Hollyyy Shiiiit! Just went to the biggest climbing arena in Finland.
Their highest wall was 30 meters, I'm uploading a video... To get to the boulder room, you already have to climb small metallic (see through) stair to 15 meter where you have a floor of 8 meter rope wall.. The boulder cave was pretty nice too but not huge by any mean, human dimensions!
It really is awesome! The atmosphere is still a bit funny with the clean white surroundings but I'm sure its going to be fine with a bit of stain and odour Glad you got the slide in the video too! The expansion couldn't have come at a better time. All the bouldering gyms have been way too crowded around Helsinki area.
I'm at the central coast (California) for the weekend, anyone around here want to climb? I'll be doing the boulder at the beach in Cayucos that I always do, and boulders at Bishop Peak near Cal Poly. I don't know much for other boulders around the area, but there is some nice little rope stuff but I don't have equipment. Frag, any chance you'd drive up here?
I just arrived for a week of climbing holiday in Fontainebleau's forest. The first morning is bright and sunny but gilfriend complains about throat and stays in bed... Let's go with Mom and dog then :D
Ok so Tomorrow is my last chance to climb. The weathers have been varied but since monday afternoon, things have been relatively dry.
Sunday, I went to climb to the Diplodocus, monday to J.A Martin and in the afternoon to Rocher Guichot. Tuesday, a quick 30 min session at Roche aux Sabots, a new place to me, exploring a bit but most of the climbs were quite high for bouldering (4-5 meters).
Today I went for the first time to 91.1 and took this video of a the spot, it's just a short walk around and that place was huge. A great spot for beginners.
The biggest difference with gym climbing and fontainebleau climbing I noticed is the amount of footwork. Most of the times, the holds will be very small and since hand holds are "embedded", they don't become automatically foot hold.
It's so weird to see Jimmy in his 5.10 Teams and Alex Megos in his Tenayas at La Sportiva's comp. I can't think of another time I've seen that. It's always been Sportiva-only guys.
Edit: And Jan is a Scarpa guy I think. Previous years it's been people in Solutions and Adam in whatever the latest slipper is.
Just placed an order for my self xmas gift, my first pair of brand new shoes! Hopefully I guessed right on the sizing for the Five Ten Hornets, which apparently run quite small. Excited to try them. :D
Went for some outdoor climbing yesterday in fontaineblau. Rock was dry and cold but jugs and some tops were filled with water and ice, a bit unpleasant surprise on dynamic moves :D. It's great to get a warm sun after the finnish darkness!
On December 19 2013 08:54 icystorage wrote: what will you do if you need a different size? return it for another one?
Yeah sierratradingpost.com has really nice return policies.
On December 19 2013 09:17 0x64 wrote: Went for some outdoor climbing yesterday in fontaineblau. Rock was dry and cold but jugs and some tops were filled with water and ice, a bit unpleasant surprise on dynamic moves :D. It's great to get a warm sun after the finnish darkness!
"A bit unpleasant" -- I might fall if that happened to me.
On December 19 2013 09:17 0x64 wrote: Went for some outdoor climbing yesterday in fontaineblau. Rock was dry and cold but jugs and some tops were filled with water and ice, a bit unpleasant surprise on dynamic moves :D. It's great to get a warm sun after the finnish darkness!
On December 19 2013 07:53 EatThePath wrote: Just placed an order for my self xmas gift, my first pair of brand new shoes! Hopefully I guessed right on the sizing for the Five Ten Hornets, which apparently run quite small. Excited to try them. :D
Opened and put them on today -- they fit great! Really pleased, they are better than all the shoes I was trying the last month at the gym and stores. Feel like I lucked out with a shot in the dark. w00t!
yesterday morning was great in Bleau, got two hours before heavy rain arrived. Passed some stuff that were at my limit level with cool moves. Today should be sunny so we will go again.