since mac support currently does not work and ppl (like me) who are using linux are screwed anyway I thought it might be time to write a little how-to for watching gom with vlc / any player you wish.
First of all you need a season pass. This is not a hack!
Second, go to the live page on, now, select View->View page source.
Press strg+f and search for "var goxurl". You will get something like this:
+ Show Spoiler +
var goxUrl = "" + playType + "&target=live&mb_no=(I removed this)&title="+tmpThis.title;
Next thing you need to to, is extract the HTTP string, so it will look like this:
+ Show Spoiler +" + playType + "&target=live&mb_no=(I removed this)&title="+tmpThis.title
Now you replace: " + playType + " with the playType you want. It's either SQ oder HQ, I prefer HQ :D
So next it will look like this:
+ Show Spoiler + removed this)&title="+tmpThis.title
Now you may replace &title="+tmpThis.title with just nothing. It doesn't matter (at least at the time being). I did replace it with: &title=title=2011+LG+Cinema+3D+Global+StarCraft+II+League+May but I really think that this does not matter!
Now, copy the processed URL into your browser, you will see something like: "GOMTV.NET (c) Gretech Corp. All Rights Reserved"
Step three:
Again, open View->View page source, you will see something like this:
+ Show Spoiler +
<TITLE>2011 LG Cinema 3D Global StarCraft II League May</TITLE>
<TITLE>2011 LG Cinema 3D Global StarCraft II League May</TITLE>
<COPYRIGHT>(c) Gretech Corp. All Rights Reserved</COPYRIGHT>
<REF href=""/>
<TITLE>2011 LG Cinema 3D Global StarCraft II League May</TITLE>
<TITLE>2011 LG Cinema 3D Global StarCraft II League May</TITLE>
<COPYRIGHT>(c) Gretech Corp. All Rights Reserved</COPYRIGHT>
<REF href=""/>
Next thing, copy the URL in href="...." so it will look like this:
+ Show Spoiler +
Copy this URL in something like gedit or anything similar and replace (there is a function for this in gedit) & with & so you link will look like this:
+ Show Spoiler +
So we're nearly there :D
Now, first make sure you have "curl" and vlc installed ("sudo apt-get install curl vlc" on debian based systems), now type:
curl -A "KPeerClient" "" | vlc -
This will open up vlc and you will be able to watch the live stream! If you want to save the stream, type:
curl -A -o gomout "KPeerClient" ""
The stream will be saved to a file called "gomout" in the directory you are currently in.
ps: I removed a lot of keys and stuff, don't be confused by this. I need to do that because else you would be able to watch my premium stream ;D
It should work similar on mac, just make sure you have curl installed!
Also I found on reddit this link:
I didn't try it but it might work as well.
I hope that helped