Video Stream - Silverlight The TSL stream uses Microsoft Silverlight (similar to Adobe's Flash) to provide live Windows Media streaming. Silverlight is available for all major browsers and operating systems. Please make sure you have Silverlight installed by visiting http://www.microsoft.com/silverlight/get-started/install/
Chat Window - Java Our live chat feature makes use of Java. Please make sure you have Java 1.6 installed by visiting http://www.java.com/en/ and clicking the "Free Java Download" link. When accessing the chat feature, you will receive a security warning asking if you want to run the applet. Click "Run" to grant the applet permissions to connect to the network. If you have old versions of Java on your system, it is possible the chat feature may crash your browser as older Java versions integrate directly into the browser and are not very reliable. Make sure to uninstall any old versions of Java so you only have Java 1.6 on your system.
If you are unable to get the embedded browser stream working, we also provide a direct stream URL that you can use in the majority of video players. Click the "Launch in external player" link from the live stream page to open the stream in your default media player.
If you still have problems even with an external media player, we recommend you use the VLC video player which is usually very reliable. Download VLC at www.videolan.org. Once installed, to watch the TSL stream, click File / Open Network Stream. Right-click the "Launch in external player" link from the live stream page, and paste this into VLC, then click OK.
The TSL stream requires broadband with a minimum speed of 512kbps downstream.
(this post is no longer relevant)
Thanks R1CH i'll bookmark this so i know where to look if i have trouble
Can you only watch this through WMP? Is there an option for Macs?
edit: Nevermind, apparently windows media player exists for other platforms. Ignore me!
Germany / USA16648 Posts
This is only if you want to watch the embedded stream. We will also provide a stream URL that you can use in a media player of your choice.
On January 10 2010 02:59 Carnac wrote: This is only if you want to watch the embedded stream. We will also provide a stream URL that you can use in a media player of your choice. MR. "woops missclick floating CC" haha
United States3824 Posts
Oh shit, what about Macs?
Why did I plan my day so poorly
Did you guys think about users who are not using windows?
WTF how can i get the stream working with Linux? -.-
edit: ahh now i get it.. I just need to know where you post the Winamp/VLC link T_T
I've got it running in VLC right now.
Can we confirm that there is no video. Just shitty music?
On January 10 2010 04:04 mmp wrote: Can we confirm that there is no video. Just shitty music? y
when does the acutlly playing begin?
Whats the VLC Stream link
Anyone can stream it via livestream plz? I wanna see this on my PS3
Germany / USA16648 Posts
my video keeps on buffering? Any way to stop, or fix it?
Dominican Republic825 Posts
u can try gomplayer as well
Have WMP 11, and plugin. still nothing
A Security error occurred while connecting to host 'irc.quakenet.org:6667'.
This could have happened because of the following reasons:
1) The administrator of this website did not configure this applet properly. 2) Your Java security settings are above the normal level 3) You are the administrator, and are trying to connect to a server which it is not allowed to. Did you *sign* the applet?
This error is most easily solved by reading the documentation, and understanding the configuration file.
should I post it here or no?xDDD well anyways I posted it here any idea to solve?
On January 10 2010 04:11 mikku wrote: Have WMP 11, and plugin. still nothing
On January 10 2010 04:11 Re-Play- wrote: u can try gomplayer as well that's what im doing ^^
all i see is black, the wmp says its been running for 9min but all i've heard are parts of a song that i can't make out and i still can't see anything anyone else have the same problem?
I have audio but the video is black. I'm running it in windows media player externally.
Is this normal?
On January 10 2010 04:18 Shock710 wrote: all i see is black, the wmp says its been running for 9min but all i've heard are parts of a song that i can't make out and i still can't see anything anyone else have the same problem?
I hear chill and artosis talking.
On January 10 2010 04:15 ThePhan2m wrote:same. 
Got it to work with GOMPlayer
anyone but me having problems with the chat?
Could not start streaming, server not responding or some shit like that.
Help? I'm under bigass firewall, opened port 9000 maybe there's something more I need to do?
same for me! Can anyone stream it on livestream for those who cant get in?
Chat freezes my computer...
You have to go into "full screen" mode to actually see the video if you are using WMP.
If you don't go full screen all you will see is DARKNESS.
How do I get it to play in GOMplayer or VLC?
Lots of props to you R1CH and the whole T*SL team. Ton of work for this and the community definitely enjoys.
How to use GOM Player (for those of us with the Vista version of WMP 11):
1. Download GOM Player from http://www.gomlab.com/eng/GMP_download.html and install. 2. Run GOM Player. Press F8. 3. A small playlist window should pop up. Click the Add button at the bottom and choose the URL option. 4. Another window will appear. At the top, copy and paste mms://hatchery.teamliquid.net:9000 5. Press OK and the stream should work now. Good luck!
how to watch it in lower quality ;/. Im getting freezes every 10 second, and every minute it turns off and I need to start it again and I come ~2 minutes into the future ;/
Cant get it to work, no video just sound (have the plugin plus latest version of wmp) - also my external players all lag (VLC, GOM) ....
Same here, didn't work in wmp or plugin (only sound), worked in VLC, but lagged as hell and kept closing every few minutes
I have a new mac so WMP does not install. What now?
For those of you who had issues with the chat, you probably have really old version of Java installed. Uninstall all old Java versions and install 1.6u17 as the new Java separates the browser from the Java process so it can't crash or cause any stability problems and generally runs a lot better.
On January 10 2010 04:13 koziol wrote: A Security error occurred while connecting to host 'irc.quakenet.org:6667'.
This is because you canceled the security prompt asking you to run the applet, or your Java is too old to understand it.
I just want to post here to say that everything worked for me (both the embedded player, chat, and running in VLC). GJ admins, looking forward to the rest of the tournament!
Has anyone figured out yet how to get this to work on a PS3?
On my PC it's working fine, but it's a bit of a faff to hook it up to the screen in the living room ;-)
heh, i'm at work, i have no administrators access and can't install gom or vlc.. it doesnt work with wmp, great
i can hear it but i cant see anything :/
For everyone with sound but no video, I installed GOM Player, and it worked for me. (WMP and VLC didn't work)
On January 17 2010 04:57 Shattered wrote: i can hear it but i cant see anything :/ same
I've done everything that's been suggest in this thread and still can't get the stream up, "host is unreachable", black screen, error error. Doesn't work on my mac so I open windows in bootcamp and do it all over again, nothing. Why such a difficult stream? And none of the forums are being updated with the progress of the games...
Man this is so frustrating, stream works only in external players and keeps buffering every 15-20 seconds, gets behind, then it closes every few minutes and when reopened jumps right into live action (i.e. skips the part it was behind).
I have everything updated and installed as OP says, IE and FF both play only sound, my connection is 30/3 mbit, can't see any problem. Stream worked very well in TSL 1, did the location of servers change?
Is there a lower-quality stream available? The bandwidth required is too much for me.
My stream ran perfectly on VLC, and I have the shittiest internet known to man.
took me about 25 minutes to download this piece of shit and as soon as I finally get this working the first thing I hear is:
"and some closing thoughts.." from Artosis.
what the fuck
so just to clarify WMP is for audio only not for video right?
Canada19447 Posts
On January 18 2010 04:24 BraveNewWorld wrote: so just to clarify WMP is for audio only not for video right? Try full screen your WMP.
I don't understand this, yesterday I didn't start to watch live cast from the beginning but those last 2 games were smooth with no problems at all.
Now it lags terribly, Mozzila crashed multiple times and shows me about 3 seconds of stream every minute or so, same with VLC! GOM seems to work better but not much, it also just stopped and shown me default screen 2 times in last ~10 minutes the only good thing I can say is stream is not skipping once it's starts to work so if I am patient I can try to watch it 
edit: deconduo saves the day for me http://www.teamliquid.net/video/userstream.php?user=deconduo
and for us ubuntu users? noon? >_<
sorry for the stupid question but when will shaman vs mondragon be streamed?
link in vlc + set vlc buffering to > 10sec works very well.
For those who want to chat but don't want to deal with Java, there is a javascript/ajax based chat provided by quakenet which works really well (for me at least). It can be found on http://webchat.quakenet.org/.
My problem is that I can't get into chat, it says "enter chat" I click it and nothing happens.
On January 19 2010 02:32 GreEny K wrote: My problem is that I can't get into chat, it says "enter chat" I click it and nothing happens. Make sure Javascript is enabled.
Ok, so I now have Silverlight installed. Excuse me for being noobish, but what is the next step to get the steam working exactly?
Why can't you guys put up a an empty stream (with a url to it) an hour beforehand so that people can make sure their crap is working before the entire site dies under load.
Edit: toning down my post before I get banned.
I'm eagerly waiting a day the schedule will be respected
Stream doesn't work for me no matter what I try. Is it live right now?
It isn't up. At least I hope it isn't.
is awesome32269 Posts
(16:41:53) (@SonuvBob) Rich is fixing the stream, we should be good to go soon.
Crashing mplayer. Brilliant. And the real stream url is scantid.teamliquid.net:8000 in case someone else was having my problem.
Edit: Okay I finally got it working. I don't know what I did. Luck I guess.
Doesnt work for me in any way.
Worked last time, worked before changes.
Cant do a thing, via media player i have no screen and bufor all the time (on 10mbit lol)
Someone restream this maybe?
I updated VLC, restarted it and it started running the stream immediately. It was impossible with the older version though.
I just did it, working very slow too. tt
Actually this time the stream was working really smoothly compared to all the other times. Good job Rich and whoever else was involved in this. The stream was working near perfect for the idra-xiaozi series. It crashed a few times during draco-sen but overall it was working pretty damn well
In the past the tl.net stream was nearly unwatchable for me, constantly buffering and crashing. Good job once again, I hope it stays the same for the rest of tsl.
The embedded silverlight and the external video are both not working for me today.
Same, I have silverlight and it wont play, its a black screen with the play icon, i press play and it loads for a few seconds then returns tot the black screen with the play icon.
It also doesnt appear to work on the external player, giving me the message "Windows Media Player cannot play the file because a network error occurred. The server might not be available. Verify that you are connected to the network and that your proxy settings are correct."
Edit: i restarted and it appears to working fine now, asssuming it is just the intro playing atm =P
I can hear them but the screen is all black? It was working fine yesterday.
Damn, stream keeps dying every now and then today =/
I wonder if anything changed since yesterday or there's just the randomness factor playing a big role in this.
On February 01 2010 04:52 eatavegi wrote:I can hear them but the screen is all black? It was working fine yesterday.  try putting it full screen it seems to help sometime
Yes today my VLC is buffering A LOT and once every while just randomly shuts down and I have to restart VLC and the stream. Kind of annoying but it could be caused by my internet connection I guess?
I appear to be crashing alot and lagging alot (buffering), im gona try puting it in full screen now.
full screen seems to work, for the lag i just extended wmp buffering time manually to a huge amount... seems to work to me at least
How do you change the buffering time?
i also have huge problems today. i never had such problems before with any stream and even yesterday everything was working perfect with the tsl stream. but today its lagging like hell. i have no idea. i've checked everything and the fault definitely seems to be not on my side. =/
I restarted my connection, my laptop and everything but it keeps on buffering all the time, regardless of what I am doing. Yesterday the stream worked flawlessly, so I have no idea why it is buffering every other minute. T_T
Same here. Even tried setting buffering time to 60 seconds, nothing works. Seeing that most of the people with stream problems are from Germany - maybe it's a general routing problem? In that case obviously it can't be helped...
On February 01 2010 05:32 Pure.Calm wrote: How do you change the buffering time?
if u r using wmp, try something like right click on screen -> options -> network buffer -> use buffer amount: can't be more specific since I have italian menus lol sry t_t anyway, even with 60s buffering, sometimes (every 5/6 minutes) the buffer just stops and I have to restart it.
Braavos36372 Posts
We are contacting our host regarding the buffering -- the settings should be the same as yesterday so there shouldn't be a problem. It might be localized to only Germany, as a lot of issues with lag / buffering are coming from German viewers. We're looking into it.
That's great, thank you!
There was some routing issue to Europe / Germany it seems, unfortunately our provider couldn't get it resolved while we were live.
I dont know if this is the right place, I could follow everything perfectly yesterday. But I found the brightness to low. It was all very dark. So I had to up my brightness 15 (out of hundred) points. Dunno if I'm the only one..
cant install SilverLight 
La configuration de votre navigateur/système d'exploitation n'est pas prise en charge.
But at least, I can open it in Windows MEdia Player outside of TL.net..
stil suck
I've got the latest Java but my IRC thing doesn't work. After connecting, it says I haven't joined a channel when I type '/join #teamliquid'.
This is the status window, you can't talk here. Click one of the channel pages or join a channel. Any help? How can I join a channel if that command doesn't work?
The silverlight works great though! Thanks R1CH!
Why was Silverlight chosen instead of Flash?
can someone please just stream this on livestream too?
There a bug with the stream : when i come back from full screen the bar at the bottom become white and my mouse is invisible above the video (i am on FF 3.6 win XP)
On February 07 2010 05:11 joe_kukish wrote: Why don't you use livestream? is a lot better and most people have the Flash player. Basically a plethora of reasons.
I am having minor buffer issues again. =(
Game is paused and artosis and tasteless just dced right?
Edit - Nvm =)
I can't get the stream to work.
Nothing works for me. Neither Silverlight nor direct stream nor low quality direct stream. Is your provider having issues with Germany again?
try this link
it will work in internet explorer (maybe not other browsers), if it works you can kiss me and spank me later, gl!
On February 15 2010 04:30 Schnake wrote:Nothing works for me. Neither Silverlight nor direct stream nor low quality direct stream. Is your provider having issues with Germany again?  I have the same problem, I did get the low quality stream loaded once but it bufferd so I couldnt watch and now it wont load at all. No router or firewall, windows 7, tried vlc, gomplayer and silverlight.
On February 15 2010 04:30 Schnake wrote:Nothing works for me. Neither Silverlight nor direct stream nor low quality direct stream. Is your provider having issues with Germany again? 
same here, from Italy :p I've been waiting for idra vs nony since they won their matches last time 8( Curiously, yesterday stream was flawless.
Yea not working for me either, perhaps its a connection to europe thing again.
Edit: I dont think its a europe thing, the stream link has been removed in the right.
On February 15 2010 04:30 Schnake wrote:Nothing works for me. Neither Silverlight nor direct stream nor low quality direct stream. Is your provider having issues with Germany again?  Yep. Unfortunately our German obs is having that issue too, so now it's everyone's problem.
Same Problems as everyone from Europe... too bad! Hope the stream goes up in time for Idra vs Nony... good luck with it guys, I'm sending prayers to the god of the tecnic and internet! ;P
On February 15 2010 04:59 Lambertus wrote: I'm sending prayers to the god of the tecnic and internet! ;P
r1ch is already on the case 
amazing job. whoever fixed this (r1ch :p?), thank you so much ^^
edit: lol, as soon as I said, everything went down again >_>, i'll shut up forever now.
Same problem again. Cannot connect the to stream....T_T I think I have to move out of Berlin for a smoother stream the next time...
yea stream down once again. seems to be a regional problem for germany. what a shit
danke man berlin auch hier
the irc on teamliquid.net/live isnt working for me, the message i keep getting is: "A Security error occurred while connecting to host 'irc.quakenet.org:6667'.
This could have happened because of the following reasons:
1) The administrator of this website did not configure this applet properly. 2) Your Java security settings are above the normal level 3) You are the administrator, and are trying to connect to a server which it is not allowed to. Did you *sign* the applet?
This error is most easily solved by reading the documentation, and understanding the configuration file."
but i didnt even touch any of my settings
You didn't click "Run" when the security prompt appeared, or your Java is too old.
It keeps asking me to launch an application to watch it and nothing works. But im watching it off the live stream on tlnet and i start it it lags does that spinny thingy then opens up 2 things asking me to choose a thing to watch it as if im using an mms link. But im not.