On October 20 2012 12:45 m4inbrain wrote: Wow.. I laugh my ass off right now, americans trying to defend "slayers-trash". Of course Boxer has the right to get pissed off, theres no need to twist something. You might want to remember that it was 90% white people who went apeshit over "Nigger" (Orb/Destiny). So either you guys are the most hypocritical monkeys ever, or you seriously got something wrong in terms of who can be offended and who can not. Seems that you guys actually twist it how you need it. If my team gets insulted (and it was an insult, not a "joke", and genius took it exactly that way - or what would you call it if you call your friend "motherf'ing cunt", to which he responds with silence and leaving the room? I know some americans (mostly soldiers stationed here), and neither of them would assume that they were funny, or that this was "friendly banter").
and i talk specifically about americans, because they were the ones going bonkers over that word.
You shouldn't lump all americans in with that crowd just because some of those posters happen to be american, you're better than that. There are hypocrites everywhere. People who think it wasn't a joke might just not care enough about that part to post about it or just be burnt out on this thread, leaving only a vocal minority who actually feel the need to justify that it was a joke. But there is no need to bash an entire country just because of a select few.
It was not meant to bash all americans (i even added that the americans who i know [granted, only 4 people] personally, would not think that its a joke when your friend suddenly remains silent).
Maybe you're right and i should've written the statement a little bit differently. Still, after what happened to Orb and others because of something that in america is considered harmful/insulting (Nigger), i can't take stuff like these guys seriously. Same goes btw for germans (i'm german and get really hot when someone calls us Nazi or smth like that - whereas in america its not such a big deal), so i'm not pointing fingers at americans.
I apologize for putting all americans in one drawer (don't even know if that phrase works in english), even if i did not really meant to. Still i see your point. And now i really have to sleep, its 7:54 in the morning and i still can't sleep. -.-
It's all good, it's mostly just a phrasing issue. I had actually already inferred you were german from previous posts of yours I've seen (I'm actually half german so occasionally I get a little heated over some nazi jokes too). That drawer phrase you mentioned isn't one we use, but it is readable and understandable at least. I actually can't seem to think of the equivalent right now. The best my sleep deprived mind can come up with for the situation is don't judge a book by its cover, which isn't the same thing at all, but applies to talking about americans. Since there are a lot of americans, by extension there will be a lot of dumb ones and hypocrites among them in terms of sheer numbers, and sometimes they can be a lot louder than the rest of us.
On October 20 2012 19:43 FakeDeath wrote: If Crank wants come out with his statement,he better have tons of evidence prepared.
Jessica herself made Bosstoss come out to apologize and made the head of eSF to step down. She's got tons of evidence and she got the backing of the Korean community.
Crank playing with fire here.
What sucks for him (and MMA) is that they don't want this to escalate any further. However, I do know that they are gathering all the chatlogs and emails as they can just in case they need to back up their stories if/when Jessica decides to retaliate some more. They are not wanting to reveal more than is needed but at the same time wanting to settle all this as quickly as possible.
Well to be honest their reputation is pretty ruined already. I simply can't be a fan of any player from slayers anymore except boxer and maybe ryung.
You shouldn't make any judgments until they release their side of the story, Alicia is the one who looks bad no matter what.
On October 20 2012 19:43 FakeDeath wrote: If Crank wants come out with his statement,he better have tons of evidence prepared.
Jessica herself made Bosstoss come out to apologize and made the head of eSF to step down. She's got tons of evidence and she got the backing of the Korean community.
Crank playing with fire here.
What sucks for him (and MMA) is that they don't want this to escalate any further. However, I do know that they are gathering all the chatlogs and emails as they can just in case they need to back up their stories if/when Jessica decides to retaliate some more. They are not wanting to reveal more than is needed but at the same time wanting to settle all this as quickly as possible.
Well to be honest their reputation is pretty ruined already. I simply can't be a fan of any player from slayers anymore except boxer and maybe ryung.
You shouldn't make any judgments until they release their side of the story, Alicia is the one who looks bad no matter what.
LOL i don't know about Crank.....he seems quite guilty here....
Heh, I love the whole "oh CranK and MMA have no problems with the foreign scene" and then a bunch of foreigners come out calling CranK a liar.
Yeah, they have problems and people are going to keep on believing every word that comes out of Jessicas mouth (which is a 180 from how people have perceived her in the past) until someone else speaks up.
Statement from Axiom will be released Sunday night Korean time in English. Expect in-depth Korean articles on the subject at that time.
On October 21 2012 03:54 TotalBiscuit wrote: Heh, I love the whole "oh CranK and MMA have no problems with the foreign scene" and then a bunch of foreigners come out calling CranK a liar.
Yeah, they have problems and people are going to keep on believing every word that comes out of Jessicas mouth (which is a 180 from how people have perceived her in the past) until someone else speaks up.
Statement from Axiom will be released Sunday night Korean time in English. Expect in-depth Korean articles on the subject at that time.
On October 21 2012 03:54 TotalBiscuit wrote: Heh, I love the whole "oh CranK and MMA have no problems with the foreign scene" and then a bunch of foreigners come out calling CranK a liar.
Yeah, they have problems and people are going to keep on believing every word that comes out of Jessicas mouth (which is a 180 from how people have perceived her in the past) until someone else speaks up.
Statement from Axiom will be released Sunday night Korean time in English. Expect in-depth Korean articles on the subject at that time.
Isn't it obvious why people believe every word that comes out of Jessica's mouth at the moment? How people perceived her in the past has no bearing on the matter for she has so far shown to be truthful and no evidence that shows otherwise has come out.
On October 21 2012 03:54 TotalBiscuit wrote: Heh, I love the whole "oh CranK and MMA have no problems with the foreign scene" and then a bunch of foreigners come out calling CranK a liar.
Yeah, they have problems and people are going to keep on believing every word that comes out of Jessicas mouth (which is a 180 from how people have perceived her in the past) until someone else speaks up.
Statement from Axiom will be released Sunday night Korean time in English. Expect in-depth Korean articles on the subject at that time.
Isn't it obvious why people believe every word that comes out of Jessica's mouth at the moment? How people perceived her in the past has no bearing on the matter for she has so far shown to be truthful and no evidence that shows otherwise has come out.
(which is a 180 from how people have perceived her in the past)
Which is a good thing. Disgusting enough that she needed to earn this by throwing evidence left and right because our "community" is so prejudice, as you just showed. And btw, its not "until someone else speaks up". Im not calling CranK a liar, not yet. But Jessica at least got some things proven, whereas CranK has not stated anything yet. So the benefit of the doubt goes to Jessica for me.
Im curious when the next load of crap hits the fan.
PS: why is CranK releasing his statement in english? Edit: or better, is it only going to be released in english?
On October 21 2012 03:54 TotalBiscuit wrote: Heh, I love the whole "oh CranK and MMA have no problems with the foreign scene" and then a bunch of foreigners come out calling CranK a liar.
Yeah, they have problems and people are going to keep on believing every word that comes out of Jessicas mouth (which is a 180 from how people have perceived her in the past) until someone else speaks up.
Statement from Axiom will be released Sunday night Korean time in English. Expect in-depth Korean articles on the subject at that time.
Heh, I always saw you and jessica as kindred spirits. You're both very sensitive to any perceived attacks against you and are always arguing with people on twitter. Looking forward to the statements from crank and mma and to jessica's rebuttal to them of course. I still think mma and crank are fine in the foreigner scene, cause you may point to some comments against them here, but as you always say, vocal minority my friend are the loudest.
On October 21 2012 03:54 TotalBiscuit wrote: Heh, I love the whole "oh CranK and MMA have no problems with the foreign scene" and then a bunch of foreigners come out calling CranK a liar.
Yeah, they have problems and people are going to keep on believing every word that comes out of Jessicas mouth (which is a 180 from how people have perceived her in the past) until someone else speaks up.
Statement from Axiom will be released Sunday night Korean time in English. Expect in-depth Korean articles on the subject at that time.
Even though I always called her a drama queen, but on this matter, I will side with Jessica. She's a drama queen, true, but she is telling the truth, devoted and faithful to boxer, she's proven to be a good woman.
I always thought Boxer made a bad choice to choose her as mate, since she's much older and in entertainment business, and I thought they will divorce in couple years, but this drama thing changed my mind completely.
On October 21 2012 03:54 TotalBiscuit wrote: Heh, I love the whole "oh CranK and MMA have no problems with the foreign scene" and then a bunch of foreigners come out calling CranK a liar.
Yeah, they have problems and people are going to keep on believing every word that comes out of Jessicas mouth (which is a 180 from how people have perceived her in the past) until someone else speaks up.
Statement from Axiom will be released Sunday night Korean time in English. Expect in-depth Korean articles on the subject at that time.
On October 21 2012 03:54 TotalBiscuit wrote: Heh, I love the whole "oh CranK and MMA have no problems with the foreign scene" and then a bunch of foreigners come out calling CranK a liar.
Yeah, they have problems and people are going to keep on believing every word that comes out of Jessicas mouth (which is a 180 from how people have perceived her in the past) until someone else speaks up.
Statement from Axiom will be released Sunday night Korean time in English. Expect in-depth Korean articles on the subject at that time.
Well, to be fair; There has been a lot of Jessica bashing on this topic as well. It's probably best to not act in the same way as, and specifically for someone in your position not to directly react, to the haters (of whomever). Hopefully the statement is as dry as possible.
And although I don't know any of you personally: Happy anniversary!
TB let me say first I already have reservations on you. CranK was already proven a liar so you better watch what you say to Jessica and find your way to earn more hate from the Korean netizens. If you honestly believe she would take another lie you are dead wrong.
What a bunch of freaking prima donnas. Maybe now that they're all back at home with mom laddering, they'll have some appreciation for the team they were apart of, the opportunities they had, and the legendary coach they had leading them.
I wouldn't be surprised if some of these players never end up on another team again. Who would want a bunch of whiney, gossipy, liars?
I really liked watching the sc2 scene, but now seeing the community become a hate infested riot, and some of my favorite players just tarnished... its really depressing.
First of all, in my own opinion, I think everyone over reacted. Yes, slayers disbanded, but it was because of this over reaction that caused it. With jessica's over reaction to fans and internet haters, singling out kids on the internet and threatening them, it was that kind of reaction that separated her from her team. It was a known issue among everyone. Did she ever lied? That didn't matter, it was her reaction and behavior that is now threatening this scene. Bullying? To not practice with a team is bullying? if slayers joined the federation, they could practice with them. and they didn't so they didnt get practice because of jessica's own pride. Just think again, she forfeited the well being of her own team because her feelings were hurt about ganzi's misunderstanding. anyway why cant an organization have that power to limit practice? There are so many more important questions to be asked, but everyone looks like they're about to throw a pitchfork in someone's face.
On October 21 2012 04:56 Lokian wrote: I really liked watching the sc2 scene, but now seeing the community become a hate infested riot, and some of my favorite players just tarnished... its really depressing.
First of all, in my own opinion, I think everyone over reacted. Yes, slayers disbanded, but it was because of this over reaction that caused it. With jessica's over reaction to fans and internet haters, singling out kids on the internet and threatening them, it was that kind of reaction that separated her from her team. It was a known issue among everyone. Did she ever lied? That didn't matter, it was her reaction and behavior that is now threatening this scene. Yea, jessica is right, but it wasn't a big deal. Bullying? To not practice with a team is bullying? if slayers joined the federation, they could practice with them. and they didn't so they didnt get practice because of jessica's own pride. Just think again, she forfeited the well being of her own team because her feelings were hurt about ganzi's misunderstanding. anyway why cant an organization have that power to limit practice? There are so many more important questions to be asked, but everyone looks like they're about to throw a pitchfork in someone's face.
also protecting eve is no overreaction. in korea some guys pasted her photo on porn. that is over the line.
obviously Slayers believed ESF were shadyguys and didnt want to join them.
On October 21 2012 04:56 Lokian wrote: I really liked watching the sc2 scene, but now seeing the community become a hate infested riot, and some of my favorite players just tarnished... its really depressing.
First of all, in my own opinion, I think everyone over reacted. Yes, slayers disbanded, but it was because of this over reaction that caused it. With jessica's over reaction to fans and internet haters, singling out kids on the internet and threatening them, it was that kind of reaction that separated her from her team. It was a known issue among everyone. Did she ever lied? That didn't matter, it was her reaction and behavior that is now threatening this scene. Yea, jessica is right, but it wasn't a big deal. Bullying? To not practice with a team is bullying? if slayers joined the federation, they could practice with them. and they didn't so they didnt get practice because of jessica's own pride. Just think again, she forfeited the well being of her own team because her feelings were hurt about ganzi's misunderstanding. anyway why cant an organization have that power to limit practice? There are so many more important questions to be asked, but everyone looks like they're about to throw a pitchfork in someone's face.
We've already been over this before. We concluded that it's pretty darn close to being illegal in South Korea under it's Anti-Trust laws. In the European Union for example it would've been illegal for the organization to do such a thing.
This thing with Crank working with a translator for multiple days in order to come up with some explanation seems like they're trying to "adjust" the facts so that it doesn't seem a blatant lie .
Can't really blame TB for backing up their only player.. poor guy is genuinely trying to do something for the scene and the first and only player brings him a ton of problems. Just get another one, TB, I don't think he'll get any results or enough fans ..
EDIT: This is drama from the last couple of weeks made me realize that I don't really want for the "esports" to grow, in order to promote this kind of crap.. how about have some people that actually like the game not switch teams and games because there is more $$$ there .. I bet it would be a lot less drama, even if the skill level would likely be lower.
On October 21 2012 05:03 Leru wrote: This thing with Crank working with a translator for multiple days in order to come up with some explanation seems like they're trying to "adjust" the facts so that it doesn't seem a blatant lie .
Can't really blame TB for backing up their only player.. poor guy is genuinely trying to do something for the scene and the first and only player brings him a ton of problems. Just get another one, TB, I don't think he'll get any results or enough fans ..
EDIT: This is drama from the last couple of weeks made me realize that I don't really want for the "esports" to grow, in order to promote this kind of crap.. how about have some people that actually like the game not switch teams and games because there is more $$$ there .. I bet it would be a lot less drama, even if the skill level would likely be lower.