Yeah thats the problem, fans wanna see such foreigner wins against top korean stuff, but this is not whats happening. we see a foreigner win against a midtier korean leading in a corrupted ranking (wcs). gfinity and blizzard are they ones to blame for this, gfinity clearly was aganist the WCS rules.
Wanna see a foreigner win against a top korean? IEM Shezen Snute vs Stork and Snute vs True. Snute won vs a Code S Player in Macrogames, he won vs True a Code s Semifinalist. You can say on a good day is Snute Code s level.
MLG Anaheim Scarlett won vs Life, Ragnarok and DRG.(Okay Life and Ragnarok are just Code A ;D )
So in the end we see foreigner win vs top korean, and i think you can say that the best foreigners can win vs top Koreans and i think you can say bunny is on his good day on of them.
I would love to see some foreigners go into code s again but its just not going to happen. Either because the players dont want to go or the team would decide its not a smart choice.
Why would you go to Korea - for the most part it doesn't make much sense.
Strictly speaking the situation is still Korea = improvement (provided you can get over the social problems that always arise)
I think we are moving away from that, especially when there are way more chances at big money when you have monthly major tournaments throughout the US and Eruope, there's a lot of incentive to get out of Korea. Theres even been a rise in personal sponsorships, like Bomber and Polt, since many western companies don't want to pay for a whole team.
On August 04 2014 18:39 sunship wrote: I understand that people see "foreigner beat korean in a finals" and want to be blinded by this concept of "hype" (one of the worst buzzwords to exist in this era IMO) but I feel like this should be said:
For a while, overseas events in particular have had basically the same handful of low-mid tier Koreans (compared to Code S competitors) attending them to face off against foreigners who are admittedly better than average. I feel that this is more than likely in an attempt to set this kind of scenario up, because it's obvious how much attention events receive and how easy it is to "hype" up the chance of something like this happening. However, if you step back and compare the kind of Korean they're facing, it's really not that impressive, and it's almost expected at this point for these Koreans to lose, because they're not the same quality of Korean that competes in Korea.
To me, it seems like these Koreans in particular (coincidentally, MC HyuN jjakji MMA StarDust are perhaps the five that attend the most of these events out of any set of Koreans) keep being invited because not only are foreign fans more capable of recognizing them compared to other Koreans (because they keep getting invited) but also because to a foreigner, they're the most beatable Koreans nowadays, and when all the vast majority of foreign fans are capable of seeing is "a foreigner beat a Korean", the quality of Korean that the foreigner is beating is irrelevant.
I don't mean to rain on a parade here, but it's been obvious for a while, to me at least, what tournaments have been trying to do in this regard when it comes to the whole foreigner taking on the Korean menace bias. I'm probably going to be lambasted because people still think of most of those players listed as if they're still in their 2012 form, which would make a foreigner beating them special, but it's almost 2015, and nearly every single Korean that is actively invited and/or attends foreign events would more than likely struggle to qualify for Code A - just like foreigners.
haters gonna hate.
Gj bunny and teamliquid, awesome job u guys are doing
On August 04 2014 22:05 finkelboy wrote: Usually the photographers tell players to do the kiss the trophy thing, personally I'd rather hold it in in my hand or raise it in the air.
On August 05 2014 02:14 klipik12 wrote: As with everything in starcraft nowadays, or so it seems, a number of people have found a way to take a positive thing and make it depressing.
The difference is, this isn't actually "people", this is just three posters who I haven't seen post here before. It may be true that we breed those kinds of posts with some of the usual stupid reactions, but the community reacted well this time, let's not associate.
rofl, can't believe it.. If I had to bet on some foreigner Terran that would win a championship - it would probably have been Dayshi instead.. Very good nevertheless, gratz Bunny, happy..
Oh wait nope - I missed the whole thing someway, any VoDs ? (lol)
Congrats to Bunny, really impressed with his mechanics this tournament. I hope to see him put up great runs in the future.
The write up however... is a bit too foreigner vs Korean vive. This G3 isn't the winds of "RTS" changing or "it could be one of the turning points of the year". It was a great player, on a great team, playing great sc2. Or a foreigner beating a handful of (don't even act like they are the best Koreans) Koreans in a weekend tournament with a foreigner friendly format. Lets not turn a great achievement into, "haha we beat you guys once that one time so we are right and you are wrong".
On August 05 2014 03:37 yido wrote: Congrats to Bunny, really impressed with his mechanics this tournament. I hope to see him put up great runs in the future.
The write up however... is a bit too foreigner vs Korean vive. This G3 isn't the winds of "RTS" changing or "it could be one of the turning points of the year". It was a great player, on a great team, playing great sc2. Or a foreigner beating a handful of (don't even act like they are the best Koreans) Koreans in a weekend tournament with a foreigner friendly format. Lets not turn a great achievement into, "haha we beat you guys once that one time so we are right and you are wrong".
The only thing I can think of it wasn't a WCS or a WCS Premiere event.. But holy sh*t man, beating all those guys in a row is really an achievement.. The tourney itself turned out to be a Jackpot in the end.. :D
On August 05 2014 03:37 yido wrote: Congrats to Bunny, really impressed with his mechanics this tournament. I hope to see him put up great runs in the future.
The write up however... is a bit too foreigner vs Korean vive. This G3 isn't the winds of "RTS" changing or "it could be one of the turning points of the year". It was a great player, on a great team, playing great sc2. Or a foreigner beating a handful of (don't even act like they are the best Koreans) Koreans in a weekend tournament with a foreigner friendly format. Lets not turn a great achievement into, "haha we beat you guys once that one time so we are right and you are wrong".
The only thing I can think of it wasn't a WCS or a WCS Premiere event.. But holy sh*t man, beating all those guys in a row is really an achievement.. The tourney itself turned out to be a Jackpot in the end.. :D
Yea, it was an excellent event. I didn't know about G3 until I tuned on to the olimoley league Sat morning. The production was good, casting was solid, and games were excellent. I really hope that they can grow eSports in the UK into a great hub of activity.
Though many supposed fans of the game consider these tug-of-wars to be laborious and plodding, in the right hands, these compositions can result in compelling games.
Not sure why you felt the need to take a shot at people who dislike Swarm Hosts by implying that they're not truly fans of the game...
On August 04 2014 18:39 sunship wrote: I understand that people see "foreigner beat korean in a finals" and want to be blinded by this concept of "hype" (one of the worst buzzwords to exist in this era IMO) but I feel like this should be said:
For a while, overseas events in particular have had basically the same handful of low-mid tier Koreans (compared to Code S competitors) attending them to face off against foreigners who are admittedly better than average. I feel that this is more than likely in an attempt to set this kind of scenario up, because it's obvious how much attention events receive and how easy it is to "hype" up the chance of something like this happening. However, if you step back and compare the kind of Korean they're facing, it's really not that impressive, and it's almost expected at this point for these Koreans to lose, because they're not the same quality of Korean that competes in Korea.
To me, it seems like these Koreans in particular (coincidentally, MC HyuN jjakji MMA StarDust are perhaps the five that attend the most of these events out of any set of Koreans) keep being invited because not only are foreign fans more capable of recognizing them compared to other Koreans (because they keep getting invited) but also because to a foreigner, they're the most beatable Koreans nowadays, and when all the vast majority of foreign fans are capable of seeing is "a foreigner beat a Korean", the quality of Korean that the foreigner is beating is irrelevant.
I don't mean to rain on a parade here, but it's been obvious for a while, to me at least, what tournaments have been trying to do in this regard when it comes to the whole foreigner taking on the Korean menace bias. I'm probably going to be lambasted because people still think of most of those players listed as if they're still in their 2012 form, which would make a foreigner beating them special, but it's almost 2015, and nearly every single Korean that is actively invited and/or attends foreign events would more than likely struggle to qualify for Code A - just like foreigners.
yes it is absolutely disgusting that you would try to diminish this accomplishment. in a time when koreans are stomping foreigners left and right, and basically singlehandedly destroying the sc2 competitive scene, to actively try to downplay a FOREIGNER WHO BEAT KOREANS BY PLAYING TERRAN, a race that requires really good mechanics, is mind boggling. this is a legit accomplishment.
On August 04 2014 18:39 sunship wrote: I understand that people see "foreigner beat korean in a finals" and want to be blinded by this concept of "hype" (one of the worst buzzwords to exist in this era IMO) but I feel like this should be said:
For a while, overseas events in particular have had basically the same handful of low-mid tier Koreans (compared to Code S competitors) attending them to face off against foreigners who are admittedly better than average. I feel that this is more than likely in an attempt to set this kind of scenario up, because it's obvious how much attention events receive and how easy it is to "hype" up the chance of something like this happening. However, if you step back and compare the kind of Korean they're facing, it's really not that impressive, and it's almost expected at this point for these Koreans to lose, because they're not the same quality of Korean that competes in Korea.
To me, it seems like these Koreans in particular (coincidentally, MC HyuN jjakji MMA StarDust are perhaps the five that attend the most of these events out of any set of Koreans) keep being invited because not only are foreign fans more capable of recognizing them compared to other Koreans (because they keep getting invited) but also because to a foreigner, they're the most beatable Koreans nowadays, and when all the vast majority of foreign fans are capable of seeing is "a foreigner beat a Korean", the quality of Korean that the foreigner is beating is irrelevant.
I don't mean to rain on a parade here, but it's been obvious for a while, to me at least, what tournaments have been trying to do in this regard when it comes to the whole foreigner taking on the Korean menace bias. I'm probably going to be lambasted because people still think of most of those players listed as if they're still in their 2012 form, which would make a foreigner beating them special, but it's almost 2015, and nearly every single Korean that is actively invited and/or attends foreign events would more than likely struggle to qualify for Code A - just like foreigners.
yes it is absolutely disgusting that you would try to diminish this accomplishment. in a time when koreans are stomping foreigners left and right, and basically singlehandedly destroying the sc2 competitive scene, to actively try to downplay a FOREIGNER WHO BEAT KOREANS BY PLAYING TERRAN, a race that requires really good mechanics, is mind boggling. this is a legit accomplishment.
See this annoys me. Why is it that in a post where you're outraged about someone downplaying accomplishments, you have to add something about how it's more impressive because he played terran, thus downplaying other accomplishments?
Grats to Bunny! Guess he's easily the best foreign Terran in the world right now after winning this tourney and defeating Sacsri in Dreamhack. We've known he's good for a while and he finally blossomed :D
Also cool to see Demu get some decent results. I really want to watch his games over StarDust.
On August 04 2014 19:01 einherier wrote: That WCS system is the problem, european and foreignkoreans get most WCS points despite having the easiest opponents just because they get the biggest support from their teams and organisations.
Surely at some point the Koreans themselves need to step up and improve their scene. We already have Koreans winning WCS EU and US, should they also be receiving extra WCS pity points now?
All the tournaments are in Europe and the US, because that is where the vast majority of fans and money are, so either more Korean players need to travel to these events, or there needs to be more Korean events.
I watched Broodwar, and i know why Korea has a special place, in the heart of a lot of Starcraft fans i just don't think the scene is helped by them constantly getting special treatment.
Seriously. It's hardly the rest of the worlds fault that the Koreans don't organize WCS events in their own scene.