On October 21 2011 18:25 Pillage wrote: It never ceases to amaze me how fast the mods jump on top of new accounts created by PBU's. Most of em don't even get ten posts before they are banned again
I'm a PBU and I have 11k posts.
the trick is to wait a while before making a new account and learn form your bans,annoying someone will not get you to stay on TL.
I've reported you. Good luck in your future endeavors.
You realize that while reformed PBU's are on thin ice, the mods are aware of them and allow them, right? For example take this blog. As long as they show reform and and don't push the boundaries (and they don't come back 24 hours after being permed) PBU's can be reintegrated into the community.
Just throwing that out there.
You defend them? I've reported you as well. Good luck in your future endeavors.
Ah, stupid internet and its inability to transmit tone.
I've been warned three times. The first one I think was borderline acceptable, but I've gained a lot from the warning, so I'm fine with it. The other two were me being stupid, and I totally agree with the warnings.
I've also been banned three times: twice by request and once by accident.
On October 21 2011 18:25 Pillage wrote: It never ceases to amaze me how fast the mods jump on top of new accounts created by PBU's. Most of em don't even get ten posts before they are banned again
I'm a PBU and I have 11k posts.
the trick is to wait a while before making a new account and learn form your bans,annoying someone will not get you to stay on TL.
I've reported you. Good luck in your future endeavors.
You realize that while reformed PBU's are on thin ice, the mods are aware of them and allow them, right? For example take this blog. As long as they show reform and and don't push the boundaries (and they don't come back 24 hours after being permed) PBU's can be reintegrated into the community.
Just throwing that out there.
You defend them? I've reported you as well. Good luck in your future endeavors.
Ah, stupid internet and its inability to transmit tone.
Anyway, I've reported you for reporting me!
Duh, I can't even report yet and I reported you for reporting him for reporting you.
On October 21 2011 18:25 Pillage wrote: It never ceases to amaze me how fast the mods jump on top of new accounts created by PBU's. Most of em don't even get ten posts before they are banned again
I'm a PBU and I have 11k posts.
the trick is to wait a while before making a new account and learn form your bans,annoying someone will not get you to stay on TL.
I've reported you. Good luck in your future endeavors.
You realize that while reformed PBU's are on thin ice, the mods are aware of them and allow them, right? For example take this blog. As long as they show reform and and don't push the boundaries (and they don't come back 24 hours after being permed) PBU's can be reintegrated into the community.
Just throwing that out there.
You defend them? I've reported you as well. Good luck in your future endeavors.
Ah, stupid internet and its inability to transmit tone.
Anyway, I've reported you for reporting me!
Duh, I can't even report yet and I reported you for reporting him for reporting you.
On October 21 2011 18:25 Pillage wrote: It never ceases to amaze me how fast the mods jump on top of new accounts created by PBU's. Most of em don't even get ten posts before they are banned again
I'm a PBU and I have 11k posts.
the trick is to wait a while before making a new account and learn form your bans,annoying someone will not get you to stay on TL.
And I still don't know who you are, going by ur name I always think its Nal_Rawr but there is no way.
On October 21 2011 23:54 GMarshal wrote: I actually just noticed something about this thread, its haunted
I somehow have post #11933 out of 11927, there must be invisible posts in here somewhere!
My head just exploded. Okay, not really. I'm guessing the mods have the ability to add invisible addemdum posts? Seems reasonable. Let's see 20 posts per page times page 500 means that the end of page 500 should be post #10,000 but it is, in fact post #10,005. So five mystery posts before page 500 and 1 after.
On October 21 2011 18:25 Pillage wrote: It never ceases to amaze me how fast the mods jump on top of new accounts created by PBU's. Most of em don't even get ten posts before they are banned again
I'm a PBU and I have 11k posts.
the trick is to wait a while before making a new account and learn form your bans,annoying someone will not get you to stay on TL.
And I still don't know who you are, going by ur name I always think its Nal_Rawr but there is no way.
GeyzeR was just temp banned for 2 days by vGl-CoW.
That account was created on 2010-11-10 20:59:22 and had 217 posts.
Reason: On October 21 2011 18:32 GeyzeR wrote: OK, Gaddafi may be dead, but I still to see a real proof. I've seen Gaddafi dead body video. Ears are different http://www0.xup.in/exec/ximg.php?fid=93417842 and the body is obviously younger. I've seen an announcement of his death on an Algerian news site(that would not lie about his death). Today the dismissed it, saying that the site was hacked. If he is dead, which is a real possibility, why bother with making a fake video and hack a news site?
I'm starting to get sick of your posting. Stop with the ridiculous conspiracies and terrible sources to back up your claims. Ghadafi's dead.
Happy to see this. I've grown tired of this guy trying to contort every single current events story into some form of a conspiracy.
That account was created on 2010-01-28 11:21:54 and had 1225 posts.
Reason: Ah, yes, the special olympics quote. How clever.
haha You know, Heyoka, we talk. We joke around. I read your posts sometimes (sometimes not) and they're usu pretty good. I see your bans, they're funny. Then I realize you ban people and become afraid. .. Terribly .. afraid.
On October 21 2011 18:25 Pillage wrote: It never ceases to amaze me how fast the mods jump on top of new accounts created by PBU's. Most of em don't even get ten posts before they are banned again
I'm a PBU and I have 11k posts.
the trick is to wait a while before making a new account and learn form your bans,annoying someone will not get you to stay on TL.
And I still don't know who you are, going by ur name I always think its Nal_Rawr but there is no way.