On March 31 2012 13:19 snailz wrote:Show nested quote +On March 31 2012 13:18 Forikorder wrote:On March 31 2012 13:16 SnipedSoul wrote:On March 31 2012 13:13 Forikorder wrote:On March 31 2012 13:11 SnipedSoul wrote:On March 31 2012 13:09 Forikorder wrote:A lot of people disagree with you. The internet is no longer a playground for nerds to live out their fantasies. It's become an important part of peoples' lives. No one should have to put up with harrassment under any circumstances. noone HAS to though, she could have ignored it so easily but she chose not to Poor wording on my part. No one should be expected to put up with harrassment under any circumstances. and noone is expected to....? Jessica could ahve banned him instead of letting him rant on and on, she didnt He was banned previously, he kept coming back. Jessica said "enough is enough". oh my i guess the one mouseclick it takes to ban him really adds up i dont see why she even bothered paying enough attention to his name to actually figure out the same guy kept coming back there is a screenshot in OP where you can see clearly that fucking Boxer has to read that shit, and begs for help how to ban. that's his WIFE. grow the fuck up. maybe he should have figured out how to ban before he started streaming, cant be that hard to spend some time on a TL-esque site or go through the help files or something on the site
On March 31 2012 13:18 Cereb wrote: Up to 7 years in prison because you are being mean to someone on the internet??? The fact that any jail time is even possible is down right bananas! I'd understand a small fine or whatever but this is completely retarded??
Does it work like that in real life in South Korea too? Like if you were to insult someone with harsh words and profanity? Would you actually risk any kind of jail time for that or are they punishing things that happen online much harder than things in real life - for instance like the copyright laws in the western world.
I mean, who in their right mind would throw someone in jail for saying bad things? There'd be no one left to walk the street if this was enforced thoroughly!
he wont get up to 7 years, thats a maximum sentence, in extreme cases. for example, if you bully someone to suicide.
he'll get a slap to the wrist most probably, depending if he actually repeatedly threatened her. if it was "just" faul language, you don't have to worry for the guy. nor should you.
On March 31 2012 13:12 Blasterion wrote:Show nested quote +On March 31 2012 13:11 Daray wrote:The SlayerS team filed this case on the 30th at the police station in Kimpo. If the suspect is found to be guilty of all charges, he can face up to either 7 years in prison, or 10 years on probation with a 50,000won ($5,00) fine. Can you get prison if you call someone the c word in real life? This is ridicilous  Yes because people are expect to act with a minimum level of decency where we live, how is it ridiculous? Exactly. Look suing is further than most would go but why shouldn't she? No one should have to put up with this sort of thing. The internet does not mean it doesn't count. Although I would be surprised if there will be any jail time. A little accountability on the internet is not a bad thing.
On March 31 2012 13:15 Forikorder wrote:Show nested quote +On March 31 2012 13:14 Blasterion wrote:On March 31 2012 13:13 Forikorder wrote:On March 31 2012 13:11 SnipedSoul wrote:On March 31 2012 13:09 Forikorder wrote:A lot of people disagree with you. The internet is no longer a playground for nerds to live out their fantasies. It's become an important part of peoples' lives. No one should have to put up with harrassment under any circumstances. noone HAS to though, she could have ignored it so easily but she chose not to Poor wording on my part. No one should be expected to put up with harrassment under any circumstances. and noone is expected to....? Jessica could ahve banned him instead of letting him rant on and on, she didnt But she did. obviosuly not if he made many comments, if she had banned him he would have made A comment then got banned, it sounds like he was allowed to do whatever he wanted in chat and is now being sued for doing jsut that its like if i left my door open with a sign saying "everyone is welcome" then calling the cops when someone comes in
soo a man walks into a house, abuses whoever was there, the fault lies on the resident for not locking the door? (not in court cases, in terms of our moral standards)
i think you're picking hair and redirecting the point to something else. so to clarify, you're saying its not a big deal because she could have banned him, nothing would of happened.
well, it did happen and perhaps it went to place that shouldn't have to escalated in the first place, but you must understand i'm sure maaaany people get banned on daily bases on any popular stream. shit like this happens all the time (failing to ban, this instance, it seems slayers did not have good mod or knowledge), failing to avoiding it not a fault. the point here is, is cyberbulling ok or not because that is what this lawsuit is leading to.
i honestly think he'll just get a warning or something, nothing major (hopefully) but it extensive/offensive trolling and bm needs to be looked down upon.
On March 31 2012 13:21 Forikorder wrote:Show nested quote +On March 31 2012 13:19 snailz wrote:On March 31 2012 13:18 Forikorder wrote:On March 31 2012 13:16 SnipedSoul wrote:On March 31 2012 13:13 Forikorder wrote:On March 31 2012 13:11 SnipedSoul wrote:On March 31 2012 13:09 Forikorder wrote:A lot of people disagree with you. The internet is no longer a playground for nerds to live out their fantasies. It's become an important part of peoples' lives. No one should have to put up with harrassment under any circumstances. noone HAS to though, she could have ignored it so easily but she chose not to Poor wording on my part. No one should be expected to put up with harrassment under any circumstances. and noone is expected to....? Jessica could ahve banned him instead of letting him rant on and on, she didnt He was banned previously, he kept coming back. Jessica said "enough is enough". oh my i guess the one mouseclick it takes to ban him really adds up i dont see why she even bothered paying enough attention to his name to actually figure out the same guy kept coming back there is a screenshot in OP where you can see clearly that fucking Boxer has to read that shit, and begs for help how to ban. that's his WIFE. grow the fuck up. maybe he should have figured out how to ban before he started streaming, cant be that hard to spend some time on a TL-esque site or go through the help files or something on the site
Are you aware that bans do not work?
On March 31 2012 12:37 stevarius wrote:Show nested quote +On March 31 2012 12:32 Iloja wrote:On March 31 2012 11:47 stevarius wrote:On March 31 2012 11:44 McFeser wrote:On March 31 2012 11:33 Forikorder wrote:On March 31 2012 11:32 Blasterion wrote:On March 31 2012 11:26 Odal wrote:On March 31 2012 11:20 Blasterion wrote:On March 31 2012 11:19 Gheed wrote:On March 31 2012 11:17 Blasterion wrote: [quote] It is right, if the law makes people be less dickery and have higher class it helps the image of the community as a whole, I can't believe all the people defending this crap. Have you not learned your lesson on what happened to the fighting game community? If we've reached the point as a society where we need the law to stop people from hurting other people's feelings, I'd say something has gone awry. If we've reached the point as a society when people are allowed to be dicks as much as they want, I'd say something has gone awry. I disagree. You should be able to act the way you'd like. Punishments shouldn't be serious for offending people with harmless words. I disagree. People should be expect to act with a minimum level of class, and be punished if they act with lack of it. People should strive to be higher and higher class. These acts of lack of class shouldn't be tolerated and should be punished and made an example of. why? why do the people of "higher class" have the right to force there views and beliefs on us "lower class" people? He's not using the right word but he is right. Everyone should act with a minimum amount of decency if only because that is was the majority of people expect/want from others. I don't think anyone would argue that this man's acts were beneficial to anyone. Also, I generally assume the best in people but for those saying we don't need laws to tell people not to be dicks - we do. I would rather have laws then some culturally pressured restriction on what is right and what is wrong concerning public behavior. As for this man's actions, they are unacceptable within what is culturally acceptable and within legal boundaries (just the Korean laws though I'm sure if someone was shouting obscenities at me at the grocery store everyday, and waiting there to do so, I could get them in some sort of trouble). Now I don't think he should be put in prison for seven years. That's just stupid. But how anyone could defend him I don't know. Any American understands that this guy getting taken to civil court for being a dick is just retarded, but this is a different country we're talking about. You can't legislate good behavior. Good fucking luck trying. I don't defend his actions, but I will forever defend his right to be an asshole.... on American soil or at least a country that has sane laws involving some internet BM. Interesting. I don't think that it is South Korea = insane laws regarding internet, Rest of the world = cool with insulting/bullying/harassing in the internet. Actually I think it is the other way round, even in europe you can get arrested for stuff like this, and even more severe than what the guy in South Korea is probably facing: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-03-28/student-jailed-over-offensive-muamba-tweets/3916242Germany has a very similar stand on the issue, we just have a different treshold. Calling someone an asshole (even in real life) won't necessarliy bring the cops to your door, but repeatedly harassing a woman sexually sure will do, even if it is "just" the internet and I do support this. True, you can't legislate good behaviour but you can punish anti-social behaviour. Reminder: We are not talking about him calling her a slut once and then leaving, he did it again and again ... that is harassement. If you are a women in the states you can't do anything against this sort of behaviour? Really? What happens if she speaks out against it? Everyone will shun her because she just stirrs up drama? U.S. society is cool with something like this? I somehow can't believe this. And relax everybody, 7 years is the max, how do laws work in the U.S.? If you are getting found guilty you always get maximum sentence? In germany there is a progression of punishment, up to x years means it is the worst case scenario if the shit really hit the fan in a hurry (you really have to work for it to get the maximum penalty in germany), I belive it is the same in Korea. In America, we use the tools given to us to ban those insulting us in chat. The law isn't needed for something as silly as this. US society is based on growing a spine because you have to deal with people's bullshit every day. People have their retarded religious beliefs and no matter how stupid they are, you respect them. People have stupid opinions, you respect them. People call you bad things, you deal with it. In the case of Own3d chat, you can either deal with it or ban the fucker. Any jail sentence for calling someone a cunt or some other naughty word repeatedly on the internet is just silly. Me bming people on ladder, to an extent where I'm not making actual threats and showing intent to cause ACTUAL HARM to someone in real life is protected speech in accordance to the First Amendment. If you want to understand the laws in the United States, brush up on case law surrounding that amendment.
I understood that point, no worries, mate What I asked: What do woman do if they are systematically singled out and verbally abused sexually? I'm not talking about someone saying: "Cunt" on the internet once and then dissappear, I'm talking about harassement.
So, I could single out a U.S. Woman online and wait for her in chats I know she frequents and then start so abuse her verbally with sexual innuendo, I would start ban-dodging ... you know, all the good stuff. And if finally one day she had enough and would break down and go public in search of help you would tell her: Grow a pair, don't be such a pussy! Just ban that guy, we are americans! If then she would disregard your advice and sue me I could get away with saying: Well, it was a public chatroom, it's the internet, she could have just banned me, your honor! And I could get away with this unless she can prove I wanted to cause actual harm? Really? I'm sorry, I'm not going to believe this.
maybe now we can censor the internet and arrest every troll, then we'll have a completely bland internet where we won't be able to say our true feelings to the female race!
Where dat snitch at?36923 Posts
Reposting for anyone who hasn't seen it yet:
Full ThisisGame article translation: http://www.thisisgame.com/board/view.php?id=1139599&board=0&category=13438&subcategory=&page=1&best=&searchmode=&search=&orderby=&token=
슬레이어스 김가연 게임단주가 인터넷 게임 중계 도중 채팅으로 욕설을 퍼붓고 희롱한 네티즌을 ‘사이버 명예훼손’ 혐의로 고소했다.
Manager of Team SlayerS, SlayerS_Jessica is suing a netizen for saying vile comments on the SlayerS stream chat. 사건은 지난 28일, 슬레이어스 게임단의 스타2 경기 실황 창에서 발생했다. 슬레이어스는 인터넷 방송을 활용해 스타2 경기를 진행하고 있었고, nolgoituh라는 아이디를 사용하는 네티즌이 입장하면서 시작됐다.
The case happened on the 28th during a live segment on the SlayerS stream. During this live broadcast, a netizen by the name of nolgoituh appeared. 이 네티즌은 채팅 창에서 김가연 게임단주를 상대로 ‘여성 성기’를 직접 언급하며 희롱했고, 수 차례 성행위를 빙자한 폭언과 욕설을 퍼부었다.
This netizen personally attacked SlayerS_Jessica, and made all sorts of sexual harassment comments involving words like "cunt," and comments about having sex with her. 슬레이어스 관계자에 따르면 “인터넷에서 게임 중계를 하면 팬들이 참여할 수 있는 채팅창을 이용할 수 있다. 이날도 한창 경기가 진행중인 도중에 특정 네티즌이 들어와 김가연 게임단주에게 막말을 퍼부었다”고 말한 뒤 “남자인 내가 봐도 수위가 높았고, 심한 표현들이 가득했다”고 전했다.
According to a witness on the SlayerS stream, there was a special SlayerS segment going on that day so a lot of viewers were there. During this segment, nolgoituh appeared and made many inappropriate sexual comments at Jessica. The witness was quoted saying "Even for a man such as myself, I found this to be absolutely revolting." 이에 김가연 게임단주는 한국은 물론 외국의 많은 팬들도 지켜보는 상황에서 상식 밖의 행동으로 물의를 일으켰다고 판단, 해당 화면을 캡처해 사이버수사대에 수사 의뢰를 했다고 밝혔다. During this segment, SlayerS_Jessica decided that because they had a lot of Korean and international viewers, this kind of behavior was unacceptable, captured a screenshot of the conversation, sent it to the authorities and filed a complaint.
김가연 게임단주는 “인적 상황이나 얼굴을 알 수 없는 인터넷 공간이라고 함부로 욕설을 퍼붓거나 예의에 어긋나는 행동을 하는 일부 네티즌을 볼 때마다 안타깝다”며 “같은 일이 반복돼서는 안되겠다는 생각에 일부 몰지각한 네티즌들에게 경종을 울리는 의미로 형사고소라는 극약 처방을 내리게 됐다”고 말했다. SlayerS_Jessica was quoted saying "people cannot just say or do whatever they want just because they're on the internet and no one can see their faces. I find this kind of behavior to be absolutely unacceptable and filed this case in hopes that other people will see it and realize they cannot act this way."
슬레이어스는 30일 오전 김포 경찰서에 해당 네티즌을 ‘사이버 명예훼손’ 혐의로 형사고소했고, 혐의가 인정될 경우 피의자는 정보통신망 이용촉진 및 정보보호 등에 관한 법률에 의거해 7년 이하의 징역이나 10년 이하의 자격정지 또는 5,000만 원 이하의 벌금형을 받을 수 있다
The SlayerS team filed this case on the 30th at the police station in Kimpo. If the suspect is found to be guilty of all charges, he can face up to either 7 years in prison, or 10 years on probation with a 50,000won ($5,00) fine. (According to the article, Korea has some sort of law that protects ppl against cyber harassment, and this netizen violated said law/laws)
soo a man walks into a house, abuses whoever was there, the fault lies on the resident for not locking the door? did i say that? no i didnt, SlayerS invited everyone in the world into there public chat and allwed them to say whatever they wanted to and then sued someone for doing jsut that
its like inviteing someone into your house to beat your wife then calling the cops when he does what you ask him to
it was a public chat with no rules, nor were any rules inforced yet the dude is gonna lose a large chunk of cash at the minumum for this
On March 31 2012 13:23 emc wrote: maybe now we can censor the internet and arrest every troll, then we'll have a completely bland internet where we won't be able to say our true feelings to the female race! Or we can raise the bar and act with manners towards people in general and not just woman, why is expecting human decency such a difficult concept to understand?
Northern Ireland23900 Posts
On March 31 2012 13:21 Forikorder wrote:Show nested quote +On March 31 2012 13:19 snailz wrote:On March 31 2012 13:18 Forikorder wrote:On March 31 2012 13:16 SnipedSoul wrote:On March 31 2012 13:13 Forikorder wrote:On March 31 2012 13:11 SnipedSoul wrote:On March 31 2012 13:09 Forikorder wrote:A lot of people disagree with you. The internet is no longer a playground for nerds to live out their fantasies. It's become an important part of peoples' lives. No one should have to put up with harrassment under any circumstances. noone HAS to though, she could have ignored it so easily but she chose not to Poor wording on my part. No one should be expected to put up with harrassment under any circumstances. and noone is expected to....? Jessica could ahve banned him instead of letting him rant on and on, she didnt He was banned previously, he kept coming back. Jessica said "enough is enough". oh my i guess the one mouseclick it takes to ban him really adds up i dont see why she even bothered paying enough attention to his name to actually figure out the same guy kept coming back there is a screenshot in OP where you can see clearly that fucking Boxer has to read that shit, and begs for help how to ban. that's his WIFE. grow the fuck up. maybe he should have figured out how to ban before he started streaming, cant be that hard to spend some time on a TL-esque site or go through the help files or something on the site Jesus, you just keep shifting your points every time you are shown to be wrong. 'Why didn't she ban him, oh well unfair that he got banned from chat, came back once and gets sued. Oh wait, he got banned multiple times and came back with the sole intention of abusing somebody? Their fault for not banning him.'
For a start spamming of this kind is not just insulting/offensive (depending on how thin-skinned you are), it is also disruptive to communications with others. If I am sitting chilling, enjoying a coffee and catching up with a friend, and somebody comes up to me and shouts in my face, even if I am not offended it is really, really aggravating. While her legal challenge doesn't revolve around this, it's still the case that spammers are more obnoxious than their content. They prevent you from engaging properly with others, especially annoying if you're doing streams for the fucking community interaction in the first place.
On March 31 2012 13:24 aBstractx wrote: what a fucking cunt. you'd seriously put another man in jail for some bullshit like this? sticks and stones. come sue me You are an embarrassment to TL get out.
Not only did you not even suggest you are against cyber defamation you go one step more to insult the victim? Are you serious? Your kind's existence hurts the image of TL. We need not the likes of you here.
All I can say is, Jessica sure is one strong-willed woman....
On March 31 2012 13:25 Blasterion wrote:Show nested quote +On March 31 2012 13:23 emc wrote: maybe now we can censor the internet and arrest every troll, then we'll have a completely bland internet where we won't be able to say our true feelings to the female race! Or we can raise the bar and act with manners towards people in general and not just woman, why is expecting human decency such a difficult concept to understand? or we can let people act howd they like and not try to force everyone to act how a few people want them to
Jessica was in no way inconveniced by this guy at all, theres no reason she couldnt ahve jsut turned a blind eye and started googling how to ban people in chat
I think Jessica said it:
"people cannot just say or do whatever they want just because they're on the internet and no one can see their faces. I find this kind of behavior to be absolutely unacceptable and filed this case in hopes that other people will see it and realize they cannot act this way."
e-thugs should be the ones manning up and learning to deal with the consequences of their actions. Ironically when they insult,"man up lulz learn to be thick skinned. Can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen" but then they hide behind an internet connection and don't want to take responsibility.
I am used to the current internet, but that doesn't mean it can't improve.
So I say back to the cyber thugs "Can't stand the heat? get out of the Kitchen".
Also some of you guys must remember that this is Korean law, so deal with it, Jessica dealt with it fine. Don't try to shove your own values and morals,or lack of, on other people.
On March 31 2012 13:24 Forikorder wrote:Show nested quote +soo a man walks into a house, abuses whoever was there, the fault lies on the resident for not locking the door? did i say that? no i didnt, SlayerS invited everyone in the world into there public chat and allwed them to say whatever they wanted to and then sued someone for doing jsut that its like inviteing someone into your house to beat your wife then calling the cops when he does what you ask him to it was a public chat with no rules, nor were any rules inforced yet the dude is gonna lose a large chunk of cash at the minumum for this
Except, there were rules. The culprit was obviously a Korean citizen, hence subject to Korean law.
On March 31 2012 13:26 Forikorder wrote:Show nested quote +On March 31 2012 13:25 Blasterion wrote:On March 31 2012 13:23 emc wrote: maybe now we can censor the internet and arrest every troll, then we'll have a completely bland internet where we won't be able to say our true feelings to the female race! Or we can raise the bar and act with manners towards people in general and not just woman, why is expecting human decency such a difficult concept to understand? or we can let people act howd they like and not try to force everyone to act how a few people want them to Jessica was in no way inconveniced by this guy at all, theres no reason she couldnt ahve jsut turned a blind eye and started googling how to ban people in chat
Bans do not work.
Jesus, you just keep shifting your points every time you are shown to be wrong. 'Why didn't she ban him, oh well unfair that he got banned from chat, came back once and gets sued. Oh wait, he got banned multiple times and came back with the sole intention of abusing somebody? Their fault for not banning him.' except this was obviosuly his first time doing it, and he obviously never got banned since noone in the house had any idea how to ban
Northern Ireland23900 Posts
On March 31 2012 13:24 Forikorder wrote:Show nested quote +soo a man walks into a house, abuses whoever was there, the fault lies on the resident for not locking the door? did i say that? no i didnt, SlayerS invited everyone in the world into there public chat and allwed them to say whatever they wanted to and then sued someone for doing jsut that its like inviteing someone into your house to beat your wife then calling the cops when he does what you ask him to it was a public chat with no rules, nor were any rules inforced yet the dude is gonna lose a large chunk of cash at the minumum for this There were rules, enforced by fucking banning people based on them transgressing these rules.
Your analogy is completely off the mark, given Slayer's stream is advertised I'd imagine as 'Pro Starcraft House in Korea!' rather than 'Come and have a field day and send abuse in chat to a female who goes out with one of the players'
Guy deserves to lose his fucking cash.