On April 01 2012 01:17 TurpinOS wrote:Show nested quote +On April 01 2012 00:26 Firebolt145 wrote: They rarely even leave Jita/Amarr/Rens. This is blatant lies, moar tears are honourable warriors of eve online pvp that leave those systems very often to combat the forces of the Jump Freighter.
Speaking of Moar Tears, How's 0rphanage these days, still "combating the forces of the Jump Freighter"? Lol.
Lalalaland34484 Posts
I think 0rphanage died? Dunno.
On April 01 2012 01:56 Firebolt145 wrote: I think 0rphanage died? Dunno.
I hoped so, but sadly found this.
Yep; they're still at it.
Sigh, I was wondering when CCP was going to step in. It was a clever use of game mechanics, but oh well.
If you gain a Global Criminal Countdown by committing an illegal action in high security space, it is considered an exploit to attack a target after you warp away from the grid, or warp within the same grid, where you gained that GCC; even if you later return to that grid while still affected by that GCC.
It is a violation of game policy to avoid retaliation from CONCORD and players who are found using this exploit will have action taken by Game Masters on their accounts. A fix for this exploit, including proper patch notes, will be released as soon as possible.
Right in time before goonish jita interdiction :D
It was inevitable.
If they didn't step in now, the application would and could be (with enough effort on the part of the ganker and a bit of good fortune regarding response time and client/server lag) extended to a virtually indefinite crime spree in high-sec.
Looks like my JF is saved.
Being able to suicide gank a JF with a single tornado was kind of ridiculous.
I just got my first real solo kill(s) today. I was in EC- in a dual web Drake looking for a fight. I was warping around the system trying to d-scan down a Hurricane when Zedd Al'thor called out in TS that there was a pod trying to slow boat through a bubble to the Torrinos gate. I warp to a pounce off the gate, only to find that the pod had made it to the gate.
However, a Wolf was sitting 50 km off of a wreck about 800 km from me, so I warp to the wreck, and start to burn towards the Wolf. I get a point on the Wolf, and soon after get the double webs. I launch my Warrior IIs and start firing my heated HMLs at the Wolf, when a Jaguar warps onto grid and starts to burn towards me. I take down the Wolf, and a Nemesis decloaks to assist the Jaguar.
I switch my webs and point to the Jaguar, and start to go to work on him. However, he has a very strong shield tank, and I have around 90% burn damage on my HMLs from killing the Wolf. Meanwhile, the Nemesis/Jaguar combo is starting to wear down my shields, and I approach 50% shields. I manage to take down the Jaguar with about 25% shields left. Before the Nemesis can align I burn in and grab the point and smash him. With the Nemesis down, the AAA frigate gang was destroyed.
Russian Federation3631 Posts
^^ gj
you are on a distinguished road, my first real solo kill came like 1 year after I started eve. And your heat management is already better than mine!
your next quest is to obtain the burning wreck of a minmatar t2 cruiser (vagabond preferred, rapier / huginn is cool too though)
Russian Federation3631 Posts
Today's EC- police report is sponsored by manufacturers of 10MN ABs worldwide -- "good for all nanoships, especially claymores!"
A little bit of background. Recently, the Pure Blind region has become a bit more interesting, with a bunch of parties moving into (or roaming through) the area. In no particular order:
-0ccupational Hazzard, brave Loki/artynado warriors of great honour, have returned from a vacation in the south -Pandemic Legion, have arrived to sow terror upon the CFC with amazingly executed covert hotdrops -.-A-., deploying north for some srs business attacks on CFC real estate or something -ROL -- .-A-. friends, I guess. Also RUS))) -NC. -- pretty chill people (except for Invictus Australis, the most risk-averse/smack-talk loving corporation in the universe), here for the roamings. Propolis is honourwarrior and not afraid of anything -The Methodical Alliance -- MoA doesn't like these guys so they must be doing something right -and others
Also, some random alliance, SyndicateDOT, has moved into a lowsec system bordering Saranen. Mandini, being the fine gentleman he is, greeted them by assaulting one of their pve drakes. I assume Mandini invited the pilot out to tea afterwards.
Anyways, these events are in direct opposition of our goals for the 93PI cluster.
What goals, you may ask.
Who the fuck knows? -- needless to say, though, they are extremely relevant.
In any case, we find a combined -A-/ROL frigate gang camping the Torrinos gate. Their forces are reported to consist of 2x Vagabond, a battle-Loki, Claymore, Curse, Hurricane, Naga, Sabre, Ares, Taranis, an RF firetail, and a gaggle of stilettos (3, to be exact). We form up 6 BC + a Cynabal + a rifter, because we are blobbing jackasses. In an aggrieved -A- member's words:
[05:50:17] Lynnett > you buys are ruining ESPORTS brought BC to a frig fight .. not too fair youthink
a curse is just a big sentinel right? right Grandmaster of the Space Chivalry (Spivalry) Order of Space, Aeth Gemulus, leads the charge, warping in 2 drakes, an oracle, and his Cynabal to initiate the fight. The enemy Claymore, probably the priciest ship of their gang, is pointed up and we await their rescue response.
Little did Grandmaster Aeth Gemulus know that he had activated the .-A-. trap card.
5+ -A-/ROL bombers decloak and open fire along with the rest of their fleet, while Jed burns toward the Curse to web it, while the remaining Hatchery forces (2x drake and an oracle) begin warping onto the field. Jed's Drake and the Curse are locked in a fatal embrace -- either the Curse's neuts and his fleetmates' torpedoes will win the day, or the Oracles will immolate the Curse, freeing the Drake from its grasp. It would be a close contest, an epic one for the ages, if both were properly attired for battle...
Luckily the Curse never went to Hatchery Fitting School (classes begin at only 50m / hr!) and he dies in a fire. With their main threat gone (the Loki had decided, for whatever reasons, to peace out and leave the field), their tackle quickly dropping (sabre + 1 stiletto down at this point), and their stealth bombers tasting the rainbow, the battle devolves into chasing down and pointing whatever is left. We bag both Vagabonds, and the Claymore.
Battle link: http://teamliquid.killmail.org/?a=kill_related&kll_id=12914437
Includes Shootemups honourwarrioring, though -- 5:37-5:50 are the relevant times.
Bonus round: a random .-A-. jag warps onto the field. With only an afterburner, he attempts to burn out of the many bubbles surrounding the Torrinos gate, but is pointed and executed soon after. The firetail, disconsolate at the loss of his friends, then decides to hurl himself at Aeth's Cynabal, with messy results.
Postscript: We speculated that one of the more 'creatively' fit Vagabonds might have been a somewhat pricey April Fool's joke. Its not apparent that others shared his sense of humor, or if the fit was even intended to be humorous...
Lalalaland34484 Posts
Ahaha bbq your br's are a joy to read.
For those of you that don't know me- I started my eve career with solo stealth bomber play in worm hole space. Today i grew nostalgic of WH so i pushed off out of saranen with my trusty purifier. I didn't have far to go and found a worm hole inside sara. I followed the chain into a C5, where it seemed the local corp was a splinter of the now dead nharwals.
I covertly probed down a site they were running, and was suprised to see that they were cap escalating the site. I sat around and waiting in my bomber for them to finish up, and low and behold a noctis appeard. In true holie and retard fashion- the entire fleet of 6 tengus, 2 moros, 2 thanny, 3 loki, and 1 protues left their noctis friend alone on the wreck stricken field. I don't understand why holies do this- but its never a good idea to leave 1billion worth of items in a ship that a steath bomber can 2 shot.
Yay hatch drops.
Does "combating the forces of Jump Freighter" mean sniping people using jump freighters to transport things around?
On April 02 2012 03:33 rwrzr wrote: Does "combating the forces of Jump Freighter" mean sniping people using jump freighters to transport things around? Basically bumping them off of undocks and shooting them until they reveal the prize inside.
Russian Federation3631 Posts
On April 02 2012 03:14 Ramiel wrote:For those of you that don't know me- I started my eve career with solo stealth bomber play in worm hole space. Today i grew nostalgic of WH so i pushed off out of saranen with my trusty purifier. I didn't have far to go and found a worm hole inside sara. I followed the chain into a C5, where it seemed the local corp was a splinter of the now dead nharwals. I covertly probed down a site they were running, and was suprised to see that they were cap escalating the site. I sat around and waiting in my bomber for them to finish up, and low and behold a noctis appeard. In true holie and retard fashion- the entire fleet of 6 tengus, 2 moros, 2 thanny, 3 loki, and 1 protues left their noctis friend alone on the wreck stricken field. I don't understand why holies do this- but its never a good idea to leave 1billion worth of items in a ship that a steath bomber can 2 shot. http://teamliquid.killmail.org/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=12920029http://teamliquid.killmail.org/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=12920029 Yay hatch drops. so basically chessur is like "lets fight this corp's orca" and then he gets michael harari killed, n1
then wango tango decides to ram their legion and is pretty much fucked. luckily their sleipnir pilot is retarded and donates us a free kill
wtf no honour in this corp
I very much so apologize to all the new people who went through the trouble to type in all the urls in the spawning pool bulletins, as you apparently cannot select text in bulletins :s. They now have hyperlinks, and I wish someone had told me earlier :s.
Russian Federation3631 Posts
our resident tengu lossmail generator has returned
luckily, this time, its not like he was pointed one system away from help and could have fleeted corpmates, but decided not to for god knows what reason.
oh wait~
welcome back