game is crashing, have to wait till it's loaded fully, but the interface and the graphics seem better, though i am not sure if the starcraft/arcade button is better than single/multplayer as arcade and custom don't seem toooooo relevant in the community. pls correct me if i am wrong as i am a campaign fan and don't follow custom maps too much.
On June 02 2012 20:00 iPlaY.NettleS wrote: anything that gets more people playing a larger variety customs is a good thing , sc2 melee is just soooo boring compared to brood war
Thanks for your... valuable... input.
On topic: Looking forward to everything except 4v4 being at the beginning of the list
On June 02 2012 11:53 dynwar7 wrote: Wait....guys, is this a real patch 1.5.0 or is this for a completely different custom game within SC2?
The Pylon power radius now displays up cliff levels properly on Low graphic settings. Fixed an issue where certain protoss structures would sometimes continue to display a warp-in animation if they became unpowered.
It is no longer possible to stack a large number of units into tight spaces using Medivacs. The Medivac_HealLoop sound now plays properly when a player manually heals a unit with a Medivac. The Command Center’s Load ability will no longer reserve a cargo slot for nearby SCVs that are busy constructing buildings. Fixed an issue where flying terran structures would sometimes use their ground death animations when killed. Fixed an issue where the Hellion’s flame attack would only hit burrowed units despite other units also being in its line of fire behind the burrowed unit. Fixed an issue where a Bunker could be made to look empty despite being loaded with units by using queued Rally commands.
Banelings will now auto-cast Unburrow if a Colossus comes within their attack range. Morphing units no longer become stuck in their cocoon state if they are underneath a Hatchery. Active Creep Tumors no longer display as dormant if their Spawn Tumor action was canceled during the spawn animation. Brood Lord and Overseer Cocoons now have a Rally command instead of Move, Hold Position, and Patrol commands.
I am concerned with these changes.... so are they just for custom or for the actual gameplay of SC2?
You just listed a bunch of bug fixes... what's to be concerned about?
No Im only asking, is this a real patch for the normal game, or is this patch for a separate custom game of SC2? I am confused because it says "arcade" beta, instead of the previous patches where the names were simply "patch 1.3.0, patch 1.3.1", so on.
It's just a regular patch, the actual patch number is patch 1.5.0, They're making a big deal about it because it introduces a lot of stuff designed to bring custom game types to the front hence the "Arcade Patch".
Thanks for that. Wow...if this is a real patch...then, the Baneling and Colossus one is a bitwierd O.o
On June 02 2012 11:53 dynwar7 wrote: Wait....guys, is this a real patch 1.5.0 or is this for a completely different custom game within SC2?
The Pylon power radius now displays up cliff levels properly on Low graphic settings. Fixed an issue where certain protoss structures would sometimes continue to display a warp-in animation if they became unpowered.
It is no longer possible to stack a large number of units into tight spaces using Medivacs. The Medivac_HealLoop sound now plays properly when a player manually heals a unit with a Medivac. The Command Center’s Load ability will no longer reserve a cargo slot for nearby SCVs that are busy constructing buildings. Fixed an issue where flying terran structures would sometimes use their ground death animations when killed. Fixed an issue where the Hellion’s flame attack would only hit burrowed units despite other units also being in its line of fire behind the burrowed unit. Fixed an issue where a Bunker could be made to look empty despite being loaded with units by using queued Rally commands.
Banelings will now auto-cast Unburrow if a Colossus comes within their attack range. Morphing units no longer become stuck in their cocoon state if they are underneath a Hatchery. Active Creep Tumors no longer display as dormant if their Spawn Tumor action was canceled during the spawn animation. Brood Lord and Overseer Cocoons now have a Rally command instead of Move, Hold Position, and Patrol commands.
I am concerned with these changes.... so are they just for custom or for the actual gameplay of SC2?
You just listed a bunch of bug fixes... what's to be concerned about?
No Im only asking, is this a real patch for the normal game, or is this patch for a separate custom game of SC2? I am confused because it says "arcade" beta, instead of the previous patches where the names were simply "patch 1.3.0, patch 1.3.1", so on.
It's just a regular patch, the actual patch number is patch 1.5.0, They're making a big deal about it because it introduces a lot of stuff designed to bring custom game types to the front hence the "Arcade Patch".
Thanks for that. Wow...if this is a real patch...then, the Baneling and Colossus one is a bitwierd O.o
It's nothing balance related. It was just a bug that banes didn't react to colossi when auto-casting was on.