21:19:40 MMR-Stats 9.3
21:19:40 --------INIT START--------
21:19:40 OK Sc2Gears auto-save is enabled.
21:19:40 OK File-Encoding UTF-8
21:19:40 Loading HOTS DB file...
21:19:40 OK Loading DB version 14.0 done
21:19:41 OK DB up to date!
21:19:41 Loading character profiles:
21:19:41 Profile:
http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/4149807/1/Abaddon/21:19:41 OK Settings loaded!
21:19:41 OK Gamedata: 21 Games loaded.
21:19:41 Loading Archive...
21:19:41 No Data Found!
21:19:41 Memory scanner is enabled
21:19:41 OK Triggers ready!
21:19:42 OK: Program is up to date
21:19:42 --------INIT END--------
FATALERROR Export data failed!
21:23:8 --------------------------
21:23:8 Game Start detected
21:23:8 Searching memory for character profiles for game HotS
21:23:8 Reading Memory ...OK
21:23:8 Ramscanner: name1 : Abaddon
21:23:8 Ramscanner: id1 : 1-4149807
21:23:8 Ramscanner: name2 : minime
21:23:8 Ramscanner: id2 : 1-1337622
21:23:8 OK Found Memory-Profile in Active-Profiles!
21:23:48 Pre-trigger: Reading web profiles
ERROR Webgrabber: Cant catch Site giveup!
Webgrabber: Player false
21:24:31 ERROR Webgrabber: Cant catch Site giveup!
21:24:31 Webgrabber: Opponent false
21:24:31 Pre-trigger: Done reading web profiles
21:24:31 Pre-Trigger: player 1:
http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/4149807/1/Abaddon/21:24:31 Pre-Trigger: player 2:
http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/1337622/1/minime/21:24:31 Pre-Trigger done
21:51:13 Post-trigger: Reading web profiles
21:51:39 ERROR Webgrabber: Cant catch Site giveup!
21:51:39 Webgrabber: Player false
21:52:5 ERROR Webgrabber: Cant catch Site giveup!
21:52:5 Webgrabber: Opponent false
21:52:5 Post-trigger: Done reading web profiles
21:52:5 Calculating adjusted points for the players (either Alg. A or B needs to succceed for certain player)
21:52:5 Adjusted calculator ERROR: Invalid player data:
http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/4149807/1/Abaddon/21:52:5 Adjusted calculator ERROR: Invalid player data:
http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/1337622/1/minime/21:52:5 ERROR LASTCHECK : Both players invalid
21:52:5 Gamecheck: false
21:52:5 GAME:
21:52:5 PREPLAYER 1:
Data: false
Reading: false
Adjusted: false
Dmmr: false
id: 1-4149807
http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/4149807/1/Abaddon/game: HotS
server: US
league: ERROR
division_name: ERROR
Main race: unkown
Game race: unkown
gamedate: ERROR
mapname: ERROR
totalbonuspool: 266
Wins: -9999
Looses: -9999
points: -9999
bonus: -9999
change_points: -9999
adjusted_points: -9999
21:52:5 PREPLAYER 2:
Data: false
Reading: false
Adjusted: false
Dmmr: false
id: 1-1337622
http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/1337622/1/minime/game: HotS
server: US
league: ERROR
division_name: ERROR
Main race: unkown
Game race: unkown
gamedate: ERROR
mapname: ERROR
totalbonuspool: 266
Wins: -9999
Looses: -9999
points: -9999
bonus: -9999
change_points: -9999
adjusted_points: -9999
21:52:5 POSTPLAYER 1:
Data: false
Reading: false
Adjusted: false
Dmmr: false
id: 1-4149807
http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/4149807/1/Abaddon/game: HotS
server: US
league: ERROR
division_name: ERROR
Main race: unkown
Game race: t
gamedate: ERROR
mapname: ERROR
totalbonuspool: 266
Wins: -9999
Looses: -9999
points: -9999
bonus: -9999
change_points: -9999
adjusted_points: -9999
21:52:5 POSTPLAYER 2:
Data: false
Reading: false
Adjusted: false
Dmmr: false
id: 1-1337622
http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/1337622/1/minime/game: HotS
server: US
league: ERROR
division_name: ERROR
Main race: unkown
Game race: p
gamedate: ERROR
mapname: ERROR
totalbonuspool: 266
Wins: -9999
Looses: -9999
points: -9999
bonus: -9999
change_points: -9999
adjusted_points: -9999
21:52:5 Dataset: (GAME: HotS)
TIME: 1372305035189
VALID: false
Result for player 1: L
--- GAMEEND ---
21:52:5 POST-Trigger done
21:52:5 Data quality needs to be 100% to be able to calculate MMR
21:52:5 <FONT COLOR="DD0000">Data quality for calculating Player's MMR: 0% </font>
21:52:5 <FONT COLOR="DD0000">Data quality for calculating Opponent's MMR: 0% </font>
21:52:7 OK Uploader: game uploaded
21:52:7 Ladder Game Done!
21:52:7 --------------------------