On March 16 2011 22:31 gavss wrote:
haypro doesn't deserve the spot. i think kas will eliminate him easily.
haypro doesn't deserve the spot. i think kas will eliminate him easily.
Would you like to make a friendly wager?
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United States6074 Posts
On March 16 2011 22:31 gavss wrote: haypro doesn't deserve the spot. i think kas will eliminate him easily. Would you like to make a friendly wager? | ||
United States7116 Posts
On March 16 2011 23:07 gamefan15 wrote: Show nested quote + On March 16 2011 22:45 HolyArrow wrote: On March 16 2011 22:38 gamefan15 wrote: On March 16 2011 22:08 HolyArrow wrote: On March 16 2011 21:44 quarky wrote: On March 16 2011 21:38 HolyArrow wrote: FruitDealer's interview was so endearing. I hope he does well in this TSL. It's nice to see that he completely blames himself for his failures and is stating that he's making a very sincere attempt at improving. On the other hand, Strelok's interview made me an anti-fan. I can understand his bitching about invites, but I find it odd that he singles out Koreans suddenly in the middle of his complaint about invites. Why single out Koreans? I just went to the Protoss, Terran, and Zerg invite threads and I counted seven Korean invites out of 13 total invites (unless there are 3 invites that I'm not aware of since it seems like Strelok thinks there were 16 invites...). I don't see the need to single out Koreans when they were only barely over half the invites. Furthermore, he makes assumptions that Koreans "don't seem to care about this tournament" when FruitDealer's interview professes the exact opposite. To his credit, he mentions inviting only "true Koreans" and making the foreigners in the GSL qualify like all other foreigners, but I still don't like the assumptions he makes and his general attitude against Koreans. Also, he needs to fix his wording - since when did Korean become synonymous with Asian? Would he also think it acceptable to bar players like Sen and Loner access from the TSL? I find his overall statements like "keep this a non-Asian tournament" to be offensive. Where does he single out koreans, he just says that the invites are all over the place. I think you are reading too much into this... Where does he single out Koreans? How about this entire paragraph, which sounds utterly retarded and makes little if any sense at all: "And also I think that success of Koreans is pretty bad for TSL, because for example I, as spectator, really prefer to watch very nicely prepared non-Koreans against each rather than watching the usual games of Koreans, many who don't care about this tournament. If I want to watch Koreans play, I'd go to GomTV.net." And this entire piece: "I really feel that they shouldn't invite Koreans and make it like the last TSLs: an event for non-Asian community..." (Yes, I realize he also acknowledged the possibility of inviting only "true Koreans" and making the rest of the GSL foreigners qualify like everyone else, which does indeed work toward his credit a bit, but his last paragraph that I just quoted really seems to flat out say that he simply doesn't want Koreans in the TSL, so it leads me to conclude that he threw in the "true Koreans" part just to pad himself a bit from sounding completely discriminatory). It's hard to read too much into things when his statements are right there, ESPECIALLY that last paragraph. It just feels rather ugly and bitter in my eyes. I'm not simply trying to find faults with Strelok when they might not exist; I don't even know the guy in the SC2 scene. But he did make a pretty bad first impression on me. he basically liked more the format of the past TSLs where apparently there were less invites and the foreign scene was duking it out on theirselves. this also comes from the history of starcraft and bw where the korean scene was miles ahead and both scenes more isolated to themselves. you can agree with this or not but give this guy a break. you cant expect that everyone immediately changes their mindset 100% just because we have a new situation with starcraft 2 when you are used to something different. the rest imo is just getting butthurt because of missing the most possible "political correct" way to express this concern. There is no most possible "politically correct" way to express the desire to arbitrarily restrict a certain nationality or race. There's a big difference from "liking a format of the past TSLs" and making it abundantly clear that he doesn't want any Koreans competing in his precious tournament. Anyone interpreting what Strelok said as mere discontent with TSL 3's current format is completely missing the obvious anti-Korean sentiment in his post. I mean, read that last paragraph. It seems like he doesn't even like Korean play for some odd reason ("the usual games of Koreans"?) and that he wants to keep both scenes isolated - neither of which are admirable sentiments in my eyes. TBH I usually don't care about political correctness. I make seriously un-PC jokes with my friends all the time. It's only when I perceive blatant, sincere discrimination that I feel the need to speak out. if your bold part is true why does he concede then that their might use some invitespots for the "true koreans". he seem to be just not happy yet with the amount of changes, invites and so on compared to the previous tournaments probably due to the reasons I mentioned. I acknowledged that point in a previous post, but I'll say it again for you. Yes, he does concede that there might be some invite spots for "true Koreans", but he shoots himself in the foot in his last paragraph, where he goes on to say that he'd rather watch only foreigners play against each other in the TSL, and that if he wanted to watch Koreans, he'd go to gomtv.net. That last paragraph clearly shows his true feelings on the matter - he doesn't want Koreans in the TSL. I don't know how else you'd interpret that last paragraph. | ||
United States7116 Posts
On March 16 2011 23:07 pezit wrote: God i hate the racism card, but when so many people complain about koreans it's hard to not raise an eyebrow, they're boring, they all play the same, they give shit interviews etc. It's such unjustified bullshit. Fruitdealers interview was great imo, he tells it as it is instead of making excuses. Yeah, it's funny how many are giving Strelok credit for being brutally honest, while few people are giving FD credit for stepping right up and saying, "Yeah, I've been doing badly and it's all my fault. I fucked up and I completely take responsibility." Instead, I just see lots of disparaging comments about Koreans being boring. | ||
France8650 Posts
On March 16 2011 23:12 HolyArrow wrote: Show nested quote + On March 16 2011 23:07 pezit wrote: God i hate the racism card, but when so many people complain about koreans it's hard to not raise an eyebrow, they're boring, they all play the same, they give shit interviews etc. It's such unjustified bullshit. Fruitdealers interview was great imo, he tells it as it is instead of making excuses. Yeah, it's funny how many are giving Strelok credit for being brutally honest, while few people are giving FD credit for stepping right up and saying, "Yeah, I've been doing badly and it's all my fault. I fucked up and I completely take responsibility." Instead, I just see lots of disparaging comments about Koreans being boring. FruitDealer ain't korean, he is zerg man. He belong to humanity. Comment about korean being boring does not apply to him. | ||
Canada9496 Posts
Too bad Strelok himself is going to be knocked out by Tyler :p Liquid'Tyler fighting!! | ||
Canada3117 Posts
On March 16 2011 14:44 Jesushooves wrote: I don't see why everyone thinks that a korean will win this, the only reason you have to support this is IEM results, of which neither Moon, Ace, or Squirtle will be participating in this tournament. There are some sick players from GSL in this one, but no reason to think this will be "korean favoured", at least from my perspective. In any case this should be pretty awesome, looking forward to it! Here is some additional evidence to IEM results: Foreign Tournaments: MLG - Won by HuK; no Koreans there. IdrA (from Korean server at that time). Jinro (from Korean server at that time) IEM- slaughtered by the Korean server players- Top 5. Dreamhack 2010- involved only 2 koreans, + Show Spoiler + and it's not like Inca and Top are anywhere near MC and MVP's calibre EDIT; FXO Invitationals - won by oGstheSTC and oGsHero Consider that the tournaments involving any Korean server players have almost all been won by them respectively (except for Dreamhack). I think the misconception is that Koreans themselves are better, rather it's the people who are playing on that server that are the top, since the Korean server seems to emphasize better mechanics (imo). I don't think a Korean person will win this necessarily, but I'd say odds are very likely someone from the Korean server wins this. EDIT; added for additional support- On March 16 2011 23:28 ptbl wrote:Also the last two FXO invitationals were won by Koreans. The first was won my oGstheStC and the second was won by oGsHero. | ||
United States6074 Posts
On March 16 2011 23:25 Durp wrote: Show nested quote + On March 16 2011 14:44 Jesushooves wrote: I don't see why everyone thinks that a korean will win this, the only reason you have to support this is IEM results, of which neither Moon, Ace, or Squirtle will be participating in this tournament. There are some sick players from GSL in this one, but no reason to think this will be "korean favoured", at least from my perspective. In any case this should be pretty awesome, looking forward to it! Here is some additional evidence to IEM results: Foreign Tournaments: MLG - Won by HuK; no Koreans there. IdrA (from Korean server at that time). Jinro (from Korean server at that time) IEM- slaughtered by the Korean server players. Dreamhack 2010- involved only 2 koreans + Show Spoiler + and it's not like Inca and Top and anywhere near MC and MVP Consider that the tournaments involving the Korean server players have all been won by them respectively (except for HuK's victory). Most international tournaments are won by Korean server players. I think the misconception is that Koreans themselves are better, rather it's the people who are playing on that server that are the top. I don't think a Korean person will win this necessarily, but I'd say odds are very likely someone from the Korean server wins this. Also the last two FXO invitationals were won by Koreans. The first was won my oGstheStC and the second was won by oGsHero. The only "foreigners" i see having a shot taking down the koreans are the foreigners who are training in Korea like Jinro. | ||
Turkey94 Posts
On March 16 2011 22:44 nihlon wrote: Show nested quote + On March 16 2011 22:31 gavss wrote: haypro doesn't deserve the spot. i think kas will eliminate him easily. I'll bet you the opposite. How much? :D 10 bucks. he is invited because he is a teamliquid member. | ||
Sweden2158 Posts
On March 16 2011 22:31 gavss wrote: haypro doesn't deserve the spot. i think kas will eliminate him easily. Did you watch haypro vs TLO and haypro vs tyler? | ||
United Kingdom1168 Posts
On March 16 2011 22:31 gavss wrote: haypro doesn't deserve the spot. i think kas will eliminate him easily. Don't think this is fair at all. Haypro looked really strong, creative and ahead of the metagame in that recent Liquid showmatch. His ZvP was really brilliant. I love that you're getting Korean interviews as well as EU/NA ones, and I am absolutely PSYCHED about seeing FD against Kas. Also love that he wants to face Morrow, would be an absolutely amazing match I'm sure. So psyched. <3 TL <3 | ||
United States6074 Posts
On March 16 2011 23:33 gavss wrote: Show nested quote + On March 16 2011 22:44 nihlon wrote: On March 16 2011 22:31 gavss wrote: haypro doesn't deserve the spot. i think kas will eliminate him easily. I'll bet you the opposite. How much? :D 10 bucks. he is invited because he is a teamliquid member. Have you seen the PAX East tournament involving HayprO? | ||
Sweden7973 Posts
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Switzerland10606 Posts
The thing is that there are many other players, that also could have been invited which didn't get an invite. Thats what makes this taste a little bitter. A bigger field which would have invited every player that won something major (Assembly, Dreamhack, MLG 1-3, IEM... + most concistend "weekly" or "monthly final" winning persons) would make this look "better". | ||
1305 Posts
Maybe now that his money is running low from GSL1 his drive to win will be back. | ||
South Africa4316 Posts
Also, regarding the Strelok comment, I think everyone understands that TL would have preferred to have open qualifiers for Asia. Unfortunately this was not possible, so TL had to invite players. The rationale behind the specific invites were explained quite well in the post on the Terran invites. That said, it's understandable that players who had to work hard for weeks to qualify feel a bit aggrieved by the invites. Unfortunately, until we can host a Korean TL Open, there aren't many alternatives except for purposefully excluding many of the best players in the world from TSL. The way I see it, the compromise which was made is the best for the spectators and fair for the competitors. All the international players had a fair chance of qualifying, and any players who did not qualify simply failed to perform in the eight tournaments made available to them. The international players that were invited might have had an easier path, but as was said in the post on the rationale, these players worked hard and sacrificed a lot to go to Korea, and penalizing them for this seems the worse of the available options. On March 16 2011 23:44 Velr wrote: It's not about Haypro being bad or anything like that, for sure he isn't, he wouldn't be in Korea anymore if he wouldn't be damn good. The thing is that there are many other players, that also could have been invited which didn't get an invite. Thats what makes this taste a little bitter. A bigger field which would have invited every player that won something major (Assembly, Dreamhack, MLG 1-3, IEM... + most concistend "weekly" or "monthly final" winning persons) would make this look "better". Players were only invited if they were unable to qualify due to being in Asia. The plan was always to invite Koreans after the deserving foreigners in Korean had been invited. Which international players in Korea do you believe should also have been invited, considering that the invitations were sent around December/January? | ||
United States152 Posts
Interesting that Fruit Dealer said he would like to meet Morrow. :D Hope to see some good games! | ||
Canada349 Posts
I hope tyler rips him apart!!! gogogogo liquid! | ||
Turkey94 Posts
On March 16 2011 23:44 Velr wrote: It's not about Haypro being bad or anything like that, for sure he isn't, he wouldn't be in Korea anymore if he wouldn't be damn good. The thing is that there are many other players, that also could have been invited which didn't get an invite. Thats what makes this taste a little bitter. A bigger field which would have invited every player that won something major (Assembly, Dreamhack, MLG 1-3, IEM... + most concistend "weekly" or "monthly final" winning persons) would make this look "better". i agree. if u invite haypro, u should also invite sjow, socke, kiwikaki, select, dimaga, qxc, mana, morrow, white-ra, demuslim, etc. | ||
Canada631 Posts
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Sweden657 Posts
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