1. I'm not entirely convinced that all of your drama examples are equal. There are big differences in different judgement calls to be made with regards to punishment:
- The orb thing was, admittedly, totally unacceptable behaviour. However as I understand it it was some time ago. Before he got the job. Consequently although being called out on it was reasonable the sacking was probably over the top. Regardless, however, EG had an incredibly professional attitude.
- I read over the Nony thing and it appeared there'd been some miscommunication and hard feelings. Someone not being informed and being frustrated or emotional is hardly a controversy.
- Stephano's comments were mind-blowingly inappropriate.
- Destiny's racial slur, similarly, was totally inappropriate and utterly unacceptable.
- Idra is very well known for BM. However as far as I'm aware he doesn't go around yelling racial abuse at people. And, although I'm not entirely comfortably with putting it this way, it never comes across as malicious unlike it does with certain other individuals. Consequently there's a certain amount of judgement over whether its genuine nastiness or not. Yes, I realise that makes it all sound very subjective, I apologise.
- In contrast with the racial slur above, the second Destiny thing was probably over-punished. As I understood it, it was a very, very nasty spat between two people who both made silly decisions. However it was still a personal matter between two people and didn't really warrant the team dropping him. That being said I feel Destiny could have been the bigger person here when it all went public and come off looking far better than he did.
2. There is a BIG difference between outwardly expressing yourself and stuff like what Stephano did. Just like there's a difference in expressing your feelings on homosexual relationships and actually posting gay porn everywhere. Its about how you present your thoughts and yourself. This is a very basic social thing which, unfortunately, people have gotten used to ignoring because of internet anonymity. The problem is, of course, that suddenly you find you're no longer anonymous and don't realise that you need to change your attitude.
3. The whole reason for people contacting sponsors is that they feel it gets things done. People will take the most expedient route of ensuring their complaints are addressed. And frankly they're within their right to do whatever they want to given that they're the ones who make this whole business work (by being the audience). If people felt that a team has a reputation of dealing with problems quickly and efficiently then they would contact the team. Unfortunately it is evident there is little confidence in the teams actually doing anything about it in a timely manner.
4. It is understandable that a lot of these people aren't used to having to act particularly professionally. However that STILL doesn't excuse certain things. I'm not used to acting particularly professionally myself. I'm just a student doing a PhD and its a fairly relaxed working environment. But I'm still expected to have some level of professionalism when I attend scientific conferences and in the labs. Or at least enough not to call people "retards" when I don't agree with them. And to date, I haven't; and it hasn't taken that much effort.
5. I agree with the principle that professionalism doesn't have to include suppressing personality. Idra, for example, is actually fairly professional in my view. Ok, he can be abrasive and offensive but he also seems to take his job fairly seriously and rarely comes close to crossing "the line". Again, this is subjective but still...
6. I disagree there is a huge difference between representing yourself and representing your team. The inherent implication in signing for a team is that then you become a figurehead for that team. No ifs or buts. And the team is a showcase for their sponsors. That may be a little unfair, but its just the way it is in this kind of sponsored thing. There is an inherent link that cannot be broken there.
Regardless, very good article. Well written.