Please DISCUSS the changes and the impact they will have on gameplay.
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On February 11 2012 04:58 Empire.Beastyqt wrote:Show nested quote +On February 11 2012 04:56 KawaiiRice wrote: wow you must be joking haha wtf ^_^;? how will I stop bl infestor queen now? ..... dude just do what ppl tell me to do, l2p..
raven + seeker missible is pretty good vs bl's as far as ive seen, just because u never play a certain style that doesnt mean u dont have any viable options available
Ya, more terran nerfs! Hahahahahaha, can't wait to heary u all cry
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On February 11 2012 04:59 CptCutter wrote: well hopefully patch 1.4.4 with the broodlord nerf/snipe rebuff/viking buff wont be too far behind when they realise that zergs can go broodlords without any problems since vikings cannot counter them due to corruptor/infestor, marines cant get close enough and die super quickly to infestor/baneling and ghosts now take an unbelievable amount of shots to kill them. also ultralisks will be 10x better now.
Pl also tend to forget the buff to the ultralisk building time.This made Infestor Ultra "timings"wayyyy more effective imo and tech switches far harder to fight.
Northern Ireland23792 Posts
On February 11 2012 05:00 statikg wrote: Are you fing kidding me? So because the majoirty of the ladder is zerg since all they have to do is camp until tier 3 and then tech switch for the win, lets make it just completely impossible to beat. Thanks blizzard way to be completely out of touch with reality. Not really Blizzard's fault, Zerg QQ is pretty much at a level consistent with at any time in release, despite them stomping Protoss more and more as the months go by, and just having overtaken Terran (according the most recent TLPD thread anyway). I mean if Blizzard ever patch on community feedback alone... Zerg will be fearsome!
APM is back <3
The phoenix change is interesting, but I'm not sure how big a difference it will make-mutas can still be produced so much quicker and a few corruptors will still destroy phoenixes
Snipe change is good, but maybe a bit over the top
I actually really like the gold base solution; the main reason for there removal from GSL was that they are unbalanced towards terran, but if that advantage is removed then gold bases could just become another interesting feature for map makers to use
We'll have to see what the snipe change will do, but it's hard to argue with this patch IMHO.
I'm going to split every single map with PFs and just refuse to attack unitl something is done, lol.. :DD
On February 11 2012 04:43 Slomo wrote: I guess terrans will do a nosedive for a month or two and come back with new stuff and balance will be fine again. Just like Zergs and Protoss did serveral times in the past.
When have zergs/protoss ever gotten a nerf that made them "nosedive" and then come back with new stuff? As far as I can tell the patching process has been really generous for them.
Its pretty disheartening to see terran nerfed in the lategame where they are already at their weakest. Its not even a slight damage nerf, it makes the ghost-based lategame completely unplayable, and it was probably the best way to play lategame TvZ in the current patch. I guess Blizzard isn't happy until less than 1/3 of GSL are terrans, no matter how much better players they actually are.
On February 11 2012 04:56 turdburgler wrote:Show nested quote +On February 11 2012 04:55 Bajsgrodan wrote:
You are comparing Slivko to OGS Supernova, I hope you now realize how dumb you are. he's on ogs, must be better than a guy who he baaareeelly beat in one of the second guys only televised games. get off that korean dick
well he did also mention the zerg retreating his whole army against 8 marines... that being said i didn't watch the game.
All we need now is maps with 4 bases in total
On February 11 2012 04:51 Chill wrote:Show nested quote +On February 11 2012 04:50 Everlong wrote:On February 11 2012 04:46 Chill wrote:On February 11 2012 04:44 Everlong wrote:On February 11 2012 04:39 Chill wrote:On February 11 2012 04:34 Zarahtra wrote:On February 11 2012 04:28 Chill wrote:I think the Snipe change needs to be reconsidered. Snipe in TvZ is an all-or-nothing choice. In late game Shakuras Plateau, you're either going to see 3 Ghosts for EMP on Infestors, or 20 Ghosts to crush Broodlord / Ultralisk armies. It's rarely in between. While I think Ghosts are a little too good at countering late game Zerg, I don't think Zergs were trying all the options yet to punish Terrans that play for this late game style. Ghosts are still slow and vulnerable. What this change does is eliminate the 20+ Ghost-using-Snipe option. In my eyes, you shouldn't see more than 5 Ghosts on the field in TvZ now for key EMPs and nukes. Their Snipe damage is simply too low now. Maybe that's what Blizzard wanted, but I think there is a better medium where massing Ghosts for Snipe is still viable and good, but not as good. Maybe 25 + 25 psionic is that point? I don't think so, but we'll see.
I think people are also focusing so much on exactly those games, maps such as shakuras where you can have 50-100% more bases than the zerg, can fortify certain positions on the map very well and then just mass ghosts. On other maps, you simply cannot do that, or the zerg in the least has options to punish it. That is very true. When looking at Snipe vs Z I was always thinking about those drawn out games. But that is typically when you see Broodlords get put on the field. You rarely see Zerg just barely hold long enough to get Broodlords out and then be in so many numbers that Terran can't survive the counter attack... Well not so many in numbers to kill Terran with counter attack directly, but it's downhill from there I guess we can agree? So it's like fighting against clock, you either get there before Broodlords, in which case you can't aim to fight them (no vikings) or you play it out slowly and then you need good composition, because you will face Broodlord/Corruptor/Infestor.. No, I definitely don't agree with that. What you're trying to say is there are certain games where both T and Z play very well, but Zerg get to their final late game composition before Terran can possibly get enough Ghosts out to stop it. I don't agree with that. I'm talking after this patch (if it goes through), there is no more "enough ghosts to stop it".. So there we have our clock. Yea. I agree after the patch Ghosts are basically worthless above 5.
Come to think about it, it's actually a good thing, IMO. Mass Ghosts was not very fun to play or observe, just like bk in the day with HT and KA. Though the question is what will Terran do in late game TvZ where FG can counter both Vikings and bio?!
Agree with the MULE nerf.
What an idiotic patch. Why not just remove the gold minerals, they were so stupid in the game anyways. Instead of high yeild minerals, why not just put bases with 14 mineral patches instead of 8 or something along those lines.
As for snipe. GG. Now It's going to be used like it was in beta (never). snipe vs. muta... drones.. etc. Ghosts are just going to EMP and Nuke. They took the usefulness out of it in my opinion. I'd rather have 4 marines and 100 gas to boot.
On February 11 2012 04:58 FatkiddsLag wrote: I've felt like this from the beginning. All the balance patches seem to be balancing the game around Protoss.
You mean Terran.
On February 11 2012 04:57 ShatterZer0 wrote: 4 gate phoenix is going to be horrible... but it won't change a thing in PvT or PvZ I don't think... 6 range phoenix still have to run away unless in similar or higher numbers...
MULE fix is awesome.
APM/CPM change is also awesome.
Snipe change is overbearing and pointless... why does blizzard think a 50 energy to kill a caster snipe is better than a 75 energy drain/splash snipe? They should have just made snipe have a longer than .5 second cooldown so that it took multiple volleys of snipe to kill heavy units...
EDIT: This is assuming graviton beam still has a range of 4. If Grav beam has a range of 6 then EVERYTHING CHANGES <3
You need to research it in fleet beacon, which is an expensive ass building (aka fusion core of protoss)
So whait now you mean terran will have 8*10*25 = 2,000 dps 10 full nrj ghost (that can be casted in 1-1.5 sec). its still not bad...
Can someone explain to me, why Terran is supposed to play like Zerg and vice versa? At least why Blizzard is thinking like that?
On February 11 2012 05:02 Wombat_NI wrote:Show nested quote +On February 11 2012 05:00 statikg wrote: Are you fing kidding me? So because the majoirty of the ladder is zerg since all they have to do is camp until tier 3 and then tech switch for the win, lets make it just completely impossible to beat. Thanks blizzard way to be completely out of touch with reality. Not really Blizzard's fault, Zerg QQ is pretty much at a level consistent with at any time in release, despite them stomping Protoss more and more as the months go by, and just having overtaken Terran (according the most recent TLPD thread anyway). I mean if Blizzard ever patch on community feedback alone... Zerg will be fearsome!
And Protoss players were complaining about being UP when 4 gate was ridiculous and Terran was complaining when 5 rax reaper was basically unbeatable. People rarely ever quiet their QQing, even if their race has a 75%++ win-rate in the match-up, it's just how people are.
As for the patch, I don't know... Ghosts were too strong, I'll give them that. But I still think it should've been 35+15 instead. I guess we'll see how this works out though. I have a feeling people will catch on to the Raven's strength if ghosts don't cut it anymore.
guys you can still snipe infestors effectively just need to use vikings + ghosts now always, not only ghosts
On February 11 2012 04:50 Tulkas25 wrote:Show nested quote +On February 11 2012 04:43 Slomo wrote: I guess terrans will do a nosedive for a month or two and come back with new stuff and balance will be fine again. Just like Zergs and Protoss did serveral times in the past. none of the zerg and protoss comebacks were products of meditation and hardcore training alone.They were all supported by buffs from blizzard.TvZ and broodlord inf composition was still bad for terrans before they started using snipe.If you negate an option or nerf it you need to open a new one.No terran loves to mass ghosts and waiti to spam R believe me.We too would like to have viable late game units that we aim to get instead of waiting to respond to your tech of choice Then Blizzard will buff Terran again. I dont see the Problem. The thing is that Terran took a nosedive some time ago after some big nerfs, but afer a month they ruled everything in GSL again desprite being nerfed all the time. I agree, that mid-level may be much harder than GSL statistics suggest. But I think its impossible for terrans.
MULEs change -> Nice
snipe -> seems a bit too harsh? also does more damage against ht's and um...other ghosts? I'd say 30 or 35 and +15 or 20 psionic would be a bit less harsh :S
Range upgrade -> not sure.
APM -> CPM change: Honestly CPM just reminds me of Cost Per Impression (in 1000 views) in advertising o_o;;, but. Nice change XDD
Now where i became really good into dealing with mutas no zerg will play it anymore ^^. But anyways i hope the poor terrans get a mech buff because it must be hard to be a terran nowadays. Still i think the ghostchange is crap because now it will be even harder to deal with zerg lategame units. Even now with strong snipe i fell its hard and ghosts rely on making no mistakes and if you make none the game is yours because you deserve it and not because snipe is op.