Main Team 8 Shy (captain) yeah, i think he is good?^^ 5 hOn_sin was in the lineup for every match, only lost to Taeja and Bogus. decent for 5p 5 soO I still think he is one of the better Kespa players, but i hope he does better than in R1 3 Light decent player, with the right team^^ 2 NaGi fill-in, right team, hope they will make a sniper out of him^^ 2 Alone fill-in, maybe he can surprise me 5 Woongjin Stars gogo WJS, CJ and Khan shouldn't be a problem!
Anti Team 6 Action most overrated player of all imo. although he had good results in S1, he only won vs lesser players. Hope he doesnt crash my hopes :D 4 hyvaa disappointed me in S1, I'm sure he disappoints by doing good this time 3 Reality 2-5 in S1, hope he continues with this trend :D
What do you think, any No-Gos?
Team Munje
Main Team 3 Best 5 Crazy-Hydra 10 Flash (captain) 3 free 1 Leta 4 Trap 4 SK Telecom T1
Anti Team 5 hOn_sin 3 s2 5 soO
Tried to fit both Flash and Fantasy into my main team this time as well, since it worked really well last round and since they're my two favorite Kespa players. Unfortunately, this would take 19/30 points, making it almost impossible to add any other worthwhile players. So sad I had to let Fantasy go... but I just couldn't remove Flash from my captain spot.
Hopefully this set up works out well. I have tons of Protoss players this time, but I felt that most of the chosen ones were undervalued. I feel only Leta is a sort of gamble, but he only cost one point. Haven't actually seen him play SC2 at all (has anyone?), and he switched to Protoss, but we'll see how it goes.
Would've liked to have chosen KT again, but since they did so good last round I just can't afford them this time heh. Then again, I feel SKT will do well in an all-kill format with Rain and Fantasy. Hoping Best will be worth his points. free and Crazy-Hydra did well last round and their points didn't go up much, so I feel they'll do good.
Truth be told, I don't know much about the players on my anti-team. Waiting for next week (?) to add Stephano and remove whoever is doing good.
Leta is so qt
Main Team 3 Best 3 Bisu 9 Fantasy 1 Leta 3 Revival 7 Stats (captain) 4 [tlpd#teams##sc2-korean]SK Telecom T1[/tlpd]
Anti Team 3 free 2 hOpe 8 Shy
The Leta lover is back. 1 point is a steal for someone so awesome. In one of the latest interviews, someone said that he has started showing awesomeness, so there we go. Revival looks fine at 3 points (as mentioned a billion times this thread). KT is way too expensive, and so are their players (Stats is the one to pick from KT atm). Therefore I went with the other KT. And Shy is way too overpriced compared to his results, IIRC. The rest of the anti was just random.
Less Worse
Main Team 1 Dream.t)check 9 Fantasy 10 Flash (captain) 1 JuNi 1 Mini 4 Speed 4 [tlpd#teams##sc2-korean]SK Telecom T1[/tlpd]
Anti Team 2 IdrA 8 Shy 3 Zenio
I went with Flash and Fantasy (because of the all kill potential) I imediatly added Speed because I got really impressed by his plays. JuNi, Draem.t)check and Mini are here as fillers. I hope they can get a win or two but I have big doubts. SKT-T1 as my team because I think getting them for 4 points seems a very good deal right now. I'm crossing my fingers !! I hope Shy won't destroy too many opponents. Anyway, I'm pretty sure I'll succeed better than S1 where I ended up with 13 points :/
Main Team 3 Bbyong 3 Best 3 Bisu 10 Flash (captain) 5 soO 5 Stork 1 [tlpd#teams##sc2-korean]Samsung Khan[/tlpd]
Anti Team 8 Shy 2 ThorZain 3 Zenio
Will be trading Shy(Plays herO from CJ first round don't think he will win) out for Stephano after first round. I'm really feeling Khan is much stronger then they showed in the first round.
Best and Bisu are def fanboy picks that could very easily come back to hurt me. but I still believe they can do very well for 3 points each.
Flash is Flash All AK alll day(Except when playing SKT of course!)
soO is a beast and will crush nerds this round. Deal with it.
Bbyong and Stork have both shown some moments of brilliance in the game so heres hoping they have some more this round!
As for my Anti team... Well Sorry EGTL I will root for you... but I'm putting all my eggs in your basket to fail for FPL,,,
Main Team 6 Action 10 Flash (captain) 1 fOKINS 3 Hydra 3 Last 1 Mini 6 [tlpd#teams##sc2-korean]KT Rolster[/tlpd]
Anti Team 8 Baby 2 IdrA 3 Revival
Wanted to put Stephano in my anti-team but wasn't allowed so had to choose Baby (rather surprised he was worth 8 points)
Edit: Put in fOKINS purely because I needed a player worth 1 and his name is hilarious..
Pro tip: You know when it says minimum 13 points on the anti team, it's not a good idea to use more than 13 points.
Austria24417 Posts
Never would've guessed you'd out HerO as your captain. I'd suggest redoing your anti team.
On January 04 2013 01:47 TimENT wrote:Omar Comin!Main Team6 Action3 Best9 Fantasy (captain) 1 Hyuk2 Sacsri5 soO4 [tlpd#teams##sc2-korean]SK Telecom T1[/tlpd] Anti Team2 Classic5 JYP6 RorOIn Round 1 I went for an almost all KT team + Fantasy. Now I went with an all SKT team + Action because SKT seems like the best team built for All-Kill format ATM. Fantasy is my captain because I believe he is currently the best Terran player in the world. My anti-team was chosen because I dislike all 3 of those players.
Oh no you didn't!
Austria24417 Posts
On January 04 2013 02:43 StarVe wrote:Never would've guessed you'd out HerO as your captain. I'd suggest redoing your anti team.
Why so? Tis my first time playing this so I have no idea really. I'm telling you, Effort is gonna get sniped by a protoss every single time he enters the battlefield, idra's not gonna play much at all and jangbi sadly has not convinced me... or anybody else for that matter T_T HerO as captain is obligatory for me haha
All-Kill Fun!
Main Team 2 Bong[S.G] 5 Crazy-Hydra 2 Major 3 Revival 9 TaeJa (captain) 3 Zenio 6 [tlpd#teams##sc2-korean]EG.TL[/tlpd]
Anti Team 2 Puma 6 RorO 5 Stork
My team is fairly self-explanatory, I think; I'm a fan of foreigners and EG.TL. As with last time, I believe Zenio can really shine when he puts his effort forward, and I think it's soon time for him to rise again. Crazy-Hydra had a fairly good showing last time, and was one of my best performers, so of course I'd add him. Bong is the only one who really stands out, and that's because I needed one more so I decided to take a risk with someone unknown over someone known (e.g. Flying).
As for my anti-team, We all know Puma did not do so well last round, and with the placement of Samsung Khan, I think it's perfectly safe to put Stork and RorO there (though, I can easily see that RorO choice biting me later).