This would be so much easier if every Protoss played in the same team league.
Infrastructure aside, it seemed like sOs got into JD's head really well and that's what contributed most to his victory. Do other Protoss players metagame their opponent this hard? Because you don't play SC professionally off of BO1's right? You try to win a tournament where (as inC said), metagame is REALLY important.
On November 11 2013 00:22 IntoTheheart wrote: This would be so much easier if every Protoss played in the same team league.
Infrastructure aside, it seemed like sOs got into JD's head really well and that's what contributed most to his victory. Do other Protoss players metagame their opponent this hard? Because you don't play SC professionally off of BO1's right? You try to win a tournament where (as inC said), metagame is REALLY important.
Yeah we really do need one team league, but even then we would want every player to meet one another constantly. When it comes to mind games. You have to give it to sHy. Dear does get more flustered then him when things aren't working out; whereas, sHy just goes on about his business and has no problem throwing curve balls based on what his opponent sees. I'd say Dear has better multitask (although sOs's storms were MINT); whereas, sHy takes bigger risks (how the bloody f does he make some of these unit compositions work where if you take out the key units the Protoss is basically fucked).. It's really hard for me to say which one I'd pick. If they were playing head to head. Dear would come out on top. It really comes down to what you value more. Ability to throw your opponent off and not get discouraged when it doesn't work or superior multitask that hits like a truck.
On November 11 2013 00:22 IntoTheheart wrote: This would be so much easier if every Protoss played in the same team league.
Infrastructure aside, it seemed like sOs got into JD's head really well and that's what contributed most to his victory. Do other Protoss players metagame their opponent this hard? Because you don't play SC professionally off of BO1's right? You try to win a tournament where (as inC said), metagame is REALLY important.
Yeah we really do need one team league, but even then we would want every player to meet one another constantly. When it comes to mind games. You have to give it to sHy. Dear does get more flustered then him when things aren't working out; whereas, sHy just goes on about his business and has no problem throwing curve balls based on what his opponent sees. I'd say Dear has better multitask (although sOs's storms were MINT); whereas, sHy takes bigger risks (how the bloody f does he make some of these unit compositions work where if you take out the key units the Protoss is basically fucked).. It's really hard for me to say which one I'd pick. If they were playing head to head. Dear would come out on top. It really comes down to what you value more. Ability to throw your opponent off and not get discouraged when it doesn't work or superior multitask that hits like a truck.
I dunno. Are we talking about overall ability to win tournaments or overall ability to win games individually? 'Cuz sOs clearly had what it took. He read his opponent and then won. I'm not discounting other pro-gamers but it looked like sOs did some solid mindgaming. HyuN vs. JD in that one DH finals looked like JD just tried some really weird... thing in the last game and then just got rolled. SD vs. JD in the other DH finals was JD making a weird choice during a base-trade situation and having a very awkward Extractor. I"m not saying that HyuN and SD didn't play well, but it didn't look like they were metagaming nearly as hard.
I would say Dear. SoS currently won, but only because he lucked out with not having to fight Maru. Jaedong and Dear both suffered the same hubris. They assumed their opponents wouldn't adapt to their previous strategies so perfectly. Dear just wins, regardless of the circumstances or whatever counterplay, and he's been doing that for months, until finally the Dong takes a series from him. Dear is the most frightening.
I have to say sOs. Not just the fact that he won Blizzcon, beating Jaedong and Dear did it, but it's the way it happened for me. Dear is the best macro Protoss and his strengths shine through most when he plays macro. But in the last game of possibly the biggest series of his career, on Akilom Wastes, notoriously good for Protoss macro play, he goes for a 2 base all-in which plays away from his biggest strengths in the first place. His mental strength failed him when he needed it most which is what separates sOs from Dear in my opinion. sOs has mastered these mental attributes necessary for success, but Dear leaves too much to be desired.
On November 11 2013 00:22 IntoTheheart wrote: This would be so much easier if every Protoss played in the same team league.
Infrastructure aside, it seemed like sOs got into JD's head really well and that's what contributed most to his victory. Do other Protoss players metagame their opponent this hard? Because you don't play SC professionally off of BO1's right? You try to win a tournament where (as inC said), metagame is REALLY important.
Yeah we really do need one team league, but even then we would want every player to meet one another constantly. When it comes to mind games. You have to give it to sHy. Dear does get more flustered then him when things aren't working out; whereas, sHy just goes on about his business and has no problem throwing curve balls based on what his opponent sees. I'd say Dear has better multitask (although sOs's storms were MINT); whereas, sHy takes bigger risks (how the bloody f does he make some of these unit compositions work where if you take out the key units the Protoss is basically fucked).. It's really hard for me to say which one I'd pick. If they were playing head to head. Dear would come out on top. It really comes down to what you value more. Ability to throw your opponent off and not get discouraged when it doesn't work or superior multitask that hits like a truck.
I dunno. Are we talking about overall ability to win tournaments or overall ability to win games individually? 'Cuz sOs clearly had what it took. He read his opponent and then won. I'm not discounting other pro-gamers but it looked like sOs did some solid mindgaming. HyuN vs. JD in that one DH finals looked like JD just tried some really weird... thing in the last game and then just got rolled. SD vs. JD in the other DH finals was JD making a weird choice during a base-trade situation and having a very awkward Extractor. I"m not saying that HyuN and SD didn't play well, but it didn't look like they were metagaming nearly as hard.
We're talking about both. It certainly helps to have a lot of tools in your kit to win an extended series (no, we're not talking about MLG extended series). Also, let's not discount the difference between reading what your opponent wants to do and pulling their leg to play in your hand. There is such a thing as forced errors and unforced errors as well.
Jaedong has a habit of making a lot of costly mistakes. Some of them are forced, but the ones I can remember in my head? Unforced. Your comments might be right on the money even though I barely remember the DH series. ;/ Jaedong's made strides though and we're starting to see a better technical shift from him by saving more larva so he can react quicker to what his opponent is doing. Something that is very important in ZvP specifically. It's funny because in BW we see the role reversal. Protoss FEing became common practice and when you do that you have to play a reactive style to what the Zerg gives you more often than not.
On November 11 2013 02:01 Cloak wrote: I would say Dear. SoS currently won, but only because he lucked out with not having to fight Maru. Jaedong and Dear both suffered the same hubris. They assumed their opponents wouldn't adapt to their previous strategies so perfectly. Dear just wins, regardless of the circumstances or whatever counterplay, and he's been doing that for months, until finally the Dong takes a series from him. Dear is the most frightening.
Maru's style is very similar to Bomber's except he has better micro (he'd be better off at picking off those templars if he was in the same situation). Dear and sOs are both very scary.
On November 11 2013 04:49 LongShot27 wrote: Providing analysis for blizzcon
Protoss players tend to make pretty good casters and analysts. ToD, Incontrol, Artosis, Grubby...hell, even MC has been showing off casting chops lately.
I'd say Dear just because he beat flash when he was on that ridiculous 13-14? winning streak in PL back in 2012 and put an end to the unbearable KT fanboy gloating. Thank you Dear.
sOs takes the cake for now. Claims that he is cheesy or subpar are just stupid. sOs showed a very strong understanding of the meta game and his opponents and played them like no one else. Just as there was the transition from the BoxeR era of RTS to iloveoov's macro centric plays sOs is showing something entirely new within the domain of SC2. sOs also has shown that his late game/standard play is not weak at all. He is one of the only, if not only, player that consistently abuses weaknesses in his opponents, MU and specific maps that no one does. The people who complain about his style are unwilling to change or look past the fact that there are more ways at approaching the game and are much like IdrA. Macro is not the only respectable approach, and some people should get their asses out of their heads. sOs has shown that he understands Protoss and the game to a degree that is hard to compare. Taking Blizzcon shows that he is not only the best Protoss, but also potentially the best player and is pioneering a new way of consistently playing with results. Haters will hate.