Mafia will show up as MAFIA. DURRRRR! Now time to own you, moron.
This is the last time I'm going to explain this. You guys are so fucking SLOW it's funny.
Judge appears "blue". Let's assume he's innocent. Doesn't matter if he is BLUE OR GREEN.
If the bodyguards are Mafia they will be RED, as in they appear as MAFIA to a normal role check. A RED player can appear as anything to me. We know this. But I just checked Judge. So...
If a bodyguard appears "blue" to me, I know them and Judge all have the same type. If all 3 appear "blue" I'm almost positive Judge is innocent at that point. If both bodyguards don't appear the same color one is guaranteed Mafia. There's no denying this.
Let's say the bodyguards both appear "green" to me. I know what they should be though - BLUE. If any of them happen to die I am virtually guaranteed my sanity. Same thing happens with Judge.
Let's say they appear "red" to me. Same thing. However let's also say I keep rolechecking people and I never see another "red". Ever. Or I rolechecked someone, who appeared "green" to me, they ended up dying and flipped a BLUE role. Both bodyguards are Mafia because if they were really BLUE they should have appeared "green" to me, not "red" because a legit BLUE just died and flipped "green" to me.
So now who's logic doesn't add up? Fucking owning you guys left and right. Too easy.
+ Show Spoiler [shikyo] +
On October 26 2009 02:21 Shikyo wrote:
Quote by Ace:
"Don't kill active, contributing players. Even if you think Tricode is worthless right now with no clues to go on killing actives will hurt even more at this point."
So if we can't kill active players and can't kill the most inactive player in the game because "there is a 5% chance he's the veteran" who the hell can we kill?
Quote by Ace:
"Don't kill active, contributing players. Even if you think Tricode is worthless right now with no clues to go on killing actives will hurt even more at this point."
So if we can't kill active players and can't kill the most inactive player in the game because "there is a 5% chance he's the veteran" who the hell can we kill?
Motbob wasn't inactive, stop trying that shit.
+ Show Spoiler [Shikyo] +
On October 26 2009 02:57 Shikyo wrote:
"assuming I'm not too late (I just started reading the thread) I pardon anyone who's going to be lynched today anyway. We don't have anything to go on and the DTs cant check them yet."
Implies that Ace thinks that DT checking is important. However, later in the thread he greatly downplayed the importance of DTs being able to find out their sanities, namely with his arguments for pardoning and for not agreeing to lynch motbob today.
"assuming I'm not too late (I just started reading the thread) I pardon anyone who's going to be lynched today anyway. We don't have anything to go on and the DTs cant check them yet."
Implies that Ace thinks that DT checking is important. However, later in the thread he greatly downplayed the importance of DTs being able to find out their sanities, namely with his arguments for pardoning and for not agreeing to lynch motbob today.
Now you're making stuff up. I never downplayed the importance of DTs figuring out their sanity. I made it very well known you won't be lynching motbob because of random accusations. So once again, you're wrong.
+ Show Spoiler [shikyo] +
"Pyrr can't trust me right now so he has no incentive to give me their names and I also can't confirm anything about him. "
Later on he talks about giving the names to him as if it was common sense.
Durr because it was? Before Night 1 he doesn't have any idea what role I can be. Day 2 I roleclaim and publicly let everyone know who I rolechecked. This gives the possibility to know my role on 2 fronts and allows you to know if I was really Mafia I'd be an idiot for letting you know about the BG switch AND putting myself up to the magnifying glass. It was common sense that at that point you could trust me with the BG names because if both BGs are legit and ended up dying the next night then obviously who's the only person that could be Mafia? Me. Think ahead silly.
+ Show Spoiler [Pyrr] +
On October 26 2009 03:09 Pyrrhuloxia wrote:
I'm hardly Sarah Palin going rogue here I've explained everything and I've been posting everything that needs to be said. Excuse me if I'm not posting five times as much as I need to like in previous games. We're following the vet plan although it is looking like there may not be a vet. As for the DT plan, it looks like if Ace is a DT we are way behind because he checked Judge. I'm leaning towards Judge with my lynch vote now so we could maybe learn something and catch up but if we kill him and he's medic that sucks. Although there is only a 1/3 chance of him being medic based on what we know? I don't want to kill Ace and have him turn DT either.
I'm hardly Sarah Palin going rogue here I've explained everything and I've been posting everything that needs to be said. Excuse me if I'm not posting five times as much as I need to like in previous games. We're following the vet plan although it is looking like there may not be a vet. As for the DT plan, it looks like if Ace is a DT we are way behind because he checked Judge. I'm leaning towards Judge with my lynch vote now so we could maybe learn something and catch up but if we kill him and he's medic that sucks. Although there is only a 1/3 chance of him being medic based on what we know? I don't want to kill Ace and have him turn DT either.
Stop your bullshit. We are right on schedule. I have no Vets and no BGs yet. Doesn't matter who I checked. There is no Vet plan as the Vet hasn't claimed. Judge isn't going to be killed either as I'll just pardon him unless someone shows some real good analysis on him.
+ Show Spoiler [shikyo] +
On October 26 2009 03:39 Shikyo wrote:
On page 30 Ace says "I don't have any serious opinions about anyone right now. I'm just pretty lax, waiting on Night to pass. Pyrr has to tell me who his BGs are and also tell another player before this night is over tho. Once that's over the pain train can get started."
Before Ace posted "Pyrr can't trust me right now so he has no incentive to give me their names and I also can't confirm anything about him. "
as I mentioned earlier. Without anything happening in between or any discussion about the reasons to give Ace the BG names, Ace suddenly says that. Interesting.
Oh, "Once we move to Day 2 I'll reveal the second part of my plan. " interesting.
One more thing that I just realized. Ace has always been proud about not having to ever reveal his role to anyone to win in mafia. Why would he suddenly claim DT in this game?
On page 30 Ace says "I don't have any serious opinions about anyone right now. I'm just pretty lax, waiting on Night to pass. Pyrr has to tell me who his BGs are and also tell another player before this night is over tho. Once that's over the pain train can get started."
Before Ace posted "Pyrr can't trust me right now so he has no incentive to give me their names and I also can't confirm anything about him. "
as I mentioned earlier. Without anything happening in between or any discussion about the reasons to give Ace the BG names, Ace suddenly says that. Interesting.
Oh, "Once we move to Day 2 I'll reveal the second part of my plan. " interesting.
One more thing that I just realized. Ace has always been proud about not having to ever reveal his role to anyone to win in mafia. Why would he suddenly claim DT in this game?
Oh that's extremely simple really. In past games I've never revealed my role unless I had to. This game I can easily reveal my role because look at the ruleset and the circumstances:
KP of 2, I'm in office, and I can prove my sanity quickly. With the possibilty of a BG switch I had to hope to survive Night 1 so I could roleclaim Day 2. Now we're at Day 2. I roleclaim DT right? Right. Now pay attention.
If I die before any bodyguards show up dead, both BGs are Mafia. Pyrr releases the name, if he doesn't he's Mafia. Simple really. 2 Mafia or 1 Mafia dead.
I also post my Rcs publicly. If I die or they die I'm further along on my sanity and/or the town gets more information on who's really what.
So now I've put pressure on the Mafia to kill me before I find out my sanity and just have a role list and turn this into Mafia 2. They only have a KP of 2 so there isn't much damage they can do fast enough to stop me. Of course this also assumes the town is paying attention and not arguing with me and that's why we have the situation we do now.
+ Show Spoiler [some tard] +
On October 26 2009 03:52 Amber[LighT] wrote:
We aren't voting just to fucking kill people for the sake of killing them. Get this through your dumb skull.
+ Show Spoiler [dreamflower] +
On October 26 2009 04:01 dreamflower wrote:
Sorry for not posting for a day. I think I was so annoyed by the bad rhyming and upside-down posts that I just didn't feel like checking the thread for a while. I'm very glad there's been a lot of substantive posts and debating since then.
I admit I'm not sure if I believe Ace's claim to be a detective. But I am swayed by the fact that he gave the result of his rolecheck and his overall activity, which has been extremely high and characterized by planning and aggressive posts, rather than boredom/TL;DR(when he's green) or quiet (when he's Mafia). If so, I don't think his checking Judge was such a bad move, nor sharing the result of his rolecheck. If the Mafia target either Judge or Ace (assuming they substituted in bodyguards), we can get a better idea of either Ace's sanity or the identities of two Mafia, respectively. I'm probably missing something, but that doesn't seem too bad to me.
I also think Amber[light]'s logic regarding Ace's pardoning motbob was pretty hilarious. As far as I can tell (and Ace is free to chime in), he pardoned motbob because he had a pretty good reason to be inactive and promised to be active again after Sunday. Lynching someone because they don't have time to post right away wouldn't help the town much, especially when we had very little information pointing toward motbob being Mafia. Also, do you really think Qatol and Ver would "prefer Ace not to pardon motbob but allowed him to do it to preserve Mafia KP"? Game hosts aren't going to allow or disallow player actions and interfere with the outcome of the game like that. Your logic sounded pretty sketchy, as though you just don't like Ace and were trying to justify it as best you could.
Sorry for not posting for a day. I think I was so annoyed by the bad rhyming and upside-down posts that I just didn't feel like checking the thread for a while. I'm very glad there's been a lot of substantive posts and debating since then.
I admit I'm not sure if I believe Ace's claim to be a detective. But I am swayed by the fact that he gave the result of his rolecheck and his overall activity, which has been extremely high and characterized by planning and aggressive posts, rather than boredom/TL;DR(when he's green) or quiet (when he's Mafia). If so, I don't think his checking Judge was such a bad move, nor sharing the result of his rolecheck. If the Mafia target either Judge or Ace (assuming they substituted in bodyguards), we can get a better idea of either Ace's sanity or the identities of two Mafia, respectively. I'm probably missing something, but that doesn't seem too bad to me.
I also think Amber[light]'s logic regarding Ace's pardoning motbob was pretty hilarious. As far as I can tell (and Ace is free to chime in), he pardoned motbob because he had a pretty good reason to be inactive and promised to be active again after Sunday. Lynching someone because they don't have time to post right away wouldn't help the town much, especially when we had very little information pointing toward motbob being Mafia. Also, do you really think Qatol and Ver would "prefer Ace not to pardon motbob but allowed him to do it to preserve Mafia KP"? Game hosts aren't going to allow or disallow player actions and interfere with the outcome of the game like that. Your logic sounded pretty sketchy, as though you just don't like Ace and were trying to justify it as best you could.
Yea pretty much. Every game I've got a fanclub of guys trying to ride my 9inch and Amber returned just for it this game. Gotta love it.
+ Show Spoiler [L] +
On October 26 2009 04:38 L wrote:
I suggest people go re-read mafia 8 to see how Ace deals with people who roleclaim DT.
I suggest people go re-read mafia 8 to see how Ace deals with people who roleclaim DT.
You mean you should go re-read Mafia 8 to see how Ace deals with DTs that can't be confirmed or DTs that accuse people without the ability to be proven. Both of which have already been bypassed this game. Ding-Dong is anyone home over there?
+ Show Spoiler [shikyo] +
[QUOTE]On October 26 2009 04:42 Shikyo wrote:
[QUOTE]On October 26 2009 04:38 L wrote:
Short version: He kills them.
Not to mention that he always wants to not give any clues about his role or claim it. In this game he first continuously hinted about it and in the end claimed.
Not suspicious at all, especially if his other actions are taken into consideration. For those with broken brains, it is highly suspicious.
Like I don't know how many games of Mafia we have to go through for people to get this: I rarely if ever play a consistent way. If it was that simple the last time I was Mafia everyone would have noticed it and I would have been dead. Of course that didn't happen, my team won and there were QQs all around. In short, stop trying to guess what role I am based on what I do in other games with completely different rulesets. If you want to be even decent at figuring me out just follow the logic. Here I'll help you. I'll give you some insight on how to rape at this game.
Premise: Let's assume Ace is Mafia
1.)Ace is Mafia. Why would he bring attention to the fact that bodyguards can be subbed in? If he was was Mafia he would have kept that aspect quiet, hoping no one believed it. He also wouldn't have run for a role and just killed 2 possible innocents in office on Night 1. Of course he didn't do this so ok his possibility of being guilty aren't as high but he's still fishy.
2.) He roleclaims DT on Day 2. He said he had a plan on Day 1 and wanted some critical information. He also supported the Vet idea. Why? If he was Mafia surely he'd want to kill the bodyguards if Pyrr gave him the info...however he publicly roleclaimed on Day 2 and posted the result of his check. Damn. No Mafia fake claiming a DT would ever do that because now he is accountable on multiple fronts. Sure it also gives him multiple ways to prove he is a legit DT via behavior but he's gotta be lying right?
3.) Shit, Ace can't be Mafia. I just realized that his rolecheck plan when I pull my head outta my ass makes perfect sense. It does add up! Also if Ace was Mafia why hasn't he tried to accuse anyone by now, or lead the town to lynch an innocent? He's playing defensive trying to preserve lives rather than kill just anyone.
4.) Ace has to be legit. Dang, lemme stop being an idiot and actually listen to him. We've ignored his advice in games before and got fucked over when he was actually innocent and gave us the keys to winning.