Seen as i seem to have started all this by a mere passing of the seasons comment 'wink wink', here is what I have to say following on from other posts.
1. Protech - not a fan, never really watch him but can see he is a genuine streamer who does his thing and is trying to make a good go of it. Might not be everyone's taste but clearly isn't a complete fraud. Keep it up, more likely to watch yourstream from now on tbh. 2. Panev - This guy doesn't seem to be a retard and is able to search for relevant information on the interweb. GG fella, some people just need it spelling out to them. 3. I am human, yes really I am, and I can't for the life of me think why someone who isn't really that interesting, doesn't really have anything good to say can have like 3k viewers 5 mins into stream. 4. Let Avilio be Avilo, yeah he can be a petulant turd at times with the way he bitches and whines but seriously this is why people love him. At least he has the balls to play something he finds fun even if it is 'off meta'. Also not really heard him come out with anything uber offensive unless your referring to autism, in which case I might add that we are all on the autistic spectrum somewhere, even you reading this. Avilo himself maybe further to one end than the other. But just let him do his thing. He is not a fraud and wears his heart on his sleeve, at least respect this.
4. Let Avilio be Avilo, yeah he can be a petulant turd at times with the way he bitches and whines but seriously this is why people love him. At least he has the balls to play something he finds fun even if it is 'off meta'. Also not really heard him come out with anything uber offensive unless your referring to autism, in which case I might add that we are all on the autistic spectrum somewhere, even you reading this. Avilo himself maybe further to one end than the other. But just let him do his thing. He is not a fraud and wears his heart on his sleeve, at least respect this.
I can vouch for this, my 200 paying subscribers say the exact same thing. " Come for the salt, stay for the game-play. "
4. Let Avilio be Avilo, yeah he can be a petulant turd at times with the way he bitches and whines but seriously this is why people love him. At least he has the balls to play something he finds fun even if it is 'off meta'. Also not really heard him come out with anything uber offensive unless your referring to autism, in which case I might add that we are all on the autistic spectrum somewhere, even you reading this. Avilo himself maybe further to one end than the other. But just let him do his thing. He is not a fraud and wears his heart on his sleeve, at least respect this.
I can vouch for this, my 200 paying subscribers say the exact same thing. " Come for the salt, stay for the game-play. "
Exactly man, the times I enjoy watching Avilio the best is when I've just come home from the pub (UK time) and he's only just started so I just enjoy the fun of it and some relatively shit hot mech play. Can't really understand much of ForGG which is a shame, and Gumiho doesn't really twitch.... Also their should be some regard for people who are trying to make this game into a career which is for the good of a diverse community, people like yourself ProTech, each to their own and let them enjoy. Daftness and silliness can easily be tolerated, but trying to make yourself look better than someone else because of numbers generated has always seemed really low to me.
Since I 'm part of the Sc2 community for 5 years, and have been covering almost everything there is can I get feutured as an organization/streamer? I think I also meet points 5,6,7,
Hey, personally, i would like to see the guys with bad behaviour de-featured, but that is just my opinion.
However having the same standards for everyone and following your own rules is the right thing to do, so if Avilo is allowed, feature protech too, unless the actual reason to not do so is clarified. I don't watch his stream and i might not do so after its featured, i just like when things are done right.
edit: not just protech, feature everyone that fits the criteria, with the same "loose" standards that are currently implemented.
I've also been making youtube content and have more paying subscribers than some of your most popular streams in the featured section.
It's funny how you say "i've discredited most of the trolling that TL has heard about me" as if these are somehow baseless accusations made by people who just want to stir up shit. I first watched you in 2011 and you were just as toxic and inflammatory then as you are now. But sure, it's only haters who want to put you down, never for a minute consider that you might be wrong, or a prick.
Keep it up lad.
Is PT any more of a prick than avilo or Winter though?
Oh don't worry I've never supported or approved of those two either.
But there's nothing you can do when the community at large refuses to cut them off, even though they also complain about them all the time. And people still pretending Winter is innocent because appeal to authority and "surely twitch would have banned him otherwise" is totally not fallacious in any way.
On February 16 2016 11:35 Superbanana wrote: Hey, personally, i would like to see the guys with bad behaviour de-featured, but that is just my opinion.
Problem here is that the vast majority of personal streams will have some sort of 'bad behavior', Nathanias for example (shining light, good guy, mother in law's would love him), employed by blizzard/ESL swore a whole bunch on his personal stream at the weekend. He doesn't when he's streaming for said organisations and their is a difference. I am in now way saying we should ban people for swearing but but common sense has to prevail. You can have opinions and you can make mistakes and say some silly stuff. But should you be allowed to get away with knowingly over and over again bumping your numbers to 'fuck over' (holy shit ban me for swearing) some other people who are honestly trying to make money from SC2 and offer something else to the community?
On February 16 2016 11:35 Superbanana wrote: Hey, personally, i would like to see the guys with bad behaviour de-featured, but that is just my opinion.
Problem her is that the vast majority of personal streams will have some sort of bad behavior, Nathanias for example (shining light, good guy, mother in law's would love him), employed by blizzard/ESL swore a whole bunch on his personal stream at the weekend. He doesn't when he's streaming for said organisations and their is a difference. I am in now way saying we should ban people for swearing but but common sense has to prevail. You can have opinions and you can make mistakes and say some silly stuff. But should you be allowed to get away with knowingly over and over again bumping your numbers to 'fuck over' (holy shit ban me for swearing) some other people who are honestly trying to make money from SC2 and offer something else to the community?
Bad behaviour is subjective, there is Nathanias with the acceptable by common sense behaviour (at least most of the time), and there are guys that are obviously toxic. Even the ones defending them are not claiming the behaviour is aceptable (and thus are asking for a stream that does not fit the criteria to be feature for a reason not in the rules).
On February 16 2016 11:35 Superbanana wrote: Hey, personally, i would like to see the guys with bad behaviour de-featured, but that is just my opinion.
Problem her is that the vast majority of personal streams will have some sort of bad behavior, Nathanias for example (shining light, good guy, mother in law's would love him), employed by blizzard/ESL swore a whole bunch on his personal stream at the weekend. He doesn't when he's streaming for said organisations and their is a difference. I am in now way saying we should ban people for swearing but but common sense has to prevail. You can have opinions and you can make mistakes and say some silly stuff. But should you be allowed to get away with knowingly over and over again bumping your numbers to 'fuck over' (holy shit ban me for swearing) some other people who are honestly trying to make money from SC2 and offer something else to the community?
Bad behaviour is subjective, there is Nathanias with the acceptable by common sense behaviour (at least most of the time), and there are guys that are obviously toxic. Even the ones defending them are not claiming the behaviour is aceptable (and thus are asking for a stream that does not fit the criteria to be feature for a reason not in the rules).
Im asking for equal standards for everyone.
This is point that's extremely EXTREMELY overlooked on my channel. Common sense behavior, and what ends up happening is that it a TON of things that happens gets taken out of context, or it's simple lies that I have no way of defending due to being a smaller channel.
Like one of the main reasons that whole scammer thing went viral was because of total biscuit, so even though I have the documented proof of not scamming anyone that type of streaming titan makes a tiny little comment and it's automatically true.
On February 15 2016 20:54 fealx wrote: Grounds for De-Featuring:
1. On-stream conduct determined unacceptable to Team Liquid. This includes acts of racism, homophobia, hate speech, and general assholery
so avilo should not be featured
Let's just say avilo's case is a... difficult one.
Literally not a single game ends without him having called his opponent at least a "fucking idiot" on stream, and usually through in game chat bm as well. And he literally does not lose a single game without blaming it on game imbalance, stream cheating or hacking. I know that he has consistent viewership but seriously guys, I just can't see how supporting this behaviour is doing esports or SC2 any good whatsoever.
Not worth replying because haters will hate regardless. But i'll reply anyways because i want to reply to 2nd guy: a) @ first guy you probably don't watch my stream as i do none of those things, nor would i ever. b) @ 2nd guy again, not true, no matter how much you or the lil hater squad wants it to be. If i did that every single game i would literally have no viewers. All of that is highly overexaggerated.
To be fair to me, in the past there were a fuckton of players that were purposely sniping me to get reaction from me / make me rage etc. Any streamer that has a viewer base of 200+ viewer will tell you at some point they have been stream sniped. It happened to me a lot and got pretty annoying - i was always pretty up front about it i mean what can i do if i play 4 guys in a row that all are proxy 3 raxing me on a 4 player map with no scv scout (this type of shit has happened before -_-).
I've learned from it though (and listened to feedback) and toned it down and don't let it bother me as much when it does happen, though i think at this point it's pretty much a meme that people will perpetuate regardless lol - i don't really often call out snipers/hackers so much tho sometimes i will joke about it on stream and the 2 people there that don't understand sarcasm will post about it.
I'd like to think i'm a pretty good + consistent SC2 streamer that provides high level gameplay, unique style, and good commentary + humor to boot :D
Not much else to say, hope you change your mind and give my stream another try :D
edit: p.s. ik you may not personally like me but i really do not think it's a good idea to start witch hunting more community members (yes i consider myself part of the SC2 community). I mean if people wanna keep trying to drive every single personality / player out of SC2 then ok @_@
On February 16 2016 01:17 BamBam wrote: really now avilo? I do believe it is you who outright started by calling ME a hacker - no more than a week ago actually. (Nevermind that I stream my games) outright blatant calls of hacking with no evidence and just verbal diarrhea to make yourself seem like a better player isn't what makes for a professional streamer, nor should it be what represents TL on the featured stream list.
Is this real life? I 100% agree here that avilo should not be featured. He breaks almost every rule that is listed here, yet he claims that he doesn´t do this toxic behaviour? WTF is going on in the SC 2 community? He even called Korean Pros maphacker. He may have a healthy viewerbase but he is far far away from giving useful insight or commentary. Please TL rethink the situation about him. I can´t believe what I just read.
And what is it with this witchhunting against HTOMario recently? He is one of the most consistent Terran Streamers here on TL, with always commentating his moves and startegic decisions. Why do players like Ruff witchhunt against him to be in a better position (which I was shocked that he does something like this). We had this debate before and HTOMario asked to un-feature him so the situation cools off. Why would he be so stupid and do this again? Seriously why do streamers witchhunt other streamers just to get more viewers themselves? Which leads me to my question above: WTF is going on in the SC2 community?
I think noregret should be featured on TL, he consistently gets around 100 viewers and made WCS challenger as well. I feel that by these new standards, if noregret is ineligible, most NA players including myself, drunkenboi, koma, bails, jonsnow along with some EU players would be defeatured due to ineligibility as well.
On February 16 2016 12:59 Cobrakush wrote: I have a question. Will HTOmario still be featured? Nothing against him personally but there is proof he viewbotted.
When this issue originally appeared in March-ish of 2015, we already looked into it. Someone PM'd HTOMario that he was viewbotting Mario. Mario tried to get rid of the bots and asked for twitch's help, and then tried to find a way to remove them and find his real numbers. This all occurred before any suspicion. He was very forthright about the issue so there's no reason to believe he did it himself or that he is still doing it.
On February 16 2016 13:38 intense555 wrote: I think noregret should be featured on TL, he consistently gets around 100 viewers and made WCS challenger as well. I feel that by these new standards, if noregret is ineligible, most NA players including myself, drunkenboi, koma, bails, jonsnow along with some EU players would be defeatured due to ineligibility as well.
With how vague the new WCS system is right now (seriously, so so so vague), we're still trying to find a middle point between featuring a good number of up and comers without flooding the list with anyone that makes it to any qualifier. We might relax or tighten the featuring requirements in the future depending on how this season and next season go.
I don't understand why eligibility is changed for WCS Challenger players, Challenger used to be 32 people at one point it doesn't make sense that LITERALLY everyone besides me is already featured and you guys changed the intelligibility after I qualified for wcs. its very disappointing to qualify expecting to be recognized for a pretty good achievement just to have the minimum requirements changed after I'm eligible
On February 16 2016 12:59 Cobrakush wrote: I have a question. Will HTOmario still be featured? Nothing against him personally but there is proof he viewbotted.
When this issue originally appeared in March-ish of 2015, we already looked into it. Someone PM'd HTOMario that he was viewbotting Mario. Mario tried to get rid of the bots and asked for twitch's help, and then tried to find a way to remove them and find his real numbers. This all occurred before any suspicion. He was very forthright about the issue so there's no reason to believe he did it himself or that he is still doing it.
On February 16 2016 13:45 NoRegreT_ wrote: I don't understand why eligibility is changed for WCS Challenger players, Challenger used to be 32 people at one point it doesn't make sense that LITERALLY everyone besides me is already featured and you guys changed the intelligibility after I qualified for wcs. its very disappointing to qualify expecting to be recognized for a pretty good achievement just to have the minimum requirements changed after I'm eligible
On February 16 2016 13:45 NoRegreT_ wrote: I don't understand why eligibility is changed for WCS Challenger players, Challenger used to be 32 people at one point it doesn't make sense that LITERALLY everyone besides me is already featured and you guys changed the intelligibility after I qualified for wcs. its very disappointing to qualify expecting to be recognized for a pretty good achievement just to have the minimum requirements changed after I'm eligible
check PM pls
Are you really going to just ignore the previous conversation?