On June 07 2012 04:24 Snuggles wrote: I hope this guy will be okay. We're all aware of how passionate we are about witch hunts. With this showing up to the event in person, I'm kind of afraid for his safety. You think a group of nerds wouldn't touch him? People have died over CS, sure it was in China, but fuck sticking a knife through a guys skull because he walled hacked is waaaay over the line lol. Besides that people will generally fight because of trash talk online over games, I know it happened more often than it should for Dota.
Plus even if no one touches him, he's going to get harassed A LOT once people identify him. I'm definitely not encouraging it, but SOMEONE not in their right mind is going to do something. Which is why he needs to be banned from the event.
He will be ok, most people here are jujst e thugs who won't do anything IRL.
On June 07 2012 03:11 zoid wrote: That blink hacks... Only funny thing is the random stalker blinking out into the roaches in game 2 (probably becasue the badly coded blinkhack couldn't find space to blink away from the incoming fire due to his army being in the way.). Well, Blizzard, maybe it is time you hire a team of really talented programmers to dedicate themselves 100% time on anti hack...
I actually don't think you can code a hack to recognize incoming fire. I mean, don't fool yourself, let alone the fact that someone managed to code auto-recognization of low health and then trigger an event at the same time is beyond my knowledge of coding. It's like really, really sophisticated and the beginning of a new, more advanced era of hacking, I'm afraid.
Well the code for recognzing incoming fire must already exist because the PDD exists. It doesn't seem that far fetched to be put into a hack, although I doubt such sophistcated hacks exist....yet.
Something like this should be able to recognise incoming fire:
lol ya the guy will be fine.....These kids on this form has a higher chance of being mugged by the local gangs that are in Aniahiam california (i live in Los Angeles) The hispanic gangs who often attened this event for there brothers ect would pretty much destroy any of the rich priviliaged folks on this form lol.
On June 07 2012 03:54 jeeeeohn wrote: ITT: people freaking out over NOTHING. Literally NOTHING.
Ball don't lie. The guy will go and get beaten and then he will leave. Zero controversy, zero problem. I just wish this thread would die. It serves no purpose.
zero problem? he is taking a plane seat and a hotel from an honest player
Guess what: that's Blizzard's problem, not ours. THEY'RE spending the money. THEY get to decide who to send and who not to send. Nothing we say is going to make a difference. No amount of heckling, keyboard warrior rage, BM, or threats of physical violence is going to change the fact that Blizzard pays the fucking bills.
Let me tell you how this is going to go down:
1. Zack arrives at the tournament 2. Zack gets beaten 3. Zack leaves the tournament
How does that effect ANYONE else other than Zack and Blizzard? This hypothetical "honest player" doesn't exist, because he / she wasn't chosen. Most of us are honest players. That doesn't mean jack shit.
Gee, I hope nobody gets hurt. Nerdbrawl!
I'd pull for a plane ticket to watch the Nerdbrawl though... maybe a live stream with BitterDam commentary? Would inevitably just wind up with a bunch of stretched t-shirts, broken glasses frames, and messed up greasy hair.
And just fty....I can see about 5-6 gm map hackers on that list blizzard put out.
I know several of them personal who are D2JSP players and openly admit in that community to map hacking like PZSniXSniPe and others on that list, so don't just get mad at this guy. North America in general has alot of map hackers in GM lol
On June 07 2012 05:23 Soloturtle wrote: Great move by Blizzard. Replacing him for gimix who is a talented GM terran instead of the other hacker scrub Best of luck to you gimix!
gimix was already invited, zack was just removed, not replaced yet
I don't think his safety will be to big of a concern... and nobody should be stupid enough to physical assault someone and risk facing charges from the law.
If I read right/recall correctly, he might be from that area, so it's not like anyone will know who he is (if he really is from the area and doesn't stay at the hotel). He can easily lie, or most likely, he won't have to since nobody will ask who he is if he's just another face in the crowd.
On June 07 2012 05:24 silentdecay01 wrote: And just fty....I can see about 5-6 gm map hackers on that list blizzard put out.
I know several of them personal who are D2JSP players and openly admit in that community to map hacking like PZSniXSniPe and others on that list, so don't just get mad at this guy. North America in general has alot of map hackers in GM lol
Uh, what? I post on D2JSP, but I don't maphack? Where do you come up with conclusions like that?
And please, if there are 5-6 other people on that list that maphack, do post replays/proof by all means necessary.
On June 07 2012 05:24 silentdecay01 wrote: And just fty....I can see about 5-6 gm map hackers on that list blizzard put out.
I know several of them personal who are D2JSP players and openly admit in that community to map hacking like PZSniXSniPe and others on that list, so don't just get mad at this guy. North America in general has alot of map hackers in GM lol
Uh, what? I post on D2JSP, but I don't maphack? Where do you come up with conclusions like that?
And please, if there are 5-6 other people on that list that maphack, do post replays/proof by all means necessary.
On June 07 2012 05:24 silentdecay01 wrote: And just fty....I can see about 5-6 gm map hackers on that list blizzard put out.
I know several of them personal who are D2JSP players and openly admit in that community to map hacking like PZSniXSniPe and others on that list, so don't just get mad at this guy. North America in general has alot of map hackers in GM lol
You don't fucking accuse someone of map hacking without any evidence to back it up. Do people not realize how severe an accusation that is? I know SniXSniPe personally, and he has never and will never maphack
On June 07 2012 05:24 silentdecay01 wrote: And just fty....I can see about 5-6 gm map hackers on that list blizzard put out.
I know several of them personal who are D2JSP players and openly admit in that community to map hacking like PZSniXSniPe and others on that list, so don't just get mad at this guy. North America in general has alot of map hackers in GM lol
You don't fucking accuse someone of map hacking without any evidence to back it up. Do people not realize how severe an accusation that is? I know SniXSniPe personally, and he has never and will never maphack
I agree with binski... you don't just blurt your opinion without any evidence like that...
On June 07 2012 05:24 silentdecay01 wrote: And just fty....I can see about 5-6 gm map hackers on that list blizzard put out.
I know several of them personal who are D2JSP players and openly admit in that community to map hacking like PZSniXSniPe and others on that list, so don't just get mad at this guy. North America in general has alot of map hackers in GM lol
You don't fucking accuse someone of map hacking without any evidence to back it up. Do people not realize how severe an accusation that is? I know SniXSniPe personally, and he has never and will never maphack
+1 for confirming. Snixsnipe is 100% legit and is a TL veteran. There's no way I'll believe it without at least as much evidence as was presented in the spades case.
On June 07 2012 05:24 silentdecay01 wrote: And just fty....I can see about 5-6 gm map hackers on that list blizzard put out.
I know several of them personal who are D2JSP players and openly admit in that community to map hacking like PZSniXSniPe and others on that list, so don't just get mad at this guy. North America in general has alot of map hackers in GM lol
Please post the public posts, or even the private conversations you have of such admissions. Also could you elaborate on the OTHER 4-5 palyers. SNixSniPe has already tuned in. If you are going to make allegations, do it properly. Show your evidence, state your claim.
You are acting like things are public knowledge when they aren't.
ON TOPIC: Does anyone know more information about blizzard removing him from the list? Did they make an announcement I missed...anything? I need more facts!
On June 07 2012 05:24 silentdecay01 wrote: And just fty....I can see about 5-6 gm map hackers on that list blizzard put out.
I know several of them personal who are D2JSP players and openly admit in that community to map hacking like PZSniXSniPe and others on that list, so don't just get mad at this guy. North America in general has alot of map hackers in GM lol
Please post the public posts, or even the private conversations you have of such admissions. Also could you elaborate on the OTHER 4-5 palyers. SNixSniPe has already tuned in. If you are going to make allegations, do it properly. Show your evidence, state your claim.
You are acting like things are public knowledge when they aren't.
ON TOPIC: Does anyone know more information about blizzard removing him from the list? Did they make an announcement I missed...anything? I need more facts!
On the MLG Tournament page regarding WCS, it stated clearly that any cheating is automatic disqualification to the tournament. It's in Rule #1.
(This is not a hack, I would not of linked it if it was)
Someone did it with the in game editor. Maphacks have the ability to read their opponents production, etc... Don't see why they couldn't have the ability to read more.