Jin Hun ‘Jim’ Cao and his team recently informed us that they are seeking a visa appointment in China on Monday, August 19. At this appointment, Jim will attempt to obtain all of the necessary documentation for acquiring a German visa. If he is successful in this venture, he will then be able to attend the World Championship Series Season 2 Finals next weekend at gamescom in Cologne, Germany.
Jim originally earned a seat at the WCS Season 2 Finals by achieving fifth place at the WCS America Season 2 League Finals, which were held just last weekend. In the event that Jim is unable to secure a visa during his interview on Monday, we will fill his seat by extending an invitation to Han ‘aLive’ Lee Seok, the sixth place finisher from the WCS America Season 2 League Finals. We want to ensure the success of the Season Finals, and feel that leaving an empty slot in the player lineup could give the rest of Jim’s group an unfair advantage over others due to walkover matches. Should an invitation be offered to aLive, his acceptance will make him eligible to receive WCS Points and prize money awarded for participating in the Season 2 Finals.
No matter the outcome, Jim will still receive all WCS Points and prize money he earned from his performance in WCS America thus far, including the League Finals. It’s also important to note that Jim will retain his Premier League placement and seeding as we head in to WCS America Season 3.
We will continue to assist our Chinese competitors and teams with their endeavors to earn visas by any means at our disposal, and we hope that you will continue to support and cheer for them in the World Championship Series...
Older Update
On August 16 2013 02:43 argonautdice wrote: "About the German visa, because Jim's not 18 yet, his family still needs provide an authorization letter (permission from parents and for Edison to act as chaperone) to the notary office to get permission, and we still need Jim's residency card, so as long as we get that letter, we should be able to make the visa appointment on Monday as planned. God bless, Jim's mother is on her way to the notary office, hope everything will go smoothly!" - translated from iG Manager Edison's Weibo
ESL removed an update that IG.Jim, 5th place finisher at WCS America, was unable to obtain a visa and would not be competing at the WCS Season II finals in Germany. The original news post was edited to remove all mentions of Jim's situation, while a related tweet was deleted.
The original message read as follows:
Update: The WCS Season 2 Finals at gamescom will have to cope without Jin 'Jim' Hui Cao. Unfortunately, the Chinese Protoss player will not receive a visa in time for next week's tournament. Last weekend he qualified by placing fifth at the WCS America League Finals in Santa Monica and would have been the sole Chinese representative. There will be no replacement for Jim's slot in group D.
On August 16 2013 01:36 Eloot wrote: Can they not let him play online?
He'd be at a massive disadvantage due to China/EU lag plus it would set a weird precedent that players can compete for offline tournament money without attending the event.
on the plus side scarlett only has to plan for tvz
And does not have to keep in mind a possibility of needing to stomp Jim yet again to advance out of group (seriously, Scarlett is 4-1 against Jim now :D). On a positive side i actually like ALL of match-ups in Group D now (though it is now clearly easiest possible group for Maru now) MMA vs Scarlett , Maru vs Scarlett and MMA vs Maru (MMA showed pretty good TvT imo).
some people here are asking why no alive. I think the problem are wcs points. alive clearly doesnt deserve 500 point from WCS 2 Finals, because he didnt qualify for this..
On August 16 2013 01:44 Dingodile wrote: some people here are asking why no alive. I think the problem are wcs points. alive clearly doesnt deserve 500 point from WCS 2 Finals, because he didnt qualify for this..
But he would have qualified, had Jim not played a qualifier for the finals with no possibility for attending worlds (he had to know at that point that he would not be able to get a visa in time).
On August 16 2013 01:44 Dingodile wrote: some people here are asking why no alive. I think the problem are wcs points. alive clearly doesnt deserve 500 point from WCS 2 Finals, because he didnt qualify for this..
Although alternatively, they could just award the points to Jim and then allow Alive to play and attempt to earn more points by placing higher in the tournament.
On August 16 2013 01:57 Waxangel wrote: the best solution imo is
Jim gets 500 points and the $5,000
aLive gets a flight an spot in the Ro16, BUT he doesn't make any money/points UNLESS he reaches the Ro8 or higher.
I am not sure how many points u get for 3rd in group anyway alive should get everything that is over 500 and 5k$, by that i mean only the surplus over this threshold.
I really don't understand why players who made it to Ro8 in their respective region wouldn't apply for all their necessary visas (regional and seasonal) Is it that hard to have a backup plan?
Even if you don't qualify for seasonal finals, if players like Jim fail hard at preparing ahead, then the next ranking player may be suitable to replace Jim because they did plan ahead. You can't have a successful career if you don't plan ahead and capitalize on these opportunities.
And what blows my mind is Jim has a coach/manager who really should've known how long it would take to apply for visas and I'm sure that visa's cost is a lot less than $5000. Being critical here, but whoever is managing Jim has no idea what he's doing.
On August 16 2013 02:16 eScaper-tsunami wrote: I really don't understand why players who made it to Ro8 in their respective region wouldn't apply for all their necessary visas (regional and seasonal) Is it that hard to have a backup plan?
Even if you don't qualify for seasonal finals, if players like Jim fail hard at preparing ahead, then the next ranking player may be suitable to replace Jim because they did plan ahead. You can't have a successful career if you don't plan ahead and capitalize on these opportunities.
And what blows my mind is Jim has a coach/manager who really should've known how long it would take to apply for visas and I'm sure that visa's cost is a lot less than $5000. Being critical here, but whoever is managing Jim has no idea what he's doing.
I have to agree. I don't know exactly the situation that prevented him from getting a visa, but lack of preparation screws over the other player (in this case aLive), the whole tournament which now has to give out walkovers, and Jim himself. Horrible all around.
On August 16 2013 02:16 eScaper-tsunami wrote: I really don't understand why players who made it to Ro8 in their respective region wouldn't apply for all their necessary visas (regional and seasonal) Is it that hard to have a backup plan?
Even if you don't qualify for seasonal finals, if players like Jim fail hard at preparing ahead, then the next ranking player may be suitable to replace Jim because they did prepare ahead. You can't have a successful career if you don't prepare ahead and capitalize on these opportunities.
And what blows my mind is Jim has a coach/manager who really should've known how long it would take to apply for visas and I'm sure that visa's cost is a lot less than $5000. Being critical here, but whoever is managing Jim has no idea what he's doing.
chinese people get denied visas all the time, just because
maybe Blizzard should use its multiquadrillion dollars to force the german government to give out visas to chinese nationals. if it were LoL/DoTA/whatever else that is what they would do!! oh wait, that argument didn't work in the other thread either.
On August 16 2013 02:16 eScaper-tsunami wrote: I really don't understand why players who made it to Ro8 in their respective region wouldn't apply for all their necessary visas (regional and seasonal) Is it that hard to have a backup plan?
Even if you don't qualify for seasonal finals, if players like Jim fail hard at preparing ahead, then the next ranking player may be suitable to replace Jim because they did prepare ahead. You can't have a successful career if you don't prepare ahead and capitalize on these opportunities.
And what blows my mind is Jim has a coach/manager who really should've known how long it would take to apply for visas and I'm sure that visa's cost is a lot less than $5000. Being critical here, but whoever is managing Jim has no idea what he's doing.
chinese people get denied visas all the time, just because
Well, if you say you go to China as journalist you will also get denied. Arbitrary rules.
Alright where are all the german people making fun of the US and their visa policies at, when jim/macsed were first denied US visas?! Good thing next season's finals will be in toronto, canada!....I will prepare myself to eat crow if the chinese are denied visas to canada!
On August 16 2013 02:28 Canucklehead wrote: Alright where are all the german people making fun of the US and their visa policies at, when jim/macsed were first denied US visas?! Good thing next season's finals will be in toronto, canada!....I will prepare myself to eat crow if the chinese are denied visas to canada!
Shhhh us Americans are trying to be hypocritical don't give it away.
"About the German visa, because Jim's not 18 yet, his family still needs provide an authorization letter (permission from parents and for Edison to act as chaperone) to the notary office to get permission, and we still need Jim's residency card, so as long as we get that letter, we should be able to make the visa appointment on Monday as planned. God bless, Jim's mother is on her way to the notary office, hope everything will go smoothly!" - translated from iG Manager Edison's Weibo
On August 16 2013 02:43 argonautdice wrote: "About the German visa, because Jim's not 18 yet, his family still needs provide an authorization letter (permission from parents and for Edison to act as chaperone) to the notary office to get permission, and we still need Jim's residency card, so as long as we get that letter, we should be able to make the visa appointment on Monday as planned. God bless, Jim's mother is on her way to the notary office, hope everything will go smoothly!" - translated from iG Manager Edison's Weibo
I feel bad for the guy. We can't keep having people play with no visas. It's toxic to the tournament. If MMA makes it through now, whereas somebody like Jaedong doesn't, the fact that MMA gets more WCS points will be horseshit and mean nothing.
(I'm not slagging MMA off, i like the guy. I just feel like he is weakest in group D)
On August 16 2013 02:43 argonautdice wrote: "About the German visa, because Jim's not 18 yet, his family still needs provide an authorization letter (permission from parents and for Edison to act as chaperone) to the notary office to get permission, and we still need Jim's residency card, so as long as we get that letter, we should be able to make the visa appointment on Monday as planned. God bless, Jim's mother is on her way to the notary office, hope everything will go smoothly!" - translated from iG Manager Edison's Weibo
On August 16 2013 02:43 argonautdice wrote: "About the German visa, because Jim's not 18 yet, his family still needs provide an authorization letter (permission from parents and for Edison to act as chaperone) to the notary office to get permission, and we still need Jim's residency card, so as long as we get that letter, we should be able to make the visa appointment on Monday as planned. God bless, Jim's mother is on her way to the notary office, hope everything will go smoothly!" - translated from iG Manager Edison's Weibo
On August 16 2013 02:48 ottosec wrote: There is still a chance he might get visa, no?
First of all, there is no rejected on JIM visa because appointment is on next Monday. Second, no one in the chinese media or any web forum ever said jim was unable to get visa.
So, who told ESL jim's visa was denied. Or They just make the news for fun?
Honestly i wish people like this wouldn't be aloud to play in the finals if they cant play the next round. He should know if he can or cannot before the tournament starts, hes had these issues in the past and now all it does is make the world finals that much less interesting. No offence to jim or the chinese.
On August 16 2013 02:48 ottosec wrote: There is still a chance he might get visa, no?
First of all, there is no rejected on JIM visa because appointment is on next Monday. Second, no one in the chinese media or any web forum ever said jim was unable to get visa.
So, who told ESL jim's visa was denied. Or They just make the news for fun?
What I don't understand is why everybody immediately jumps to conclusions after reading the original OP that says ESL DELETED information about Jim not getting a visa.. :-S
On August 16 2013 02:43 argonautdice wrote: "About the German visa, because Jim's not 18 yet, his family still needs provide an authorization letter (permission from parents and for Edison to act as chaperone) to the notary office to get permission, and we still need Jim's residency card, so as long as we get that letter, we should be able to make the visa appointment on Monday as planned. God bless, Jim's mother is on her way to the notary office, hope everything will go smoothly!" - translated from iG Manager Edison's Weibo
do they not research the visa requirements well beforehand? this is something completely within their control but it sounds like they waited until the last minute to do everything.
On August 16 2013 03:00 skatblast wrote: Honestly i wish people like this wouldn't be aloud to play in the finals if they cant play the next round. He should know if he can or cannot before the tournament starts, hes had these issues in the past and now all it does is make the world finals that much less interesting. No offence to jim or the chinese.
Unfortunately, things are never this clear cut. There's a chance he might or might not get the visa. It depends a lot on the embassy, and you never know if they suddenly want another document just to be sure or if there's an heightened terror alert or the person checking your documents is in a bad mood.
On August 16 2013 02:43 argonautdice wrote: "About the German visa, because Jim's not 18 yet, his family still needs provide an authorization letter (permission from parents and for Edison to act as chaperone) to the notary office to get permission, and we still need Jim's residency card, so as long as we get that letter, we should be able to make the visa appointment on Monday as planned. God bless, Jim's mother is on her way to the notary office, hope everything will go smoothly!" - translated from iG Manager Edison's Weibo
do they not research the visa requirements well beforehand? this is something completely within their control but it sounds like they waited until the last minute to do everything.
It feels like they didn't do their research well enough about the under 18 permission letter. They might've assumed the requirements were the same as the US visa, but I'm just making guesses.
On August 16 2013 02:43 argonautdice wrote: "About the German visa, because Jim's not 18 yet, his family still needs provide an authorization letter (permission from parents and for Edison to act as chaperone) to the notary office to get permission, and we still need Jim's residency card, so as long as we get that letter, we should be able to make the visa appointment on Monday as planned. God bless, Jim's mother is on her way to the notary office, hope everything will go smoothly!" - translated from iG Manager Edison's Weibo
do they not research the visa requirements well beforehand? this is something completely within their control but it sounds like they waited until the last minute to do everything.
How can that be last minute? As Jim just got his spot a couple days ago. Do they have to hire fortune teller as well now?
It's cool that people already eliminated him from the season finals in liquipedia without official confirmation that he could not attend. People just have no patience this days. :D
On August 16 2013 03:12 RainGondo wrote: It's cool that people already eliminated him from the season finals in liquipedia without official confirmation that he could not attend. People just have no patience this days. :D
because it was edited before the message from ESL was removed
On August 16 2013 02:16 eScaper-tsunami wrote: I really don't understand why players who made it to Ro8 in their respective region wouldn't apply for all their necessary visas (regional and seasonal) Is it that hard to have a backup plan?
Even if you don't qualify for seasonal finals, if players like Jim fail hard at preparing ahead, then the next ranking player may be suitable to replace Jim because they did plan ahead. You can't have a successful career if you don't plan ahead and capitalize on these opportunities.
And what blows my mind is Jim has a coach/manager who really should've known how long it would take to apply for visas and I'm sure that visa's cost is a lot less than $5000. Being critical here, but whoever is managing Jim has no idea what he's doing.
Don't you need to actually book the travel/plan to book the travel to get visa? I remember reading that somewhere. Not sure what the specifications are, but I don't think it's as simple as getting a visa for a trip you aren't sure you are making yet.
On August 16 2013 02:43 argonautdice wrote: "About the German visa, because Jim's not 18 yet, his family still needs provide an authorization letter (permission from parents and for Edison to act as chaperone) to the notary office to get permission, and we still need Jim's residency card, so as long as we get that letter, we should be able to make the visa appointment on Monday as planned. God bless, Jim's mother is on her way to the notary office, hope everything will go smoothly!" - translated from iG Manager Edison's Weibo
do they not research the visa requirements well beforehand? this is something completely within their control but it sounds like they waited until the last minute to do everything.
How can that be last minute? As Jim just got his spot a couple days ago. Do they have to hire fortune teller as well now?
They need time to fly back to China, and also make an appointment is not booking a Hotel, need some time.
On August 16 2013 02:43 argonautdice wrote: "About the German visa, because Jim's not 18 yet, his family still needs provide an authorization letter (permission from parents and for Edison to act as chaperone) to the notary office to get permission, and we still need Jim's residency card, so as long as we get that letter, we should be able to make the visa appointment on Monday as planned. God bless, Jim's mother is on her way to the notary office, hope everything will go smoothly!" - translated from iG Manager Edison's Weibo
do they not research the visa requirements well beforehand? this is something completely within their control but it sounds like they waited until the last minute to do everything.
How can that be last minute? As Jim just got his spot a couple days ago. Do they have to hire fortune teller as well now?
They need time to fly back to China, and also make an appointment is not booking a Hotel, need some time.
That's what I meant. It's ridiculous to claim they waited until last minute when it's actually the first minute.
On August 16 2013 02:16 eScaper-tsunami wrote: I really don't understand why players who made it to Ro8 in their respective region wouldn't apply for all their necessary visas (regional and seasonal) Is it that hard to have a backup plan?
Even if you don't qualify for seasonal finals, if players like Jim fail hard at preparing ahead, then the next ranking player may be suitable to replace Jim because they did plan ahead. You can't have a successful career if you don't plan ahead and capitalize on these opportunities.
And what blows my mind is Jim has a coach/manager who really should've known how long it would take to apply for visas and I'm sure that visa's cost is a lot less than $5000. Being critical here, but whoever is managing Jim has no idea what he's doing.
Don't you need to actually book the travel/plan to book the travel to get visa? I remember reading that somewhere. Not sure what the specifications are, but I don't think it's as simple as getting a visa for a trip you aren't sure you are making yet.
That's the case for US visa, not sure about Germany.
On August 16 2013 02:43 argonautdice wrote: "About the German visa, because Jim's not 18 yet, his family still needs provide an authorization letter (permission from parents and for Edison to act as chaperone) to the notary office to get permission, and we still need Jim's residency card, so as long as we get that letter, we should be able to make the visa appointment on Monday as planned. God bless, Jim's mother is on her way to the notary office, hope everything will go smoothly!" - translated from iG Manager Edison's Weibo
do they not research the visa requirements well beforehand? this is something completely within their control but it sounds like they waited until the last minute to do everything.
How can that be last minute? As Jim just got his spot a couple days ago. Do they have to hire fortune teller as well now?
you think its reasonable for them not to even bother looking at the visa requirements (assuming thats what happened) when they know there is a chance that he could be going to europe? its a pretty lame excuse to say they shouldnt figure out visa issues until the last minute just because there is a chance he might not go.
On August 16 2013 02:16 eScaper-tsunami wrote: I really don't understand why players who made it to Ro8 in their respective region wouldn't apply for all their necessary visas (regional and seasonal) Is it that hard to have a backup plan?
Even if you don't qualify for seasonal finals, if players like Jim fail hard at preparing ahead, then the next ranking player may be suitable to replace Jim because they did plan ahead. You can't have a successful career if you don't plan ahead and capitalize on these opportunities.
And what blows my mind is Jim has a coach/manager who really should've known how long it would take to apply for visas and I'm sure that visa's cost is a lot less than $5000. Being critical here, but whoever is managing Jim has no idea what he's doing.
Don't you need to actually book the travel/plan to book the travel to get visa? I remember reading that somewhere. Not sure what the specifications are, but I don't think it's as simple as getting a visa for a trip you aren't sure you are making yet.
Pokebunny, yes. You don't just say "Hey, I might place top 5 in this tournament and if I do I'll be invited to a tournament in your country (Germany). So go ahead and approve me for the visa now without knowing if I'm even coming to Germany or not."
It doesn't work that way. If they granted him the visa and he lost, he could have been let into Germany for a reason that no longer exists.
Also, as for getting a visa in 1 week: Good *bleeping* luck
A lot of the responsibility falls onto the tournaments for having events in one country one week and then another country the next week. They are just asking for visa issues with scheduling like this.
There is also a remote possibility that Jim has a minor (and I say minor because he would not have been let into the US if it were serious) criminal record in China and this is holding him up. Do not say "There's a rumor that Jim has a criminal record!" because I am not saying that he has one; I am just offering it as a less likely reason for his visa problems.
On August 16 2013 03:09 TXRaunchy wrote: Why can't get just get the next WCS AM ranked person to play?
And that person still need a visa.
actually people from a lot of countries don't need a Visa to visit Germany. All of the EU, North America, most South American countries and some African countries and Japan and Korea don't need a Visa to visit the EU for up to 90 days. China is one of the exceptions so sadly this is a problem for Jim.
On August 16 2013 02:43 argonautdice wrote: "About the German visa, because Jim's not 18 yet, his family still needs provide an authorization letter (permission from parents and for Edison to act as chaperone) to the notary office to get permission, and we still need Jim's residency card, so as long as we get that letter, we should be able to make the visa appointment on Monday as planned. God bless, Jim's mother is on her way to the notary office, hope everything will go smoothly!" - translated from iG Manager Edison's Weibo
do they not research the visa requirements well beforehand? this is something completely within their control but it sounds like they waited until the last minute to do everything.
How can that be last minute? As Jim just got his spot a couple days ago. Do they have to hire fortune teller as well now?
you think its reasonable for them not to even bother looking at the visa requirements (assuming thats what happened) when they know there is a chance that he could be going to europe? its a pretty lame excuse to say they shouldnt figure out visa issues until the last minute just because there is a chance he might not go.
They also just sorted out their US visa problem less than 48 hr before hopping on a flight and spending a few days in a foreign country.
On August 16 2013 02:16 eScaper-tsunami wrote: I really don't understand why players who made it to Ro8 in their respective region wouldn't apply for all their necessary visas (regional and seasonal) Is it that hard to have a backup plan?
Even if you don't qualify for seasonal finals, if players like Jim fail hard at preparing ahead, then the next ranking player may be suitable to replace Jim because they did plan ahead. You can't have a successful career if you don't plan ahead and capitalize on these opportunities.
And what blows my mind is Jim has a coach/manager who really should've known how long it would take to apply for visas and I'm sure that visa's cost is a lot less than $5000. Being critical here, but whoever is managing Jim has no idea what he's doing.
Don't you need to actually book the travel/plan to book the travel to get visa? I remember reading that somewhere. Not sure what the specifications are, but I don't think it's as simple as getting a visa for a trip you aren't sure you are making yet.
Pokebunny, yes. You don't just say "Hey, I might place top 5 in this tournament and if I do I'll be invited to a tournament in your country (Germany). So go ahead and approve me for the visa now without knowing if I'm even coming to Germany or not."
It doesn't work that way. If they granted him the visa and he lost, he could have been let into Germany for a reason that no longer exists.
Also, as for getting a visa in 1 week: Good *bleeping* luck
A lot of the responsibility falls onto the tournaments for having events in one country one week and then another country the next week. They are just asking for visa issues with scheduling like this.
There is also a remote possibility that Jim has a minor (and I say minor because he would not have been let into the US if it were serious) criminal record in China and this is holding him up. Do not say "There's a rumor that Jim has a criminal record!" because I am not saying that he has one; I am just offering it as a less likely reason for his visa problems.
A bigger issue than plane ticket is that since he will be earning money, he needs a work visa, and will need an invitation letter from ESL in order to apply for Visa. Obviously he has no way of getting that beforehand.
On August 16 2013 03:09 TXRaunchy wrote: Why can't get just get the next WCS AM ranked person to play?
And that person still need a visa.
actually people from a lot of countries don't need a Visa to visit Germany. All of the EU, North America, most South American countries and some African countries and Japan and Korea don't need a Visa to visit the EU for up to 90 days. China is one of the exceptions so sadly this is a problem for Jim.
On August 16 2013 03:09 TXRaunchy wrote: Why can't get just get the next WCS AM ranked person to play?
And that person still need a visa.
actually people from a lot of countries don't need a Visa to visit Germany. All of the EU, North America, most South American countries and some African countries and Japan and Korea don't need a Visa to visit the EU for up to 90 days. China is one of the exceptions so sadly this is a problem for Jim.
On August 16 2013 03:31 Devise wrote: if he can't get a visa let aLive go, i'm sure EG would let him, he's getting 5k just for going, plus aLive has a good of chance of any of winning
So you want to take away Jim's 5000 bucks he is owed even if he forfeit as well? Seriously?
On August 16 2013 03:09 TXRaunchy wrote: Why can't get just get the next WCS AM ranked person to play?
And that person still need a visa.
actually people from a lot of countries don't need a Visa to visit Germany. All of the EU, North America, most South American countries and some African countries and Japan and Korea don't need a Visa to visit the EU for up to 90 days. China is one of the exceptions so sadly this is a problem for Jim.
On August 16 2013 02:16 eScaper-tsunami wrote: I really don't understand why players who made it to Ro8 in their respective region wouldn't apply for all their necessary visas (regional and seasonal) Is it that hard to have a backup plan?
Even if you don't qualify for seasonal finals, if players like Jim fail hard at preparing ahead, then the next ranking player may be suitable to replace Jim because they did plan ahead. You can't have a successful career if you don't plan ahead and capitalize on these opportunities.
And what blows my mind is Jim has a coach/manager who really should've known how long it would take to apply for visas and I'm sure that visa's cost is a lot less than $5000. Being critical here, but whoever is managing Jim has no idea what he's doing.
You can't get a visa on the possibility to go ~ Jim is the only player who actually needs to get a visa to go to germany (all others just get temporary waivers due to the countries they are from) and his manager has been working day and night since he qualified for the season finals to make it happen
On August 16 2013 03:47 Fjodorov wrote: alot of "news" about peoples visa issues. Just let us know when its final instead of having these visa progress news.
Or how about this:
Don't read the thread if you don't care. Let the people who do care read it.
On August 16 2013 03:47 Fjodorov wrote: alot of "news" about peoples visa issues. Just let us know when its final instead of having these visa progress news.
Or how about this:
Don't read the thread if you don't care. Let the people who do care read it.
Start a thread about it somewhere but is it really news? Just a lot of ppl speculating about the progress of jims visa. And also alot of misinformation because the "news" has to be up 2 sec after reading a tweet or whatever.
Seriously? Screw international laws for the sake of eSports! Chinese players should not have this much trouble, seeing how the South Koreans never seem to have this much trouble coming to the U.S. (other than Violet). I was so happy when the Chinese scene began to compete on the international level, and especially when Jim and MacSed were both qualified for their Visa (finally); but this is completely absurd. I hope everything turns out well and Jim can make it to the grand finals at Gamescon.
On August 16 2013 02:16 eScaper-tsunami wrote: I really don't understand why players who made it to Ro8 in their respective region wouldn't apply for all their necessary visas (regional and seasonal) Is it that hard to have a backup plan?
Even if you don't qualify for seasonal finals, if players like Jim fail hard at preparing ahead, then the next ranking player may be suitable to replace Jim because they did plan ahead. You can't have a successful career if you don't plan ahead and capitalize on these opportunities.
And what blows my mind is Jim has a coach/manager who really should've known how long it would take to apply for visas and I'm sure that visa's cost is a lot less than $5000. Being critical here, but whoever is managing Jim has no idea what he's doing.
You can't get a visa on the possibility to go ~ Jim is the only player who actually needs to get a visa to go to germany (all others just get temporary waivers due to the countries they are from) and his manager has been working day and night since he qualified for the season finals to make it happen
Beat me to it. You have to have a purpose and destination to get a Visa, you can't just say "I might need one, can I have one ples"
On August 16 2013 03:47 Fjodorov wrote: alot of "news" about peoples visa issues. Just let us know when its final instead of having these visa progress news.
Or how about this:
Don't read the thread if you don't care. Let the people who do care read it.
Start a thread about it somewhere but is it really news? Just a lot of ppl speculating about the progress of jims visa. And also alot of misinformation because the "news" has to be up 2 sec after reading a tweet or whatever.
Please. Did you see the question mark on the title?????? Ofc its a speculation thread. Thats why the "?". And thats why its already known whats up.
On August 16 2013 02:16 eScaper-tsunami wrote: I really don't understand why players who made it to Ro8 in their respective region wouldn't apply for all their necessary visas (regional and seasonal) Is it that hard to have a backup plan?
Even if you don't qualify for seasonal finals, if players like Jim fail hard at preparing ahead, then the next ranking player may be suitable to replace Jim because they did plan ahead. You can't have a successful career if you don't plan ahead and capitalize on these opportunities.
And what blows my mind is Jim has a coach/manager who really should've known how long it would take to apply for visas and I'm sure that visa's cost is a lot less than $5000. Being critical here, but whoever is managing Jim has no idea what he's doing.
You can't get a visa on the possibility to go ~ Jim is the only player who actually needs to get a visa to go to germany (all others just get temporary waivers due to the countries they are from) and his manager has been working day and night since he qualified for the season finals to make it happen
You don't book anything with the possibility... you book ASSUMING you're going. Give them all the necessary information assuming you're going. Just like you booking for a vacation.. you always know there's a possibility something might happen last minute but you always book assuming you're going...
And here's the problem, Jim's manager is working day and night SINCE he qualified... should've been working at it since ro8. Figuring out the requirements of the visa such as parental issues. Not knowing the requirements of the visa before applying is incompetence.
On August 16 2013 02:16 eScaper-tsunami wrote: I really don't understand why players who made it to Ro8 in their respective region wouldn't apply for all their necessary visas (regional and seasonal) Is it that hard to have a backup plan?
Even if you don't qualify for seasonal finals, if players like Jim fail hard at preparing ahead, then the next ranking player may be suitable to replace Jim because they did plan ahead. You can't have a successful career if you don't plan ahead and capitalize on these opportunities.
And what blows my mind is Jim has a coach/manager who really should've known how long it would take to apply for visas and I'm sure that visa's cost is a lot less than $5000. Being critical here, but whoever is managing Jim has no idea what he's doing.
You can't get a visa on the possibility to go ~ Jim is the only player who actually needs to get a visa to go to germany (all others just get temporary waivers due to the countries they are from) and his manager has been working day and night since he qualified for the season finals to make it happen
You don't book anything with the possibility... you book ASSUMING you're going. Give them all the necessary information assuming you're going. Just like you booking for a vacation.. you always know there's a possibility something might happen last minute but you always book assuming you're going...
And here's the problem, Jim's manager is working day and night SINCE he qualified... should've been working at it since ro8. Figuring out the requirements of the visa such as parental issues. Not knowing the requirements of the visa before applying is incompetence.
Except visas don't work like that. If it's not confirmed that you're going, you don't get a visa. Simple as that.
On August 16 2013 02:16 eScaper-tsunami wrote: I really don't understand why players who made it to Ro8 in their respective region wouldn't apply for all their necessary visas (regional and seasonal) Is it that hard to have a backup plan?
Even if you don't qualify for seasonal finals, if players like Jim fail hard at preparing ahead, then the next ranking player may be suitable to replace Jim because they did plan ahead. You can't have a successful career if you don't plan ahead and capitalize on these opportunities.
And what blows my mind is Jim has a coach/manager who really should've known how long it would take to apply for visas and I'm sure that visa's cost is a lot less than $5000. Being critical here, but whoever is managing Jim has no idea what he's doing.
You can't get a visa on the possibility to go ~ Jim is the only player who actually needs to get a visa to go to germany (all others just get temporary waivers due to the countries they are from) and his manager has been working day and night since he qualified for the season finals to make it happen
You don't book anything with the possibility... you book ASSUMING you're going. Give them all the necessary information assuming you're going. Just like you booking for a vacation.. you always know there's a possibility something might happen last minute but you always book assuming you're going...
And here's the problem, Jim's manager is working day and night SINCE he qualified... should've been working at it since ro8. Figuring out the requirements of the visa such as parental issues. Not knowing the requirements of the visa before applying is incompetence.
Except visas don't work like that. If it's not confirmed that you're going, you don't get a visa. Simple as that.
A lot of people who know nothing about how visas work, like talking about them pretending they know how it works. I learned that from the last jim/macsed visa thread.
On August 16 2013 02:16 eScaper-tsunami wrote: I really don't understand why players who made it to Ro8 in their respective region wouldn't apply for all their necessary visas (regional and seasonal) Is it that hard to have a backup plan?
Even if you don't qualify for seasonal finals, if players like Jim fail hard at preparing ahead, then the next ranking player may be suitable to replace Jim because they did plan ahead. You can't have a successful career if you don't plan ahead and capitalize on these opportunities.
And what blows my mind is Jim has a coach/manager who really should've known how long it would take to apply for visas and I'm sure that visa's cost is a lot less than $5000. Being critical here, but whoever is managing Jim has no idea what he's doing.
You can't get a visa on the possibility to go ~ Jim is the only player who actually needs to get a visa to go to germany (all others just get temporary waivers due to the countries they are from) and his manager has been working day and night since he qualified for the season finals to make it happen
You don't book anything with the possibility... you book ASSUMING you're going. Give them all the necessary information assuming you're going. Just like you booking for a vacation.. you always know there's a possibility something might happen last minute but you always book assuming you're going...
And here's the problem, Jim's manager is working day and night SINCE he qualified... should've been working at it since ro8. Figuring out the requirements of the visa such as parental issues. Not knowing the requirements of the visa before applying is incompetence.
You need a written invitation letter from ESL to apply for Visa, as it's a work Visa and not some travel Visa you can just get by drop by and pay the money. Obviously they wouldn't have that beforehand.
This is some of the documents you need to apply for business Visa in Germany:
Evidence of occupation: An original and recent signed letter from your UK employer, on official letterhead, stating: How long you have been employed with the company, the kind of business and duration of the business trip(s) and (if applicable) a guarantee for the costs including the travel health insurance (see below) and return tickets.If you are self-employed, a letter from a solicitor/accountant verifying your self-employment
Invitation: A recent and signed formal invitation by fax (showing fax transmission details), or original by post, on official company letterhead from your business partner in Germany stating the kind of business, duration of the business trip(s) and a confirmation of guarantee for the costs of the stay, if applicable. If presenting at a conference, invitation letter should indicate this also.
Return tickets: to and from Schengen region Must be confirmed and in applicant’s name Can include: flight, train, coach or ferry
Obviously it's impossible to get any of those before Jim receive his spot.
On August 16 2013 02:16 eScaper-tsunami wrote: I really don't understand why players who made it to Ro8 in their respective region wouldn't apply for all their necessary visas (regional and seasonal) Is it that hard to have a backup plan?
Even if you don't qualify for seasonal finals, if players like Jim fail hard at preparing ahead, then the next ranking player may be suitable to replace Jim because they did plan ahead. You can't have a successful career if you don't plan ahead and capitalize on these opportunities.
And what blows my mind is Jim has a coach/manager who really should've known how long it would take to apply for visas and I'm sure that visa's cost is a lot less than $5000. Being critical here, but whoever is managing Jim has no idea what he's doing.
You can't get a visa on the possibility to go ~ Jim is the only player who actually needs to get a visa to go to germany (all others just get temporary waivers due to the countries they are from) and his manager has been working day and night since he qualified for the season finals to make it happen
You don't book anything with the possibility... you book ASSUMING you're going. Give them all the necessary information assuming you're going. Just like you booking for a vacation.. you always know there's a possibility something might happen last minute but you always book assuming you're going...
And here's the problem, Jim's manager is working day and night SINCE he qualified... should've been working at it since ro8. Figuring out the requirements of the visa such as parental issues. Not knowing the requirements of the visa before applying is incompetence.
Except visas don't work like that. If it's not confirmed that you're going, you don't get a visa. Simple as that.
They ask for your documentation, which usually includes flight number, destination, hotel reservation and what you're doing there. Depending on the type of visa, they will also ask you to provide a reference who is currently at the destination to verify the information. None of those are hard to provide....
On August 16 2013 02:16 eScaper-tsunami wrote: I really don't understand why players who made it to Ro8 in their respective region wouldn't apply for all their necessary visas (regional and seasonal) Is it that hard to have a backup plan?
Even if you don't qualify for seasonal finals, if players like Jim fail hard at preparing ahead, then the next ranking player may be suitable to replace Jim because they did plan ahead. You can't have a successful career if you don't plan ahead and capitalize on these opportunities.
And what blows my mind is Jim has a coach/manager who really should've known how long it would take to apply for visas and I'm sure that visa's cost is a lot less than $5000. Being critical here, but whoever is managing Jim has no idea what he's doing.
You can't get a visa on the possibility to go ~ Jim is the only player who actually needs to get a visa to go to germany (all others just get temporary waivers due to the countries they are from) and his manager has been working day and night since he qualified for the season finals to make it happen
You don't book anything with the possibility... you book ASSUMING you're going. Give them all the necessary information assuming you're going. Just like you booking for a vacation.. you always know there's a possibility something might happen last minute but you always book assuming you're going...
And here's the problem, Jim's manager is working day and night SINCE he qualified... should've been working at it since ro8. Figuring out the requirements of the visa such as parental issues. Not knowing the requirements of the visa before applying is incompetence.
You need a written invitation letter from ESL to apply for Visa, as it's a work Visa and not some travel Visa you can just get by drop by and pay the money. Obviously they wouldn't have that beforehand.
Pretty sure he's not applying for a work visa because he's not gonna stay there for more than a week....
On August 16 2013 02:16 eScaper-tsunami wrote: I really don't understand why players who made it to Ro8 in their respective region wouldn't apply for all their necessary visas (regional and seasonal) Is it that hard to have a backup plan?
Even if you don't qualify for seasonal finals, if players like Jim fail hard at preparing ahead, then the next ranking player may be suitable to replace Jim because they did plan ahead. You can't have a successful career if you don't plan ahead and capitalize on these opportunities.
And what blows my mind is Jim has a coach/manager who really should've known how long it would take to apply for visas and I'm sure that visa's cost is a lot less than $5000. Being critical here, but whoever is managing Jim has no idea what he's doing.
You can't get a visa on the possibility to go ~ Jim is the only player who actually needs to get a visa to go to germany (all others just get temporary waivers due to the countries they are from) and his manager has been working day and night since he qualified for the season finals to make it happen
You don't book anything with the possibility... you book ASSUMING you're going. Give them all the necessary information assuming you're going. Just like you booking for a vacation.. you always know there's a possibility something might happen last minute but you always book assuming you're going...
And here's the problem, Jim's manager is working day and night SINCE he qualified... should've been working at it since ro8. Figuring out the requirements of the visa such as parental issues. Not knowing the requirements of the visa before applying is incompetence.
Except visas don't work like that. If it's not confirmed that you're going, you don't get a visa. Simple as that.
They ask for your documentation, which usually includes flight number, destination, hotel reservation and what you're doing there. Depending on the type of visa, they will also ask you to provide a reference who is currently at the destination to verify the information. None of those are hard to provide....
So if he hadn't be confirmed as coming to Cologne yet, how could he or his manager have gotten any of that information from the get go like you're insinuating?
On August 16 2013 02:16 eScaper-tsunami wrote: I really don't understand why players who made it to Ro8 in their respective region wouldn't apply for all their necessary visas (regional and seasonal) Is it that hard to have a backup plan?
Even if you don't qualify for seasonal finals, if players like Jim fail hard at preparing ahead, then the next ranking player may be suitable to replace Jim because they did plan ahead. You can't have a successful career if you don't plan ahead and capitalize on these opportunities.
And what blows my mind is Jim has a coach/manager who really should've known how long it would take to apply for visas and I'm sure that visa's cost is a lot less than $5000. Being critical here, but whoever is managing Jim has no idea what he's doing.
You can't get a visa on the possibility to go ~ Jim is the only player who actually needs to get a visa to go to germany (all others just get temporary waivers due to the countries they are from) and his manager has been working day and night since he qualified for the season finals to make it happen
You don't book anything with the possibility... you book ASSUMING you're going. Give them all the necessary information assuming you're going. Just like you booking for a vacation.. you always know there's a possibility something might happen last minute but you always book assuming you're going...
And here's the problem, Jim's manager is working day and night SINCE he qualified... should've been working at it since ro8. Figuring out the requirements of the visa such as parental issues. Not knowing the requirements of the visa before applying is incompetence.
You need a written invitation letter from ESL to apply for Visa, as it's a work Visa and not some travel Visa you can just get by drop by and pay the money. Obviously they wouldn't have that beforehand.
Pretty sure he's not applying for a work visa because he's not gonna stay there for more than a week....
He is getting paid, so he has to apply for work visa.
On August 16 2013 02:16 eScaper-tsunami wrote: I really don't understand why players who made it to Ro8 in their respective region wouldn't apply for all their necessary visas (regional and seasonal) Is it that hard to have a backup plan?
Even if you don't qualify for seasonal finals, if players like Jim fail hard at preparing ahead, then the next ranking player may be suitable to replace Jim because they did plan ahead. You can't have a successful career if you don't plan ahead and capitalize on these opportunities.
And what blows my mind is Jim has a coach/manager who really should've known how long it would take to apply for visas and I'm sure that visa's cost is a lot less than $5000. Being critical here, but whoever is managing Jim has no idea what he's doing.
You can't get a visa on the possibility to go ~ Jim is the only player who actually needs to get a visa to go to germany (all others just get temporary waivers due to the countries they are from) and his manager has been working day and night since he qualified for the season finals to make it happen
You don't book anything with the possibility... you book ASSUMING you're going. Give them all the necessary information assuming you're going. Just like you booking for a vacation.. you always know there's a possibility something might happen last minute but you always book assuming you're going...
And here's the problem, Jim's manager is working day and night SINCE he qualified... should've been working at it since ro8. Figuring out the requirements of the visa such as parental issues. Not knowing the requirements of the visa before applying is incompetence.
Except visas don't work like that. If it's not confirmed that you're going, you don't get a visa. Simple as that.
They ask for your documentation, which usually includes flight number, destination, hotel reservation and what you're doing there. Depending on the type of visa, they will also ask you to provide a reference who is currently at the destination to verify the information. None of those are hard to provide....
So if he hadn't be confirmed as coming to Cologne yet, how could he or his manager have gotten any of that information from the get go like you're insinuating?
This is an event... his manager should already be contacting organizers on making the necessary arrangements...
On August 16 2013 02:16 eScaper-tsunami wrote: I really don't understand why players who made it to Ro8 in their respective region wouldn't apply for all their necessary visas (regional and seasonal) Is it that hard to have a backup plan?
Even if you don't qualify for seasonal finals, if players like Jim fail hard at preparing ahead, then the next ranking player may be suitable to replace Jim because they did plan ahead. You can't have a successful career if you don't plan ahead and capitalize on these opportunities.
And what blows my mind is Jim has a coach/manager who really should've known how long it would take to apply for visas and I'm sure that visa's cost is a lot less than $5000. Being critical here, but whoever is managing Jim has no idea what he's doing.
You can't get a visa on the possibility to go ~ Jim is the only player who actually needs to get a visa to go to germany (all others just get temporary waivers due to the countries they are from) and his manager has been working day and night since he qualified for the season finals to make it happen
You don't book anything with the possibility... you book ASSUMING you're going. Give them all the necessary information assuming you're going. Just like you booking for a vacation.. you always know there's a possibility something might happen last minute but you always book assuming you're going...
And here's the problem, Jim's manager is working day and night SINCE he qualified... should've been working at it since ro8. Figuring out the requirements of the visa such as parental issues. Not knowing the requirements of the visa before applying is incompetence.
You need a written invitation letter from ESL to apply for Visa, as it's a work Visa and not some travel Visa you can just get by drop by and pay the money. Obviously they wouldn't have that beforehand.
Pretty sure he's not applying for a work visa because he's not gonna stay there for more than a week....
He is getting paid, so he has to apply for work visa.
I'm not familiar with how the payment of tournament organizers work... but are they paying him cash? Isn't the event hosted by Blizzard so the payment will actually go through Blizzard which is most likely through Blizzard channels which isn't in germany? And let's be honest, no government will give "working visas" to a foreigner for a week. Just recently I believe the first working visa was issued to a LoL player to stay in US.
On August 16 2013 02:16 eScaper-tsunami wrote: I really don't understand why players who made it to Ro8 in their respective region wouldn't apply for all their necessary visas (regional and seasonal) Is it that hard to have a backup plan?
Even if you don't qualify for seasonal finals, if players like Jim fail hard at preparing ahead, then the next ranking player may be suitable to replace Jim because they did plan ahead. You can't have a successful career if you don't plan ahead and capitalize on these opportunities.
And what blows my mind is Jim has a coach/manager who really should've known how long it would take to apply for visas and I'm sure that visa's cost is a lot less than $5000. Being critical here, but whoever is managing Jim has no idea what he's doing.
You can't get a visa on the possibility to go ~ Jim is the only player who actually needs to get a visa to go to germany (all others just get temporary waivers due to the countries they are from) and his manager has been working day and night since he qualified for the season finals to make it happen
You don't book anything with the possibility... you book ASSUMING you're going. Give them all the necessary information assuming you're going. Just like you booking for a vacation.. you always know there's a possibility something might happen last minute but you always book assuming you're going...
And here's the problem, Jim's manager is working day and night SINCE he qualified... should've been working at it since ro8. Figuring out the requirements of the visa such as parental issues. Not knowing the requirements of the visa before applying is incompetence.
Except visas don't work like that. If it's not confirmed that you're going, you don't get a visa. Simple as that.
They ask for your documentation, which usually includes flight number, destination, hotel reservation and what you're doing there. Depending on the type of visa, they will also ask you to provide a reference who is currently at the destination to verify the information. None of those are hard to provide....
So if he hadn't be confirmed as coming to Cologne yet, how could he or his manager have gotten any of that information from the get go like you're insinuating?
This is an event... his manager should already be contacting organizers on making the necessary arrangements...
But nothing was confirmed... There's no confirmation that he would have made the RO8, and ESL isn't just going to give him a letter saying he's coming if he's not...
there was some stuff he needed for the visa that he could have gotten well before he even went to the USA, including the letter from his mother, his identity cards, visa applications, etc. they shouldnt be scrambling for those, but based on a previous post it appears they are. that is unreasonable.
there was some stuff he could have gotten before he went to the USA, but its not unreasonable to say he shouldnt have gotten because of the cost: the plane ticket. this is the most controversial part i expect.
there was some stuff he couldn't have gotten before he went to the USA, and the fact that he doesnt have them was at no fault of his own: the ESL invitation letter.
i dont think anybody is arguing he should have applied for a visa before he went to the USA, but he should have at least prepared the first set of information (and, some may argue, the plane ticket).
On August 16 2013 04:09 eScaper-tsunami wrote: Pretty sure he's not applying for a work visa because he's not gonna stay there for more than a week....
Getting a tourist visa for paid work (since he is attending the tourney and gets paid for it by Blizz and his team) is the best way to get one visa and then never again.
On August 16 2013 02:16 eScaper-tsunami wrote: I really don't understand why players who made it to Ro8 in their respective region wouldn't apply for all their necessary visas (regional and seasonal) Is it that hard to have a backup plan?
Even if you don't qualify for seasonal finals, if players like Jim fail hard at preparing ahead, then the next ranking player may be suitable to replace Jim because they did plan ahead. You can't have a successful career if you don't plan ahead and capitalize on these opportunities.
And what blows my mind is Jim has a coach/manager who really should've known how long it would take to apply for visas and I'm sure that visa's cost is a lot less than $5000. Being critical here, but whoever is managing Jim has no idea what he's doing.
You can't get a visa on the possibility to go ~ Jim is the only player who actually needs to get a visa to go to germany (all others just get temporary waivers due to the countries they are from) and his manager has been working day and night since he qualified for the season finals to make it happen
Beat me to it. You have to have a purpose and destination to get a Visa, you can't just say "I might need one, can I have one ples"
Yeah but you can contact the office, say I'm a professional gamer playing in WCS, if I hit top 5 I'll qualify for season world finals held in Germany. By doing so, the host of the tournament will issue an invitation, which I'll then provide you with to get working visa that will allow me to earn money in the said tournament. Can you tell me if there might be some issues if I provide you with all the required documents? Done and done.
It's call planning ahead, you should try it one day.
On August 16 2013 02:16 eScaper-tsunami wrote: I really don't understand why players who made it to Ro8 in their respective region wouldn't apply for all their necessary visas (regional and seasonal) Is it that hard to have a backup plan?
Even if you don't qualify for seasonal finals, if players like Jim fail hard at preparing ahead, then the next ranking player may be suitable to replace Jim because they did plan ahead. You can't have a successful career if you don't plan ahead and capitalize on these opportunities.
And what blows my mind is Jim has a coach/manager who really should've known how long it would take to apply for visas and I'm sure that visa's cost is a lot less than $5000. Being critical here, but whoever is managing Jim has no idea what he's doing.
You can't get a visa on the possibility to go ~ Jim is the only player who actually needs to get a visa to go to germany (all others just get temporary waivers due to the countries they are from) and his manager has been working day and night since he qualified for the season finals to make it happen
You don't book anything with the possibility... you book ASSUMING you're going. Give them all the necessary information assuming you're going. Just like you booking for a vacation.. you always know there's a possibility something might happen last minute but you always book assuming you're going...
And here's the problem, Jim's manager is working day and night SINCE he qualified... should've been working at it since ro8. Figuring out the requirements of the visa such as parental issues. Not knowing the requirements of the visa before applying is incompetence.
Except visas don't work like that. If it's not confirmed that you're going, you don't get a visa. Simple as that.
They ask for your documentation, which usually includes flight number, destination, hotel reservation and what you're doing there. Depending on the type of visa, they will also ask you to provide a reference who is currently at the destination to verify the information. None of those are hard to provide....
On August 16 2013 02:16 eScaper-tsunami wrote: I really don't understand why players who made it to Ro8 in their respective region wouldn't apply for all their necessary visas (regional and seasonal) Is it that hard to have a backup plan?
Even if you don't qualify for seasonal finals, if players like Jim fail hard at preparing ahead, then the next ranking player may be suitable to replace Jim because they did plan ahead. You can't have a successful career if you don't plan ahead and capitalize on these opportunities.
And what blows my mind is Jim has a coach/manager who really should've known how long it would take to apply for visas and I'm sure that visa's cost is a lot less than $5000. Being critical here, but whoever is managing Jim has no idea what he's doing.
You can't get a visa on the possibility to go ~ Jim is the only player who actually needs to get a visa to go to germany (all others just get temporary waivers due to the countries they are from) and his manager has been working day and night since he qualified for the season finals to make it happen
You don't book anything with the possibility... you book ASSUMING you're going. Give them all the necessary information assuming you're going. Just like you booking for a vacation.. you always know there's a possibility something might happen last minute but you always book assuming you're going...
And here's the problem, Jim's manager is working day and night SINCE he qualified... should've been working at it since ro8. Figuring out the requirements of the visa such as parental issues. Not knowing the requirements of the visa before applying is incompetence.
You need a written invitation letter from ESL to apply for Visa, as it's a work Visa and not some travel Visa you can just get by drop by and pay the money. Obviously they wouldn't have that beforehand.
Pretty sure he's not applying for a work visa because he's not gonna stay there for more than a week....
You couldn't be more wrong about everything you've posted in this thread, quit spewing your non sense.
On August 16 2013 02:16 eScaper-tsunami wrote: I really don't understand why players who made it to Ro8 in their respective region wouldn't apply for all their necessary visas (regional and seasonal) Is it that hard to have a backup plan?
Even if you don't qualify for seasonal finals, if players like Jim fail hard at preparing ahead, then the next ranking player may be suitable to replace Jim because they did plan ahead. You can't have a successful career if you don't plan ahead and capitalize on these opportunities.
And what blows my mind is Jim has a coach/manager who really should've known how long it would take to apply for visas and I'm sure that visa's cost is a lot less than $5000. Being critical here, but whoever is managing Jim has no idea what he's doing.
You can't get a visa on the possibility to go ~ Jim is the only player who actually needs to get a visa to go to germany (all others just get temporary waivers due to the countries they are from) and his manager has been working day and night since he qualified for the season finals to make it happen
You don't book anything with the possibility... you book ASSUMING you're going. Give them all the necessary information assuming you're going. Just like you booking for a vacation.. you always know there's a possibility something might happen last minute but you always book assuming you're going...
And here's the problem, Jim's manager is working day and night SINCE he qualified... should've been working at it since ro8. Figuring out the requirements of the visa such as parental issues. Not knowing the requirements of the visa before applying is incompetence.
Except visas don't work like that. If it's not confirmed that you're going, you don't get a visa. Simple as that.
They ask for your documentation, which usually includes flight number, destination, hotel reservation and what you're doing there. Depending on the type of visa, they will also ask you to provide a reference who is currently at the destination to verify the information. None of those are hard to provide....
So if he hadn't be confirmed as coming to Cologne yet, how could he or his manager have gotten any of that information from the get go like you're insinuating?
This is an event... his manager should already be contacting organizers on making the necessary arrangements...
On August 16 2013 02:16 eScaper-tsunami wrote: I really don't understand why players who made it to Ro8 in their respective region wouldn't apply for all their necessary visas (regional and seasonal) Is it that hard to have a backup plan?
Even if you don't qualify for seasonal finals, if players like Jim fail hard at preparing ahead, then the next ranking player may be suitable to replace Jim because they did plan ahead. You can't have a successful career if you don't plan ahead and capitalize on these opportunities.
And what blows my mind is Jim has a coach/manager who really should've known how long it would take to apply for visas and I'm sure that visa's cost is a lot less than $5000. Being critical here, but whoever is managing Jim has no idea what he's doing.
You can't get a visa on the possibility to go ~ Jim is the only player who actually needs to get a visa to go to germany (all others just get temporary waivers due to the countries they are from) and his manager has been working day and night since he qualified for the season finals to make it happen
You don't book anything with the possibility... you book ASSUMING you're going. Give them all the necessary information assuming you're going. Just like you booking for a vacation.. you always know there's a possibility something might happen last minute but you always book assuming you're going...
And here's the problem, Jim's manager is working day and night SINCE he qualified... should've been working at it since ro8. Figuring out the requirements of the visa such as parental issues. Not knowing the requirements of the visa before applying is incompetence.
You need a written invitation letter from ESL to apply for Visa, as it's a work Visa and not some travel Visa you can just get by drop by and pay the money. Obviously they wouldn't have that beforehand.
Pretty sure he's not applying for a work visa because he's not gonna stay there for more than a week....
He is getting paid, so he has to apply for work visa.
I'm not familiar with how the payment of tournament organizers work... but are they paying him cash? Isn't the event hosted by Blizzard so the payment will actually go through Blizzard which is most likely through Blizzard channels which isn't in germany? And let's be honest, no government will give "working visas" to a foreigner for a week. Just recently I believe the first working visa was issued to a LoL player to stay in US.
Actually all governments give work visas to a foreigner for a week. Jim just got work Visa for US. In fact, you don't have to get paid to be required to get a work Visa. For US, you will need a business Visa to simply attend conferences.
On August 16 2013 02:16 eScaper-tsunami wrote: I really don't understand why players who made it to Ro8 in their respective region wouldn't apply for all their necessary visas (regional and seasonal) Is it that hard to have a backup plan?
Even if you don't qualify for seasonal finals, if players like Jim fail hard at preparing ahead, then the next ranking player may be suitable to replace Jim because they did plan ahead. You can't have a successful career if you don't plan ahead and capitalize on these opportunities.
And what blows my mind is Jim has a coach/manager who really should've known how long it would take to apply for visas and I'm sure that visa's cost is a lot less than $5000. Being critical here, but whoever is managing Jim has no idea what he's doing.
You can't get a visa on the possibility to go ~ Jim is the only player who actually needs to get a visa to go to germany (all others just get temporary waivers due to the countries they are from) and his manager has been working day and night since he qualified for the season finals to make it happen
Beat me to it. You have to have a purpose and destination to get a Visa, you can't just say "I might need one, can I have one ples"
Yeah but you can contact the office, say I'm a professional gamer playing in WCS, if I hit top 5 I'll qualify for season world finals held in Germany. By doing so, the host of the tournament will issue an invitation, which I'll then provide you with to get working visa that will allow me to earn money in the said tournament. Can you tell me if there might be some issues if I provide you with all the required documents? Done and done.
It's call planning ahead, you should try it one day.
You are assuming consulate are understanding and cooperative, which means you never tried apply for a non-travel Visa (really easy to get as long as you have money... because they want your money).
Usually they tell you to show up for appointment and hang up.
On August 16 2013 02:16 eScaper-tsunami wrote: I really don't understand why players who made it to Ro8 in their respective region wouldn't apply for all their necessary visas (regional and seasonal) Is it that hard to have a backup plan?
Even if you don't qualify for seasonal finals, if players like Jim fail hard at preparing ahead, then the next ranking player may be suitable to replace Jim because they did plan ahead. You can't have a successful career if you don't plan ahead and capitalize on these opportunities.
And what blows my mind is Jim has a coach/manager who really should've known how long it would take to apply for visas and I'm sure that visa's cost is a lot less than $5000. Being critical here, but whoever is managing Jim has no idea what he's doing.
You can't get a visa on the possibility to go ~ Jim is the only player who actually needs to get a visa to go to germany (all others just get temporary waivers due to the countries they are from) and his manager has been working day and night since he qualified for the season finals to make it happen
Beat me to it. You have to have a purpose and destination to get a Visa, you can't just say "I might need one, can I have one ples"
Yeah but you can contact the office, say I'm a professional gamer playing in WCS, if I hit top 5 I'll qualify for season world finals held in Germany. By doing so, the host of the tournament will issue an invitation, which I'll then provide you with to get working visa that will allow me to earn money in the said tournament. Can you tell me if there might be some issues if I provide you with all the required documents? Done and done.
It's call planning ahead, you should try it one day.
hahaha this will never happen ever. maybe if you want to go to sealand.
On August 16 2013 02:16 eScaper-tsunami wrote: I really don't understand why players who made it to Ro8 in their respective region wouldn't apply for all their necessary visas (regional and seasonal) Is it that hard to have a backup plan?
Even if you don't qualify for seasonal finals, if players like Jim fail hard at preparing ahead, then the next ranking player may be suitable to replace Jim because they did plan ahead. You can't have a successful career if you don't plan ahead and capitalize on these opportunities.
And what blows my mind is Jim has a coach/manager who really should've known how long it would take to apply for visas and I'm sure that visa's cost is a lot less than $5000. Being critical here, but whoever is managing Jim has no idea what he's doing.
You can't get a visa on the possibility to go ~ Jim is the only player who actually needs to get a visa to go to germany (all others just get temporary waivers due to the countries they are from) and his manager has been working day and night since he qualified for the season finals to make it happen
Beat me to it. You have to have a purpose and destination to get a Visa, you can't just say "I might need one, can I have one ples"
Yeah but you can contact the office, say I'm a professional gamer playing in WCS, if I hit top 5 I'll qualify for season world finals held in Germany. By doing so, the host of the tournament will issue an invitation, which I'll then provide you with to get working visa that will allow me to earn money in the said tournament. Can you tell me if there might be some issues if I provide you with all the required documents? Done and done.
It's call planning ahead, you should try it one day.
hahaha this will never happen ever. maybe if you want to go to sealand.
He seems to think planning ahead will make governments cooperate quickly.
On August 16 2013 05:25 ThreeSixDrew wrote: Pathetic is the only word that comes to mind - on so many levels. I guess the brightside is maybe scarlett is more likely to go through.
On August 16 2013 05:41 Osiccor wrote: Does Jim still gets those 500 WCS points?
You guys... he can still get the Visa, don't kill him off yet please
Someone who cares enough should probably fix the liquipedia page which states that he won't be able to attend (See here...) since we still do not know that for sure. I want to see the REJECTION papers first-hand before I give up on Jim! Dat optimism!
On August 16 2013 02:16 eScaper-tsunami wrote: I really don't understand why players who made it to Ro8 in their respective region wouldn't apply for all their necessary visas (regional and seasonal) Is it that hard to have a backup plan?
Even if you don't qualify for seasonal finals, if players like Jim fail hard at preparing ahead, then the next ranking player may be suitable to replace Jim because they did plan ahead. You can't have a successful career if you don't plan ahead and capitalize on these opportunities.
And what blows my mind is Jim has a coach/manager who really should've known how long it would take to apply for visas and I'm sure that visa's cost is a lot less than $5000. Being critical here, but whoever is managing Jim has no idea what he's doing.
You can't get a visa on the possibility to go ~ Jim is the only player who actually needs to get a visa to go to germany (all others just get temporary waivers due to the countries they are from) and his manager has been working day and night since he qualified for the season finals to make it happen
You don't book anything with the possibility... you book ASSUMING you're going. Give them all the necessary information assuming you're going. Just like you booking for a vacation.. you always know there's a possibility something might happen last minute but you always book assuming you're going...
And here's the problem, Jim's manager is working day and night SINCE he qualified... should've been working at it since ro8. Figuring out the requirements of the visa such as parental issues. Not knowing the requirements of the visa before applying is incompetence.
Except visas don't work like that. If it's not confirmed that you're going, you don't get a visa. Simple as that.
They ask for your documentation, which usually includes flight number, destination, hotel reservation and what you're doing there. Depending on the type of visa, they will also ask you to provide a reference who is currently at the destination to verify the information. None of those are hard to provide....
So if he hadn't be confirmed as coming to Cologne yet, how could he or his manager have gotten any of that information from the get go like you're insinuating?
This is an event... his manager should already be contacting organizers on making the necessary arrangements...
On August 16 2013 04:11 ragz_gt wrote:
On August 16 2013 04:09 eScaper-tsunami wrote:
On August 16 2013 04:05 ragz_gt wrote:
On August 16 2013 03:58 eScaper-tsunami wrote:
On August 16 2013 03:45 Acer.Scarlett` wrote:
On August 16 2013 02:16 eScaper-tsunami wrote: I really don't understand why players who made it to Ro8 in their respective region wouldn't apply for all their necessary visas (regional and seasonal) Is it that hard to have a backup plan?
Even if you don't qualify for seasonal finals, if players like Jim fail hard at preparing ahead, then the next ranking player may be suitable to replace Jim because they did plan ahead. You can't have a successful career if you don't plan ahead and capitalize on these opportunities.
And what blows my mind is Jim has a coach/manager who really should've known how long it would take to apply for visas and I'm sure that visa's cost is a lot less than $5000. Being critical here, but whoever is managing Jim has no idea what he's doing.
You can't get a visa on the possibility to go ~ Jim is the only player who actually needs to get a visa to go to germany (all others just get temporary waivers due to the countries they are from) and his manager has been working day and night since he qualified for the season finals to make it happen
You don't book anything with the possibility... you book ASSUMING you're going. Give them all the necessary information assuming you're going. Just like you booking for a vacation.. you always know there's a possibility something might happen last minute but you always book assuming you're going...
And here's the problem, Jim's manager is working day and night SINCE he qualified... should've been working at it since ro8. Figuring out the requirements of the visa such as parental issues. Not knowing the requirements of the visa before applying is incompetence.
You need a written invitation letter from ESL to apply for Visa, as it's a work Visa and not some travel Visa you can just get by drop by and pay the money. Obviously they wouldn't have that beforehand.
Pretty sure he's not applying for a work visa because he's not gonna stay there for more than a week....
He is getting paid, so he has to apply for work visa.
I'm not familiar with how the payment of tournament organizers work... but are they paying him cash? Isn't the event hosted by Blizzard so the payment will actually go through Blizzard which is most likely through Blizzard channels which isn't in germany? And let's be honest, no government will give "working visas" to a foreigner for a week. Just recently I believe the first working visa was issued to a LoL player to stay in US.
Actually all governments give work visas to a foreigner for a week. Jim just got work Visa for US. In fact, you don't have to get paid to be required to get a work Visa. For US, you will need a business Visa to simply attend conferences.
Governments give out "work visas" all the time. It is actually a requirement that if you will be doing work (i.e.: attend business meetings, regardless of whether or not you get cash in hand at the meeting), you must get a work/business visa (especially for China, who are very prickly - I worked for a news organization in a non-reporter role once and even though I wasn't going for news-gathering, as soon as they saw who I was employed by, I had a lot of hoops to jump through to get a visa).
I think iG's management has been handling this well enough, given the circumstances. As soon as they knew he was going, they appear to have been trying to sort out all of the issues. That said, maybe it is worthwhile to just have Jim's mom prepare a few more notary letters, for his future visa applications. Then they don't have to bug her all the time, and they can just grab one and go.
On August 16 2013 06:39 Nyarly wrote: Am i the only one who find it sad that humans from one side of the planet have to ask for the permission to go to the other side of the planet ?
It has nothing to do with germany or usa, i know it's a commonly accepted thing nowadays, but i still find it sad.
No, you're not. The issue with boundaries and visas and all that BS make government's seem like a corporation, and the tax payers the customers. If you want to be provided with services from Germany Inc, you must pay and wait in line. Same for U.S. Inc. It's just so technical and impersonal, completely disregarding the human element. $5,000 is a probably a lot of money to Jim, he lives in fucking China. I promise you there are Germans who want to see Jim play. If Jim doesn't get to play due to a visa issue, then some German people are not being properly served by these visa laws.
Why is it so hard to invite a replacement player? There's still time left, just pick the next one of WCS America!
Edit: It's really not that hard to go to the EU. Usually you don't even need a visa. I think it's just because he's below 18 AND he's from China. Still, it is possible for every other player without problems, so... who's fault is it?
Also the whole thing has nothing to do with German law. It's EU law, as there is free travel within most of the EU nowdays. So it's basically the same problem if a Chinese player wants to go to Germany, France, Spain or Sweden... See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schengen_Area
Strange. Artists, athletes and models are expicitly exempt from normal german Visa legislation as long as their work duration does not exceed certain limits. Can't we fit him in somewhere there? It should fall under
On August 16 2013 07:48 Aiobhill wrote: Strange. Artists, athletes and models are expicitly exempt from normal german Visa legislation as long as their work duration does not exceed certain limits. Can't we fit him in somewhere there? It should fall under
I'm even skeptical that any government would give working visas for any duration to professional gamers. Recognizing exceptionally skilled video game players as skilled and valuable individuals would be great but I don't think the governments are quite there yet.
On August 16 2013 06:39 Nyarly wrote: Am i the only one who find it sad that humans from one side of the planet have to ask for the permission to go to the other side of the planet ?
It has nothing to do with germany or usa, i know it's a commonly accepted thing nowadays, but i still find it sad.
100 - 200 years ago there was no issue. It's really all to do with how small the world has gotten. Once it was huge and unexplored with no citizenry issues regarding travel. Because only those who could afford it (i.e. were from the proper societal / hierarchical rank) could travel, classes were still kept separate so it was fine because it was people from the same groupings meeting up with different people within those groupings just in different countries.
Jim, the japanese toss player that can never look straight. avoiding all eye contact since 2012, may he rise and defeat the beast in his group and bring malaysia back in the gaming scene once again!
On August 16 2013 06:39 Nyarly wrote: Am i the only one who find it sad that humans from one side of the planet have to ask for the permission to go to the other side of the planet ?
It has nothing to do with germany or usa, i know it's a commonly accepted thing nowadays, but i still find it sad.
100 - 200 years ago there was no issue. It's really all to do with how small the world has gotten. Once it was huge and unexplored with no citizenry issues regarding travel. Because only those who could afford it (i.e. were from the proper societal / hierarchical rank) could travel, classes were still kept separate so it was fine because it was people from the same groupings meeting up with different people within those groupings just in different countries.
I think it has more to do with: - 1 person or a small group do some things wrong (Ilegal imigrant, terrorist, etc). - The rest of the human race have to pay the price.
On August 16 2013 07:22 Laryleprakon wrote: So sad.
Visa issues won't just go away either so it will be interesting if Blizz does anything or just hopes the guys who have them stop being good.
It's a Chinese thing - you know communist state and all.
EU/NA citizens can fly freely to and from most eSports relevant countries.
I'm not even going to start.
it is a chinese thing though... too many girls going for laowai for green card only
there are a ton of valid reasons for immigration restrictions and considering how many affluent countries across the world have troubles with a large amount of illegal migrant workers from poorer areas it would be an incredible shitshow if countries didn't require visas for entry
imagine if US didn't have illegal immigration laws... the southern us would be completely inundated by mexican workers. it'd be kind of hard our blue collar workers to compete with almost free labor
On August 16 2013 07:22 Laryleprakon wrote: So sad.
Visa issues won't just go away either so it will be interesting if Blizz does anything or just hopes the guys who have them stop being good.
It's a Chinese thing - you know communist state and all.
EU/NA citizens can fly freely to and from most eSports relevant countries.
I'm not even going to start.
it is a chinese thing though... too many girls going for laowai for green card only
there are a ton of valid reasons for immigration restrictions and considering how many affluent countries across the world have troubles with a large amount of illegal migrant workers from poorer areas it would be an incredible shitshow if countries didn't require visas for entry
imagine if US didn't have illegal immigration laws... the southern us would be completely inundated by mexican workers. it'd be kind of hard our blue collar workers to compete with almost free labor
You do realize the Visa situation is identical for basically the entire developing world entering the developed world western alliance and is by no means "a chinese thing"? What country doesn't have illegal immigration laws? Having qualifications and assurances to enter a geopolitical area so immigrants wouldn't do damage to the existing environment sounds rational, but alot of the policies are based on political alignments, conservative rhetoric, poorly fledged out laws, and debatable moral or ethical ideals.
Especially for America which was created by a policy of allowing low income, non educated immigrant workers to essentially pave the way for its industrial capacity (including slavery), while an upper-class of essentially white Europeans controlled the means of production. Then 2 hundred years down the line once the middle class has established itself with a standard of living that the rest of the world desires, it's suddenly closed doors and xenophobia. Not to mention with your example of the border with Mexico, America actually conquered much of that land from both the native Indians and the Mexicans, so where is the entitlement to sovereignty there exactly?
On August 16 2013 07:22 Laryleprakon wrote: So sad.
Visa issues won't just go away either so it will be interesting if Blizz does anything or just hopes the guys who have them stop being good.
It's a Chinese thing - you know communist state and all.
EU/NA citizens can fly freely to and from most eSports relevant countries.
I'm not even going to start.
it is a chinese thing though... too many girls going for laowai for green card only
there are a ton of valid reasons for immigration restrictions and considering how many affluent countries across the world have troubles with a large amount of illegal migrant workers from poorer areas it would be an incredible shitshow if countries didn't require visas for entry
imagine if US didn't have illegal immigration laws... the southern us would be completely inundated by mexican workers. it'd be kind of hard our blue collar workers to compete with almost free labor
You do realize the Visa situation is identical for basically the entire developing world entering the developed world western alliance and is by no means "a chinese thing"? What country doesn't have illegal immigration laws? Having qualifications and assurances to enter a geopolitical area so immigrants wouldn't do damage to the existing environment sounds rational, but alot of the policies are based on political alignments, conservative rhetoric, poorly fledged out laws, and debatable moral or ethical ideals.
Especially for America which was created by a policy of allowing low income, non educated immigrant workers to essentially pave the way for its industrial capacity (including slavery), while an upper-class of essentially white Europeans controlled the means of production. Then 2 hundred years down the line once the middle class has established itself with a standard of living that the rest of the world desires, it's suddenly closed doors and xenophobia. Not to mention with your example of the border with Mexico, America actually conquered much of that land from both the native Indians and the Mexicans, so where is the entitlement to sovereignty there exactly?
nono, that part was meant for people who were like "it's sad you need visas to go to other countries," i was just trying to say that there are many valid reasons for requiring em
i agree with most of what you say, but also i would think that the entitlement to sovereignty is based on right of conquest like it's been for thousands of years, though wars of aggression are illegal now
On August 16 2013 07:22 Laryleprakon wrote: So sad.
Visa issues won't just go away either so it will be interesting if Blizz does anything or just hopes the guys who have them stop being good.
It's a Chinese thing - you know communist state and all.
EU/NA citizens can fly freely to and from most eSports relevant countries.
I'm not even going to start.
it is a chinese thing though... too many girls going for laowai for green card only
there are a ton of valid reasons for immigration restrictions and considering how many affluent countries across the world have troubles with a large amount of illegal migrant workers from poorer areas it would be an incredible shitshow if countries didn't require visas for entry
imagine if US didn't have illegal immigration laws... the southern us would be completely inundated by mexican workers. it'd be kind of hard our blue collar workers to compete with almost free labor
You do realize the Visa situation is identical for basically the entire developing world entering the developed world western alliance and is by no means "a chinese thing"? What country doesn't have illegal immigration laws? Having qualifications and assurances to enter a geopolitical area so immigrants wouldn't do damage to the existing environment sounds rational, but alot of the policies are based on political alignments, conservative rhetoric, poorly fledged out laws, and debatable moral or ethical ideals.
Especially for America which was created by a policy of allowing low income, non educated immigrant workers to essentially pave the way for its industrial capacity (including slavery), while an upper-class of essentially white Europeans controlled the means of production. Then 2 hundred years down the line once the middle class has established itself with a standard of living that the rest of the world desires, it's suddenly closed doors and xenophobia. Not to mention with your example of the border with Mexico, America actually conquered much of that land from both the native Indians and the Mexicans, so where is the entitlement to sovereignty there exactly?
no, that part was meant for people who were like "it's sad you need visas to go to other countries"
Visa's are a pretty new thing in the geopolitical arena of the world, it's only really been relevant for a century due to the extreme polarizing of tensions between the developed world and the developing world. Many activists do long for the day when mankind can just go anywhere unrestricted and accept each other's differences instead of fear mongering and raising the arms budget.
On August 16 2013 07:22 Laryleprakon wrote: So sad.
Visa issues won't just go away either so it will be interesting if Blizz does anything or just hopes the guys who have them stop being good.
It's a Chinese thing - you know communist state and all.
EU/NA citizens can fly freely to and from most eSports relevant countries.
I'm not even going to start.
it is a chinese thing though... too many girls going for laowai for green card only
there are a ton of valid reasons for immigration restrictions and considering how many affluent countries across the world have troubles with a large amount of illegal migrant workers from poorer areas it would be an incredible shitshow if countries didn't require visas for entry
imagine if US didn't have illegal immigration laws... the southern us would be completely inundated by mexican workers. it'd be kind of hard our blue collar workers to compete with almost free labor
You do realize the Visa situation is identical for basically the entire developing world entering the developed world western alliance and is by no means "a chinese thing"? What country doesn't have illegal immigration laws? Having qualifications and assurances to enter a geopolitical area so immigrants wouldn't do damage to the existing environment sounds rational, but alot of the policies are based on political alignments, conservative rhetoric, poorly fledged out laws, and debatable moral or ethical ideals.
Especially for America which was created by a policy of allowing low income, non educated immigrant workers to essentially pave the way for its industrial capacity (including slavery), while an upper-class of essentially white Europeans controlled the means of production. Then 2 hundred years down the line once the middle class has established itself with a standard of living that the rest of the world desires, it's suddenly closed doors and xenophobia. Not to mention with your example of the border with Mexico, America actually conquered much of that land from both the native Indians and the Mexicans, so where is the entitlement to sovereignty there exactly?
no, that part was meant for people who were like "it's sad you need visas to go to other countries"
Visa's are a pretty new thing in the geopolitical arena of the world, it's only really been relevant for a century due to the extreme polarizing of tensions between the developed world and the developing world. Many activists do long for the day when mankind can just go anywhere unrestricted and accept each other's differences instead of fear mongering and raising the arms budget.
doubt that'll ever happen, people enjoy being people too much
Wow no replacement is probably the worst decision made yet. The second it was confirmed that Jim was unable to participate they should've replaced it with the next runner up which I believe was Alive.
On August 16 2013 11:10 Shyndashu wrote: Wow no replacement is probably the worst decision made yet. The second it was confirmed that Jim was unable to participate they should've replaced it with the next runner up which I believe was Alive.
An Update on Jim’s WCS Season 2 Finals Participation
Jin ‘Jim’ Hun Cao and his team recently informed us that they are seeking a visa appointment in China on Monday, August 19. At this appointment, Jim will attempt to obtain all of the necessary documentation for acquiring a German visa. If he is successful in this venture, he will then be able to attend the World Championship Series Season 2 Finals next weekend at gamescom in Cologne, Germany.
Jim originally earned a seat at the WCS Season 2 Finals by achieving fifth place at the WCS America Season 2 League Finals, which were held just last weekend. In the event that Jim is unable to secure a visa during his interview on Monday, we will fill his seat by extending an invitation to Han ‘aLive’ Lee Seok, the sixth place finisher from the WCS America Season 2 League Finals. We want to ensure the success of the Season Finals, and feel that leaving an empty slot in the player lineup could give the rest of Jim’s group an unfair advantage over others due to walkover matches. Should an invitation be offered to aLive, his acceptance will make him eligible to receive WCS Points and prize money awarded for participating in the Season 2 Finals.
No matter the outcome, Jim will still receive all WCS Points and prize money he earned from his performance in WCS America thus far, including the League Finals. It’s also important to note that Jim will retain his Premier League placement and seeding as we head in to WCS America Season 3.
We will continue to assist our Chinese competitors and teams with their endeavors to earn visas by any means at our disposal, and we hope that you will continue to support and cheer for them in the World Championship Series.
There are still plenty of epic matches yet to play out at the WCS Season 2 Finals, so make sure to tune in right here on the WCS Portal all weekend long from August 23 – 25 to find out who will be crowned the WCS Season 2 Champion. The race to BlizzCon is heating up, and performances at the WCS Season 2 Finals will be a key factor for players looking to secure their place at the Global Finals in November.
On August 16 2013 11:10 Shyndashu wrote: Wow no replacement is probably the worst decision made yet. The second it was confirmed that Jim was unable to participate they should've replaced it with the next runner up which I believe was Alive.
Oh come on and read the frigging update. The fault is with the player (and his team) for not being prepared for the visa requirements. A replacement is a bad idea because how do you choose the player who replaces him? Why should it be the opponent of Jim from the NA server and why not the 6th place from Korea (in this case) instead?
I am really amazed why people are still posting here, because the "visa issues" seem to be a) the players fault and b) trivial to solve.
On August 16 2013 08:07 DaftFunk wrote: Jim, the japanese toss player that can never look straight. avoiding all eye contact since 2012, may he rise and defeat the beast in his group and bring malaysia back in the gaming scene once again!
An Update on Jim’s WCS Season 2 Finals Participation
Jin ‘Jim’ Hun Cao and his team recently informed us that they are seeking a visa appointment in China on Monday, August 19. At this appointment, Jim will attempt to obtain all of the necessary documentation for acquiring a German visa. If he is successful in this venture, he will then be able to attend the World Championship Series Season 2 Finals next weekend at gamescom in Cologne, Germany.
Jim originally earned a seat at the WCS Season 2 Finals by achieving fifth place at the WCS America Season 2 League Finals, which were held just last weekend. In the event that Jim is unable to secure a visa during his interview on Monday, we will fill his seat by extending an invitation to Han ‘aLive’ Lee Seok, the sixth place finisher from the WCS America Season 2 League Finals. We want to ensure the success of the Season Finals, and feel that leaving an empty slot in the player lineup could give the rest of Jim’s group an unfair advantage over others due to walkover matches. Should an invitation be offered to aLive, his acceptance will make him eligible to receive WCS Points and prize money awarded for participating in the Season 2 Finals.
No matter the outcome, Jim will still receive all WCS Points and prize money he earned from his performance in WCS America thus far, including the League Finals. It’s also important to note that Jim will retain his Premier League placement and seeding as we head in to WCS America Season 3.
We will continue to assist our Chinese competitors and teams with their endeavors to earn visas by any means at our disposal, and we hope that you will continue to support and cheer for them in the World Championship Series.
There are still plenty of epic matches yet to play out at the WCS Season 2 Finals, so make sure to tune in right here on the WCS Portal all weekend long from August 23 – 25 to find out who will be crowned the WCS Season 2 Champion. The race to BlizzCon is heating up, and performances at the WCS Season 2 Finals will be a key factor for players looking to secure their place at the Global Finals in November.
Probably the fairest way Blizzard can handle this situation.
on the plus side scarlett only has to plan for tvz
On the bad side scarlett has to play against maru and mma ....
and ? scarlett is better then mma ^^ yes maru is a pinch in the air but she can easy beat mma ^^
blizzard REALLY have to do some realationship with usa/eu/china about the travels ... i thought while jim vs alive all time (well he was so close not get visa for usa, how he get one for eu in 2 weeks)
on the plus side scarlett only has to plan for tvz
On the bad side scarlett has to play against maru and mma ....
and ? scarlett is better then mma ^^ yes maru is a pinch in the air but she can easy beat mma ^^
blizzard REALLY have to do some realationship with usa/eu/china about the travels ... i thought while jim vs alive all time (well he was so close not get visa for usa, how he get one for eu in 2 weeks)
yeah, need to get blizzard to fix international relationships :D
freaking blizzard already took forever to fix cold war
Short translation about what happened after his report on the main post:
You need to go to hometown for this kind of notarization, Jim's mother unfortunately worked elsewhere and didn't get that right away. So they informed ESL and Blizzard to let them prepare in case Jim would not be able to attend. There is still time left before the appointment on Monday and they are working hard.
Short translation about what happened after his report on the main post:
You need to go to hometown for this kind of notarization, Jim's mother unfortunately worked elsewhere and didn't get that right away. So they informed ESL and Blizzard to let them prepare in case Jim would not be able to attend. There is still time left before the appointment on Monday and they are working hard.
Makes sense, in such an unfortunate red-tape situation it was very responsible of them to inform the event organizers in advance.
on the plus side scarlett only has to plan for tvz
On the bad side scarlett has to play against maru and mma ....
and ? scarlett is better then mma ^^ yes maru is a pinch in the air but she can easy beat mma ^^
blizzard REALLY have to do some realationship with usa/eu/china about the travels ... i thought while jim vs alive all time (well he was so close not get visa for usa, how he get one for eu in 2 weeks)
Wow, that's like, pushing fanboyism to anthoer level.
Seems like they learned from all that visa stuff, nice to see it running so well prepared. Even prepping a replacement just in case. Hope everything works out for Jim. But either way well done for such a short timing. But I am rather glad that they have a couple of month extra next year to time out their WCS stuff.
on the plus side scarlett only has to plan for tvz
On the bad side scarlett has to play against maru and mma ....
and ? scarlett is better then mma ^^ yes maru is a pinch in the air but she can easy beat mma ^^
blizzard REALLY have to do some realationship with usa/eu/china about the travels ... i thought while jim vs alive all time (well he was so close not get visa for usa, how he get one for eu in 2 weeks)
Wow, that's like, pushing fanboyism to anthoer level.
lol she is though. MMA hasn't been the same since the SlayerS drama.
on the plus side scarlett only has to plan for tvz
On the bad side scarlett has to play against maru and mma ....
and ? scarlett is better then mma ^^ yes maru is a pinch in the air but she can easy beat mma ^^
blizzard REALLY have to do some realationship with usa/eu/china about the travels ... i thought while jim vs alive all time (well he was so close not get visa for usa, how he get one for eu in 2 weeks)
Wow, that's like, pushing fanboyism to anthoer level.
lol she is though. MMA hasn't been the same since the SlayerS drama.
Actually he's been doing a lot better since then, but it's still a far cry from his mid-late 2011 form. Not sure how I'd call them in a head-to-head, because MMA can show up and either completely flop or have stellar TvZ... I will say though that at this time Scarlett feels like a more well-rounded player.
On August 16 2013 12:36 rshawer wrote: Is the league final the final wcs season 2, so jim still get his 5k for this?
I never heard season final referred to this way. It would be BS if they take away Jim's points / prize he would got by going 0-4.
Edit: Actually from the article it seems pretty obvious the "league final" is the live event they held earlier. So Blizzard is indeed planning on rob Jim if he couldn't get Visa. Nice joke there Blizzard.
On August 16 2013 12:36 rshawer wrote: Is the league final the final wcs season 2, so jim still get his 5k for this?
I never heard season final referred to this way. It would be BS if they take away Jim's points / prize he would got by going 0-4.
Edit: Actually from the article it seems pretty obvious the "league final" is the live event they held earlier. So Blizzard is indeed planning on rob Jim if he couldn't get Visa. Nice joke there Blizzard.
Rob? Strong word there. I'm pretty sure the points and the money are contingent on the players actually showing up to the tournament.
Edit: Best of luck to Jim. Getting Schengen visas is a bitch.
on the plus side scarlett only has to plan for tvz
On the bad side scarlett has to play against maru and mma ....
and ? scarlett is better then mma ^^ yes maru is a pinch in the air but she can easy beat mma ^^
blizzard REALLY have to do some realationship with usa/eu/china about the travels ... i thought while jim vs alive all time (well he was so close not get visa for usa, how he get one for eu in 2 weeks)
So people really expect Blizzard to solve world issues. Are you blaming them as well for hunger and war?
on the plus side scarlett only has to plan for tvz
On the bad side scarlett has to play against maru and mma ....
and ? scarlett is better then mma ^^ yes maru is a pinch in the air but she can easy beat mma ^^
blizzard REALLY have to do some realationship with usa/eu/china about the travels ... i thought while jim vs alive all time (well he was so close not get visa for usa, how he get one for eu in 2 weeks)
yeah, need to get blizzard to fix international relationships :D
freaking blizzard already took forever to fix cold war
Yeah screw them, look at how miserably they handle Egypt. They also still didn't donate free copies of SC2 to every person in the world and there are still people starving all over! F* Blizz!
Short translation about what happened after his report on the main post:
You need to go to hometown for this kind of notarization, Jim's mother unfortunately worked elsewhere and didn't get that right away. So they informed ESL and Blizzard to let them prepare in case Jim would not be able to attend. There is still time left before the appointment on Monday and they are working hard.
This is unfortunate The whole hukou system is quite frustrating. Seems you have to go back to your hukou for almost everything. Fortunately for them Guangdong is quite close to Hunan (though depending on which cities were involved close may be a poor choice of words), but troublesome nonetheless.
Seems grim but hopefully Jim can somehow make it. His presence would certainly add an interesting, if not exciting, element to the event.
Short translation about what happened after his report on the main post:
You need to go to hometown for this kind of notarization, Jim's mother unfortunately worked elsewhere and didn't get that right away. So they informed ESL and Blizzard to let them prepare in case Jim would not be able to attend. There is still time left before the appointment on Monday and they are working hard.
This is unfortunate The whole hukou system is quite frustrating. Seems you have to go back to your hukou for almost everything. Fortunately for them Guangdong is quite close to Hunan (though depending on which cities were involved close may be a poor choice of words), but troublesome nonetheless.
Seems grim but hopefully Jim can somehow make it. His presence would certainly add an interesting, if not exciting, element to the event.
it is super unfortunate that they always have to go back to their hometown for anything. I currently work in China and my co-workers spend almost 24 hours on the train getting back to their homes.This doesn't even include the time they spend getting to the train and after they get off the train. It is pretty ridiculous.
I hope Jim's visas issues will be resolved soon. Glad to see that Blizzard is helping out the process.
On August 19 2013 12:36 Thrillz wrote: Well, the easiest imo now become a group of 3.
Alive replaces Jim, it is still group of 4.
Even last place (16th) is guaranteed to get $5000 and 500 WCS points. Is it save to assume that this "guaranteed" reward now goes to aLive instead?
No, Alive just have a spots, if he eliminated in group, he won't get any points.
Well then, does Jim still get the reward? And should aLive win the whole tournament, does he only win $35,000?
it says in the op that Jim gets $5,000. havent seen an announcement re alive's winnings.
It says "No matter the outcome, Jim will still receive all WCS Points and prize money he earned from his performance in WCS America thus far, including the League Finals."
"League Finals" and "Season Finals" could mean 2 different things, as in league = america finals.
And since it also says "Should an invitation be offered to aLive, his acceptance will make him eligible to receive WCS Points and prize money awarded for participating in the Season 2 Finals."
I would assume that aLive earns the $5000 (instead of Jim) even if he gets 16th place.
On August 19 2013 12:36 Thrillz wrote: Well, the easiest imo now become a group of 3.
Alive replaces Jim, it is still group of 4.
Even last place (16th) is guaranteed to get $5000 and 500 WCS points. Is it save to assume that this "guaranteed" reward now goes to aLive instead?
No, Alive just have a spots, if he eliminated in group, he won't get any points.
Well then, does Jim still get the reward? And should aLive win the whole tournament, does he only win $35,000?
it says in the op that Jim gets $5,000. havent seen an announcement re alive's winnings.
It says "No matter the outcome, Jim will still receive all WCS Points and prize money he earned from his performance in WCS America thus far, including the League Finals."
"League Finals" and "Season Finals" could mean 2 different things, as in league = america finals.
You are right, Blizzard uses League Finals to mean the weekend that had WCS AM Ro8 to finals. It is completely separate from the Season Finals at Gamescom.
On August 19 2013 12:36 Thrillz wrote: Well, the easiest imo now become a group of 3.
Alive replaces Jim, it is still group of 4.
Even last place (16th) is guaranteed to get $5000 and 500 WCS points. Is it save to assume that this "guaranteed" reward now goes to aLive instead?
No, Alive just have a spots, if he eliminated in group, he won't get any points.
Well then, does Jim still get the reward? And should aLive win the whole tournament, does he only win $35,000?
it says in the op that Jim gets $5,000. havent seen an announcement re alive's winnings.
It says "No matter the outcome, Jim will still receive all WCS Points and prize money he earned from his performance in WCS America thus far, including the League Finals."
"League Finals" and "Season Finals" could mean 2 different things, as in league = america finals.
And since it also says "Should an invitation be offered to aLive, his acceptance will make him eligible to receive WCS Points and prize money awarded for participating in the Season 2 Finals."
I would assume that aLive earns the $5000 (instead of Jim) even if he gets 16th place.
fair enough. i figured the $5000 as already earned money, but maybe its not.
Blizzard - as the organizer of WCS - should make a "VISA applications for dummies" app or guideline for all the nations it applies to with a handy timeline of how long in advance you need to do X or have document Y for potential participants in their tournament. Apparently it is too hard for the team managers to figure out in the months beforehand and has to be done in a rushed manner every time. *sigh*
There arent that many countries involved in SC2 esports and making a "flowchart" for their VISA application processes should be relatively easy. - Korea - USA - Sweden - China - Germany - Spain - Russia - Ukraine
Thats less than 10 countries and it should make VISA application not that hard. In the case of the EU it could even be possible/easier to choose Holland as the country to fly to and then drive to Cologne if the process is easier there than for germany OR if the flight is significantly cheaper/fits the time slots better.
On August 19 2013 15:51 Rabiator wrote: Blizzard - as the organizer of WCS - should make a "VISA applications for dummies" app or guideline for all the nations it applies to with a handy timeline of how long in advance you need to do X or have document Y for potential participants in their tournament. Apparently it is too hard for the team managers to figure out in the months beforehand and has to be done in a rushed manner every time. *sigh*
That's not how visas work. It can't be done months beforehand because you need confirmation you will be at the event.
On August 19 2013 15:51 Rabiator wrote: Thats less than 10 countries and it should make VISA application not that hard. In the case of the EU it could even be possible/easier to choose Holland as the country to fly to and then drive to Cologne if the process is easier there than for germany OR if the flight is significantly cheaper/fits the time slots better.
Every country in the EU is practically the same, that's why you can drive through different countries and not get checked.
On August 19 2013 15:51 Rabiator wrote: Blizzard - as the organizer of WCS - should make a "VISA applications for dummies" app or guideline for all the nations it applies to with a handy timeline of how long in advance you need to do X or have document Y for potential participants in their tournament. Apparently it is too hard for the team managers to figure out in the months beforehand and has to be done in a rushed manner every time. *sigh*
That's not how visas work. It can't be done months beforehand because you need confirmation you will be at the event.
I am not saying that people should get their visa months before, but rather that the people who *might have to* apply for such a document learn what they need to do *when they want to apply* months beforehand. The current situation with Jim was blown out of proportion when someone hit the "panic button" because Jim - who apparently has to do his visa application by himself - didnt have a document which allowed him to travel to europe without his parents. This fact should and could have been know months before and could have been resolved without a headline ... and the fault was Jim's (or more likely his team manager's).
On August 19 2013 16:09 Draconicfire wrote: Every country in the EU is practically the same, that's why you can drive through different countries and not get checked.
Of course, all Europeans are the same. It has nothing at all to do with the Shengen Agreement, right?
It is not difficult to get visas for EU countries, they didn't start to make appointment and prepare everything until Jim actually qualified, although the time is really really limited.
they should hold the blizzcon at an international airport, no visa issues there, just a bit noisy. Hope Alive doesn't have to much stress from the short notice, but glad I get to see him play. I hope iG doesn't give up, next season should again be annoying when it comes to visas (they only would need one though), but next year they have a couple of month extra to spread the WCS seasons out.
On August 19 2013 19:22 FeyFey wrote: they should hold the blizzcon at an international airport, no visa issues there, just a bit noisy. Hope Alive doesn't have to much stress from the short notice, but glad I get to see him play. I hope iG doesn't give up, next season should again be annoying when it comes to visas (they only would need one though), but next year they have a couple of month extra to spread the WCS seasons out.
Jim and MacSed already have a visa, and WCS S3 finals will be hosted in US so there wont be any visa issues. Unless XY and Top qualifys for RO16 and beyond visas should not be a problem.